View Full Version : Is it unpatriotic to decline to play on the national team?

09-05-2019, 01:47 PM
I think it is.

Looking at how much it means to the other teams in the world. You can tell they care about this much more than their club teams. This is life and death. Fighting for their country is the greatest pride in a man's life.

Yet all these americans dont care?

I don't think Tom Brady would turn it down.

09-05-2019, 01:54 PM
Outside of 2015 Our FIBA teams have always been pretty weak... I would say its unpatriotic to decline the olympics

09-05-2019, 01:56 PM
I think it was kind of weird seeing so many Superstars pull out this year. Maybe this was Lebron taking revenge on Pop for the Anthony Davis thing? I remember Pop went to Demps to tell him not to cave in to Anthony's demands. I think this might've crossed a line and players just kind of blackballed Pop.

09-05-2019, 01:58 PM
Outside of 2015 Our FIBA teams have always been pretty weak... I would say its unpatriotic to decline the olympics

The Olympics should not be necessary to want to represent your country. It's all the games in between that win you the Olympics. Funny how everyone but Americans seem to understand this.

09-05-2019, 02:01 PM
It's sort of unpatriotic but understandable. So no big deal.

09-05-2019, 02:04 PM
We'll see if this same stuff happens for the Olympic teams. It probably won't. If it did it wouldn't be nearly to the same extent. This resting stuff is becoming engrained into this era's culture, a couple of the top 5 players need to step up and everyone else will follow.

I get wanting to rest, I really do, but I think it is kind of unpatriotic. It's your duty to represent.

Real Men Wear Green
09-05-2019, 02:05 PM
By the textbook definition it is. But there is a level of emotion attached to the term "unpatriotic" that approaches calling someone a traitor or at least disloyal and that isn't deserved. A lot of the players that declined need the summer to recuperate from the season and have played for Team USA in the past. They don't deserve any kind of stigma for passing on what anther player will view as a great opportunity.

09-05-2019, 02:14 PM
played for Team USA in the past.
I hear this argument quite often and I dont get it. So if you played in one tournament for your country thats it, you did your duty? Because as far as I know you play as long as you can play and are being called up. Unless youre really old (like 33+) and then its a health hazard.

09-05-2019, 02:18 PM
I just don't get it and so doesn't most of the world.

To play for the national team, just one game, one exhibition game is something most players in any sports would almost kill for.

Yet these american players are so nonchalant about the whole thing?

I'm worried there is politics behind this like Haymaker mentioned about Lebron. Turning this thing into a combined anti-Pop, anti-Trump, thing. So sad, because these ignorant players don't realize the honor of representing.

Look at these americans, you can tell they're growing up fast. For the first time in their life they are not pampered to.

09-05-2019, 02:19 PM
But OP, you don't even represent your own country. :confusedshrug:

From brief observation it seems your gimmick is jumping from team Brexit, team Aussies, team Serbs, team Czeck in hopes one will catch USA on a bad morning.

Not very patriotic, m8

One thing that is evident, you're are very fascinated with American culture and extremely cautious never to unveil your own. Are you ashamed? We see a lot of your type

Real Men Wear Green
09-05-2019, 02:20 PM
I hear this argument quite often and I dont get it. So if you played in one tournament for your country thats it, you did your duty? Because as far as I know you play as long as you can play and are being called up. Unless youre really old (like 33+) and then its a health hazard.
Your mistake is thinking they have any kind of "duty" to play for Team USA. I would bet that the majority of people criticizing the players that declined didn't ever serve in the military. Would it be fair therefore to say that they didn't do their "duty?" That kind of language should be reserved for a more important issue than not playing in a basketball tournament.

09-05-2019, 02:22 PM
OP why is it you don't represent you're country?

From brief observation it seems jumping from team Brexit, team Aussies, team Serbs, etc

Not very patriotic, m8

One thing that is evident, you're are very fascinated with American culture and extremely cautious never to unveil your own. Are you ashamed? We see a lot of your type


Why so serious hombre?

09-05-2019, 02:29 PM
its a different game and for many foreign players its home. the nba is home for the americans

09-05-2019, 02:43 PM
Why so serious hombre?

