View Full Version : Westbrook will be making $47 mil at age 35

07-14-2019, 12:10 PM
I'm big fan of GOATBrook, but that's not looking so good. Maybe it's worth it for the next three years.

07-14-2019, 12:16 PM
Yep, that's why he's gotta win as soon as possible. It ain't gonna be pretty 2 years from now.

Xiao Yao You
07-14-2019, 12:19 PM
Yep, that's why he's gotta win as soon as possible. It ain't gonna be pretty 2 years from now.

it's not pretty now

07-14-2019, 12:23 PM
When he’s in the last year of a deal that size teams will trade good but overpaid players for him just to have the cap space. You trade him for some guy with 3 years 100 million left in January you pay what....30 ish million to save 100 million? And the rockets get a pick back in the bargain. A 12-15 million dollar role player to match salary won’t be hard to find.

These deals are always less of a problem towards the end. Someone will often take one just to make themselves players in free agency. Think the Heat trading for Jermaine O’Neal’s 23 million final season when they knew Lebron was entering free agency. Jermaines 23 in 2010 was as bad as 47 will be. It was 10 million more than the first year salary for the big 3.

That shit doesn’t matter short term. That deal is valuable at the trade deadline.

Besides by then guys will be used to seeing those numbers. Giannis will be making 56 by the end of his next deal.

Embiid or Steph or someone is gonna crack 60 million before they retire.

07-14-2019, 01:00 PM
when that day times, i will be laughing at rockets. :banana: :banana: :banana:

07-14-2019, 01:08 PM
Besides by then guys will be used to seeing those numbers. Giannis will be making 56 by the end of his next deal.

Embiid or Steph or someone is gonna crack 60 million before they retire.

I wonder if the numbers support this...

Adjusting for inflation aside, I wonder if we've seen peak NBA popularity already and as such peak salaries...

As Adam Silver himself has said, they're competing with so many forms of entertainment nowadays...

Were the NBA ratings down this year? How about the Finals/playoffs?

I'm just very skeptical.

The NBA still doesn't have that next generational, imagination capturing broad appeal guy after LeBron... there was an overlap of Jordan/Shaq before him...

I will say, the one thing the NBA really has going for it is the fact that they've turned their product into a soap opera far more than the other sports. Player accessibility and player branding are both at all time highs. That and ESPN pushes the NBA more than they do any other sport, like almost 12 months a year...

07-14-2019, 01:37 PM
it's not pretty now
Let's see how he does with spacing around him. He never had that OKC, with basically only 1 shooter around him. It should become pretty again.

07-14-2019, 01:48 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]When he

07-14-2019, 01:51 PM
Good, he's the most entertaining guard in the NBA and has been for years, he deserves it for the show he puts up especially in the RS.

07-14-2019, 04:47 PM
Yep, listen to this...

Don't listen to the idiots on TV that act like the last year of a contract is the big problem....

It never has been and it isn't now...especially for a player like Russ.The idiots on TV tend to leave out if a deal is a player/team option, which is one of the most important things in signing a player.

Celtics 1825
07-14-2019, 05:14 PM
Not quite as bad as CP3 making the same amount at age 37.

07-15-2019, 02:27 PM
Must be confusing for team owners these days, being expected to give their top stars a "supermax" salary that is so massive they are literally spending hundreds of millions on just one person, and if that one person gets hurt or just isn't as good as hoped they are screwed for a long time.

Of course this has always been the case regarding the importance of top stars, and top stars being well-paid, but the financial numbers and stakes are just crazy now