View Full Version : Kevin Garnett ordered to pay $100,000 a month in child/spousal support

07-19-2019, 08:48 PM


Im so nba'd out
07-19-2019, 08:49 PM


07-19-2019, 09:00 PM
He has a 10 year old and 5 year old so let's say it goes through 18 for the 5 year old...

That's 1.2 million a year x 13 years = $15.6 million.

That is absolutely absurd.

Those kids don't need that much money, and the wife really doesn't.

I have no problem with the kids getting a ridiculously large amount of money at the end of the day, not really... but as is always the case in all of these cases, the mother gets a blank check. That's bullshit. The money is for the kids... not for her... yet I guarantee you... I GUARANTEE YOU that the vast majority of that money ends up being spent on the wife and or the new guy she decides to start ****ing.


Even if he cheated on her every day of the year, she doesn't deserve that much money. She wasn't with him from high school on... if that was the case, fine... I'd actually be ok with her getting a lot... but he was an NBA star when they got together.

LMFAO what a ****ed up judicial system.

07-19-2019, 09:05 PM
Every NBA player should sign a prenup, you would be stupid not to.

07-19-2019, 09:23 PM
Every NBA player should sign a prenup, you would be stupid not to.
Prenup won't stop child support.

07-19-2019, 10:55 PM
System is rigged against men.

Liberal cucks made it this way.

07-19-2019, 10:59 PM
Prenup won't stop child support.
Right now he's on the hook for spousal support too.

"Garnett was ordered to pay Padilla $100,000 a month in child and spousal support. This number is temporary until they can reach a permanent deal.

Padilla was requesting $46,000 a month in child support. She argued that she would have the children in her custody 95 percent of the time. She also wanted $146,000 in spousal support"

07-19-2019, 11:03 PM
Between this and getting screwed over by his financial advisors Garnett is done

07-20-2019, 04:17 AM
Between this and getting screwed over by his financial advisors Garnett is done
He still has Oscar-Considered Area 51 going for him. Along with his 2k commentary dough, he'll be fine for a few more years.

07-20-2019, 04:46 AM
The money should have to do with time spent married. You only get that kind of money after a 20 year marriage. If he was only married for a few years it should be 5k a month.

By the way my brother has to pay something like 3k a month to his ex wife. He set it up though so she doesn't get his retirement or bonuses. She's ****ed when that money stops coming in because it's not going to be forever. He gave her a lot up front but she is getting screwed hard in the long run.

07-20-2019, 05:11 AM
america strikes again

07-20-2019, 05:41 AM
Lunchables and Capri Suns cost money :facepalm

07-20-2019, 08:04 AM
Damn 100K a month, that's more than 90% Americans make in a year. This is a disgrace, but I'm sure it has something to do with what he was making. People making bad decisions is why they go broke. I can't feel bad for them, they had a better chance at financial freedom than most of the world.

07-20-2019, 10:42 AM
Meh, Garnett is still rich a man. I feel bad for all the men with low/medium paying jobs stuck paying child support(sometimes the kids aren’t even theirs). They’re the ones that are actually screwed, is it any surprise why so many middle aged men have depression

07-20-2019, 11:59 AM

07-20-2019, 12:21 PM
Not enough money. Cereal is expensive, kids need to eat.

07-20-2019, 12:48 PM
Boo ****ing hoo. Dude is going to have his kids for just 5% of the time from now on? Too bad so sad. No sympathy for rich ass absentee dads.

07-20-2019, 12:56 PM
Absolutely 0 sympathy for KG.

07-20-2019, 02:56 PM
All the incels in this thread that can

07-20-2019, 03:17 PM
No fvcking way KG should pay $100k A MONTH.
They eat gold and diamonds everyday??
How could a child or two spend and need that much money for a month???

07-20-2019, 03:41 PM
Right now he's on the hook for spousal support too.

"Garnett was ordered to pay Padilla $100,000 a month in child and spousal support. This number is temporary until they can reach a permanent deal.

Padilla was requesting $46,000 a month in child support. She argued that she would have the children in her custody 95 percent of the time. She also wanted $146,000 in spousal support"

Fukkin hell. :biggums:

07-20-2019, 05:16 PM
Glad well see him in big 3

07-20-2019, 05:35 PM
Does this judge own stock in Saks 5th Avenue ?
Nieman Marcus ?
Barneys ?
Delta Airlines ?
These judges are out of control.
Ensuring that hundreds of millions of Dollars every year in athletes salary, get wasted on Luxury retail and travel, from hopeless single mothers and their uncared for offspring.


07-20-2019, 05:38 PM
More Area 21 for KG :banghead:

07-20-2019, 05:45 PM
More Area 21 for KG :banghead:Yeah seriously. TNT paying for this b!tch's ill purse collection, by torturing us with this retard, and his nonsnensical fake locker room bullsh!t and his strenuous discomfort.

Hopefully he dies in a horrific car accident and relieves all involved parties of such a fate. Especially homegirl's superfluous purse collection that doesn't need to MF happen.

