View Full Version : june dem debates r gonna be a wash.

06-20-2019, 10:21 AM
with ten candidates on the stage given sixty seconds apiece to answer questions, you're just going to hear the same tired, basic pitches from everyone. it's basically going to be a ten man town hall. i really don't see any potential for back and forth between candidates like biden & sanders, or warren vs _________ establishment candidate.

i'm not looking to see personal attacks between candidates, but what i and everyone else would like to see is unmoderated back and forth on policy. confront biden on the status quo, confront sanders on being too far left, attack pete for his inexperience, beto for his f4990try etc.

it's gonna be a wash, lol. ten man town hall - we'll have to wait for the lower tier scrubs to drop out and really narrow the field to see any type of substantive debate in the future. it all really should be unmoderated, or just lightly moderated.

Patrick Chewing
06-20-2019, 10:52 AM
It's funny cause all 47 of these candidates are the same. They all repeat the same talking points. They all want Socialism. They all want to kill human babies. They all want open borders.

So how will the American public distinguish between them? This is where I think the Trump effect will actually be a great play for someone to use to come out on top.

One of these 63 clowns is going to have to mudsling. They're going to have throw out insults, come up with nicknames for their opponent, and flat out do their best to stand out from the crowd. The problem right now is that all Democrats are of one mind. It'll be hard for the public to choose an electable candidate from that field of 75.

06-20-2019, 10:58 AM

06-20-2019, 11:45 AM
It's funny cause all 47 of these candidates are the same. They all repeat the same talking points. They all want Socialism. They all want to kill human babies. They all want open borders.

You need to stop drinking the Trump kool-aid and repeating HIS talking points, you obtuse buffoon.

Patrick Chewing
06-20-2019, 11:52 AM
You need to stop drinking the Trump kool-aid and repeating HIS talking points, you obtuse buffoon.

You = LOW IQ

06-20-2019, 11:57 AM
The debate will be a true shit show while they see who can position themselves as the most batshit crazy leftist. The big question is who will promise to give away the most "free" stuff while promising someone else will pay for it? That is all they really have these days. Buying votes from lazy people with "free" stuff is the best they can do especially with a soaring economy and low unemployment.

06-20-2019, 12:22 PM
The debate will be a true shit show while they see who can position themselves as the most batshit crazy leftist. The big question is who will promise to give away the most "free" stuff while promising someone else will pay for it? That is all they really have these days. Buying votes from lazy people with "free" stuff is the best they can do especially with a soaring economy and low unemployment.

This. Trump just has to hold steady and watch these clowns destroy themselves.

06-20-2019, 02:13 PM
u guys disappoint me. even if u don't agree with them, u should find the anti-establishment candidates just a little bit interesting. but ya - we can all piss on the establishment status quo puppets.

Patrick Chewing
06-20-2019, 02:33 PM
This. Trump just has to hold steady and watch these clowns destroy themselves.

LOL remember when the worst thing Obama said was, "You didn't build that"???

Fast forward to today :oldlol:

Lakers Legend#32
06-20-2019, 02:48 PM
The debates are important.
Remember when Trump talked about his d!ck in the Republican debates, that was enough to sell Chewing on supporting him.

Patrick Chewing
06-20-2019, 02:59 PM
The debates are important.
Remember when Trump talked about his d!ck in the Republican debates, that was enough to sell Chewing on supporting him.

I don't remember him talking about that specifically, but it's odd that you're thinking about his dick at this very moment.

Oh snap, I do remember him talking about your mother perhaps when he was talking about grabbing her by the p*ssy. Trump usually has good taste in women, so why don't you do us all a favor and post a pic of your Moms. Let's get a good look.

06-20-2019, 04:00 PM
The debates are important.
Remember when Trump talked about his d!ck in the Republican debates, that was enough to sell Chewing on supporting him.

So important that talking about your dick wins you the election.

Debates need to go into a podcast format and not just one liners.

Can't believe that reparations are honestly on the table.

Lakers Legend#32
06-22-2019, 04:14 AM
23 candidates means no one fears a weak unpopular president.