View Full Version : Jeremy Lin is absolute 100% proof positive that happiness must come from within

07-28-2019, 10:45 AM

Dude is up here crying like a bitch because he's not getting a new NBA deal...

He's made over $50,000,000... he's played a decently lengthy NBA career... probably longer than the average player... he's won a ring... he captured the entire country's attention for multiple weeks... he's a Harvard graduate...

And he's up here crying because he doesn't have a deal.

Congrats on loving to play basketball that much I guess but holy shit... he also has no introspection and self awareness whatsoever if he thinks tons of team should be giving him deals lmao...

Fellas... realize this... it doesn't matter what you have or what you achieve in life. You will never find happiness from an external source. It must come from within. That is the only place it can come from.

Your circumstances might temporarily help you alter your perspective, but long term? Happiness can only come from within. And it's a choice you have to actively make on a routine basis, lest you always be miserable.

07-28-2019, 10:51 AM
This bitch talking about "rock bottom"... that's the part I find highly insulting. What a bitch.

07-28-2019, 10:54 AM
He said the NBA has given up on him:oldlol: Like you said, he's pretty much done it all in the NBA and has had a lengthy career. Just realize that your talent is not what is used to be, and there are newer players coming into the league to replace the likes of Lin and others.

Crazy thing is, with all the publicity he's gotten, he can still land a deal in China or some other overseas league and have the spot light on him again.

07-28-2019, 10:59 AM
Ive seen people cry after losing a job that paid 5 dollars an hour. There may have been a little something in the corner of my eye watching Interstellar when he was watching the video of him missing his kids life. Losing your roster spot and maybe not getting it back?

Shits tough.

Watch hard knocks. NFL players go cry in the car over getting cut.

07-28-2019, 11:04 AM
Ive seen people cry after losing a job that paid 5 dollars an hour. There may have been a little something in the corner of my eye watching Interstellar when he was watching the video of him missing his kids life. Losing your roster spot and maybe not getting it back?

Shits tough.

Watch hard knocks. NFL players go cry in the car over getting cut.

The vast majority of NFL players have shorter careers than Jeremy Lin did in the NBA, never achieve that level of notoriety, and certainly never make that much money.

The VAST MAJORITY aren't even close. NFL players get straight up abused compared to the NBA players, tbh.... due to the nature of injuries and roster sizes.

Jeremy Lin is crying because... he's an unhappy human.

07-28-2019, 11:20 AM
Small package

07-28-2019, 11:21 AM
There are people in the world as far below a middle class american as Lin is above them. That mean middle class people shouldnt cry?

Everything is relative. Hes rich and successful to us. Not so much to other people. He obviously has a higher standard. Id be mad if I had to drive a car with no AC. Like...outraged right now. Yet billions of people will never have the money to buy a car. That mean im not allowed to be uspet?

To use a Dave Chapelle line.....

"Im hungry..."

"People in africa are starving"

"**** you ***** I still want lunch"

07-28-2019, 11:25 AM
There are people in the world as far below a middle class american as Lin is above them. That mean middle class people shouldnt cry?

Everything is relative. Hes rich and successful to us. Not so much to other people. He obviously has a higher standard. Id be mad if I had to drive a car with no AC. Like...outraged right now. Yet billions of people will never have the money to buy a car. That mean im not allowed to be uspet?

To use a Dave Chapelle line.....

"Im hungry..."

"People in africa are starving"

"**** you ***** I still want lunch"


Jeremy Lin will clearly never be happy. There is nothing that will ever make him happy. He has unhappiness inside.

He has no self awareness and he thinks he's still able to compete on that level, and no NBA team agrees... and they're probably right.

And you aren't justified to get outraged over no A/C. But a temporary fleeting emotion like that is more relatable and understandable than what Jeremy Lin is doing.

Jeremy Lin is waking up and actively choosing to be unhappy every single day. Every day. He's waking up... deciding that life sucks... and wallowing around in self pity despite achieving things that 99.9999% of humans that have ever lived would kill to trade places with.

Happiness comes from within and he is an unhappy human because he chooses to be.

07-28-2019, 11:30 AM
I think youre assuming you know way more about that guy than you do.

