View Full Version : How cringe is this Greta Thunberg the Dems have exalted?

09-24-2019, 07:28 PM

:biggums: :roll:

09-24-2019, 07:30 PM
straight up liberal plant.

09-24-2019, 09:29 PM
How many climate change deniers we got in this cesspool?

09-24-2019, 09:30 PM
i dont understand, how can she fake cry so well

09-24-2019, 09:32 PM
“**** the future of the planet”-conservatives

09-24-2019, 09:34 PM
this girl is cool tho

cant lie

shes good at what she does

09-24-2019, 09:36 PM

09-24-2019, 09:37 PM
I like George Carlin's bit on this the best.


link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjmtSkl53h4)

straight GOAT.

09-24-2019, 09:40 PM
best part (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjmtSkl53h4&t=1m28s)

09-24-2019, 09:44 PM
It's not that.

They don't believe the scientists.

They think there's a debate, just because they hear politicians say there is one.
that;s the unfortunate part. the majority of the scientific community is being ignored by these climate deniers, and instead they are placing their trust in right wing political agendas.

can't imagine being a scientist in this era...

09-24-2019, 09:45 PM
lifted from the transcript

Compared to the people, the planet is doing great. Its been here 4.5 billion years. Did you ever think about the arithmetic? the planet has been here 4.5 billion years. We've been here what.. 100 thousand.. maybe two hundred thousand? and we've only been engaged in industry for a little over 200 years. 200 years vs 4.5 billion. And we have the conceit to somehow think were a threat?


the planet isnt going anywhere... WE are.

09-24-2019, 10:04 PM
George Carlin said that before a lot of the stuff known today came out. He would have amended his arguments.

09-24-2019, 10:08 PM
George Carlin said that before a lot of the stuff known today came out. He would have amended his arguments.

like what?

even if we flooded the coasts, and super charged some storms the most it would do is wipe us out.

Even then we freak out about some thousands perished, imagine billions?

the earth would continue.

Our progress would halt, if it was bad enough, stop completely in a cataclysmic event.

And then a more simpler life would start to regrow in its wake.


just admit it aint about the planet.

09-24-2019, 10:13 PM
These climate cultists are exactly like overbearing bible thumpers.

09-24-2019, 10:14 PM
This is some of the worst acting I've ever seen. :oldlol: They should have cast her in The Fanatic to play off of John Travolta. :lol

09-24-2019, 10:20 PM
like what?

even if we flooded the coasts, and super charged some storms the most it would do is wipe us out.

Even then we freak out about some thousands perished, imagine billions?

the earth would continue.

Our progress would halt, if it was bad enough, stop completely in a cataclysmic event.

And then a more simpler life would start to regrow in its wake.


just admit it aint about the planet.

The MUCH more serious issue is the dissipation of wildlife species, caused OVERWHELMINGLY by human expansion. Beautiful creatures which have taken hundreds of millions of years to evolved are being wiped out permanently, and I think that’s incredibly disheartening.

But climatards want to avoid discussions about the impact of developing countries on wildlife habitats. “Omgz the feelinz could be hurt!!!”

They have to focus on implicitly blaming “the other side” for every hurricane, even as they propose zero MEANINGFUL solutions to the problems theyre screaching about.

Society’s most irrelevant individuals (a la rrr3) have to take weird and shameless positions for attention. Otherwise simply nobody cares about them or will pay them any acknowledgement. Climate alarmism, calling everyone a nazi, putting their male children in dresses... it’s the mindset of humans on the social fringe. They need to be nutty to be recognized.

It’s sad to see.

09-24-2019, 10:33 PM
How many climate change deniers we got in this cesspool?
The world is nowhere near close to its end and liberals like her are exaggerating

Also we have made tremendous stride compares to years ago. So to say they just sit there idly is ignorant

09-24-2019, 11:02 PM
[QUOTE=FultzNationRISE]The MUCH more serious issue is the dissipation of wildlife species, caused OVERWHELMINGLY by human expansion. Beautiful creatures which have taken hundreds of millions of years to evolved are being wiped out permanently, and I think that

09-24-2019, 11:14 PM
Wait, she's 16? I thought she was like 12.

