View Full Version : Celtics fans, were you sick of watching Kyrie-Ball last season?

Gus Hemmingway
06-30-2019, 01:34 PM
Dribbling out the shot clock and either jacking up a contested 3 or passing it out for bailout assists

The offense was much more sophisticated under Isaiah, watching Kyrie run the offense was like looking at a middle schooler try and play varsity bball

What are your thoughts on Kyrie-ball?

06-30-2019, 01:47 PM
It almost seems fake, but it's not:


06-30-2019, 04:40 PM
It as been his major flaw all his career: Sometimes going into tunnel vision and sucking the life out of the ball by overdribbling to launch a bad mid-range shoot.

When it goes it, it's niiiiice

When it doesn't, well, see Milwaukee serie, it made me turn off the TV quite often.

To be honest i'm not sure Brooklyn isn't making a mistake in here...