View Full Version : If it came out that LeBron James, Kobe Bryant & other star players took steroids...

07-27-2019, 09:34 PM
What would that do to the league?

I personally believe that fan interest in the league would absolutely plummet and it would likely take many years to recover.

I also am fairly certain that there have been more NBA players on performance enhancing drugs in the past 20 years than the MLB 90s/early 2000s scandal...

07-27-2019, 09:53 PM
Your boy Dwight clearly been on some of that good good




Don't forget D-PED


Or Big HGH Wallace


07-27-2019, 09:57 PM
Don't even get me started on LeROID..



07-27-2019, 09:59 PM
Yeah, I'm sure Dwight is a juicer. So was Jameer Nelson. And so was YOUR boy Kobe, I'm sorry you don't want to admit that.

So was this guy... skinny ****ing Rashard Lewis...


I think the NBA PED scandal is unimaginably deep.

07-27-2019, 10:00 PM
Not everyone takes steroids, bowl cut boy


07-27-2019, 10:01 PM
Not everyone takes steroids, bowl cut boy


"Not everyone takes steroids"

Posts video of a guy talking about strongly considering taking steroids...

Your buddy Kobe had many injuries he bounced back from... haha, T-Mac basically just exposed Kobe.

07-27-2019, 10:04 PM
Look at the players I posted above, now look at whats natty





07-27-2019, 10:20 PM
Bowl cut boy shook:roll:

07-27-2019, 10:24 PM
Yo bowl cut boy, who looks like they use PEDs?

07-27-2019, 10:27 PM
What would that do to the league?

I personally believe that fan interest in the league would absolutely plummet and it would likely take many years to recover.

I also am fairly certain that there have been more NBA players on performance enhancing drugs in the past 20 years than the MLB 90s/early 2000s scandal...

Be very detrimental to it. Would shatter the larger than life superhero image carried by players in the league. Which is one of their biggest attractions, especially to the younger and future generation of fans.

07-27-2019, 10:45 PM
Steroids doesn

07-28-2019, 05:37 AM

07-28-2019, 06:36 AM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]Cycling fans don

07-28-2019, 06:40 AM
The "still watch" is the part I mean. You can feel whatever you want. It means nothing if they still get your support.

They had 12 million people come out for the tour de france in 2014.....

07-28-2019, 08:04 AM
Honestly, the way the NBA does it, aka no testing, is probably for the best.

Japan had a similar approach when they did their big martial arts competitions like K1 and PRIDE fighting. Everyone involved in that were huge and noticeably lost size once they got to the UFC.

It made for the best fight entertainment ever.

There's a catch though. It forces everyone else to do steroids if they want to compete. And that can have serious health risks.

When innocence is lost, as in cycling, it leaves a permanent scar, so it's for the best to keep these things on the internal lines.

07-28-2019, 08:09 AM
^ The NBA does test though. But I think it's one of those "wink wink your test is coming on suchandsuch date" type things for certain players...

Kblaze, you don't think LeBron James taking PEDs coming out on the news wouldn't be absolutely hammered on ESPN for at least a couple of months minimum? You think fans would just shrug that off? No.

Im so nba'd out
07-28-2019, 08:15 AM
Nobody would care...Look at Pacquiao....Look at Canelo...Look at Roy Jones Jr...

If you want to be the best you gotta take something....How else would you beat everyone else who uses but don't get caught

07-28-2019, 08:17 AM
Hes too big a star for it not to be covered. It just wouldnt really hurt the NBA. You think a lebron on HGH story makes a Lakers/Clippers WCF anything but the biggest story in sports 8 months later?

One of those things that get attention but has no real world impact.

Hed get booed some places.....people would start talking about whatever Kobe did in Germany....we would get back into the baseball talk for a while....but it would fade.

It would be a much bigger story in sports if Lebron said "I support Trump in 2020" than a story on evidence he used PEDs in 2014.

07-28-2019, 08:36 AM
I think the main problem for the NBA is that rules have been made more lax, to benefit athletic, but fundamentally weaker players like Giannis, Lebron etc.

Giannis is so obviously a roider and the rules allow him to maximize his roiding.

07-28-2019, 09:07 AM
theres a difference between injury roids and some barry bonds shit. guys that use strength as the primary force behind their game ie Kobe was not one of them.

07-28-2019, 10:23 AM
I feel bad if people think Kobe is natty.

07-28-2019, 12:35 PM

07-28-2019, 12:58 PM
Yeah it