View Full Version : Trump has increased the deficit 68%

10-08-2019, 01:56 PM

10-08-2019, 02:06 PM
What do you expect when you elect a 5 or 6 time bankrupt businessman and "king of debt"?

10-08-2019, 02:19 PM
Republican party - the party that yells & moans the most about deficits but runs them up the most.

Notice how you don't hear a word from Trumpeters concerning the deficit or debt since January 2017?? Not a sound.

10-08-2019, 02:55 PM
Republican party - the party that yells & moans the most about deficits but runs them up the most.

Notice how you don't hear a word from Trumpeters concerning the deficit or debt since January 2017?? Not a sound.

This is a lie and tons of conservatives speak up about the debt including myself. It’s a huge issue.

There is no doubt Trump would love to decrease the debt, but he cant do it without Congress. Trump is an outsider but he is forced to play ball on some issues. Hes alone in the snake pit of Washington and cant simply go rogue on everything.

Every President has increased the debt. The change in tax rates when each party takes power is just a canard...at the end of the day Congress is a special interest vehicle and the people controling the money supply want us in debt and thats what happens. It’s not a Republican or Democrat issue. If youre fooled by the good cop/bad cop act it isnt a surprise because you arent very savvy.

Trump got serious about the border unlike every other prez. Trump got active on trade unlike every other prez. Trump wanted to cut taxes and he wanted to cut spending, but Congress will only approve one of those.

The boost to the economy/jobs brought by the tax cut was the perfect time to cut spending. Special interest politicians RIGHT AND LEFT wont do it, and the kicker is idiots like you dont even want them to.

Trump is FAR MORE interested in doing right for this country than the average establishment Dem in Congress. Youre too much of a low IQ, single-minded attack dog to see this. Youre not intelligent. Youre a fool, making a fool of yourself. Doin what fools do.

10-08-2019, 02:55 PM
fake news.

the tax cuts for the rich will pay for themselves (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rya-fZuMX3M).

now for that check from mexico.


10-08-2019, 02:59 PM
What do you expect when you elect a 5 or 6 time bankrupt businessman and "king of debt"?

This poster (formerly Jtotheizzo) once adamantly claimed “SENATORS ARE NOT PART OF CONGRESS. THERE’S A CONGRESS, AND THERE’S A SENATE. DUHHH.”

Take his “insight” with a grain of salt.

10-08-2019, 03:10 PM
This is a lie and tons of conservatives speak up about the debt including myself. It’s a huge issue.

There is no doubt Trump would love to decrease the debt, but he cant do it without Congress. Trump is an outsider but he is forced to play ball on some issues. Hes alone in the snake pit of Washington and cant simply go rogue on everything.

Every President has increased the debt. The change in tax rates when each party takes power is just a canard...at the end of the day Congress is a special interest vehicle and the people controling the money supply want us in debt and thats what happens. It’s not a Republican or Democrat issue. If youre fooled by the good cop/bad cop act it isnt a surprise because you arent very savvy.

Trump got serious about the border unlike every other prez. Trump got active on trade unlike every other prez. Trump wanted to cut taxes and he wanted to cut spending, but Congress will only approve one of those.

The boost to the economy/jobs brought by the tax cut was the perfect time to cut spending. Special interest politicians RIGHT AND LEFT wont do it, and the kicker is idiots like you dont even want them to.

Trump is FAR MORE interested in doing right for this country than the average establishment Dem in Congress. Youre too much of a low IQ, single-minded attack dog to see this. Youre not intelligent. Youre a fool, making a fool of yourself. Doin what fools do.
Trump had republican majorities in both chambers of Congress until the midterms.

10-08-2019, 03:16 PM
Trump had republican majorities in both chambers of Congress until the midterms.

I think you missed where he said both parties are slaves to special interest.

10-08-2019, 03:20 PM
I think you missed where he said both parties are slaves to special interest.
And Trump isn’t?

