View Full Version : "Poor Kids Are Just As Bright & Talented As White Kids"

08-09-2019, 02:30 PM
Racist Democrats :applause:

08-09-2019, 02:30 PM
Biden's crazy.


08-09-2019, 02:33 PM
Biden has no chance.

Like, at all.

Just because he was VP, people forget he was not anywhere near the front of the pack in '08.

He's not good.

08-09-2019, 02:39 PM
Soft bigotry of low expectations.

White limousine liberals like Biden live in a bubble and have never seen or known white people struggling and think successful white people are only there because of their skin color. And they don’t think minorities can succeed without the white liberal swooping down and being the savior.

Typical think of white liberal democrats.

08-09-2019, 02:49 PM
Soft bigotry of low expectations.

White limousine liberals like Biden live in a bubble and have never seen or known white people struggling and think successful white people are only there because of their skin color. And they don’t think minorities can succeed without the white liberal swooping down and being the savior.

Typical think of white liberal democrats.

Biden actually didn't come from money. His dad was a used car salesman and he started his career off as a public defender. Typical uniformed conservative post.

08-09-2019, 02:51 PM
Biden has a very bad record on race, no arguments from me here.

08-09-2019, 02:53 PM
Maxie avoiding this thread.

I guess he agrees using his logic.

Celtics 1825
08-09-2019, 03:11 PM
Sooo can people finally stop fvcking supporting pedo uncle Joe now please?

08-09-2019, 03:16 PM
Sooo can people finally stop fvcking supporting pedo uncle Joe now please?
If only.

I fear he’ll win the nomination and then Trump will be re-elected. Although I don’t want Kamala Harris either.

08-09-2019, 03:28 PM
Stop worrying about Joe Biden. He isn't going to win.

Kamala Harris is the one who scares me. She's going to receive the full support of the DNC and the major networks. She is 100% bought, and worse yet, the fact that she's a woman and a PoC will make a ton of far-left idiots blind to policy just like they were when Obama was in office.

She's a nightmare.

Progressives need to band together and either back Tulsi or Bernie. It's the only way to buck the system.

08-09-2019, 03:29 PM

08-09-2019, 03:31 PM
Stop worrying about Joe Biden. He isn't going to win.

Kamala Harris is the one who scares me. She's going to receive the full support of the DNC and the major networks. She is 100% bought, and worse yet, the fact that she's a woman and a PoC will make a ton of far-left idiots blind to policy just like they were when Obama was in office.

She's a nightmare.

Progressives need to band together and either back Tulsi or Bernie. It's the only way to buck the system.
I like Warren. But yeah Bernie is the most trustworthy.

08-09-2019, 03:34 PM
Biden actually didn't come from money. His dad was a used car salesman and he started his career off as a public defender. Typical uniformed conservative post.

No, no, no... he has money now, so his hard scrabble upbringing doesn't count. You know... false equivalences and everything.

Incidentally, just for the record.

[QUOTE]Speaking in Iowa on Thursday night, former Vice President Joe Biden said "poor kids" are "just as talented as white kids," before correcting himself.

"We have this notion that somehow if you

08-09-2019, 03:35 PM
Maxie avoiding this thread.

I guess he agrees using his logic.

Rent free... :oldlol:

08-09-2019, 03:36 PM
I like Warren. But yeah Bernie is the most trustworthy.

Warren is only in the race to steal Bernie supporters. Look into how CNN blocked Bernie supporters from visibility while placing her supporters front and center.

Look into how every report about polls has been twisted to make it appear that she is beating him.

The DNC wants to use her as a "more realistic" alternative for progressives... she is copycatting Bernie's ideas to undercut his support.

The super delegates aren't allowed to participate in the first ballot this time. So what did the DNC do? Flood the race with an unprecedented number of candidates, including a Bernie copycat to steal his voters and GUARANTEE a second ballot. Once Bernie is out, she will lose all of the establishment support she has been getting.

