View Full Version : Racism or Sexism, which is worse for America's future?

10-09-2019, 09:39 PM
To deny that racism and sexism haven't been at the core of most of America's partisan disconnect seems deliberately obtuse.

Saying this, with all of the narratives of the day,
which is more prominent and detrimental to our future as a nation, racism or sexism??

Operating outside, but also including, of the traditional, lazy connotations of racism (white man hates black progression, Hispanic heritage, etc.) and sexism (board member flirts with colleague, "denies" her opportunity unless BJ, etc.) which is gearing up to be a bigger issue moving forwards?

The immediate answer will probably be racism because we've been taught since youth that is the worst type of discrimination and prejudice to display. I look on Black Twitter, Black Instagram, etc. and my god are many of those people obnoxiously racist these days. Many do not bar their extreme hatred of white people, and it's obvious from writing style, there is no irony. In fact, the group think on comments for say, Charlamagne the God (just using one example ) are appallingly and alarmingly racist.

Factor in the traditional examples of racism (police brutality, activity like Charlottesville, daddy not wanting daughter to date outside of race, etc.) it's especially bad now that white people seem more willing and open to show their inherent racism. Then consider the push back and exception some take with Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans and the like.. it's pretty bad given that we're in 2019. It always has been but that racism is manifesting in different ways moving forward, to a degree that our tribal instincts are triumphing over any nuance or progress that has come about within a complex social landscape.

Then consider sexism. It's dangerous because although women have typically been more prone to marginalization, now men can't even be completely comfortable trying to spit game at a woman, without an increased chance of being touted as a toxic human being. The most innocuous of "sexual harassment" can potentially destroy someone's career and reputation to the point of being life-ruining. Women, much like minorities, have become irrationally hateful of their "adversaries" and are looking to get their piece of the pie, to spite what the extremists consider their oppressors. Men usually don't get the benefit of the doubt in regards to fatherhood and now the forms of sexism that men face have increased and potentially life-ruining. That's not to say that women don't face any of the "traditional" sexism anymore.

I want y'all to think fully about this because in my eyes, it is a toss up as far as what will damage us more IN THE FUTURE. Consider this though, do you agree that a "racist white cis male" would more than likely vote for Obama versus Clinton or Warren, in a hypothetical situation? In my experience growing up in rural Maryland, even the "racist" guys that espouse a bunch of nonsense have the capacity to befriend and "equalize" a black guy they know than a woman i.e. be willing to distribute power and influence.

The sad part is that many without extremist viewpoints are gradually becoming more and more indoctrinated, which is their responsibility not to be but on a macro level, the goofy broad strokes of our "news" leaves more impressionable generations to fall for their perceived "victimization" and basically continue to have Americans eat each other alive without the required life experience and exposure to different levels of discourse.

In these days of completely ****ed partisan and identity politics, both of these "isms" are extremely detrimental and always will be. However, given that the media's influence will always favor particular racial subgroups and subcultures, which do you think will fracture the U.S. more moving forward, Racism or Sexism?

10-09-2019, 09:48 PM
racism. by far

10-09-2019, 09:53 PM
Anymore insight to your assertion?

I would love to get some actual ideas and thoughts on this as opposed to trolling, not saying you’re trolling whatsoever .

Let’s be completely honest. Racism and Sexism goes both ways but the forecast for our future, we should do a 360 because I don’t think we can simply extrapolate our past and apply it to our future.

10-09-2019, 10:00 PM
Sexism can't lead to real conflict the same way that racism can. Not saying we're in for an actual race war... but people aren't going to be rioting or murdering anyone over a sexist event anytime soon.

10-09-2019, 10:05 PM
Sexism can't lead to real conflict the same way that racism can. Not saying we're in for an actual race war... but people aren't going to be rioting or murdering anyone over a sexist event anytime soon.
I agree with this. I think sexism is definitely a big problem in America, but the systemic racism is just a bigger issue. But both need to be talked about, of course, and I hope we can make much more progress in both areas.

10-09-2019, 10:17 PM
I agree with this. I think sexism is definitely a big problem in America, but the systemic racism is just a bigger issue. But both need to be talked about, of course, and I hope we can make much more progress in both areas.
If you ever want to dry up every girl in the room, say this word for word.

Patrick Chewing
10-09-2019, 10:19 PM
Fake Racism is the downfall of America.

The demographics of America are more diverse than ever before and more diverse than any nation on Earth.

This myth of "racism" and "White Nationalism" or "Neo-Nazis" being an issue in America today is one of the biggest hoaxes of the 21st century. The sheeple have eaten it up.

Go outside. Walk down the street. Enjoy your freedom. This is America.


10-09-2019, 10:32 PM
white supremacy currently poses the biggest threat to this country.

mass shooters often have ties to white supremacy groups.

ISH has various members who rub elbows with white supremacists on the internet and play it down as "they're just blowing off steam".

there's a reason why the FBI has a dedicated task group to keeping track of these white supremacist groups in America.


10-09-2019, 10:35 PM
white supremacy currently poses the biggest threat to this country.

mass shooters often have ties to white supremacy groups.

ISH has various members who rub elbows with white supremacists on the internet and play it down as "they're just blowing off steam".

there's a reason why the FBI has a dedicated task group to keeping track of these white supremacist groups in America.

you can combine all the white mass shootings in the past 30 years and they won't touch a single year of black shootings in Chicago :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
10-09-2019, 10:40 PM
you can combine all the white mass shootings in the past 30 years and they won't touch a single year of black shootings in Chicago :oldlol:


highweight is a prime example of a faux outrage pusher. He's like a drug dealer. His clients are those low-IQ, uneducated, uninformed individuals who lack the means to see the world around them or lack the testicular fortitude to leave their grandmother's basement. They come to him for knowledge of the world around them and he spreads fake propaganda about the White man. He preys on some minorities, but his main victims are simple-minded shitbirds like himself.

