View Full Version : Kawhi u either want to join lakers or not

07-03-2019, 07:08 PM
This shouldn

07-03-2019, 07:18 PM
Number 2 fu*king over his new team waiting till there's only scraps left to sign :lol
Hope bran and rich gave uncle Dennis some love:lol

07-03-2019, 07:20 PM

If he discussing with family now... I think we good

07-03-2019, 07:23 PM
Not even gonna lie. One of the comments is right.

Kobe did say you shouldn

oh the horror
07-03-2019, 07:25 PM
[QUOTE=RealSkipBayless]Not even gonna lie. One of the comments is right.

Kobe did say you shouldn

07-03-2019, 07:28 PM
Especially when the narrative going in was now much he wanted to be a Laker and he’s from LA and blah blah blah.

Let’s be honest. The dude is conflicted and it may not be a good outcome for the Lakers here.

Kawhi passing on the Lakers was never the problem and in itself does not mean anything. The Lakers, health endurance concerns aside, could have almost guaranteed a title this year had they filled the roster out properly.

The problem was the Lakers waiting a week on his decision only for literally everyone else on the market to be scooped up and then ALSO NOT get Kawhi.

The Lakers could have potentially done something like pick up Beverly, Redick & Lopez... instead they'll be stuck with signing a bunch of guys that are minimum level contract guys, and they'll have to overpay them because of the salary cap floor... granted, it'll be 1 year deals, but still.

Could have POTENTIALLY had...

PG - Beverly
SG - Redick
SF - James
PF - Davis
C - B Lopez

Probably only 2 out of those 3, but still... maybe shed Redick and start Kuzma... that's still an insane lineup...

07-03-2019, 07:30 PM
Kawhi passing on the Lakers was never the problem and in itself does not mean anything. The Lakers, health endurance concerns aside, could have almost guaranteed a title this year had they filled the roster out properly.

The problem was the Lakers waiting a week on his decision only for literally everyone else on the market to be scooped up and then ALSO NOT get Kawhi.

The Lakers could have potentially done something like pick up Beverly, Redick & Lopez... instead they'll be stuck with signing a bunch of guys that are minimum level contract guys, and they'll have to overpay them because of the salary cap floor... granted, it'll be 1 year deals, but still.

Could have POTENTIALLY had...

PG - Beverly
SG - Redick
SF - James
PF - Davis
C - B Lopez

Probably only 2 out of those 3, but still... maybe shed Redick and start Kuzma... that's still an insane lineup...


Why are you do upset?

Didn't know you were a Laker fan.


oh the horror
07-03-2019, 07:32 PM
Kawhi passing on the Lakers was never the problem and in itself does not mean anything. The Lakers, health endurance concerns aside, could have almost guaranteed a title this year had they filled the roster out properly.

The problem was the Lakers waiting a week on his decision only for literally everyone else on the market to be scooped up and then ALSO NOT get Kawhi.

The Lakers could have potentially done something like pick up Beverly, Redick & Lopez... instead they'll be stuck with signing a bunch of guys that are minimum level contract guys, and they'll have to overpay them because of the salary cap floor... granted, it'll be 1 year deals, but still.

Could have POTENTIALLY had...

PG - Beverly
SG - Redick
SF - James
PF - Davis
C - B Lopez

Probably only 2 out of those 3, but still... maybe shed Redick and start Kuzma... that's still an insane lineup...

Exactly that. Which is why this entire situation is mind blowing to me considering they even traded away pieces to free up cap for this guy.

For him to turn around and decline would make the Lakers look foolish here. I thought for sure they landed him considering how long they were waiting on making moves but now I

07-03-2019, 07:33 PM

Why are you do upset?

Didn't know you were a Laker fan.


Dude shut the **** up you're just as big of a LeBron fan as me, you lacking self awareness moron.

Literally 2/3rds+ of your posts are about LeBron. I might be underselling it.

07-03-2019, 07:35 PM
As an LA fan I

07-03-2019, 07:41 PM

oh the horror
07-03-2019, 07:43 PM

07-03-2019, 07:46 PM
Dude shut the **** up you're just as big of a LeBron fan as me, you lacking self awareness moron.

Literally 2/3rds+ of your posts are about LeBron. I might be underselling it.

Riiight. :roll:

Good luck, Laker fan.


07-03-2019, 07:51 PM
[QUOTE=Jay-B]As an LA fan I

07-03-2019, 07:52 PM
Cousins on the cheap ok with McGhee would be nice one two punch at center. Morris would be nice Danny Green would be Very nice. Iggy and Quinn cook along with Korver. That would be wish list.

You sure that's enough for your Bran?

He's only got one too five prime player currently.

Not fair.