07-28-2019, 11:30 AM
I think you don't understand that happiness is a choice.

You're right, everything is relative, which is why, as I've explained, it has to come from within.

07-28-2019, 11:45 AM
You think when a 1.2 million dollar check hits the account and 16 hot women smile at him on the way into to a party at a friends 4 million dollar mansion with food provided by Bobby Flay hes not a little pleased?

The few clips you have of him being sad....confirm to you...hes always that way?

Is he not allowed to be sad ever?

07-28-2019, 11:46 AM
You're talking about fleeting emotions vs genuine happiness. I've already covered this.

He's clearly been deciding to dwell on a daily basis about how sad he is that he doesn't have a deal. Happy people don't do that.

07-28-2019, 11:47 AM
Too bad he was only 13 when fast n the furious came out. Could have subbed him in for RJ de Vera and he would have made a better Danny Yamato.

Vin Disel
Paul Walker
Ja Rule

What a line up that would have been. Would have been given more screen time than just

07-28-2019, 11:53 AM
Im gonna leave you with my original point.....you just dont know him that well. We barely know the people we know in person. The people we work with....sometimes live with.

To assume some shit you saw on tv in a brief clip gives you the knowledge of his inner workings to conclude he will never be happy in the 40-50 years of life he has left is far too great a stretch.

07-28-2019, 11:56 AM
And I'm going to leave you with points I've already made.

He's had, by pretty much any measure, a very successful career and a very successful NBA career at that. Instead of being grateful for what was, he is CHOOSING to dwell on what isn't.

Happy people don't do that.

07-28-2019, 11:58 AM
There are people in the world as far below a middle class american as Lin is above them. That mean middle class people shouldnt cry?

Everything is relative. Hes rich and successful to us. Not so much to other people. He obviously has a higher standard. Id be mad if I had to drive a car with no AC. Like...outraged right now. Yet billions of people will never have the money to buy a car. That mean im not allowed to be uspet?

To use a Dave Chapelle line.....

"Im hungry..."

"People in africa are starving"

"**** you ***** I still want lunch"

That s why you have to continually put things into perspective.

07-28-2019, 11:59 AM
He was crying after this :

07-28-2019, 12:11 PM
What you don't understand is that these dudes dedicate their entire lives, like LITERALLY their entire lives, on basketball. Every single waking moment they had trained and practiced and sacrificed went into basketball and doing it at such an unfathomably high level every single day. It is their life.

Then in Lin's case, all of a sudden your ENTIRE progress comes crashing down because of a freak ACL tear. Everything you've worked for in your whole life is now put into question. Recovery is NEVER easy no matter what resources are available to them. It takes a lot to be able to recover to the point where you can once again confidentally compete at the highest level. It's not like for you and me where we just need our ACL to walk (although stuff like that is a concern to them too, will I be able to even walk in about 5-10 years?), they need to go back to competing at the absolute highest level with their damaged and partially recovered limbs/muscles/etc. Then you somewhat come back from it and bam.. it happens all over again.

He is allowed to feel sad about it. What he worked for every waking moment of his life is crashing down.

07-28-2019, 12:12 PM
And I'm going to leave you with points I've already made.

He's had, by pretty much any measure, a very successful career and a very successful NBA career at that. Instead of being grateful for what was, he is CHOOSING to dwell on what isn't.

Happy people don't do that.

tbf a lot of successful people think this way too. Never content

07-28-2019, 12:33 PM
Jeremy Lin will clearly never be happy.

never settle. never surrender. :applause:

linsanity prob made the knicks/nba hundreds of millions of dollars in the long term. captured the attention of like 1.5 billion people of the asian persuasion worldwide.

get your money, jeremy.

make sure these ninjas pay what they owe.

07-28-2019, 12:42 PM
OP are you a Sith?

07-28-2019, 12:47 PM
OP are you a Sith?


07-28-2019, 01:09 PM
My best guess is that he is a very goal oriented to an obsessive level and has been his entire life. Knowing he is made for life doesn

07-28-2019, 01:16 PM
[QUOTE=warriorfan]My best guess is that he is a very goal oriented to an obsessive level and has been his entire life. Knowing he is made for life doesn

07-28-2019, 01:23 PM

Sounds to me like you are the real bitter bitch in the situation frustrated this dude has rocked your dream job all this time while you sat on your ass being an internet troll.