07-20-2019, 06:18 PM
[QUOTE=Horatio33]All the incels in this thread that can

07-21-2019, 01:07 PM
Every NBA player should sign a prenup, you would be stupid not to.

KG had a prenup. Part of the divorce suit is because he's allegedly in breach of it. According to the wife, they were supposed to have a joint account of $12M that was supposed to be split in half if they got a divorce but it was empty so that's why she's suing for more.

hold this L
07-21-2019, 02:41 PM
He has a 10 year old and 5 year old so let's say it goes through 18 for the 5 year old...

That's 1.2 million a year x 13 years = $15.6 million.

That is absolutely absurd.

Those kids don't need that much money, and the wife really doesn't.

I have no problem with the kids getting a ridiculously large amount of money at the end of the day, not really... but as is always the case in all of these cases, the mother gets a blank check. That's bullshit. The money is for the kids... not for her... yet I guarantee you... I GUARANTEE YOU that the vast majority of that money ends up being spent on the wife and or the new guy she decides to start ****ing.


Even if he cheated on her every day of the year, she doesn't deserve that much money. She wasn't with him from high school on... if that was the case, fine... I'd actually be ok with her getting a lot... but he was an NBA star when they got together.

LMFAO what a ****ed up judicial system.
The money is for the wife, not the children. Those kids might get at most 10% of the $

07-21-2019, 02:53 PM
Absolutely 0 sympathy for KG.
this, idgaf

07-21-2019, 03:02 PM
This is exactly why every NBA player should play in college, at least 1 year, or even better 2 years. Almost every high school players tend to have personality or immaturity issues that stop them from having a better career/life than he would have if studied in college. Just consider these examples:

Garnett: Had to pay 1m a year for child/spouse support.
Kobe: Raped a girl in Colorado, ego problem led to split with Shaq.
T-Mac: Played Soft and couldnt take over when team needed him.
Kwame: Severe cowardliness and lack of confidence, #1 pick became bust.
Amare: Fell in love with Fire Extinguisher.
Lebron: Never learned how to play off-ball, couldnt coexist with good coaches.
Dwight: Fathered like 10+ kids that he didnt even want.
Bynum: Injured himself playing what? Bowling lol.

Of course this is not to say that players who stayed in college definitely didnt have such problems, but its evident that HS players going pro directly tend to have more issues like these. Going to college not only helps them mature up, but also makes them learn how to play as a team. Even for someone like Lebron who never had personality issues outside of the court, he just never learned how to play teamball and how to listen to his coaches. Had he gone to Duke for 1-2 years and played for Coach K, he would have learned how to play for a coach, and this would in turn help him win more titles.

07-21-2019, 03:12 PM
Man I am not fan of KG but wtf is up with divorce courts? Jesus...

07-22-2019, 12:46 PM
The money should have to do with time spent married. You only get that kind of money after a 20 year marriage. If he was only married for a few years it should be 5k a month.

By the way my brother has to pay something like 3k a month to his ex wife. He set it up though so she doesn't get his retirement or bonuses. She's ****ed when that money stops coming in because it's not going to be forever. He gave her a lot up front but she is getting screwed hard in the long run.


Neither man nor woman should receive a dime after they split just for being married for a time.




She's a human just like he is, nothing is preventing her from working.

Your brother's ex-wife is not remotely screwed. You must be some rich boy if you feel that way. I get less than $1k a month and get along just fine. Your brother's ex-wife is living like a queen and will get SSI by the time your brother's check runs out. Then she gets to live better than 90% of the rest of the world instead of just 99% better like she's doing now without lifting a finger.

07-22-2019, 12:48 PM
Lunchables and Capri Suns cost money :facepalm

I wished I could eat that every day at school back when I was a kid. That was rich boy shit. I had to get the free lunch like the other poor kids. I guess his kids can ride in their mom's bf's new lambo every month, doe.


07-22-2019, 12:52 PM
Boo ****ing hoo. Dude is going to have his kids for just 5% of the time from now on? Too bad so sad. No sympathy for rich ass absentee dads.

I'm guessing you're just some kid who has no idea how reality works.

In reality, chicks like this fight tooth and nail to make sure they have "95% custody" in ORDER to receive 100k a month. There's very few fathers, especially rich ones like KG that can literally hire full time nannies and daycare providers to take care of his kids for him at a fraction of the cost, that wouldn't want to have at least 50% custody of their own children, if not full custody.

07-22-2019, 12:54 PM
All the incels in this thread that can’t talk to women getting angry at a woman

Who is angry at a woman? We're mostly displeased that the system currently in place isn't a fair system and is, quite frankly, unconstitutional.

07-22-2019, 12:56 PM
You dudes do realize people get married and want house wives? Not just athletics or celebs. The average Joe who makes a good amount of money. Some men want their wives to take care of the kids and household while they earn the money. If you two get divorced the chick can get money for putting career opportunities on hold that she will never get back. This notion that nothing stops a female from working is hilarious.

