View Full Version : Any tips/suggestions/ideas on how to move to the US or Canada?

07-24-2019, 05:09 PM
Excuse my language, ISH brothers, but Europe is cucked beyond repair.

07-24-2019, 05:12 PM
Excuse my language, ISH brothers, but Europe is cucked beyond repair.

Fly to Mexico and then cross the border

07-24-2019, 05:18 PM
Excuse my language, ISH brothers, but Europe is cucked beyond repair.
Whatever happened to that problem you had with the Bulgarian mob?

07-24-2019, 05:19 PM
The thing about the USA you have to realize is how UNBELIEVABLY diverse and large it is. The population is that of Germany, UK, Spain, Italy and France combined. The size is essentially equal to all of Europe.

What I'm getting at is "move to the USA" is not a plan. You need to decide what part of the country to move to. A person living in rural Nebraska and a person living in NYC may as well be in two entirely different countries. It's actually hilarious that those people both vote in the same elections.

07-24-2019, 05:27 PM
according to OP europe is cucked beyond repair. OP is european, therefore a cuck by his own definition.

what makes you think the US or canada is accepting cucks with open arms?

07-24-2019, 05:43 PM
How is Europe having immigrants affecting your personal happiness, fiddy?

Did they force you to make the choices you did in life?

07-24-2019, 05:48 PM
Whatever happened to that problem you had with the Bulgarian mob?
They're still messing with me, gently.

How is Europe having immigrants affecting your personal happiness, fiddy?

Did they force you to make the choices you did in life?
Not much tbh. I dont agree with the direction everything is going from the state level of things, to the EU level policies. 99% of all immigrants know Bulgarians are xenophobic AF and avoid us like the plague.

07-24-2019, 05:53 PM
Fly to Mexico and then cross the border

07-24-2019, 05:56 PM
How is Europe having immigrants affecting your personal happiness, fiddy?

Did they force you to make the choices you did in life?

the better question is why do yall all want to move to countries full of kafirs?

why has allah not provided your people with competent leadership?

07-24-2019, 06:41 PM
the better question is why do yall all want to move to countries full of kafirs?

why has allah not provided your people with competent leadership?

Inb4 this is responded to with something along the lines of:

"Allah's plan is to provide in the afterlife, this time on earth is nothing more than a test and was never meant to be pleasant."


07-24-2019, 06:46 PM
Inb4 this is responded to with something along the lines of:

"Allah's plan is to provide in the afterlife, this time on earth is nothing more than a test and was never meant to be pleasant."


in that case why are they seeking refuge in countries loaded with luxuries?

i thought suffering made the rest of your eternity infinitely more worth it?

see.... even they dont subconsiously believe their bullshit.

07-24-2019, 06:58 PM
the better question is why do yall all want to move to countries full of kafirs?

why has allah not provided your people with competent leadership?
All these Islamists can't leave their Islamic republics fast enough to move to nation's founded by evil European Christians :lol

07-24-2019, 07:43 PM
Y'all are tripping....

people are going to leave war zones has nothing to do with religion. I would go further and say most migrants are economic migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America if we look at the Americas, so wtf does Muslim play into this convo.

07-24-2019, 08:43 PM
in that case why are they seeking refuge in countries loaded with luxuries?

i thought suffering made the rest of your eternity infinitely more worth it?

see.... even they dont subconsiously believe their bullshit.

This is exactly correct.

07-24-2019, 08:48 PM
All these Islamists can't leave their Islamic republics fast enough to move to nation's founded by evil European Christians :lol

evil european christians and their descendants are responsible for turning many of their homelands into uninhabitable war zones.

i mean saddam wasn't a prize but iraq was a relatively stable country when he was in charge. as soon as dubya and his lapdog blair started that shock and awe bullshit built on lies, all of a sudden iraq became hell on earth. then you had isis, migrant crises, etc.

07-24-2019, 09:02 PM
evil european christians and their descendants are responsible for turning many of their homelands into uninhabitable war zones.

i mean saddam wasn't a prize but iraq was a relatively stable country when he was in charge. as soon as dubya and his lapdog blair started that shock and awe bullshit built on lies, all of a sudden iraq became hell on earth. then you had isis, migrant crises, etc.

they were still a joke back then mate.

07-24-2019, 09:09 PM
they were still a joke back then mate.

some of the wealthiest, most technologically advanced countries on earth are muslim dominant.

and it is not a revelation that 'murrican/western intervention in the middle east has created chaos and destruction in many countries. destabilization.

even with all its past problems, can anyone with a straight face argue that iraq was worse off before the 'murrican bombs started dropping on them?

and hell, you don't even need weapons- iran's being pushed into economic ruin with sanctions because some warhawks in maga want a repeat of the iraq fiasco there.