07-28-2019, 01:26 PM
when did ISH turn so ***** damn

nobody in here actually telling this ***** ass asian that nobody owes him shit

the NBA if anything has gone out their way to highlight his little sorry ass for their asian viewership

jeremy lin been a mental ****in midget from day one, guy literally needs the perfect scenario for him to feel comfortable bball wise when in reality hes a fringe role player at best

****in liberal ass media cried for him when kenyon martin told him he looks dumb af rockin dreadlocks and all i seen was the culture vultures and coooons defend him

mfer expects the NBA to push for him??? since when??? prime kobe ****in bryant cheated on his wife and the NBA literally stopped puttin him in nba promos for like half a decade and that was while he was THE BEST PLAYER IN THE GAME

you ****in suck at basketball now J-Lin, the nba would be in its best interest to give your roster spot to a player who deserves and it wont go literally crying to the media when he doesn't get a contract

****in *****, i hate jlin and his cancerous asian fanbase

07-28-2019, 01:49 PM
This dude's crying about his career in a massive auditorium filled with people who paid to see him.

Let that sink in.

07-28-2019, 02:35 PM
when did ISH turn so ***** damn

nobody in here actually telling this ***** ass asian that nobody owes him shit

the NBA if anything has gone out their way to highlight his little sorry ass for their asian viewership

jeremy lin been a mental ****in midget from day one, guy literally needs the perfect scenario for him to feel comfortable bball wise when in reality hes a fringe role player at best

****in liberal ass media cried for him when kenyon martin told him he looks dumb af rockin dreadlocks and all i seen was the culture vultures and coooons defend him

mfer expects the NBA to push for him??? since when??? prime kobe ****in bryant cheated on his wife and the NBA literally stopped puttin him in nba promos for like half a decade and that was while he was THE BEST PLAYER IN THE GAME

you ****in suck at basketball now J-Lin, the nba would be in its best interest to give your roster spot to a player who deserves and it wont go literally crying to the media when he doesn't get a contract

****in *****, i hate jlin and his cancerous asian fanbase

Are you angry?

07-28-2019, 02:39 PM

Dude is up here crying like a bitch because he's not getting a new NBA deal...

He's made over $50,000,000... he's played a decently lengthy NBA career... probably longer than the average player... he's won a ring... he captured the entire country's attention for multiple weeks... he's a Harvard graduate...

And he's up here crying because he doesn't have a deal.

Congrats on loving to play basketball that much I guess but holy shit... he also has no introspection and self awareness whatsoever if he thinks tons of team should be giving him deals lmao...

Fellas... realize this... it doesn't matter what you have or what you achieve in life. You will never find happiness from an external source. It must come from within. That is the only place it can come from.

Your circumstances might temporarily help you alter your perspective, but long term? Happiness can only come from within. And it's a choice you have to actively make on a routine basis, lest you always be miserable.


07-28-2019, 03:44 PM
Like seriously, it would be one thing if he had just posted of video of himself or it was a conversation between him and an interviewer.

The guy is literally on stage in front of thousands of people WHO PAID TO WATCH HIM SPEAK and he's crying about how much of a struggle his life is. That's just cringey to me.

07-28-2019, 03:47 PM
Everyone on this forum is rich enough to afford internet. We're all ****ing loaded enough that we have money to throw on luxuries when people are starving to death while making sure they're not gunned down my militants. No reason ANY of us should be unhappy.

Everything is relative except for OP's phaggitry which is absolute.

07-28-2019, 03:49 PM
Imagine these poor asians who spent their hard earned money to see their idol Jeremy Lin on stage...and then dude just starts crying saying how hard life is.

C'mon son.

07-28-2019, 03:57 PM
OP, this aint it.

07-28-2019, 04:02 PM
Everything is relative except for OP's phaggitry which is absolute.

:roll: :roll:

07-28-2019, 04:07 PM
Everyone on this forum is rich enough to afford internet. We're all ****ing loaded enough that we have money to throw on luxuries when people are starving to death while making sure they're not gunned down my militants. No reason ANY of us should be unhappy.