10-08-2019, 03:29 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]And Trump isn

10-08-2019, 03:30 PM
Trump's special interest is himself

:lol Pretty much.

10-08-2019, 03:32 PM
And Trump isn’t?

No, he’s independently wealthy. Career politicians are the ones selling out the country for cash.

That said, is Trump not SELF interested, like every other human? Of course. He’s still gonna be tempted by ethical grey areas. But he did not get to the presidency by slobbing special interests, and he does not need them to live comfortably after the presidency. That’s WHY the special interests on both sides were so against him.

How fervently do you screech and melt about W, the Koch Bros, the GOP? They all did everything they could to stop a populist like Trump. Why the FVCK do you think that is??!

You are a try-hard who wants to be a smart, intellectual “rennaissance man” but it’s not what you really are. All you do is repeat what the media tells you, and hope youll fool people. The media tells you “hey, this is what smart people have to think. Youre smart... right?” And you immediately fall in line and screech the slogans. “DOWN WITH ORANGE MAN!!! **** THE ORANGE MAN!!!! IM SO RIGHTEOUS AND ENLIGHTENED, YOU CAN TELL BC IM SAYING WHAT THE MEDIA TOLD ME!!!!!”

Youre an idiot, a phony, a try-hard. You are NOT a thinker.

Do you understand me? You are NOT a thinker.

Stop pretending to be.

You are a robotic follower.

10-08-2019, 03:34 PM
Ok Chris

10-08-2019, 03:37 PM
Ok Chris

Stay salty, jizz2theRag

10-08-2019, 03:38 PM
No, he’s independently wealthy. Career politicians are the ones selling out the country for cash.

That said, is Trump not SELF interested, like every other human? Of course. He’s still gonna be tempted by ethical grey areas. But he did not get to the presidency by slobbing special interests, and he does not need them to live comfortably after the presidency. That’s WHY the special interests on both sides were so against him.

How fervently do you screech and melt about W, the Koch Bros, the GOP? They all did everything they could to stop a populist like Trump. Why the FVCK do you think that is??!

You are a try-hard who wants to be a smart, intellectual “rennaissance man” but it’s not what you really are. All you do is repeat what the media tells you, and hope youll fool people. The media tells you “hey, this is what smart people have to think. Youre smart... right?” And you immediately fall in line and screech the slogans. “DOWN WITH ORANGE MAN!!! **** THE ORANGE MAN!!!! IM SO RIGHTEOUS AND ENLIGHTENED, YOU CAN TELL BC IM SAYING WHAT THE MEDIA TOLD ME!!!!!”

Youre an idiot, a phony, a try-hard. You are NOT a thinker.

Do you understand me? You are NOT a thinker.

Stop pretending to be.

You are a robotic follower.

Thought I was responding to bladefd here, I see it’s rrr3’s quote, but same response applies to both of them.

10-08-2019, 03:41 PM

How's work Chris?

Loco 50
10-08-2019, 03:43 PM
[QUOTE=FultzNationRISE]No, he

10-08-2019, 03:58 PM
Now, now you know you're not supposed to be getting all agitated again.

It must be tough being so enlightened.

Having a perfect understanding of the world's complex machinations and being unable to explain it to others must be really frustrating.

Your endless struggle against the hubris of man with so little success to show.

Absolutely maddening.

Go get some support from your real-life friends and family so they can tell you how smart you are.:yaohappy:

Friends............:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

Actually, you got something semi-correct for once.


10-08-2019, 03:59 PM
boiled down- income inequality is at its highest recorded level, deficit is up bigly, manufacturing is in recession, agriculture sector destroyed and living off handouts, stocks haven't budged in 19 months.

all in 2 years and change.


most impressive.

10-08-2019, 03:59 PM
boiled down- income inequality is at its highest recorded level, deficit is up bigly, manufacturing is in recession, agriculture sector destroyed and living off handouts, stocks haven't budged in 19 months.

all in 2 years and change.


most impressive.
Trump wants to help the little guys tho. He’s against the 1%


10-08-2019, 04:01 PM
boiled down- income inequality is at its highest recorded level, deficit is up bigly, manufacturing is in recession, agriculture sector destroyed and living off handouts, stocks haven't budged in 19 months.

all in 2 years and change.


most impressive.