Patrick Chewing
07-24-2019, 09:09 PM
How is Europe having immigrants affecting your personal happiness, fiddy?

Did they force you to make the choices you did in life?

These immigrants shit in the streets. The only way to save Europe is to round them up and send them back. But Europe is too much of a ***** to do that.

Europeans should never have to accommodate to the immigrant. The immigrant needs to accommodate and abide by the European.

07-24-2019, 09:13 PM
some of the wealthiest, most technologically advanced countries on earth are muslim dominant.

and it is not a revelation that 'murrican/western intervention in the middle east has created chaos and destruction in many countries. destabilization.

even with all its past problems, can anyone with a straight face argue that iraq was worse off before the 'murrican bombs started dropping on them?

and hell, you don't even need weapons- iran's being pushed into economic ruin with sanctions because some warhawks in maga want a repeat of the iraq fiasco there.

who dat?

NE europe, japan, germany, & china / russia have been the powerhouses of the past century in which technology and advancement have proliferated like no other. (america being a hodge podge of their descendants)

Which of them was muslim?

07-24-2019, 09:19 PM
who dat?

qatar/dubai/emirates, brunei, even the saudis.

qatar is by gdp per capita, the richest nation on earth.

07-24-2019, 09:24 PM
qatar/dubai/emirates, brunei, even the saudis.

qatar is by gdp per capita, the richest nation on earth.

cmon my dude...


theyre oil countries.. they havent contributed jack shit to world wide technological creativity or invention...

and whats worse their leaders all force their muslim underlings to live chaste against strict death penalty law, while they themselves divulge in more pleasures than the average man could ever comprehend.


Dubai may be the slave capital of the world.

07-24-2019, 09:30 PM
cmon my dude...


theyre oil countries.. they havent contributed jack shit to world wide technological creativity or invention...

up until a few minutes ago pretty sure you had no idea some of those countries even existed, let alone that they were some of the wealthiest on the planet.

doubt you have even the slightest clue about their inner workings or what they contribute on the world stage.


Patrick Chewing
07-24-2019, 09:31 PM
some of the wealthiest, most technologically advanced countries on earth are muslim dominant.

and it is not a revelation that 'murrican/western intervention in the middle east has created chaos and destruction in many countries. destabilization.

even with all its past problems, can anyone with a straight face argue that iraq was worse off before the 'murrican bombs started dropping on them?

and hell, you don't even need weapons- iran's being pushed into economic ruin with sanctions because some warhawks in maga want a repeat of the iraq fiasco there.

LOL what countries are those? UAE? Qatar? Saudi Arabia? That's three. The rest of the world has left the Islamic world behind choking in the dust. Iraq was shit before the Gulf War. Sooner or later someone was going to go over there and depose Saddam. Western intervention is for the greater good.

I'll repeat. Western intervention is for the greater good.

Germany had the resources, the scientists and were on the precipice of building the atomic bomb. But guess what, Don? Western intervention was needed. Even you cannot be stupid enough to deny this.

But go ahead, keep praising these third world Sharia Law shitholes. You'll fit right in.

07-24-2019, 09:34 PM
up until a few minutes ago pretty sure you had no idea some of those countries even existed, let alone that they were some of the wealthiest on the planet.

doubt you have even the slightest clue about their inner workings or what they contribute on the world stage.


what's their inner workings?

i know they import slave labor on a massive scale...

and concentrate their wealth even more harshly than the american elite do..

what else is there to know?

07-24-2019, 09:35 PM
I'll repeat. Western intervention is for the greater good.

western intervention led to a domino effect that fostered the creation of isis and the migration crisis right wingers blame for the 'cucking' of europe, chewy. completely destabilized the entire region. and by extension it led to the break up of the e.u. and the brexit clown car we're witnessing.

now bolton and others in maga want to double down in iran.

you tellin me you believe 'intervention' in iran will be for "the greater good"?

knock it off.

07-24-2019, 09:39 PM
what's their inner workings?

i know they import slave labor on a massive scale...

and concentrate their wealth even more harshly than the american elite do..

what else is there to know?

there's plenty of material for you to independently research to better educate yourself on a topic you obviously know little to nothing about. i'm not finna give a ted talk dissertation on the economic and technological state of affairs in muslim majority countries.

this is the 21st century.

there is no excuse for ignorance.