Everything is relative except for OP's phaggitry which is absolute.

Too miserable to even consider the possibility that it's your own doing.


07-28-2019, 04:11 PM
OP is an absolute moron.

We love you J-Lin!

07-28-2019, 04:38 PM
When did Lin lose his right to feel upset, angry, frustrated etc at life? You don

07-28-2019, 06:18 PM
it is kind of an azn culture thing to always compare to people who are better(hence an a- isn

07-28-2019, 07:05 PM
Lin's depressed. ok, then.

People gonna scream at him for being sad now?

07-28-2019, 07:06 PM
Everyone on this forum is rich enough to afford internet. We're all ****ing loaded enough that we have money to throw on luxuries when people are starving to death while making sure they're not gunned down my militants. No reason ANY of us should be unhappy.

Everything is relative except for OP's phaggitry which is absolute.

07-28-2019, 07:07 PM
it is kind of an azn culture thing to always compare to people who are better(hence an a- isn’t good enough stereotype). Lins wat not even a top 200 player, I wouldn’t be shocked if his parents gave him a lot of criticism haha
He was definitely top 200 at one point. Top 100 maybe even. And for a brief time he was playing like a star.

07-28-2019, 07:33 PM
i really dunno why there's no single team would even consider to give him a min contract, this is ridiculous.

Hey Yo
07-28-2019, 07:45 PM
In 2012.... Lin dropped 38 (his career high) on Kobe FTW.


07-28-2019, 07:48 PM
OP goes off on wild tangents about the stupidest shit. Always has the strongest opinions on situations he doesn't even have enough information to have a real opinion on. Like is it really necessary to give a lecture about happiness in the NBA forum or talk about why Justin Bieber's hairline and acne is caused by deep-rooted stress caused by too much success too soon? :lol what the **** bro..

It's hilarious though :applause:

07-28-2019, 07:52 PM
OP goes off on wild tangents about the stupidest shit. Always has the strongest opinions on situations he doesn't even have enough information to have a real opinion on. Like is it really necessary to give a lecture about happiness in the NBA forum or talk about why Justin Bieber's hairline and acne is caused by deep-rooted stress caused by too much success too soon? :lol what the **** bro..

It's hilarious though :applause:

I thought we had a truce there for a while... guess it's open season on that ass again. It's funny, as the account totals dwindle, you become more hostile to me. Interesting.

07-28-2019, 07:55 PM
I thought we had a truce there for a while... guess it's open season on that ass again. It's funny, as the account totals dwindle, you become more hostile to me. Interesting.

I'm ribbing you in a friendly way, not being hostile or mean-spirited. You're a good guy that makes crazy ass posts sometimes.

As Max Holloway says, it is what it is lol

07-28-2019, 08:12 PM
This dude is at the pinnacle of what he does and is now not getting a deal.

I don't understand what you don't understand about this. His whole identity is based around playing basketball at the highest level.

Anything from this point is a downgrade.

Have you reached the peaks at anything you have done only to be told you can't do that anymore?

Imagine a surgeon that can't use his hands anymore. You think Dr. Strange wants to go back to being a family doctor after reaching the peaks of his profession from hardwork and dedication? The obvious answer is no.

You think a top ranking car salesman at one of the biggest dealerships wants to be moved to the smallest used car dealership because he formed some sort of speaking impediment that keeps him from the sales goals he used to easily achieve?

He is entitled to be hurt that he can't participate at the highest levels in what he loves. He earned that right through everything he has done.

Is this what brings you happiness from within? Bitching about a guy that is hurt because he is at one of the lowest lows he has experienced in his young life?

You just being a hater OP. Go smack a kid who is crying over a dropped popsicle and tell him to get some perspective.

07-28-2019, 08:16 PM

07-28-2019, 08:17 PM
You just being a hater OP. Go smack a kid who is crying over a dropped popsicle and tell him to get some perspective.

Yes because it's totally fair to compare a little kid to Jeremy Lin... wait a second... you may be on to something there. Nice point.

07-28-2019, 08:29 PM
Time to go to China :cheers:

07-28-2019, 08:31 PM
He was definitely top 200 at one point. Top 100 maybe even. And for a brief time he was playing like a star.