All of this is true in California, where it

10-08-2019, 04:05 PM
Trump wants to help the little guys tho. He’s against the 1%


You guys are like the Kobe stans of politics.

You pick a side, then when stats suit your agenda, you push stats. When stats are inconvenient (if I were to post a bunch of pro-Trump stats) youd respond with “context and eye test!!!”

When someone else tries to talk context on issues inconvenient for the side you are BLINDLY LOYAL to, you balk. You truly dont care about the truth. You need your side to dictate the truth, rather than accept it. Youre lost without a side to be on, because you dont have enough strength as an individual.

It’s okay. Youre low IQ. It’s been established, everyone here knows it. The die have been cast. It is what it is. :confusedshrug:

10-08-2019, 04:06 PM
*thinks Donald Trump gives a shit about anyone besides himself and Ivanka*

“You’re low IQ”


10-08-2019, 04:06 PM
So yeah, you just cant win in this game of life. Good of you to notice.

Chris talking about anyone else not winning the game of life



10-08-2019, 04:09 PM
[QUOTE=FultzNationRISE]This is a lie and tons of conservatives speak up about the debt including myself. It

10-08-2019, 04:09 PM
[QUOTE=FultzNationRISE]All of this is true in California, where it

10-08-2019, 04:10 PM
Fellas, I hand delivered the substance to this thread, but Ive gotta move on. Cant spend all day trading

10-08-2019, 04:10 PM

cali has a $21 billion surplus

where are you getting your info from? :confusedshrug:

10-08-2019, 04:12 PM

cali has a $21 billion surplus

where are you getting your info from? :confusedshrug:


Everyone knows thats a PR sham propogated by Corruptifornia

10-08-2019, 04:17 PM

Everyone knows thats a PR sham propogated by Corruptifornia

10-08-2019, 04:20 PM
u sound dead on like shogon. DEAD ON. shogon used to rail on bladefd in the same exact manner, lol. what's the deal here - is that just a coincidence or r u an ish baddie with alt personalities?


We are similar in that regard, for sure. I even had a bowlcut at one point.

His posting style is even more grating tho, (altho obviously Im bias ) even tho he’s right less often than I am.

He’s maybe 2x smarter than the average bot here, but 5x more obnoxious.

Whereas Im 3x as smart, and 3x more obnoxious.

It’s all about that balance, ya dig?

10-08-2019, 04:41 PM
u sound dead on like shogon. DEAD ON. shogon used to rail on bladefd in the same exact manner, lol. what's the deal here - is that just a coincidence or r u an ish baddie with alt personalities?


Both are horrendous posters. I skip over their idiotic posts because they contain no substance or intelligence of any kind. I wonder if they are same way in real life and what their parents think of them. Must be pretty embarrassing for them but no matter.

10-08-2019, 04:44 PM
Trump's special interest is himself
As I stated before: he

10-08-2019, 04:56 PM
[QUOTE=andgar923]As I stated before: he

10-08-2019, 05:03 PM
qrich every time there’s a thread critical of Trump:


10-08-2019, 05:03 PM
:sleeping :sleeping :sleeping :sleeping

10-08-2019, 05:04 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]qrich every time there

10-08-2019, 05:05 PM

10-08-2019, 05:06 PM
Blade is on your side Andy, c'mon now :roll:
The f*ck that even means?:confusedshrug:

10-08-2019, 05:11 PM
The f*ck that even means?:confusedshrug:
No one knows with ol’ Richieboy. The poor deluded fella has convinced himself I support genocide and racism. He’s really far gone.