Don't be insecure of your brotherland :(

We like the tracksuits and squatting poses. Good memes

09-05-2019, 03:17 PM
I think it is.

Looking at how much it means to the other teams in the world. You can tell they care about this much more than their club teams. This is life and death. Fighting for their country is the greatest pride in a man's life.

Yet all these americans dont care?

I don't think Tom Brady would turn it down.
No not at all. Patriotism is wack anyway. We draw lines in the dirt and say your this and your that when really were all the same. More bad than good has come out of patriotism in the history of mankind. If you wanna go to if you don't don't who cares really.

09-05-2019, 03:45 PM
No not at all. Patriotism is wack anyway. We draw lines in the dirt and say your this and your that when really were all the same. More bad than good has come out of patriotism in the history of mankind. If you wanna go to if you don't don't who cares really.

This is so weird to read.

I don't get it, I never have.

On the other hand, patriotism is easier if you don't have a lot of different ethnicities in the same country.

09-05-2019, 03:51 PM
Not unpatriotic. The country doesn't care about, why should the athletes. They win and the country yawns. They lose and they look bad. They get injured they could lose tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. Just because other countries are excited about it doesn't mean we should be.

They show those FIBA games on NBA TV and I'm mad they're not showing some random 80s NBA game instead. I'd rather watch those.

09-05-2019, 03:58 PM
The US government (and media) exploits feelings of patriotism to stifle dissent and excuse imperialism.

Ever since the Vietnam War, many people have viewed patriotic displays with suspicion.

For me, patriotism is about showing love for the people of your country. Patriotism can be a force for good, because it inspires people to show love for people they don't even know, because they are countrymen.

When patriotism is twisted into hating the "other" it becomes jingoism, which is a dangerously militaristic ideology.

09-05-2019, 04:04 PM
Only if they've never done it before. If you've repped the team once before then your duty is done. We are deep enough to where others can fill in.

09-05-2019, 04:25 PM
I agree.

It's SUPER unpatriotic to refuse to do something you don't want to do for no pay.

09-05-2019, 04:28 PM
I agree.

It's SUPER unpatriotic to refuse to do something you don't want to do for no pay.

Good example of entitled thinking.

09-05-2019, 04:31 PM
No not at all. Patriotism is wack anyway. We draw lines in the dirt and say your this and your that when really were all the same. More bad than good has come out of patriotism in the history of mankind. If you wanna go to if you don't don't who cares really.

Exactly. It's just a contrived way to divide people who would otherwise have no quarrel, through tapping into obsolete tribalist instincts.

Hey Yo
09-05-2019, 04:41 PM
Maybe some players caught wind of MJ's experience??

"I don't like giving advice on things like that," said Jordan. "Everybody has their own individual goals. Some players may have goals of representing their country, and if that's the case, they should go. But they should know what they're getting into, a grueling five-week process that will eventually take its toll on you mentally and physically."

117-85 -Gold Medal game.

Just the thought of beating every team by 50+ would make one need an ice soak and an IV.

09-05-2019, 04:43 PM
Lol u niccas think this is about patriotism and pride? :oldlol:

Niqqa this is about steroids and PEDs. The minute an NBA star gets a whiff of FIBA’s strict testing rules, they drop the **** out. The IOC on the other hand doesn’t give shit about cheaters (unless it’s political which is why they went after Russia last olympics). The IOC only cares about money which is why you will see most NBA superstars play on the next Olympics.

09-05-2019, 04:47 PM
[QUOTE=bison]Lol u niccas think this is about patriotism and pride? :oldlol:

Niqqa this is about steroids and PEDs. The minute an NBA star gets a whiff of FIBA

09-05-2019, 05:20 PM
Depends on your career and health situation and age.

Or if you already donated significant time to the nation or the program IE: Bron, KD, Kyrie etc.

If you’re a dude like Devin Booker who never played meaningful games your entire professional career? Then no. International play is a different game, and is a great confidence builder or learning experience.

To turn it down to work out at the same lifetime fitness over and over again without actual merit or pressure is ****ing stupid. And it’s not making you improve.