Are some of the numbers excessive? No doubt. But some of you dudes that don

07-22-2019, 12:57 PM
No fvcking way KG should pay $100k A MONTH.
They eat gold and diamonds everyday??
How could a child or two spend and need that much money for a month???

I was thinking about this myself. Back in my day, about the most expensive thing you could receive in a YEAR, not a month, was maybe a new game system like a Nintendo or something. What did that cost back then... like a hunnid? I don't know what you could need as a kid at those ages that would cost anywhere close to that kind of money every MONTH. I went to public schools because we were poor, but even the best private schools don't cost enough to warrant that type of money per month.

07-22-2019, 01:08 PM
Hopefully the woman spends money in a just, wise fashion.

07-22-2019, 01:10 PM
You dudes do realize people get married and want house wives? Not just athletics or celebs. The average Joe who makes a good amount of money. Some men want their wives to take care of the kids and household while they earn the money. If you two get divorced the chick can get money for putting career opportunities on hold that she will never get back. This notion that nothing stops a female from working is hilarious.

Are some of the numbers excessive? No doubt. But some of you dudes that don’t have kids, wives be saying some dumb stuff in here.

This excuse doesn't work.

My mom worked hard every day while my dad didn't work when I was a kid. What is stopping these women from working, too? And my mom did not have a successful career where she moved up a ladder, getting promotions or anything. Just standard labor jobs that didn't require a diploma. Why can't these women do the same?

You don't get money for opportunity loss. That's nonsense. And if so, why do only women receive it? And not just any woman, but only some women? Plenty of men suffer from opportunity loss and don't receive anything and plenty of women as well. What about all of them? Just because you happened to choose to open your legs for a professional athlete, only those women get awarded $$$ for opportunity loss, but not anyone else?

07-22-2019, 01:28 PM
This excuse doesn't work.

My mom worked hard every day while my dad didn't work when I was a kid. What is stopping these women from working, too? And my mom did not have a successful career where she moved up a ladder, getting promotions or anything. Just standard labor jobs that didn't require a diploma. Why can't these women do the same?

You don't get money for opportunity loss. That's nonsense. And if so, why do only women receive it? And not just any woman, but only some women? Plenty of men suffer from opportunity loss and don't receive anything and plenty of women as well. What about all of them? Just because you happened to choose to open your legs for a professional athlete, only those women get awards $$$ for opportunity loss, but not anyone else?

Hardly a weak excuse. If a female has an opportunity to pursue a career and her husband says no? That

07-22-2019, 02:23 PM
God damn

Bosnian Sajo
07-22-2019, 02:50 PM
By the way my brother has to pay something like 3k a month to his ex wife. He set it up though so she doesn't get his retirement or bonuses. She's ****ed when that money stops coming in because it's not going to be forever. He gave her a lot up front but she is getting screwed hard in the long run.

$3k a month?? How much does he make a year, wtf...that's $36k a year.

Is this child support or what?

07-22-2019, 02:56 PM
It's big because they want the kids to enjoy the same lifestyle as their father.

07-22-2019, 03:36 PM
This is exactly why every NBA player should play in college, at least 1 year, or even better 2 years. Almost every high school players tend to have personality or immaturity issues that stop them from having a better career/life than he would have if studied in college. Just consider these examples:

Garnett: Had to pay 1m a year for child/spouse support.
Kobe: Raped a girl in Colorado, ego problem led to split with Shaq.
T-Mac: Played Soft and couldnt take over when team needed him.
Kwame: Severe cowardliness and lack of confidence, #1 pick became bust.
Amare: Fell in love with Fire Extinguisher.
Lebron: Never learned how to play off-ball, couldnt coexist with good coaches.
Dwight: Fathered like 10+ kids that he didnt even want.
Bynum: Injured himself playing what? Bowling lol.

Of course this is not to say that players who stayed in college definitely didnt have such problems, but its evident that HS players going pro directly tend to have more issues like these. Going to college not only helps them mature up, but also makes them learn how to play as a team. Even for someone like Lebron who never had personality issues outside of the court, he just never learned how to play teamball and how to listen to his coaches. Had he gone to Duke for 1-2 years and played for Coach K, he would have learned how to play for a coach, and this would in turn help him win more titles.
Calm down.

07-23-2019, 12:37 PM
Happy Father's day Kevin!

07-23-2019, 01:24 PM
He could just raise his own kids and this wouldn't be a problem.

07-23-2019, 01:26 PM
This excuse doesn't work.

My mom worked hard every day while my dad didn't work when I was a kid. What is stopping these women from working, too? And my mom did not have a successful career where she moved up a ladder, getting promotions or anything. Just standard labor jobs that didn't require a diploma. Why can't these women do the same?

You don't get money for opportunity loss. That's nonsense. And if so, why do only women receive it? And not just any woman, but only some women? Plenty of men suffer from opportunity loss and don't receive anything and plenty of women as well. What about all of them? Just because you happened to choose to open your legs for a professional athlete, only those women get awarded $$$ for opportunity loss, but not anyone else?

Your dad could have got alimony then if they split. My uncle gets alimony and support and has full custody of both his kids. His ex is an insurance exec.