07-03-2019, 07:55 PM
Why do you sound mad though? I didn

07-03-2019, 07:56 PM
Well, we should have all know that the process would take at LEAST this long.

Kawhi was never going to sign anything without at least giving the Raptors a meeting. The meeting just happened earlier today.

Now we're waiting.

07-03-2019, 07:58 PM
[QUOTE=SamuraiSWISH]Why do you sound mad though? I didn

07-03-2019, 08:03 PM
[QUOTE=SamuraiSWISH]Why do you sound mad though? I didn

07-03-2019, 08:13 PM
I’m mad at him dragging it out and being so indecisive. If he wanted to stay in Toronto that should of been decided on Sunday. If the decision is between lakers and clippers that is another story.

(f)uck the lakers though :confusedshrug:

Who gives a shit if they don't sign any players?

If anything, it's hilarious.

07-03-2019, 08:38 PM
Kawhi is NEVER going to sign with the Lakers.

How could anyone think he won't return to the Raptors? He most likely will sign a 2-year deal with a player option and make his way to LA in two years...

07-03-2019, 08:54 PM
No one knows. Toronto loves him and is a loyal bunch which is really cool to see.

The west and east are wide open this season

07-03-2019, 08:54 PM
I’m mad at him dragging it out and being so indecisive. If he wanted to stay in Toronto that should of been decided on Sunday. If the decision is between lakers and clippers that is another story.

Dude this is a career/life decision, not deciding whether he wants a big mac or a quarter-pounder, hold the bacon. People on the internet being this invested in the time someone takes to make a pivotal situation, that will have major consequence for the direction their career takes, the direction their FAMILIES take( Kawhi is a family man, not single guys like a KD and Kyrie who can blow wherever the free wind takes them). If Kawhi makes a bad choice, it's of absolutely no consequence to anyone on this board. You'll say 'bah oh well' and go about your life.

It's just really weird to me to be mad over it, like some of you in your lives have never been faced with making a decision of great consequence for yourself and those around you.

07-03-2019, 09:06 PM
Dude this is a career/life decision, not deciding whether he wants a big mac or a quarter-pounder, hold the bacon. People on the internet being this invested in the time someone takes to make a pivotal situation, that will have major consequence for the direction their career takes, the direction their FAMILIES take( Kawhi is a family man, not single guys like a KD and Kyrie who can blow wherever the free wind takes them). If Kawhi makes a bad choice, it's of absolutely no consequence to anyone on this board. You'll say 'bah oh well' and go about your life.

It's just really weird to me to be mad over it, like some of you in your lives have never been faced with making a decision of great consequence for yourself and those around you.
Dude has had plenty of time. Everyone else has decided. Shut the **** up clown

07-03-2019, 09:10 PM
Dude has had plenty of time. Everyone else has decided. Shut the **** up clown

F**K you. Who are you, some random jackass on the internet, to determine what's enough time for somebody else? Is anyone telling you what to do with your life? Probably not, because you likely aren't doing anything valuable enough for anyone to give a ****. Go outside and get some fresh air, LOL at getting this riled up over a free agent signing.

oh the horror
07-03-2019, 09:11 PM
I get that he wants time to decide as this can be life altering for a player but at the same time TOO much time is detrimental to the teams involved - especially for the Lakers and Clippers who essentially did not pursue other free agents to leave their cap open.

The longer he waits, the worse off both of those teams are when other avenues dry up for them. This dude seriously doesn

07-03-2019, 09:12 PM
[QUOTE=oh the horror]I get that he wants time to decide as this can be life altering for a player but at the same time TOO much time is detrimental to the teams involved - especially for the Lakers and Clippers who essentially did not pursue other free agents to leave their cap open.

The longer he waits, the worse off both of those teams are when other avenues dry up for them. This dude seriously doesn

07-03-2019, 09:14 PM
[QUOTE=oh the horror]I get that he wants time to decide as this can be life altering for a player but at the same time TOO much time is detrimental to the teams involved - especially for the Lakers and Clippers who essentially did not pursue other free agents to leave their cap open.

The longer he waits, the worse off both of those teams are when other avenues dry up for them. This dude seriously doesn

07-03-2019, 09:18 PM
spoke with uncle dennis yesterday, he said they're dragging this out intentionally so that the lakers end up with blue balls.

he also said laker fans are **** and rich paul and lebron are both bitches.

can't say I disagree with the man.

07-03-2019, 09:31 PM
And that's a more than fair take, but you got people here getting 'emotional' about this shit. Mad?! Really?( not you)
And it

07-03-2019, 09:37 PM
Unseen option Kawhi has: retire like MJ for load management

07-03-2019, 09:55 PM
(f)uck the lakers though :confusedshrug:

Who gives a shit if they don't sign any players?