10-08-2019, 05:21 PM
Aww, the little Genocide supporting racist that thinks KCP is a good NBA player is still on my nuts :roll
I don't know what you are talking about, but Trump leaving the Kurds to get slaughtered by Turkey will be genocide

10-08-2019, 05:22 PM
RRR3 with his daily orange man bad rant. :lol

Imagine if he put this much energy into improving his life.

12 years of bullying.... time to change it up. The old way wasn't working and still hasn't worked.

10-08-2019, 05:30 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]No one knows with ol

10-08-2019, 05:35 PM
[QUOTE=FultzNationRISE]Fellas, I hand delivered the substance to this thread, but Ive gotta move on. Cant spend all day trading

10-08-2019, 06:00 PM
Trump had republican majorities in both chambers of Congress until the midterms.

Why do people say stupid shit like this when you need 60 to break a filibuster?

10-08-2019, 08:10 PM
So what are you ****** getting for all this debt??? Year after year of deficits and nothing to show for it. Watch out when interest rates climb in 5 years

10-08-2019, 09:09 PM
[QUOTE]. Donald Trump has raised record amounts of money as a presidential candidate. But he

10-08-2019, 09:38 PM
The deficit is a problem much bigger than Trump. But as president, he did his part to make it worse and deserves the criticism like his predecessors faced.

10-08-2019, 09:53 PM
Why doesn't Trump pay his bills? He brings in millions in donations but doesn't pay for his rallies. I guess old habits are hard to break.

Who cares, right? Just tax city residents whatever it costs to cover the bill.

Why are you worried about bills n stuff? Who cares what the city spends? That’s what taxes are for.

10-09-2019, 05:18 AM
68% is most likely the cost for the plans of having a children, and with the recent reduction in rates, it signals the basis of one couple with only one primary income generator.

While in the past, in order to reduce the deficit, women would then rejoin the labor force. The path towards the future indicates that if these children are proven to be healthy, reserve assets will be liquidated into preventative measures.

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 09:09 PM
[QUOTE=FultzNationRISE]Actually, you got something semi-correct for once.


Loco 50
10-09-2019, 09:11 PM
68% is most likely the cost for the plans of having a children, and with the recent reduction in rates, it signals the basis of one couple with only one primary income generator.

While in the past, in order to reduce the deficit, women would then rejoin the labor force. The path towards the future indicates that if these children are proven to be healthy, reserve assets will be liquidated into preventative measures.
I've read enough of your posts that I think I can safely infer that you are in the recovery process from some manner of brain trauma.

I just wanted to encourage you and say keep up the hard work.

Good for you man!

10-09-2019, 09:12 PM
Interesting, I see you are on quite a tear today.

Maybe you'll be up to revisit this since you're posting quite frequently.

When did you first take note of your ability to see the "big picture?" What age? Tell me the story.

Would you say you are gifted? Do you feel misunderstood or perhaps underappreciated? Write a bit about this if you feel like it.

Would you say you're a born leader?

How have you used these abilities to succeed?

You seem to get frustrated easily. Do you ever feel like hurting yourself or other people when you get frustrated? Have you hurt anyone?

How do you alleviate the frustration?

I have more questions, but we'll see if you're game first.

I posit on my own terms. If you want a custom Q&A, it

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 09:16 PM
[QUOTE=FultzNationRISE]I posit on my own terms. If you want a custom Q&A, it

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 09:20 PM
I'm afraid I don't see much value for myself in that transaction.

This would merely be a thought exercise to allow Insidehoops to get to know you a bit better and show us how you shine.

Maybe you'd even get to know yourself better as an added bonus.

10-09-2019, 09:29 PM
The deficit is a problem much bigger than Trump. But as president, he did his part to make it worse and deserves the criticism like his predecessors faced.

After the GOP failed so grandly on healthcare reform, the tax cuts were his only saving grace.

Only thing i can praise him for is no wars... trump is bucking that trend from both sides of the aisle.

10-09-2019, 09:40 PM
u sound dead on like shogon. DEAD ON. shogon used to rail on bladefd in the same exact manner, lol. what's the deal here - is that just a coincidence or r u an ish baddie with alt personalities?