Patrick Chewing
07-24-2019, 09:40 PM
western intervention led to a domino effect that fostered the creation of isis and the migration crisis right wingers blame for the 'cucking' of europe, chewy. completely destabilized the entire region. and by extension it led to the break up of the e.u. and the brexit clown car we're witnessing.

now bolton and others in maga want to double down in iran.

you tellin me you believe 'intervention' in iran will be for "the greater good"?

knock it off.

The idea of an Islamic caliphate isn't a 21st century idea, Don. It wasn't born on the backs of bunker buster bombs like the MOAB. ISIS is a product of radical ideology, just like Al-Qaeda was before it. These people read primitive passages from a primitive book and act upon their warped interpretation of it. If not for Western intervention, the death toll in the Middle East would be through the roof. The worst enemy to a Muslim right now is other Muslims with terrorist fantasies.

If you want to talk among men, start acting like one.

07-24-2019, 09:45 PM
LOL what countries are those? UAE? Qatar? Saudi Arabia? That's three. The rest of the world has left the Islamic world behind choking in the dust. Iraq was shit before the Gulf War. Sooner or later someone was going to go over there and depose Saddam. Western intervention is for the greater good.

I'll repeat. Western intervention is for the greater good.

Germany had the resources, the scientists and were on the precipice of building the atomic bomb. But guess what, Don? Western intervention was needed. Even you cannot be stupid enough to deny this.

But go ahead, keep praising these third world Sharia Law shitholes. You'll fit right in.
Stop it

We can't leave that shit hole fast enough...that's why we have to move away from oil so we can make that region irrelevant. Let them bomb themselves back to the stone age.

Patrick Chewing
07-24-2019, 09:55 PM
Stop it

We can't leave that shit hole fast enough...that's why we have to move away from oil so we can make that region irrelevant. Let them bomb themselves back to the stone age.

Forget the oil. The threat from them has always been radical Islamists spreading West. We can leave that area, but if the ideology doesn't get checked, we'll be victims to this ideology, especially if we keep letting everyone and their mother in, and refuse to have them assimilate, learn English, etc.

Troops on the ground is a dying tactic as we get more technologically advanced. But we should always be dropping bombs on terrorists, wherever they're located on the map.

07-24-2019, 09:55 PM
there's plenty of material for you to independently research to better educate yourself on a topic you obviously know little to nothing about. i'm not finna give a ted talk dissertation on the economic and technological state of affairs in muslim majority countries.

this is the 21st century.

there is no excuse for ignorance.


you dont have to, we see it for ourselves.

07-25-2019, 04:28 AM
qatar/dubai/emirates, brunei, even the saudis.

qatar is by gdp per capita, the richest nation on earth.
Lay down the crackpipe, Don. Do you realize that those countries were developed by white engineers? They just got lucky to be born on top of black gold. And what they spend their wealth on? Gold lambos, gold AKs, massive buildings that will cost a fortune to maintain in the future. Once people start moving away from oil they will be broke AF and back to riding camels in the desert.

07-25-2019, 10:07 AM
Fly to Mexico and then cross the border


07-25-2019, 10:13 AM
Am I reading this thread right? OP feels his country is being overrun by immigrants, so he wants to migrate to another country?

07-25-2019, 10:32 AM
and it is not a revelation that 'murrican/western intervention in the middle east has created chaos and destruction in many countries. destabilization.

Thank you for your input Representative Omar.

07-25-2019, 12:14 PM
Am I reading this thread right? OP feels his country is being overrun by immigrants, so he wants to migrate to another country?
Absolutely not.

07-25-2019, 01:23 PM
contact an american immigration attorney for starters.

07-25-2019, 02:28 PM
Absolutely not.

Ok weird. That seemed like the direction this thread was going

07-25-2019, 02:40 PM
Ok weird. That seemed like the direction this thread was going
He's running from the Bulgarian mob, he's just to proud to admit it.

07-25-2019, 09:16 PM
Apply for asylum. Even doe Donald trying to rid of that.

Patrick Chewing
07-25-2019, 09:37 PM
Apply for asylum. Even doe Donald trying to rid of that.

Or emigrate legally. Not that hard. Big plus if you're a scientist or a doctor. We need the world to send us their best.

If we are overrun by filth, we become the filth.

08-08-2019, 06:16 PM
Im still desperately trying to get out of Europe.

08-08-2019, 06:20 PM
Who would want to go to shithole America :roll:

08-08-2019, 06:23 PM
Who would want to go to shithole America :roll:

This coming from some kid living in the Philippines watching youtube vids 24/7 about NBA players living it up in America

:roll: :roll: :roll:

08-08-2019, 06:52 PM
Who would want to go to shithole America :roll:
GTFO, pinoy fuсkboy

08-08-2019, 06:54 PM
Who would want to go to shithole America :roll:

you do.