If anything, it's hilarious.

I bet u think so but I have to temporarily pull for lakers cause I

07-03-2019, 09:59 PM
F**K you. Who are you, some random jackass on the internet, to determine what's enough time for somebody else? Is anyone telling you what to do with your life? Probably not, because you likely aren't doing anything valuable enough for anyone to give a ****. Go outside and get some fresh air, LOL at getting this riled up over a free agent signing.
Rekt :oldlol:

07-03-2019, 10:08 PM
[QUOTE=Kingwillball]I bet u think so but I have to temporarily pull for lakers cause I

07-03-2019, 10:25 PM
This SOB may take a few more days to decide is he f@ckin serious..either u want to stay in Toronto or move to LA( home) this is the worst diva shit more than anything Lebron has done ..this can

07-03-2019, 10:44 PM
[QUOTE=Kingwillball]This SOB may take a few more days to decide is he f@ckin serious..either u want to stay in Toronto or move to LA( home) this is the worst diva shit more than anything Lebron has done ..this can

07-03-2019, 10:55 PM
If kawhi really wanted to play for lakers he would have signed already. That’s my guilt feeling. I don’t really see any reason for him coming here.

07-03-2019, 11:00 PM
[QUOTE=bison]If kawhi really wanted to play for lakers he would have signed already. That

07-03-2019, 11:20 PM
Look at this guy panicking and melting. :oldlol: :oldlol:

07-03-2019, 11:36 PM
[QUOTE=Kingwillball]No reason for coming here? He would come here to be close to home to play for team his family rooted for when he was growing up. To be part of dynasty to have more endorsement opportunities. That

07-03-2019, 11:43 PM
[QUOTE=bison]He could do all those things with the clippers, and have a bigger role and bigger individual freedom as a basketball player with that team as the clear cut #1 option. He would give the clippers their first taste of real stardom. But to be honest I don

07-03-2019, 11:48 PM
spoke with uncle dennis yesterday, he said they're dragging this out intentionally so that the lakers end up with blue balls.

he also said laker fans are **** and rich paul and lebron are both bitches.

can't say I disagree with the man.

I just called Uncle Dennis, and quoted your post. He told me you are an idiot.

07-03-2019, 11:54 PM
Even as a Laker fan, I have a feeling he will resign in Toronto for 2 years and then may come when LBJ is gone, I never expected him to come to LA, but if he did I would be ecstatic but keep the expectations low and realistic I reckon

07-04-2019, 12:20 AM
[QUOTE=bison]He could do all those things with the clippers, and have a bigger role and bigger individual freedom as a basketball player with that team as the clear cut #1 option. He would give the clippers their first taste of real stardom. But to be honest I don

07-04-2019, 01:27 AM
I honestly think he was totally cool letting his family decide where to play, and they obviously wanted him to be in LA, most likely with the Lakers. But now that it's come down to zero-hour, his own feelings are kicking in and he's feeling the pull to repeat and some sort of loyalty towards Ujiri and Toronto. That's what sounds the most plausible to me. At this point he's torn and it's a decision between making his family happy and choosing what is probably the best situation for him, at least as far as next year goes.

07-04-2019, 01:42 AM
F**K you. Who are you, some random jackass on the internet, to determine what's enough time for somebody else? Is anyone telling you what to do with your life? Probably not, because you likely aren't doing anything valuable enough for anyone to give a ****. Go outside and get some fresh air, LOL at getting this riled up over a free agent signing.
This retard with more posts that joined a year later is telling someone else to get a life? You got people telling you what to do? You sound mad stupid, loser ass nikka. :lol

It's a simple choice. Increase brand, win rings for 6+ years, Live in LA or sign a 1 year deal to qualify for more money next season..

07-04-2019, 01:49 AM
Kingwillball... b-b-b-but wha bout LeBron??? Won't he help Bron win another title or two :cry:
Tranny loving fakkit still typing about Lebron all day. :lol

07-04-2019, 02:42 AM
[QUOTE=Kingwillball]This SOB may take a few more days to decide is he f@ckin serious..either u want to stay in Toronto or move to LA( home) this is the worst diva shit more than anything Lebron has done ..this can

Spurs m8
07-04-2019, 02:45 AM
OP...your classic little entitled bron stan

Stfu and wait ....he owes you and your overrated hero absolutely nothing

07-04-2019, 04:25 AM
Tranny loving fakkit still typing about Lebron all day. :lol
Don't be stealing my material, Simon.

That's the line I use against one of your many alts, TheCorporation, you know, the one with the Thai tranny as your avy.

Stay in your lane, scrub

07-06-2019, 12:22 PM
[QUOTE=Kingwillball]I bet u think so but I have to temporarily pull for lakers cause I