I also noticed that.

Shogon is one of starface's alts.

10-09-2019, 09:50 PM
So what are you ****** getting for all this debt???

libruhl tears. legend says they're made of soy.

like the soy that farmers used to sell before the great maga trade war turned them into welfare queens.

did y'all know that to date, the government handouts to farmers have amounted to over $28 billion- double what the entire auto industry received during the great recession? (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-09-19/farmers-say-trump-s-28-billion-bailout-isn-t-a-solution)

the more you know.


Loco 50
10-09-2019, 09:51 PM
I also noticed that.

Shogon is one of starface's alts.
No chance. Two completely different people with two different types of anger.

Shogon expresses anger and frustration at not understanding why the world does not view things the same way he does.

Zotile expresses rage and indignation that the world dares to have a different view from his, because he's brilliant and gifted and talented and just the brightest, shiniest snowflake that you'll ever see. The world has failed him because it has not discovered him yet.

10-09-2019, 09:55 PM
After the GOP failed so grandly on healthcare reform, the tax cuts were his only saving grace.

Only thing i can praise him for is no wars... trump is bucking that trend from both sides of the aisle.
He hasn’t pulled us out fighting in the Middle East :hammerhead:

The only thing he pulled out was a defense force protecting Kurds from being slaughtered.

10-09-2019, 09:56 PM
No chance. Two completely different people with two different types of anger.

Shogon expresses anger and frustration at not understanding why the world does not view things the same way he does.

Zotile expresses rage and indignation that the world dares to have a different view from his, because he's brilliant and gifted and talented and just the brightest, shiniest snowflake that you'll ever see. The world has failed him because it has not discovered him yet.
This is very accurate.

10-09-2019, 10:00 PM
No chance. Two completely different people with two different types of anger.

Shogon expresses anger and frustration at not understanding why the world does not view things the same way he does.

Zotile expresses rage and indignation that the world dares to have a different view from his, because he's brilliant and gifted and talented and just the brightest, shiniest snowflake that you'll ever see. The world has failed him because it has not discovered him yet.

shogon is also a probable serial killer.

at the very least an aspiring one.

anyone heard from him lately?


10-09-2019, 10:00 PM
No chance. Two completely different people with two different types of anger.

Shogon expresses anger and frustration at not understanding why the world does not view things the same way he does.

Zotile expresses rage and indignation that the world dares to have a different view from his, because he's brilliant and gifted and talented and just the brightest, shiniest snowflake that you'll ever see. The world has failed him because it has not discovered him yet.

If this was an attempted insult, it failed. :confusedshrug:

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 10:01 PM
shogon is also a probable serial killer.

at the very least an aspiring one.

anyone heard from him lately?

Last I saw he was inquiring about unique methods of food prepping here.

He's okay. He's a survivor.

10-09-2019, 10:01 PM
He hasn’t pulled us out fighting in the Middle East :hammerhead:

The only thing he pulled out was a defense force protecting Kurds from being slaughtered.

we both know he is right in saying that is the way it is over there, they fight.

For centuries mate let it go the oil operation failed and sunk our economy. Take the L.

Time to make america great again. :D

10-09-2019, 10:02 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]He hasn

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 10:05 PM
If this was an attempted insult, it failed. :confusedshrug:
:oldlol: Not at all. I pity you and I will do my best not to engage you with anger anymore.

It's not your fault.

You do make it difficult. You and Kenny G are two of the biggest narcissists I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

No small coincidence you both look up to the narcissistic orange in charge.

Odd, birds of a feather and such.....

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 10:13 PM
Little aside for insidehoops. Sometimes when you interact with someone you'll notice that person just leaves you exhausted.

Drained, every single time.

If you ask around, you'll find others experience similar when around said person.

That's not normal and it's indicative of a personality disorder. They're easy to pick out because they've got problems with damn near every person they interact with.