In the past several years directly following stints with Team USA the following dudes had career years:

Jordan (1985) - who carried amateurs and won gold before even becoming a pro while absolutely dominating all competition

LeBron (2009)
Wade (2009)
Melo (2009)
Durant (2011)
D-Rose (2011)
Curry (2015)
Kyrie (2015)


09-05-2019, 05:37 PM
Maybe some players caught wind of MJ's experience??

"I don't like giving advice on things like that," said Jordan. "Everybody has their own individual goals. Some players may have goals of representing their country, and if that's the case, they should go. But they should know what they're getting into, a grueling five-week process that will eventually take its toll on you mentally and physically."

117-85 -Gold Medal game.

Just the thought of beating every team by 50+ would make one need an ice soak and an IV.

It is well known that MJ was a mental midget. A very weak minded person after gold game blow games and taking 2 years off after making only 3 straight finals.

The dude is just weak mentally, nothing more good to say about it. It is what it is.

09-05-2019, 05:49 PM
[QUOTE=SamuraiSWISH]Depends on your career and health situation and age.

Or if you already donated significant time to the nation or the program IE: Bron, KD, Kyrie etc.

If you

09-05-2019, 05:50 PM
It is well known that MJ was a mental midget. A very weak minded person after gold game blow games and taking 2 years off after making only 3 straight finals.

The dude is just weak mentally, nothing more good to say about it. It is what it is.

This alt is really completely forgettable.

09-05-2019, 06:08 PM
A pretty good number of basketball fans in America don

09-05-2019, 06:45 PM
A pretty good number of basketball fans in America don’t even notice this tournament exists. Your countries name being on something doesn’t make it important.

People are generally aware of the olympics.....I suspect a lot of people don’t even know if their favorite players have WC experience.

Anyone can make a tournament between people from certain places....doesn’t give it prestige. The prestige and notoriety isnt automatically there because it’s your country versus another country in a tournament most people don’t even care about.

An Olympic gold medal is something to display. For nba players? You want an NBA title. A ncaa title is next best. Then Olympic gold.

Nba players would probably rather win a personal award like DPOY than a WC medal.

The tournament just doesn’t have the attention of Americans so they don’t associate it with American pride.

1 billion people are watching the Olympics and tracking medal count across it. That step down? It almost doesn’t matter what sport these people don’t care that much. I stopped what I was doing to watch Usain Bolt run in the Olympics. I might not even click the YouTube link to see him run in anything else.

The World Cup is bigger than soccer in the olympics and the masters in golf....but whatever the sport...it gets one premier stage.

Not two.

In the cases it’s a non Olympic venue people don’t care about the olympics and when it’s the olympics people don’t care about the other one.

I’m not sure any sport gets two international competitions people care about.
No, those Kobe, LeBron, Wade, Melo, KD led USA teams definitely were very patriotic. Less to do about the actual gold medal, or FIBA championship themselves.

But more so reestablishing Americas dominance as the greatest basketball nation on the planet. It was more so a pride thing. But the gold medals did mean something. And it never really means much to Americans as fans, until we lose. Players as well.

But at various times it has been important to different generations. This one currently, the young guys? Not so much.

Though to be fair, this is the weakest group of young American class of players compared to some of their international competition. It’s very disheartening.

As I already have stated, having seen so many of these iterations since the 1992 dream team, this is by far the least talented, and probably worst American professional basketball team I’ve ever seen.

09-05-2019, 07:43 PM
Good example of entitled thinking.
Exactly. I'm glad I could help you understand how ridiculous this topic is. It doesn't get more entitled to say that someone is unpatriotic because they aren't playing for Team USA.

09-05-2019, 07:46 PM
[QUOTE=SamuraiSWISH]Depends on your career and health situation and age.

Or if you already donated significant time to the nation or the program IE: Bron, KD, Kyrie etc.

If you

09-05-2019, 08:03 PM
Your mistake is thinking they have any kind of "duty" to play for Team USA. I would bet that the majority of people criticizing the players that declined didn't ever serve in the military. Would it be fair therefore to say that they didn't do their "duty?" That kind of language should be reserved for a more important issue than not playing in a basketball tournament.
ok then not duty, what about honor?

09-05-2019, 08:19 PM
Ummm...Working specifically on your weaknesses in a gym during the offseason is what's going to improve your game.
No shit Sherlock.