09-24-2019, 11:15 PM
I haven't spoken to anyone... nor have I listened to a single environmental scientist... who says the world is going to end. This entire "The planet will be fine" argument is just a typical strawman.

The problem is that densely populated coastal areas all over the world are going to either become uninhabitable, or be submerged. You right-wing thinkers bitch constantly about refugees already... there will be millions of international refugees in the next few decades. It's not gonna be pretty.

I don't really bother getting into the whole political back-and-forth of it all, because I'm not the one with a solution. It's easy enough to see the writing on the wall though. Between the automation revolution and the increase in natural disasters heading our way... we are headed for some interesting times.

It's a shame that I'm going to have my kids in the next five years :lol

09-24-2019, 11:18 PM
As has been told, theres been random cosmic events that wiped out 95% of species in one swift blow.

or youre being sarcastic lol... i cant tell.

Im being quite serious.

Your point is true that events outside our control could render all our efforts meaningless at any time. But until then I think the unique and fascinating wildlife on planet earth is worth preserving for future generations. So I care about pointing to the real issues doing the damage. Americans driving SUV’s is not the root of species eradication.

Climatard alarmists are basically just looking for more excuses to play the virtue signal game, in hopes some ugly left wing feminazi will reward them with a pity fvck.

Patrick Chewing
09-25-2019, 12:13 AM
George Carlin said that before a lot of the stuff known today came out. He would have amended his arguments.



09-25-2019, 02:42 AM
climate change originates from profiting through wrong doings in the wilderness, which then transformed into a volume game, and now in recent history, speed.

or to phrase it, Darwin saw the stars and predicted that humanity would triumph, he just didn't know when

09-25-2019, 03:00 AM
climate change originates from profiting through wrong doings in the wilderness, which then transformed into a volume game, and now in recent history, speed.

or to phrase it, Darwin saw the stars and predicted that humanity would triumph, he just didn't know when
This... Actually makes sense:biggums:

09-25-2019, 04:34 AM
This... Actually makes sense:biggums:

All of his posts make sense, dude.

09-25-2019, 08:29 AM
Wait, she's 16? I thought she was like 12.

lol same

Patrick Chewing
09-25-2019, 09:29 AM
What her parents are doing to her is child abuse. Putting her in front of cameras and taking her out of school. She's just another puppet of the outrage culture and it's a shame that she's subjected to hate from people that disagree with her (no fault of her own), and hate from her parents.

09-25-2019, 10:16 AM
I like her. I think it's cool that she's using her Aspergers Syndrome as a tool rather than a hindrance.

What most alarms me is the warming of the oceans which is happening at an alarming rate, even faster than the worst case scenario predictions from a decade ago. The solution seems to point not just to reducing carbon emissions but actual carbon removal. I don't see either happening though. Oh well, humans had a good run.

09-25-2019, 11:17 AM
I like her. I think it's cool that she's using her Aspergers Syndrome as a tool rather than a hindrance.

What most alarms me is the warming of the oceans which is happening at an alarming rate, even faster than the worst case scenario predictions from a decade ago. The solution seems to point not just to reducing carbon emissions but actual carbon removal. I don't see either happening though. Oh well, humans had a good run.

Not true. Science is fake news manufactured by China.

09-25-2019, 11:35 AM
I haven't spoken to anyone... nor have I listened to a single environmental scientist... who says the world is going to end. This entire "The planet will be fine" argument is just a typical strawman.

The problem is that densely populated coastal areas all over the world are going to either become uninhabitable, or be submerged. You right-wing thinkers bitch constantly about refugees already... there will be millions of international refugees in the next few decades. It's not gonna be pretty.