Constant/ceaseless drama and arguing, problems with society, problems with the law. We've seen it a lot here at insidehoops: Kenny G and Zotile are textbook narcissists a type of personality disorder.

Not much you can do for them since they're already perfect. Worst thing you can do in their mind is ignore them, but we all know that's pretty difficult.

Anyway, just a little information that may or may not be helpful to folks.

10-09-2019, 10:18 PM
:oldlol: Not at all. I pity you and I will do my best not to engage you with anger anymore.

It's not your fault.

You do make it difficult. You and Kenny G are two of the biggest narcissists I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

No small coincidence you both look up to the narcissistic orange in charge.

Odd, birds of a feather and such.....

A lot of people who know me personally will tell you I'm polite, considerate, generous etc. Even some of the posters here probably have that sort of impression about who I really am.

The problem is you want me to pretend certain things are true, when they're not.

You're... not very intelligent. You're usually wrong about things. Most of your viewpoints are attempts to compensate. Etc. etc.

That's just... the truth bro! I'm a truth kinda guy. If it's true, I'll say it. I mean only if necessary. I'm not gonna insult someone's new haircut even if I think it looks bad. But this political stuff? The philosophy stuff? We gotta be honest about that, ya know?

You're upset with what the truth is. You want to change it, you can't. And you can't HANDLE it. So you want to paint me as the bad guy for shining a light on it. You want to undermine me, so that your inconvenient truths can't be heard.


Too bad pal.

10-09-2019, 10:23 PM
No chance. Two completely different people with two different types of anger.

Shogon expresses anger and frustration at not understanding why the world does not view things the same way he does.

Zotile expresses rage and indignation that the world dares to have a different view from his, because he's brilliant and gifted and talented and just the brightest, shiniest snowflake that you'll ever see. The world has failed him because it has not discovered him yet.

Oh well, at least FultzNationRISE/Starface/Chris Samuels/Meyer Burkin/Akrazotile/Walk on Water/Turbo Slayer can toggle between razor blade peddler, bumbling moron, or the 9 year old on his elementary school lunch break posting on ISH to fit whatever mood he's in at any given moment. Shogon's rage seeps through on every alternate account he uses and doesn't give him much of a chance.

As for Starface, most of his rambling soliloquies are merely a creative exercise for him anyway and not meant to be taken seriously.

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 10:24 PM
A lot of people who know me personally will tell you I'm polite, considerate, generous etc. Even some of the posters here probably have that sort of impression about who I really am.

The problem is you want me to pretend certain things are true, when they're not.

You're... not very intelligent. You're usually wrong about things. Most of your viewpoints are attempts to compensate. Etc. etc.

That's just... the truth bro! I'm a truth kinda guy. If it's true, I'll say it. I mean only if necessary. I'm not gonna insult someone's new haircut even if I think it looks bad. But this political stuff? The philosophy stuff? We gotta be honest about that, ya know?

You're upset with what the truth is. You want to change it, you can't. And you can't HANDLE it. So you want to paint me as the bad guy for shining a light on it. You want to undermine me, so that your inconvenient truths can't be heard.


Too bad pal.
I'm sure you're adored by all who know the real you.

10-09-2019, 10:26 PM

Oh well, at least FultzNationRISE/Starface/Chris Samuels/Meyer Burkin/Akrazotile/Walk on Water/Turbo Slayer can toggle between razor blade peddler, bumbling moron, or the 9 year old on his elementary school lunch break posting on ISH to fit whatever mood he's in at any given moment. Shogon's rage seeps through on every alternate account he uses and doesn't give him much of a chance.

As for Starface, most of his rambling soliloquies are merely a creative exercise for him anyway and not meant to be taken seriously.

Proctor up in this now??

Ooh lawd... it’s a beta CONVENTION all a sudden!

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 10:30 PM

Oh well, at least FultzNationRISE/Starface/Chris Samuels/Meyer Burkin/Akrazotile/Walk on Water/Turbo Slayer can toggle between razor blade peddler, bumbling moron, or the 9 year old on his elementary school lunch break posting on ISH to fit whatever mood he's in at any given moment. Shogon's rage seeps through on every alternate account he uses and doesn't give him much of a chance.
:oldlol: Yes, poor Shogun can't disguise himself for very long at all. I legit hope he's doing okay. His anger can't be good for his blood pressure.

But Zzzzzzzzzotile, I can't help but wonder how he became so knowledgeable about worldly affairs, science, moon launches, climate change, economics, I mean...really everything.

It's quite remarkable.

A veritable renaissance man that we should all look up to.

10-09-2019, 10:31 PM
:oldlol: Yes, poor Shogun can't disguise himself for very long at all. I legit hope he's doing okay. His anger can't be good for his blood pressure.

But Zzzzzzzzzotile, I can't help but wonder how he became so knowledgeable about worldly affairs, science, moon launches, climate change, economics, I mean...really everything.

It's quite remarkable.

A veritable renaissance man that we should all look up to.
Buy his manifesto he's been working on and find out, I guess. :roll:

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 10:32 PM
Buy his manifesto he's been working on and find out, I guess. :roll:
I will read it, but only if he pays for my copy.

10-09-2019, 10:38 PM
I will read it, but only if he pays for my copy.


10-09-2019, 10:39 PM
You startin to understand why Im not being malicious, but simply truthful when I point out you arent very keen?

Loco 50
10-09-2019, 10:47 PM
You’re lampooning this as an obviously counter-intuitive suggestion... when it literally parallels the serious “viewpoints” you put forth regularly.

‘Grats my guy :lol
Sorry guy, but you've shared no life experience here that would otherwise convince me that any of your viewpoints have any merit. Any substance. I see none.

Prove me wrong.

Pretty sure we're done here again as most interactions with you continue until you feel you've had the last word and now I've said my piece.

Good luck in your journey.

10-09-2019, 10:49 PM
Sorry guy, but you've shared no life experience here that would otherwise convince me that any of your viewpoints have any merit. Any substance. I see none.
Blades of Freedom? His failed acting career? His dozen personas on this site? No merit? Hello...?

10-09-2019, 11:11 PM
Sorry guy, but you've shared no life experience here that would otherwise convince me that any of your viewpoints have any merit. Any substance. I see none.

Prove me wrong.

Pretty sure we're done here again as most interactions with you continue until you feel you've had the last word and now I've said my piece.

Good luck in your journey.


The book is ABOUT my life experiences.

You were literally just begging me IN THIS THREAD to tell you more about myself :lol

So if you wanna know... go buy the book.

You try to say clever things that you hope make sense... and they're just so easy to expose.

You can't SERIOUSLY be mad at me for shooting fish in a barrel, can you!?

10-10-2019, 08:48 AM
libruhl tears. legend says they're made of soy.

like the soy that farmers used to sell before the great maga trade war turned them into welfare queens.

did y'all know that to date, the government handouts to farmers have amounted to over $28 billion- double what the entire auto industry received during the great recession? (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-09-19/farmers-say-trump-s-28-billion-bailout-isn-t-a-solution)

the more you know.


I recall quite a bit of consternation around the auto bailouts. Interestingly enough, most, if not all of those who were outraged by the auto bailouts are fully supportive of the farm bailouts. Weird. :confusedshrug:

10-10-2019, 10:35 AM
Blades of Freedom? His failed acting career? His dozen personas on this site? No merit? Hello...?

This is the most ironic thing about him. He espouses viewpoints like he's completely anti-welfare, anti-socialism, etc but I guarantee this moron goes through dead end jobs every other month and takes money from the government. A true bottom feeder of society.

10-10-2019, 10:43 AM
Blades of Freedom? His failed acting career? His dozen personas on this site? No merit? Hello...?

He also had a cool blog about him eating McDonald

10-10-2019, 10:45 AM
This is the most ironic thing about him. He espouses viewpoints like he's completely anti-welfare, anti-socialism, etc but I guarantee this moron goes through dead end jobs every other month and takes money from the government. A true bottom feeder of society.