Yea he was good in atl but done in Toronto. On avg lot of bench guys were better so 200 was a ballpark

07-28-2019, 08:43 PM
OP goes off on wild tangents about the stupidest shit. Always has the strongest opinions on situations he doesn't even have enough information to have a real opinion on. Like is it really necessary to give a lecture about happiness in the NBA forum or talk about why Justin Bieber's hairline and acne is caused by deep-rooted stress caused by too much success too soon? :lol what the **** bro..

It's hilarious though :applause:

Link to the Justin Bieber take? Sounds like a good conversation.

07-29-2019, 12:15 AM
What an entitled, attention seeking, whiny cry baby bitch

Almost never cringed so hard in my life

07-29-2019, 02:00 AM
i really dunno why there's no single team would even consider to give him a min contract, this is ridiculous.

Aren't you American?

Shouldn't you be able to form a coherent sentence?

Language going down the drain

07-29-2019, 07:35 AM
ESPN only ran this story as a piece of click bait, nothing more. ESPN wanted people reading the headline to think that he's not getting a shot anymore because he's Asian even though that's not the case.

Bosnian Sajo
07-29-2019, 07:54 AM
To use a Dave Chapelle line.....

"Im hungry..."

"People in africa are starving"

"**** you ***** I still want lunch"

100% this, but Shogon has a point. Lin is literally ON STAGE crying about how the NBA "gave up on him".

It's a supply and demand world, my friend. If you aren't bringing anything of value to the table (in this case, making a basketball team better), then you are extendable. Bigger players have been given up on in the past. Look at Melo last year for crying out loud. Both Lin and Melo were waived by teams during the season and of the two, Lin was the one able to find an NBA team to sign for...and ended up winning a championship.

It's one thing to be upset about not making the team, everyone has the right to be sad. It's impossible to be happy ALL the time. But it's another thing to go on stage and cry to the world about your rock bottom and how "they gave up on you". Get in the gym, and get back to what you were. Otherwise, if you love the league so much (as we ALL do, players and fans alike) use your NBA experience to leverage yourself into new opportunities in the NBA. Start coaching.

Bosnian Sajo
07-29-2019, 08:01 AM
Everyone on this forum is rich enough to afford internet. We're all ****ing loaded enough that we have money to throw on luxuries when people are starving to death while making sure they're not gunned down my militants. No reason ANY of us should be unhappy.

Everything is relative except for OP's phaggitry which is absolute.

You're right up until you say "no reason ANY of us should be unhappy".

That's like telling a poor person who has nothing that there is no reason that they should be happy...happiness does not equate to wealth. Like Shogon said, happiness comes from within. Some of the richest people in the world commit suicide due to being unhappy, it is what it is.

The happiest people are those that understand that being unhappy occasionally is NOT the end of the world. They know to look at the bright side of things and understand being happy/sad is apart of being a human being.

07-29-2019, 08:29 AM
he should go to the rockets and be the back up PG.
Austin Rivers is more of an SG than PG.

also reunite with Mickey D

Bosnian Sajo
07-29-2019, 08:33 AM
he should go to the rockets and be the back up PG.
Austin Rivers is more of an SG than PG.

also reunite with Mickey D

I'm sure Lin would like that, but I don't think it's his decision lol. Like he said, "NBA gave up on him". Nobody is giving him a contract.

07-29-2019, 09:33 AM
A few days ago, I was listening to Dan John (Olympic strength coach) being interviewed on a podcast. He was talking about how you can keep reminding your high school football team, “Hey, this next game is your last game you’ll ever play (assuming most won’t play in college).” And it just doesn’t sink in. They know it but they’re still so caught up in the moment.

Then the final game comes. It’s over. You can see it on their faces. They’re kind of shocked as the realization finally sets in. Never playing another game with cheerleaders. No more kick offs. No more big defensive stops, fumbles, interceptions. No more hail mary plays with under a minute left when down by 4 or 5 points. The brotherhood you formed over several years has evaporated. Sure, many will remain friends but there’s something different about being pushed by teammates to persevere in a physical environment.

