View Full Version : Leonard

07-05-2019, 04:24 PM
Do you think its fair for K.Leonard to take close to a week to make a decision
about where he wants to go , because he obviously had ideas before it all started , and even maybe a year ago.

Most players have already committed and it sure looks like he is either pawning the league or teams , or just plain old holding them hostage....

By next Monday if he doesn't commit , it should all tell us something about this guys character.

would you give any other player this much slack ??

07-05-2019, 04:26 PM
it took Kevin Durant a week to announce he was going to GSW

07-05-2019, 04:33 PM
yep http://insidehoops.com/forum/images/smilies/confusedshrug.gif

07-05-2019, 04:34 PM
Hasn't even been a week. It's his right to take his time, why he should be rushed by others? Their fault they are depending on him. Also there have been all-star and superstar FAs that took longer to decide than this.

07-05-2019, 04:36 PM
as king in the north, finals mvp, best in the world, he has earned it.

this is his world, we are just living in it.

07-05-2019, 04:53 PM
Amazing to me how we keep manufacturing new standards that never once mattered.

Free agency has had a hard start day for a long time. Have you ever once seen anyone care a guy took a week to decide? Look at Durant to the warriors....check when Lebron signed with the heat. Know how long Kobe took? How about Duncan in 2000? Jason Kidd in 03? Oh you don’t? Of course not because nobody gives a ****. Kobe took till the 16th one time. And?

It’s a non story born out of boredom and entitlement.

Nobody owes anybody a quick decision on where they work and live for years at a time. The team he goes to will be much more improved by him than hurt by losing out on role players waiting for him and the teams he doesn’t go to? They obviously value him enough to let others get signed while they wait.

Everyone made the decision. Fair has zero to do with it. When you’re playing a 1 in 3 chance powerball for 500 million you don’t give up your spot in the draw to go buy an assured winning ticket for 200 bucks.

You wait it out. It’s your choice. It’s all 3 teams choice. It’s a business decision and not one speck unfair to anyone. It would be unfair if they didn’t have a way out. But they do.

They CHOOSE to stay in the race for obvious reasons.

Getting him is the only things that matters to any of them. As it should be.

07-05-2019, 06:34 PM
good point kblaz...

It's just weird I am check in 4-6 times a day....

I should really not care and just worry about my Bucks ..

But I lov the NBA

07-05-2019, 06:46 PM
People complain about Leonard taking less than a week, LeBron took 1-2 weeks before if I remember correctly. When he came back to Cleveland and released the "I'm Coming Home" letter, that was on July 11th. LOL

07-05-2019, 06:50 PM
us grown men have really succumbed to todays need for instant gratification.

what. a. time.

instead of being mad at kawhi for taking a week to decide, why not be mad at EVERYONE ELSE for signing at the break of dawn.

07-05-2019, 07:05 PM
People complain about Leonard taking less than a week, LeBron took 1-2 weeks before if I remember correctly. When he came back to Cleveland and released the "I'm Coming Home" letter, that was on July 11th. LOL

Jason Kidd took longer than this.

Duncan took longer than Kidd.

We just decided to care this time.

07-05-2019, 07:18 PM
Jason Kidd took longer than this.

Duncan took longer than Kidd.

We just decided to care this time.
Do you remember another time where all but one of the sought after free agents literally all signed on the first day of free agency? I think that's really the reason people feel impatient about Kawhi. Every other player of note was signed by the end of the first night, and several days later the most important one is still leaving everybody in suspense

07-05-2019, 07:47 PM
He's making a life changing decision and doing it the right way. All the fans are butthurt about it because they want to see who the favorite are for next season.

Spurs m8
07-05-2019, 07:59 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]Amazing to me how we keep manufacturing new standards that never once mattered.

Free agency has had a hard start day for a long time. Have you ever once seen anyone care a guy took a week to decide? Look at Durant to the warriors....check when Lebron signed with the heat. Know how long Kobe took? How about Duncan in 2000? Jason Kidd in 03? Oh you don

07-05-2019, 08:20 PM
Do you think its fair for K.Leonard to take close to a week to make a decision

He doesn't owe anything to anyone. Dude can take however ****ing long he wants.

Stop acting like an entitled millennial ****.