View Full Version : Current Lakers centers past Stats

08-31-2019, 02:06 PM
For Last year, Javale McGee, with a great PER OF 21.8, better than average for serviceable centers like Plumlee (17.8) actually comparable with other good ones like Aldridge with 22.9, Better than Steven Adams who only had 18.5
McGee had a remarkable 4.1 blocks per 100 possessions, 3.2 per 36 mins, better than Plumlee, and Adams who only had 1.0 and 1.3 respectively. From that limited scope, I felt this guy would be hunted down by GM's in the last summer and offer him a lucrative contract.https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/m/mcgeeja01.html
But here are some concerns about his other stats.
He only ranked 63rd among 71 listed centers in Defensive Real Plus Minus, For the overall RPM, only 6 centers are worst than him with a -2.33.http://www.espn.com/nba/statistics/rpm/_/page/2/position/9
for basketball ref stats, opponents had a higher EFG at 53.1%, (113.5 ORTG) when he is on the court to 50.3% (108 ORTG)when he's off the court. But heck, maybe it's just an anomaly.
Well, 2017 DRPM only 10 centers were ranked worst than him among centers with a score of 0.30, 2 seasons with GSW, he had a remarkable 23.9 PER, 64.1 TS%, EQUALLY GREAT 4.4 blocks/100 possessions, 3.3 blocks/36 mins.
Here in lies the problem with an skewed stats of PER, per 100 possessions and per 36 mins bec a player like him play limited minutes,
He played 9 mins/game in GSW and just 22 minutes for the Lakers and there are legit physical reasons like Asthma but the other area is his inability to switch to faster perimeter opponents during pick and pops/rolls.
Some believe Dwight's recent Best season was with a Hornets 2 years ago and he had 20.5 PER, a freaking 20.5 rebs/100 possessions, 14rebs/36 mins.
His team shot better when he's on the court, 52.2 TS%, 111.2 ORTG than when he's on the bench. Opponents were less accurate with 52.7 TS% and only 109. 7 unlike when he's off the court where they shot, 54.2TS% AND 110.3 ORTG,
Ranked 26th among 64 centers in RPM, 23RD IN DRPM.
It seems like Dwight is better IF HE CAN FOCUS

09-01-2019, 05:36 AM
Steven Adams stans avoiding this like the plague:roll:

Like clockwork:banana::dancin

09-01-2019, 08:24 AM
Steven Adams stans avoiding this like the plague:roll:

Like clockwork:banana::dancin

Javale fam



:rockon: :banana: :djparty: