View Full Version : Can Lebron match MJ if he can shoot half as good as Kobe does?

07-16-2019, 03:20 PM
The lack of shooting capability is Lebron's biggest weakness, it was the main reason why he couldnt win a game in 2007 finals and lost the title in 2011, which in turn resulted in his poor Finals winning percentage(3/9, only 33%).

It was evident in how Gregg Popovich was able to take Lebron off his game, by putting a lot of work into defending against Lebron driving to the basket, while allowing him to take wide open mid range jumpers that Lebron frequently missed. The same strategy failed miserably against Kobe and Durant, since these two could make their shots when left open.

Now in a hypothetical world, Lebron was a decent shooter, he could shoot about half as good as Kobe, and could make his shots in the mid range when left open. Would he be a better player than MJ given that his athleticism stayed the same? What do you think?