It’s not a thought experiment or abstract exercise.

If Lin is still butt hurt in a year or two, then by all means, shit on him as much as you want. But right now? Give the man some time.

Bosnian Sajo
07-29-2019, 09:53 AM
[QUOTE=reppy] He was talking about how you can keep reminding your high school football team,

07-29-2019, 10:22 AM
Kind of off topic (but not really), but this reminded me of a facebook post I saw a while ago that said the following:

"At some point in your childhood, you and your friends went outside to play together for the last time and nobody knew it"

Life is so bittersweet. You don't know that you're living through the "good ol days" until a number of years pass by and you reminisce.

Damn. That's some real shit right there. I was trying to think back, "When was the last time I really actually went out and 'played' with my friends?"

Does going to the park or river in your 30s count? Doesn't seem like it does to me. In the back of my mind, I know I still have my job and other responsibilities, paying a mortgage, etc.

Might have to go all the way back to when I was 15 or so. I had a full time job by the time I was 16 so even back then I had responsibilities.

07-29-2019, 10:43 AM
You're talking about fleeting emotions vs genuine happiness. I've already covered this.

He's clearly been deciding to dwell on a daily basis about how sad he is that he doesn't have a deal. Happy people don't do that.

What makes you happy? Certain things in life make people happy and make people sad. Playing ball in the league makes the guy happy. If something that makes you happy is no longer available to you, you feel sad over it.

What's the problem? Why vilify the guy?


07-29-2019, 10:47 AM
The thing is, Lin knows he's as talented or better than many NBA players still in the league. He's been discriminated against because of being asian. He won a ring last June but he feels he didn't do enough to deserve it because his PT was 0. I think he should be grateful of everything. He reached worldwide fame during his Linsanity years, he just became part of a championship team. He should take it from there and build up his future. He can be an ambassador like Yao and help so many people. It's not the end.

Bosnian Sajo
07-29-2019, 10:47 AM
The thing is, Lin knows he's as talented or better than many NBA players still in the league. He's been discriminated against because of being asian. He won a ring last June but he feels he didn't do enough to deserve it because his PT was 0. I think he should be grateful of everything. He reached worldwide fame during his Linsanity years, he just became part of a championship team. He should take it from there and build up his future. He can be an ambassador like Yao and help so many people. It's not the end.

To be fair, he DID play 54 seconds in the finals...in total :lol

07-29-2019, 11:17 AM
Shouldn't have bounced from the Knicks. Sure Melo did not want you here because he's either a cancer or racist or just a girly jealous btch. But I honestly enjoyed his 2 weeks here more than Melo's x number of years.

Sorry Lin, do not feel sorry for you at all. You've had more of a shot than most people get. All those losers that made those posts about how you're a champion while Melo's not even on a team should realize how much of a meme that made you feel. You had 0 to do with your team winning a championship. Unless you're saying he was great in practice to push Lowry or FVV :lol or the ultimate hype guy or water boy.

07-29-2019, 11:55 AM
The thing is, Lin knows he's as talented or better than many NBA players still in the league. He's been discriminated against because of being asian. He won a ring last June but he feels he didn't do enough to deserve it because his PT was 0. I think he should be grateful of everything. He reached worldwide fame during his Linsanity years, he just became part of a championship team. He should take it from there and build up his future. He can be an ambassador like Yao and help so many people. It's not the end.

He's been in the league 10 years. For a brief moment he pretty much owned New York. Wouldn't discrimination have come into play several years ago? Alot of players have come through the league and had worse careers. His current ability at the PG spot is translating to the level of interest(or lack of) he is garnering. Hell look at Boogie Cousins. 3 years ago people were saying he was the best center, and nowadays he's an afterthought cheap pick-up once all the top free agents were signed. Shit happens and life pulls the rug from under you quick and you're left wondering WTF went wrong.

He's still a more than serviceable back-up PG and just needs to wait for that call when an opening arises.