I don't really bother getting into the whole political back-and-forth of it all, because I'm not the one with a solution. It's easy enough to see the writing on the wall though. Between the automation revolution and the increase in natural disasters heading our way... we are headed for some interesting times.

It's a shame that I'm going to have my kids in the next five years :lol

09-25-2019, 11:37 AM
I like her. I think it's cool that she's using her Aspergers Syndrome as a tool rather than a hindrance.

What most alarms me is the warming of the oceans which is happening at an alarming rate, even faster than the worst case scenario predictions from a decade ago. The solution seems to point not just to reducing carbon emissions but actual carbon removal. I don't see either happening though. Oh well, humans had a good run.
She has Aspergers? Didn

09-25-2019, 11:54 AM
[QUOTE=CelticBaller]She has Aspergers? Didn

09-25-2019, 11:56 AM
I like her. I think it's cool that she's using her Aspergers Syndrome as a tool rather than a hindrance.

What most alarms me is the warming of the oceans which is happening at an alarming rate, even faster than the worst case scenario predictions from a decade ago. The solution seems to point not just to reducing carbon emissions but actual carbon removal. I don't see either happening though. Oh well, humans had a good run.
If you care about the future of humans and other animals, vote blue.

09-25-2019, 11:59 AM
If you care about the future of humans and other animals, vote blue.

Well see that's the trap the Dems want. The Green New Deal is a grab for political power disguised as a cure for the planet.

09-25-2019, 12:04 PM

09-25-2019, 12:14 PM
You're reacting based on preconceived notions and assumptions. You don't know shit.

Also you're illiterate. Your input is worthless.
One typo makes me illiterate :oldlol:

Then one post overreacting makes you a bitch. Bitch

09-25-2019, 12:15 PM
If you care about the future of humans and other animals, vote blue.
Tell the Democrats to stop attacking small to mid size business and I

09-25-2019, 12:17 PM
[QUOTE=CelticBaller]Tell the Democrats to stop attacking small to mid size business and I

09-25-2019, 12:23 PM
What’s more important, that or the future of humanity?

Also lmao at thinking republicans are better for small businesses.
Um from what I’ve seen? Republicans taxes and regulations are under more lax on small to mid size business.

It’s no surprise most business owners vote red. Also this green new deal is just socialism hidden behind the climate change scare. I’m sure business owners are going to be fine with giving the government more economic power

Edit: Again, humanity is far from doomed. We can work to fix our environment without pushing fear

Patrick Chewing
09-25-2019, 12:26 PM
Also lmao at thinking republicans are better for small businesses.


That's cause it's true. It's not Republicans talking about raising taxes on businesses.


09-25-2019, 12:50 PM
Trickle down economics help anyone besides the rich? Lol

Patrick Chewing
09-25-2019, 12:59 PM
Trickle down economics help anyone besides the rich? Lol

Lower taxes help more people become business owners. Not the other way around.

Question for you. Do you wear a helmet?

09-25-2019, 01:06 PM
No lower taxes for the rich just help the rich you ****ing retard.

Read this and weep: https://evonomics.com/economists-agree-democratic-presidents-better-making-us-rich-eight-reasons/

Patrick Chewing
09-25-2019, 01:14 PM
No lower taxes for the rich just help the rich you ****ing retard.

Read this and weep: https://evonomics.com/economists-agree-democratic-presidents-better-making-us-rich-eight-reasons/

Whatever you say, Phillip.


09-25-2019, 01:27 PM
^no response.

Poor patty

09-26-2019, 08:02 PM
Tax cuts are fine and all but why borrow and put your kids in debt for your tax cuts. No fiscal conservative should ever be in favour of that, also while tax cuts can stimulate the economy, please, explain why the economy needs constant stimulus??? Whether it is QE or another round of tax cuts, because As a fiscal conservative I have to cringe at at the rate of return, because for all the debt and there is little to show for it.