She is not on your side.

The only candidates actually in it for you are Bernie, Tulsi, and Yang. And Yang has no chance.

08-09-2019, 03:37 PM
Warren is only in the race to steal Bernie supporters. Look into how CNN blocked Bernie supporters from visibility while placing her supporters front and center.

Look into how every report about polls has been twisted to make it appear that she is beating him.

The DNC wants to use her as a "more realistic" alternative for progressives... she is copycatting Bernie's ideas to undercut his support.

The super delegates aren't allowed to participate in the first ballot this time. So what did the DNC do? Flood the race with an unprecedented number of candidates, including a Bernie copycat to steal his voters and GUARANTEE a second ballot. Once Bernie is out, she will lose all of the establishment support she has been getting.

She is not on your side.

The only candidates actually in it for you are Bernie, Tulsi, and Yang. And Yang has no chance.
Fun talking points, but Warren is old friends with Bernie. I

08-09-2019, 03:39 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Fun talking points, but Warren is old friends with Bernie. I

08-09-2019, 03:53 PM
If CNN, MSNBC, and the DNC are all backing someone, you should understand that they are not your friend.
What did you think of Jay Inslee? Only candidate really focused on the environment which I think is by far the biggest issue.

08-09-2019, 03:56 PM
Rent free... :oldlol:

And still not denouncing it :applause:

08-09-2019, 04:08 PM
And still not denouncing it :applause:

Denounce what? That he misspoke over the course of speaking for 2 hours? I'll post again what I posted prior.

[QUOTE]Speaking in Iowa on Thursday night, former Vice President Joe Biden said "poor kids" are "just as talented as white kids," before correcting himself.

"We have this notion that somehow if you

08-09-2019, 04:10 PM
hE mIsSpOkE, rAcIsM iS oKaY wHeN i AgReE wItH iT lIkE wItH BaRrY


08-09-2019, 05:35 PM
will the real biden supporters please stand up? anyone? no one? :oldlol:

if this stooge wins the nomination, it's going to be hilarious watching the establishment meltdown when trumps wins reelection. i'd tevo cnn & msnbc 24/4 for the entire week.

what would be just as funny is if a different democratic candidate starts leading the polls in the 'best suited to beat trump' category. what the hell will he run on then?

i don't think sanders and warren are dumb enough not to know that they're splitting the progressive vote. whoever gets the lesser amount delegates between the two in the first few states will end up dropping out, i'm sure... or they'll form a ticket together. they wouldn't hand the nomination to corporate dems.

08-09-2019, 05:40 PM
Biden actually didn't come from money. His dad was a used car salesman and he started his career off as a public defender. Typical uniformed conservative post.

He's gotten old and forgotten - this is not uncommon.

08-09-2019, 06:07 PM
Denounce what? That he misspoke over the course of speaking for 2 hours? I'll post again what I posted prior.

It's a stupid flub, but are we going after people for flubs that they immediately correct? You guys come off as desperate. :oldlol:


You’re such a predictable shill. Of course they are going to say he misspoke as damage control. Am I really supposed to believe that?

I have yet to see a strong reputation of this by Democrats in this website. I can only conclude they agree with Biden’s statements. Have Democrat leaders condemned him yet?

08-09-2019, 06:23 PM
Warren is only in the race to steal Bernie supporters.
“Steal” is not the right word. Politicians don’t own supporters or vote.

She’s there to split the far-left vote. If she wasn’t in the race, Bernie would be at about 35%-40% and he’d be the front runner.

08-09-2019, 06:34 PM

oh the horror
08-09-2019, 06:39 PM
Aside from Joe

08-09-2019, 07:09 PM
Fair enough. You are correct though.

Whether or not anyone agrees with his policy ideas, the fact that CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, the WP, and the DNC are all so clearly anti-Sanders ought to make him appealing to all voters below the uppermost class.
The only reason they

08-09-2019, 07:14 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]The only reason they

08-09-2019, 07:21 PM
Is Bernie the one wanting to wipe out student debt?

