View Full Version : Are these players good....or just spectacular?

09-16-2019, 05:40 AM
ISH is a place where people doing their best to seem like serious fans dont mind pretending that MVPS, all stars, 20ppg guys, and future hall of famers are actually bad at basketball(especially when athletic ability is key to their game...as if being good at basketball isnt partially a question of your athletic ability like any other physical activity).

That considered I assume you have some pretty high standards far as what being "good" means but still ill ask.....

Lance Stephenson:






Pretty much what youre gonna get....plus a streaky jumper....now and then defense....some nice passing....bad Ft shooting....a little wacky behavior. Hes only had one 10ppg season. I dont think hes in the NBA at the moment but probably will be shortly. Hes exactly the type of guy im talking about. Great highlights....well known. Was known as a "heart and soul" type in Indy....fans love him.

But is he what you would call good?

Feel free to add your own guys to consider.

09-16-2019, 05:50 AM
Gerald Green?




Can put his adams apple on the rim, shoot from outside, and always finds a spot he never hangs onto for long. Feels like he should have latched on somewhere by now but every time you see him he just got back from playing in Fiji or Albania. Hes been(mostly) in the NBA for like 15 years(he was one of the last guys out of HS). Thats a long time to keep popping up if you arent good but...im still asking. Good player or good highights on a bad player?

09-16-2019, 05:51 AM
Good NBA starter? Maybe for 1 season.

Decent bench player.

Would be NCAA MVP.

Would break all high school record if allowed to play.

Can go 1 vs 5 in 24 hour fitness and win.

09-16-2019, 05:53 AM
Desmond Mason?




Did that for 7-8 years. Better than average production for a while(15-17ppg). Couldnt shoot at all. Good player?

09-16-2019, 05:56 AM
I think Jamal Crawford is maybe the best example of this.

When I first got here he was on the Bulls and a lot of people had high hopes....then soon decided he was ass....then he became a bench scorer for like 8 teams....now hes 40 still doing it. His most recent game he had 51 I believe not that 2019 numbers even count.....

A lot of people actually think he cant play now and was never very good. A LOT. Nobody needs clips of his highlights since hes probably one of the more celebrated ankle breakers of all time....but hes scored just under 20 thousand points I think. And im not sure ISH would call him a good player.

09-16-2019, 05:57 AM
Was Richard Jefferson too good to ask this question of?

09-16-2019, 06:03 AM
Was Richard Jefferson too good to ask this question of?

yes, RJ was a legit all star imo.

Lance is an interesting player. Kinda dude you'd think could be a vital piece on a championship team if he ever got the chance, but he didn't, and he's a headcase. I think he'd play better if he was ever in the Finals, though. After awhile, guys lose their heart and I think Lance has. Maybe he can find it again, he's not old.

Danny Green owns Gerry. haha.


09-16-2019, 06:06 AM
He isnt old but he feels old. Hes the kinda guy people talk about how he was ____ in his prime as if hes not like 28. He feels 33.

09-16-2019, 06:14 AM
He isnt old but he feels old. Hes the kinda guy people talk about how he was ____ in his prime as if hes not like 28. He feels 33.

yea I had to look. haha. We've been tired of his bullshit for awhile, so it seems like longer. But those Indy teams weren't contenders and they were going v Bron, so it was a lose lose. can't really blame him for getting mentally broken.


09-16-2019, 06:29 AM
There are a lot of guys who put up 15ppg that are a lot better than guys putting in 25ppg.

Kemba Walker fits that mold for me. I don't think he is some surefire number 1 or 2 option. I'd take a guy like Milsap over him any day of the week. To keep it within position, I don't think a guy like Rubio impacts the game any less despite the stats saying otherwise.

09-16-2019, 09:13 AM
Depends on the context of the comparison, these guys are still the 450 or so best players on the planet give or take. Also depends on what you're looking for in a player, Jamal Crawford was never a good defender but he could get you buckets at will during his prime in a hurry. Indiana Lance was both but just fell off in a hurry.

09-17-2019, 07:34 AM
There are a lot of guys who put up 15ppg that are a lot better than guys putting in 25ppg.

Kemba Walker fits that mold for me. I don't think he is some surefire number 1 or 2 option. I'd take a guy like Milsap over him any day of the week. To keep it within position, I don't think a guy like Rubio impacts the game any less despite the stats saying otherwise.

Not a sure 1 or 2? How many teams exist per era that would have Kemba as a #3?

2? 3?

More now in the era of superteams but it would still be unusual. If Kemba is your #3 you have a pretty top heavy squad.

09-17-2019, 10:55 AM
Lance is a streetballer who made it to the NBA. A loose cannon, who has skills that are fancy to the eye, but not effective enough to be a star in organized basketball.

Gerald was a serviceable role player, with good glue guy skills, but his athleticism raised expectations to a level he could never reach.

Desmond was a freak without much substance.

Globally speaking all three were good.

09-18-2019, 02:17 AM
Jamaal Tinsley..

09-18-2019, 03:03 AM
I think Jamal Crawford is maybe the best example of this.

When I first got here he was on the Bulls and a lot of people had high hopes....then soon decided he was ass....then he became a bench scorer for like 8 teams....now hes 40 still doing it. His most recent game he had 51 I believe not that 2019 numbers even count.....

A lot of people actually think he cant play now and was never very good. A LOT. Nobody needs clips of his highlights since hes probably one of the more celebrated ankle breakers of all time....but hes scored just under 20 thousand points I think. And im not sure ISH would call him a good player.

He's had some of the worst shot selection of all time next to Kobe, and been terrible on defense, so he's practically been a detriment to his team at times despite being able to hit the difficult, non-defendable shot like a jump shot from 15 while moving laterally, and this is basically why he's never been an All-Star. You'd have to wonder if they'd have given him an All-Star nod as a lifetime achievement award had he netted 20 a game for a season towards the end here like he did in New York in 2007-08.

09-18-2019, 03:06 AM
Gerald Greene can jump out of the gym, but doesn't have a real skillful pallet or offer much on defense even though you'd think he could have a big defensive impact as a shot blocker if he timed his defense better.

09-18-2019, 08:04 PM
He's had some of the worst shot selection of all time next to Kobe, and been terrible on defense, so he's practically been a detriment to his team at times despite being able to hit the difficult, non-defendable shot like a jump shot from 15 while moving laterally, and this is basically why he's never been an All-Star. You'd have to wonder if they'd have given him an All-Star nod as a lifetime achievement award had he netted 20 a game for a season towards the end here like he did in New York in 2007-08.

Exactly. He's an extremely overrated player if anything. The last year he won the 6MOY was a complete joke. People just see some nice dribble moves and forgot about all other aspects of the game like actual shooting efficiency and defense. I'd say he was more often a detriment to the teams he was on than a positive.

09-18-2019, 08:25 PM
Jamall is one of those players who is polarizing to fans but I pretty much never hear basketball people make the claims fans do. How little attention must you think his many coaches and front offices have paid to games when he

09-18-2019, 09:02 PM
Jason Williams.

09-18-2019, 09:50 PM
One thing fans who played the game and value pure fundamental talent must also come to grips with .....this is an entertainment business, ENTERTAINMENT.

You know what's entertaining ? Flashy players with weak fundamentals who are athletic freaks who can do rare spectacular things. Will you win a title with a team fulla dudes who value creating a SPECTACLE more than winning the game ? Hell nah.

But will you sell tickets, to lay fans, who never played the game at a high level, but who LOVE A SPECTACLE ???? You betttuuuuhhhh beleeeeev ITTTTTT