View Full Version : Overrated talent or waste of talent.

09-03-2019, 09:49 AM
You know those guys people think should become stars(or superstars) but they never do. Some of them waste their talent on drugs/bad decisions....some get hurt...some were psycho...some just werent that talented or skilled and had hype off athletic ability. Id like to see what you think these guys problem was.


Overrated talent or waste of talent?

Rasheed Wallace. Star but not a superstar. Barely fits in this discussion.

Darius Miles

Chris Taft


Derrick Williams

Sebastian Telfair

Michael Olowokandi

Marvin Williams

Evan Turner

Kwame Brown

Andrea Bargnani

The Benders(Dragan and Jonathan)

Mario Hezonja

OJ Mayo



Harrison Barnes

Rudy Gay

Thomas robinson

Tim Thomas(Mr.Abouttobreakout).

Derrick Favors

Just let me know where you think they fall. Overrated talents to begin with or just got some bad breaks?

09-03-2019, 09:50 AM
I'm like this, not in basketball, but business.

I was a "promising talent" until I turned 30, then over night I became "underachiever".

09-03-2019, 09:52 AM
I would like to give my opinion on two of them....

Rasheed. We had arguments in the past on if he should be a superstar and quite a few thought he wasnt really that talented. Just had a great turnaround jumper and a good spot up shooter. Personally I feel he should have been a star off athletic ability, touch, and defense but he didnt have the star "gene" that makes some want to be the man. But I will hear any argument you wanna make on him not actually being that skilled.

Darius Miles - Supposed to be the next KG. To me...he was just an athletic tweener. He did play all 5 position believe it or not but I never saw him as just....talented. Is everyone 6'9'' with 6'5'' handles and some hops supposed to be a star?

Not sure what everyone saw but people who have some credibility were legit waiting for him to be elite. I thought he was approaching good at one point but not like...worth talking about. I wouldnt doubt if I said he had star potential at one point just off peer pressure but taking a long look I dont think id ever have firmly believed it.

09-03-2019, 09:58 AM
Harrison Barnes is suffering from good enough to not have to change.

If you don't have that real drive and love for the game, then better you not be that good, than be good enough.

Barnes gets by on athleticism and a few iso moves. That's enough to earn him a decent contract and he never be forced to change.

The same could be said for someone like Rudy Gay.

09-03-2019, 07:04 PM
Good enough to not have to change is maybe a whole other category. Lot of guys fit in there and you almost cant blame them.

Barnes will have career earnings of 175 million dollars when hes a free agent again at age 30.

This could be a 300 million dollar career while being what....Al Harrington good? How much of a waste can you be if you make 300 million dollars? Didnt leave much on the table it seems.

09-03-2019, 07:10 PM
You know those guys people think should become stars(or superstars) but they never do. Some of them waste their talent on drugs/bad decisions....some get hurt...some were psycho...some just werent that talented or skilled and had hype off athletic ability. Id like to see what you think these guys problem was.


Overrated talent or waste of talent?

Rasheed Wallace. Star but not a superstar. Barely fits in this discussion.

Darius Miles

Chris Taft


Derrick Williams

Sebastian Telfair

Michael Olowokandi

Marvin Williams

Evan Turner

Kwame Brown

Andrea Bargnani

The Benders(Dragan and Jonathan)

Mario Hezonja

OJ Mayo



Harrison Barnes

Rudy Gay

Thomas robinson

Tim Thomas(Mr.Abouttobreakout).

Derrick Favors

Just let me know where you think they fall. Overrated talents to begin with or just got some bad breaks?

Harrison Barnes has Wiggins tendencies which hurts his efficiency. Those long 2s have got to go if he can't hit it.

09-03-2019, 07:12 PM
I watched a shit load of the Blazers during the early 2000s and Sheed could have absolutely been a superstar if he had the mentality to be one. He had it all in the post when he actually wanted to utilize it and his turnaround was unstoppable. You couple that with his great (and underrated...never even made one all defensive team) defense and athleticism and he had all the tools to be up there with Duncan and Garnett.

09-03-2019, 07:14 PM
sheed, darko, mayo are all examples of guys who didnt have motivation to be atg. so i guess you could say that is a waste of talent but whose to say the mental aspect of things isnt talent as well.

guys like john stockton or mark price becoming HOFers in 6'0 bodies with no discernable physical advantages.

people tend to overrate free will like that.

Your mind is shaped by your genetics and upbringing just as much as your body is...

but alas guys like harrison barnes and evan turner were inherently flawed since one cant dribble, and the other cant shoot a long jumper.

actually, neither can. lol

09-03-2019, 07:17 PM
I consider Sheed just unhinged.

Not a serious person.

A lot of nutcases make the NBA. I figure cause most of these guys have everything taken care of for them since childhood.

I don't know why so many seem to be complete idiots in the head. Like Cousins. That guy has a legit personality disorder, but no one seems to care.

09-03-2019, 07:17 PM
I think as he ages Evan is gonna join Darius Miles on the "5 position player nobody gives a shit about" list. Ive seen him play 1-4 already. Hes one or two more breakfast buffets from being a Diaw style small ball center when hes 33.

09-03-2019, 07:26 PM
Derrick Favors was overrated for his absurd frame, true goon jacked up.

But he's so slow... so, so slooow. sleepy motor.

09-03-2019, 07:30 PM
sheed, darko, mayo are all examples of guys who didnt have motivation to be atg. so i guess you could say that is a waste of talent but whose to say the mental aspect of things isnt talent as well.

guys like john stockton or mark price becoming HOFers in 6'0 bodies with no discernable physical advantages.

people tend to overrate free will like that.

Your mind is shaped by your genetics and upbringing just as much as your body is...

but alas guys like harrison barnes and evan turner were inherently flawed since one cant dribble, and the other cant shoot a long jumper.

actually, neither can. lol

Why are you including those two scrubs with Sheed? He was a four time all star who had a successful career. Those clowns didn't do anything. Saying they weren't potential all time greats because of "motivation" is nonsense when they didn't do anything of note, period.

09-03-2019, 07:31 PM
Motor is an underrated talent if we are calling it that. If a guy like Favor had Moses Malones motor or if Vince Carter had Jordans or Iversons....what could you do with them?

Some guys just have it in them to go harder for longer...and more suddenly. Not all of them are even traditional run/jump athletes. They just....get after it.

09-03-2019, 08:02 PM
I would say KBlaze.

Wasting so many well-written posts on this disposable forum.


oh boy.... I'm a riot.

Xiao Yao You
09-03-2019, 08:42 PM
Derrick Favors was overrated for his absurd frame, true goon jacked up.

But he's so slow... so, so slooow. sleepy motor.

Favors was raw and his first few years he wasn't really putting in the work.

Exum is an athlete trying to be a basketball player. Skipping a year of basketball and being hurt hasn't helped