If so, I'll be okay with him beating Trump.

Prefer Trump, but Bernie may be next best thing.

Bernie's crazy and I like that.

Just no woke women.

08-09-2019, 10:07 PM

You’re such a predictable shill. Of course they are going to say he misspoke as damage control. Am I really supposed to believe that?

I have yet to see a strong reputation of this by Democrats in this website. I can only conclude they agree with Biden’s statements. Have Democrat leaders condemned him yet?

Yeah... he corrected the statement right away and put it in the proper context he was trying to convey. If he said it and stood by it, it would be well deserving of condemnation, and every supporter of Joe Biden's should call him out, but it's quite obvious from the context of what he said that he simply flubbed the line.

Getting to what it seems you're still salty about... Trump didn't flub a line in blaming video games for mass shooting... he didn't misread or misstate something; he stands by that.

Look, I try to be consistent... I'm not in the habit of condemning people for misstatements they make... only for stupid things that they say and then double down on. The other day, in giving a speech about the recent shootings, Trump referenced Toledo as the location of one of the shootings instead of Dayton, even though he was reading from a teleprompter. I've made no prior mention of it; it was an obvious mistake. When visiting a hospital following the El Paso shooting, he and Melania took a photo with a baby who had lost both his parents to a shooter spouting some of Trump's own rhetoric: Melania with a wide grin, Trump with a thumbs up. Again, probably not his idea, though a little more obviously stupid. But you guys are worried about a flubbed line from Joe Biden who may not even come out of the Democratic primary while Trump is doing this with an recently orphaned baby:


Do you guys ever stop to think about what you're arguing, or do you just launch in, logic and sense be damned?

08-09-2019, 10:37 PM

C) He intends to undermine those who write their checks.


Celtics 1825
08-13-2019, 04:17 AM
[QUOTE=RRR3]If only.

I fear he

08-13-2019, 09:55 AM
Clearly meant to say “wealthy” but accidentally said “white” and immediately recognized he said the wrong word and tried to save it. He meant to say one word and accidentally said another word. Nothing more. Happens all the time.

08-13-2019, 10:13 AM
Warren is only in the race to steal Bernie supporters. Look into how CNN blocked Bernie supporters from visibility while placing her supporters front and center.

Look into how every report about polls has been twisted to make it appear that she is beating him.

The DNC wants to use her as a "more realistic" alternative for progressives... she is copycatting Bernie's ideas to undercut his support.

The super delegates aren't allowed to participate in the first ballot this time. So what did the DNC do? Flood the race with an unprecedented number of candidates, including a Bernie copycat to steal his voters and GUARANTEE a second ballot. Once Bernie is out, she will lose all of the establishment support she has been getting.

She is not on your side.

The only candidates actually in it for you are Bernie, Tulsi, and Yang. And Yang has no chance.

Dude Bernie is such a fake bitch it’s ridiculous. In 2016 he didn’t even run to win. Lol. He let Hillary and the DNC steal it like it was nothing. Trump came at Clinton hard but Sanders was a little punk bitch. And that’s why Trump is our president.

08-13-2019, 10:29 AM
[QUOTE=Norcaliblunt]Dude Bernie is such a fake bitch it

08-13-2019, 10:36 AM
What do you mean he "didn't run to win"? You think he spent all that time and money campaigning because he wanted to lose?

What do you mean he let them "steal it like it was nothing"? What should he have done to stop it?

If he hadn't run, then it still would have been Clinton vs. Trump, so we have to assume it would have been the same outcome. You are not making any sense whatsoever.

its totally bernies fault... clearly its far too much to ask for the "most qualified candidate of all time" to get past a 1-man primary against an old and relatively unknown jew who calls himself a socialist, and then beat a douchebag laughing-stock gameshow host in the general...

08-13-2019, 10:52 AM
What do you mean he "didn't run to win"? You think he spent all that time and money campaigning because he wanted to lose?

What do you mean he let them "steal it like it was nothing"? What should he have done to stop it?

If he hadn't run, then it still would have been Clinton vs. Trump, so we have to assume it would have been the same outcome. You are not making any sense whatsoever.

There was evidence the DNC was rigging the primary in favor of Hillary but Sanders said and did NOTHING about it. Sanders also could have attacked Clinton about her emails and the numerous other things in which Trump did but he chose not to. You know why? Because he really didn’t want to win. It’s so easy to see. He’s like the Ron Paul of Democratic Party. There to appease progressives but has no real intention on actually being president. And eventually just leads you right back to the mainstream Democratic Party.

08-13-2019, 10:53 AM
[QUOTE=Norcaliblunt]There was evidence the DNC was rigging the primary in favor of Hillary but Sanders said and did NOTHING about it. Sanders also could have attacked Clinton about her emails and the numerous other things in which Trump did but he chose not to. You know why? Because he really didn

08-13-2019, 11:00 AM
You're... an idiot.

Ok. Lol.

08-13-2019, 11:07 AM
It's a stupid flub, but are we going after people for flubs that they immediately correct? You guys come off as desperate. :oldlol:

If Trump had said anything close to this you libs would explode in hysteria, calling for his immediate impeachment.

08-13-2019, 07:34 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]Clearly meant to say

08-14-2019, 02:13 PM
If Trump had said anything close to this you libs would explode in hysteria, calling for his immediate impeachment.

It's a terrific opportunity for anyone who's against President Trump, to ask themselves if they would be making the same arguments as they are here, had he said it instead. Call it a bias check up.

08-14-2019, 02:39 PM
Trump giving a thumbs up and Melania with that shit eating grin holding a baby that lost both it's parents was totally inappropriate given the circumstances of that moment :facepalm Try to at least act likes it's a somber moment you clueless idiots.

08-14-2019, 02:52 PM
Trump giving a thumbs up and Melania with that shit eating grin holding a baby that lost both it's parents was totally inappropriate given the circumstances of that moment :facepalm Try to at least act likes it's a somber moment you clueless idiots.

The thumbs up and look of the picture is horrible, I agree.

08-14-2019, 03:14 PM
Same Copmala sucks. I'm all in on Yang Gang here
Harris always impresses me when she talks. She’s a terrific speaker. But her record scares me so she’s not the person I want to win for sure. I used to be a huge fan of her before I found out more. It’s disappointing.

08-14-2019, 03:15 PM
If Trump had said anything close to this you libs would explode in hysteria, calling for his immediate impeachment.

08-14-2019, 03:18 PM
Trump giving a thumbs up and Melania with that shit eating grin holding a baby that lost both it's parents was totally inappropriate given the circumstances of that moment :facepalm Try to at least act likes it's a somber moment you clueless idiots.

Yeah. Whenever he sees a camera he thinks he's on The Apprentice again.

Celtics 1825
08-14-2019, 03:20 PM

08-14-2019, 03:22 PM
No true liberal should support Biden tbh. He's really just a conservative pretending to be a liberal
Yeah I mean he’s still way better than the republicans but they’re far beyond just conservative now aren’t they? :oldlol:

Bosnian Sajo
08-14-2019, 03:23 PM
Yooooo Biden WYLIN OUT HERE :roll:

Celtics 1825
08-14-2019, 07:18 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Yeah I mean he

08-15-2019, 12:06 PM
Biden has a very bad record on race, no arguments from me here.
[QUOTE=RRR3]If only.

I fear he

08-15-2019, 12:08 PM
Seven posts that don't say much of anything. Until Don and Max identify the moral highground candidate for you, you're left twisting in the wind and dodging with vague allusions to records or trying to shift the conversation to Trump and racism. Careful not to alienate the larger charismatic personalities on this site you scamper behind and cheerlead.
Another trumptard meltdown.