07-29-2019, 02:31 PM
It's ok to hang up the sneakers. What more could he accomplish in the NBA. Retire from mediocrity go back to school and become a doctor

Bosnian Sajo
07-29-2019, 02:35 PM
It's ok to hang up the sneakers. What more could he accomplish in the NBA. Retire from mediocrity go back to school and become a doctor

Or just live off of the $65m ($32m net) you made off of your NBA career? Plus all the endorsement deals you signed...speaking of which, if he didn't sign a big time endorsement with some kind of Chinese/Taiwanese company, he fcked up :oldlol:

But yea...do that, find yourself a good girl to marry, have some kids, do some analyst work for ESPN or start a podcast with Landry Fields.

No need to go back to school, as if he couldn't be more Asian :lol

07-29-2019, 03:00 PM
Sounds like Lin won the lotto and is realizing he ran through his winnings. The brief flash of notoriety that is what we know him for is done. And I me who expected this guy to be known the way he is. If anything he's been playing with house money for years. I get being sad the wave ended but hell he made out like a bandit.

07-29-2019, 04:47 PM
Sounds like Lin won the lotto and is realizing he ran through his winnings. The brief flash of notoriety that is what we know him for is done. And I me who expected this guy to be known the way he is. If anything he's been playing with house money for years. I get being sad the wave ended but hell he made out like a bandit.
He did lose a lot of playing time due to injury to be fair.

07-29-2019, 06:31 PM
It's perfectly ok to cry about something like this. Your life as you know it is changing and you have to make major adjustments. But you cry to your psychologist/counselor/family, not to press conference cameras. Nobody ever got a job by crying for it.

07-29-2019, 06:59 PM
Nothing to be ashamed of.

He maximized his potentials and being a solid player in the league.

It is stupid to put his revenue/salary into the conversation.

He set a goal for himself and he wanted to play (more) in the NBA, what's the problem? For him the achievement is to stay in the league longer, not how much money he earn.

His feeling and expression are genuine, and he should be proud of himself, not afraid to show his emotions. He could sweet talk and say something politically correct, but he said something genuine instead. RESPECT.

07-29-2019, 07:23 PM
Kind of off topic (but not really), but this reminded me of a facebook post I saw a while ago that said the following:

"At some point in your childhood, you and your friends went outside to play together for the last time and nobody knew it"

Life is so bittersweet. You don't know that you're living through the "good ol days" until a number of years pass by and you reminisce.

Sound like whoever wrote this came from a dysfunctional family, rather than a family with their shit together who informed their kids that they would be moving on a certain day, and the kids getting a chance to say their proper goodbyes. :lol

07-29-2019, 07:27 PM
Sound like whoever wrote this came from a dysfunctional family, rather than a family with their shit together who informed their kids that they would be moving on a certain day, and the kids getting a chance to say their proper goodbyes. :lol

Sounds like whoever wrote this is young or ignorant.

07-29-2019, 07:31 PM
the problem with lin is he lacks two things that are critical for role players in this league...

- defense
- spacing / spot up shooting

hes an asian dribbler, slasher, playmaker. Thats the role superstars take but hes attempting it in an inferior physical frame.

It'd be one thing if he was as brilliant as steve nash or something, but hes just a role player who took advantage of new yorks bright lights when everybody thought they were a joke. Had a brief spark while unknown, but once gameplanned for was shut out of being a star.


07-29-2019, 07:40 PM
Idiots in here laughing at Lin for being emotional because his entire career and everything he's worked for in his life is coming to an end.

You guys are such idiots.

07-29-2019, 07:43 PM
What you don't understand is that these dudes dedicate their entire lives, like LITERALLY their entire lives, on basketball. Every single waking moment they had trained and practiced and sacrificed went into basketball and doing it at such an unfathomably high level every single day. It is their life.

Then in Lin's case, all of a sudden your ENTIRE progress comes crashing down because of a freak ACL tear. Everything you've worked for in your whole life is now put into question. Recovery is NEVER easy no matter what resources are available to them. It takes a lot to be able to recover to the point where you can once again confidentally compete at the highest level. It's not like for you and me where we just need our ACL to walk (although stuff like that is a concern to them too, will I be able to even walk in about 5-10 years?), they need to go back to competing at the absolute highest level with their damaged and partially recovered limbs/muscles/etc. Then you somewhat come back from it and bam.. it happens all over again.

