View Full Version : Chris Broussard

07-06-2019, 03:27 AM
can we all agree this dude and his multiple sources should be canceled?


07-06-2019, 03:28 AM
His only "source" was RDAmbition a Lakers "insider". When people said if he is predicting Lakers he aint going there, it was facts.

Mr Feeny
07-06-2019, 03:44 AM
His only "source" was RDAmbition a Lakers "insider". When people said if he is predicting Lakers he aint going there, it was facts.

Yeah I agree, at this point. I love Broussard but it's clear that he literally pulls stuff out of his backside. Anyone using him as a "source" should be thread banned.

07-06-2019, 03:47 AM
So tired of all these media goofballs.

The Stephen A's and Nick Wrongs of the world.

Just drivel spewing idiots.

hold this L
07-06-2019, 03:49 AM
Add Jalen 99% certain Rose to it as well. All these people were making it out to be Lakers and Raptors with the Clippers losing their chance. Clowns.