That is pretty funny. He

10-13-2019, 12:09 AM
if you never screwed ----

Trump is showing you , how to screw you.

10-14-2019, 10:28 AM
Would like the Trumpsters explain - bring American jobs back , when they just closed another steel company in America :confusedshrug:

10-14-2019, 11:45 AM
Would like the Trumpsters explain - bring American jobs back , when they just closed another steel company in America :confusedshrug:
Unemployment is low though. There are jobs to it there

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 12:45 PM
Unemployment is low though. There are jobs to it thereThere are jobs but a lot of them don't pay enough. I know people that are working and still homeless, even gave a friend of mine a spare room. He pays me 200 a week for it, works overnights setting up displays at Home Depot. And it's not enough. On the flip side he screwed himself over with child support payments but still, he has some weeks where he works 60 hours and he doesn't make enough to score his own apartment.

I don't blame Trump for that by the way, but I also give him no credit for low unemployment numbers. my ignorant two cents: Presidents have always gotten too much credit and too much blame.

10-14-2019, 01:15 PM
There are jobs but a lot of them don't pay enough. I know people that are working and still homeless, even gave a friend of mine a spare room. He pays me 200 a week for it, works overnights setting up displays at Home Depot. And it's not enough. On the flip side he screwed himself over with child support payments but still, he has some weeks where he works 60 hours and he doesn't make enough to score his own apartment.

I don't blame Trump for that by the way, but I also give him no credit for low unemployment numbers. my ignorant two cents: Presidents have always gotten too much credit and too much blame.


10-14-2019, 01:28 PM
There are jobs but a lot of them don't pay enough. I know people that are working and still homeless, even gave a friend of mine a spare room. He pays me 200 a week for it, works overnights setting up displays at Home Depot. And it's not enough. On the flip side he screwed himself over with child support payments but still, he has some weeks where he works 60 hours and he doesn't make enough to score his own apartment.

I don't blame Trump for that by the way, but I also give him no credit for low unemployment numbers. my ignorant two cents: Presidents have always gotten too much credit and too much blame.
Stop exaggerating. There’s plenty of jobs that pay well in low cost of living places

If you can’t afford to live in Boston just move. You’re not entitled to stay there

10-14-2019, 01:29 PM
Stop exaggerating. There’s plenty of jobs that pay well in low cost of living places

If you can’t afford to live in Boston just move. You’re not entitled to stay there
This as well :applause:

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 01:57 PM
[quote=CelticBaller]Stop exaggerating. There

10-14-2019, 03:01 PM
NNo part of that story is exaggerated. In fact, he has a side gig doing moving jobs. He works at Home Depots in Somerville, Chelsea, Everett and Quincy, so getting a place out in Brockton (close to Quincy but not Chelsea Somerville Everett) or wherever wouldn't work well. I am not saying what he does or doesn't deserve, guy had 4 kids with a woman he's no longer with, won't get into the backstory there (I don't know the full story really) but what he represents to me is someone that works overnight, often beyond full time, semi-skilled labor and yet cannot fully afford housing in the market where he works. So what is it like for someone that is just begging for hours at Dunkin? If someone works like this dude and has housing problems (I'm a wonderful friend...for 200 a week) it's a bad sign about the economy as a whole.
Again, he dug himself into his own hole and he can always move

I know people here CT (also high cost of living) who can afford apartments working at Dunkin and Wendy

10-14-2019, 03:09 PM
Aww, the little Genocide supporting racist that thinks KCP is a good NBA player is still on my nuts :roll
:roll: :roll:

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 03:12 PM
[quote=CelticBaller]Again, he dug himself into his own hole and he can always move

I know people here CT (also high cost of living) who can afford apartments working at Dunkin and Wendy

10-14-2019, 03:21 PM
The point should be obvious: unemployment numbers are not the only measure of the economy. People can still struggle when the number is low.