But exclusively? No.

Applying those skills in meaningful, high leverage, pressure situations in foreign environments with rowdy crowds ... with a more physical variation of the sport, while getting advice from other great players and a different set of coaches is very valuable.

I just listed all those guys ahead amazing career years after investing a summer in meaningful basketball with international play.

If you

09-05-2019, 08:50 PM
This is so weird to read.

I don't get it, I never have.

On the other hand, patriotism is easier if you don't have a lot of different ethnicities in the same country.
It's a pretty deep and complicated subject but in short most of American Olympic teams are black and blacks for obvious reasons don't feel as patriotic as white Americans do.

09-05-2019, 08:57 PM
No shit Sherlock.

But exclusively? No.

Applying those skills in meaningful, high leverage, pressure situations in foreign environments with rowdy crowds ... with a more physical variation of the sport, while getting advice from other great players and a different set of coaches is very valuable.

I just listed all those guys ahead amazing career years after investing a summer in meaningful basketball with international play.

If you’re below the age of 27 or 28, you should be participating for Team USA. It’s a valuable healthy building block for a professional player.
Correlation =/= causation.

Your argument (using the players you listed) is essentially that hall of fame players got better solely because they played in the world cup.

How come you didn't list all the players who didn't have a career year afterwards?

Your argument is swinging and missing more then it is hitting, son.

Stringer Bell
09-05-2019, 09:38 PM
It's a pretty deep and complicated subject but in short most of American Olympic teams are black and blacks for obvious reasons don't feel as patriotic as white Americans do.

I watched all the chapters of

34-24 Footwork
09-05-2019, 10:43 PM
I just don't get it and so doesn't most of the world.

To play for the national team, just one game, one exhibition game is something most players in any sports would almost kill for.

Yet these american players are so nonchalant about the whole thing?

I'm worried there is politics behind this like Haymaker mentioned about Lebron. Turning this thing into a combined anti-Pop, anti-Trump, thing. So sad, because these ignorant players don't realize the honor of representing.

Look at these americans, you can tell they're growing up fast. For the first time in their life they are not pampered to.

Reading way too much into it. Can't ask people to be capitalist and patriotic. Those two things don't mix.

Is it unpatriotic to for Ford to ship their jobs overseas to Malaysia to pay employees 6 bucks per hour because the American cost of living is higher and they'll need higher wages? That's patriotic?

If a superstar can make 40 million dollars in the off-season that's HEAVILY TAXED by the state and federal government, whose actually the patriot and doing more for their country? That's unpatriotic?

34-24 Footwork
09-05-2019, 10:44 PM
It's a pretty deep and complicated subject but in short most of American Olympic teams are black and blacks for obvious reasons don't feel as patriotic as white Americans do.

It's only complex for people who don't want to understand at this point.

09-05-2019, 11:03 PM
By definition it is an unpatriotic act. However, this unpatriotic act doesn't make the person unpatriotic.

09-06-2019, 06:21 AM
It's a pretty deep and complicated subject but in short most of American Olympic teams are black and blacks for obvious reasons don't feel as patriotic as white Americans do.

It's complex, but I also think it's a huge mistake for american blacks to go down this road of "america was never great" etc.

What do I know:confusedshrug:

09-06-2019, 06:22 AM
[QUOTE=34-24 Footwork
Is it unpatriotic to for Ford to ship their jobs overseas to Malaysia to pay employees 6 bucks per hour because the American cost of living is higher and they'll need higher wages?[/QUOTE]

That's very unpatriotic.

Borderline traiterous.

09-06-2019, 12:19 PM
It's only complex for people who don't want to understand at this point.
Yeah for sure there's alot of ignorant people out there. Not sure which ones are worse the ones that just don't know or the ones that know and don't give a shit.

09-06-2019, 12:33 PM
It's complex, but I also think it's a huge mistake for american blacks to go down this road of "america was never great" etc.

What do I know:confusedshrug:
Its not so much that blacks don't think America was never great. They think there's alot of great things about it but also some bad. Dave Chappelle has done some stand up that speak on the complexity of it that's actually pretty good. The super hero that saves but rapes and one about president Lincoln. Probably some others too.