He is allowed to feel sad about it. What he worked for every waking moment of his life is crashing down.
This man gets it:cheers:

07-29-2019, 07:52 PM
the problem with lin is he lacks two things that are critical for role players in this league...

- defense
- spacing / spot up shooting

hes an asian dribbler, slasher, playmaker. Thats the role superstars take but hes attempting it in an inferior physical frame.

It'd be one thing if he was as brilliant as steve nash or something, but hes just a role player who took advantage of new yorks bright lights when everybody thought they were a joke. Had a brief spark while unknown, but once gameplanned for was shut out of being a star.


dude was pretty athletic when he came in however. Just saw a reddit post about how morey said his statistical models said to draft lin in the first round because of his combine measurements but he didnt trust it. Also said the rockets later measured guys foot speed and he had one of the quickest first steps in the league. It was just a little racial scouts assumed he wasnt athletic. he was more like a schroder type instead of nash who could really pass and shoot.

Obviously not to the same extent but leg injuries derailed him kind of like they did to rose.

07-29-2019, 07:56 PM
dude was pretty athletic when he came in however. Just saw a reddit post about how morey said his statistical models said to draft lin in the first round because of his combine measurements but he didnt trust it. Also said the rockets later measured guys foot speed and he had one of the quickest first steps in the league. It was just a little racial scouts assumed he wasnt athletic. he was more like a schroder type instead of nash who could really pass and shoot.

Obviously not to the same extent but leg injuries derailed him kind of like they did to rose.

what that kinda indicates to me though is he over relied on his explosion ala rose... put too much energy and stock into blowing past guys instead of developing an elite jumper or more of a fakeout dribble & passing game ala stockton or cousy. Too many guys trying to explode past what is possible for their bodies.

07-29-2019, 08:05 PM
what that kinda indicates to me though is he over relied on his explosion ala rose... put too much energy and stock into blowing past guys instead of developing an elite jumper or more of a fakeout dribble & passing game ala stockton or cousy. Too many guys trying to explode past what is possible for their bodies.

yea it's pretty common to fall back on athleticism for a lot of guards.

07-29-2019, 08:08 PM
the problem with lin is he lacks two things that are critical for role players in this league...

- defense
- spacing / spot up shooting

hes an asian dribbler, slasher, playmaker. Thats the role superstars take but hes attempting it in an inferior physical frame.

It'd be one thing if he was as brilliant as steve nash or something, but hes just a role player who took advantage of new yorks bright lights when everybody thought they were a joke. Had a brief spark while unknown, but once gameplanned for was shut out of being a star.


Actually Linsanity kicked in when they weren't 'quite' the joke. Nobody would have cared if the Knicks were as good as,say, this year when he came on the scene.

07-29-2019, 08:41 PM
Frank Mason just got signed... undersized pg that can't play D and shot 22% from 3's last year.

07-29-2019, 09:09 PM
Frank Mason just got signed... undersized pg that can't play D and shot 22% from 3's last year.
He isn't Asain

07-30-2019, 12:40 AM
Don't understand OP's outrage over this. He's emotional over possibly losing something he's dedicated his entire life to up to this point. Yeah, he'll be "fine," and he will find meaning in other things if his NBA career is truly over.. but it's ok to be emotional in the moment when things are still hazy.

07-30-2019, 01:43 AM
so he flipped his public and private life in the wrong way compared to most sane?

07-30-2019, 01:52 AM
Having made it to the NBA at all is enough. He was never going to be a star. He's lucky he got to play at all.

He should focus on being grateful. He's luckier that 99.9% of all basketball players.

07-30-2019, 03:20 AM
Having made it to the NBA at all is enough. He was never going to be a star. He's lucky he got to play at all.

He should focus on being grateful. He's luckier that 99.9% of all basketball players.

If that is said about every NBA player that doesn't get picked up again no problem but if it isn't then there's other stuff packed into the statement.

Walk on Water
07-30-2019, 07:51 AM
Yea external sources can only rent you happiness but not buy it. Because you will never have enough and if you do, then you will eventually get used to it and become bored. It's like if you like eating pizza but eat it everyday you get bored. Same thing with money.

07-30-2019, 08:13 AM
There is only Allah to turn to for true contentment.