10-09-2019, 10:43 PM
I agree with this. I think sexism is definitely a big problem in America, but the systemic racism is just a bigger issue. But both need to be talked about, of course, and I hope we can make much more progress in both areas.
I wouldn’t date any girl who doesn’t think racism and sexism are serious issues. Was just responding to the thread discussion anyways.

10-09-2019, 10:44 PM
you can combine all the white mass shootings in the past 30 years and they won't touch a single year of black shootings in Chicago :oldlol:
what about the history of white supremacy?

oh wait, it doesn't fit your narrative.


Patrick Chewing
10-09-2019, 10:45 PM
what about the history of white supremacy?

oh wait, it doesn't fit your narrative.


LOL what is the history of White Supremacy? What about Brown Supremacy? Black Supremacy?

You're a clown.

10-09-2019, 10:45 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3][B]I wouldn

10-09-2019, 10:48 PM
No offense bruh but you are not getting laid with topics like that :oldlol:

Dude says shit that I said back when I was virgin to make up excuses as to why I wasn't getting any attention from girls. "I don't want to risk my future and possibly knock some chick up." :lol

He needs to find a career or some hobbies to work towards to give him some confidence.

10-09-2019, 10:52 PM
LOL what is the history of White Supremacy? What about Brown Supremacy? Black Supremacy?

You're a clown.
do they not have schools back in Cuba? jeeze, no wonder you're so fvcking stupid :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
10-09-2019, 10:54 PM
do they not have schools back in Cuba? jeeze, no wonder you're so fvcking stupid :oldlol:

White Supremacy isn't a thing you Brown bean turd.

It's something that lazy and pathetic excuses for human beings such as yourself use as an excuse for not being able to make it in the world.

10-09-2019, 10:55 PM
White Supremacy isn't a thing you Brown bean turd.

It's something that lazy and pathetic excuses for human beings such as yourself use as an excuse for not being able to make it in the world.
:eek: :eek:

10-09-2019, 11:00 PM
White supremacy isn’t a thing lmao

Another classic from patty.

10-09-2019, 11:04 PM
Sexism can't lead to real conflict the same way that racism can. Not saying we're in for an actual race war... but people aren't going to be rioting or murdering anyone over a sexist event anytime soon.

That is all very true :lol

What I'm considering now though is- which will rot us from the inside-out more? Think about how much content the average person consumes and where they are getting their information. Shit, people like all of us who frequent message boards, even moreso.

The intimacy of internet influence and how common it is to have your worldview's shaped but things you never see or hear directly. Psychologically, it is much different for world views to be formed by nonsense and for many, much if their "reality" comes from online.

The people that shoot up our country are primarily motivated by sex. Even the ones whose crimes are racially motivated, they probably wouldn't have done the same if they were getting laid, real shit. Lack of sex drove them to the breaking point. Hell, look at our conversations in the OTC and how warped some of the views of women are :oldlol: This is becoming more and more commonplace so having attitudes towards society itself are ironically often projected before the experience is there.

A bunch of anecdotes is how a lot of simpletons are interacting with one another and which biases we bring into our lives.

10-09-2019, 11:06 PM
White Supremacy isn't a thing you Brown bean turd.

It's something that lazy and pathetic excuses for human beings such as yourself use as an excuse for not being able to make it in the world.
fuming, guess talking about the good ol motherland struck a nerve :roll:

10-09-2019, 11:12 PM
white supremacy currently poses the biggest threat to this country.

mass shooters often have ties to white supremacy groups.

ISH has various members who rub elbows with white supremacists on the internet and play it down as "they're just blowing off steam".

there's a reason why the FBI has a dedicated task group to keeping track of these white supremacist groups in America.


I dunno about "ties." Not sure how many were actually in cahoots and working with specific organizations so much as reading their material and following them on social media :oldlol:

One thing is certain, ALL of them were sex-deprived and their attitudes on women, relationships, gender roles, etc. probably came from the internet. The whole 'incel' concept does lead to some very disturbed people and at a core level as humans, our urge for women and sex is far more potent than even our tribalism.

10-10-2019, 10:34 AM
I dunno about "ties." Not sure how many were actually in cahoots and working with specific organizations so much as reading their material and following them on social media :oldlol:

One thing is certain, ALL of them were sex-deprived and their attitudes on women, relationships, gender roles, etc. probably came from the internet. The whole 'incel' concept does lead to some very disturbed people and at a core level as humans, our urge for women and sex is far more potent than even our tribalism.
That’s not always true. Iirc one of the recent shooters had a girlfriend or an ex. It’s not like having a girlfriend would magically make these people less ****ing evil.

10-10-2019, 10:39 AM
Racism. It divides the country

Sexism isn

10-10-2019, 10:54 AM
I dunno about "ties." Not sure how many were actually in cahoots and working with specific organizations so much as reading their material and following them on social media :oldlol:

One thing is certain, ALL of them were sex-deprived and their attitudes on women, relationships, gender roles, etc. probably came from the internet. The whole 'incel' concept does lead to some very disturbed people and at a core level as humans, our urge for women and sex is far more potent than even our tribalism.
some of the shooters absolutely had have ties according to the authorities.

funny how idiots like patrickchewing claim white supremacy doesn't exist, meanwhile the FBI has confirmed that the Klan has infiltrated various police agencies across the country. gee, i wonder why there is a disproportionate amount of minorities being targeted by police.

i guess growing up in Cuba, the school of thought is to make up your own reality :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
10-10-2019, 11:27 AM
some of the shooters absolutely had have ties according to the authorities.

funny how idiots like patrickchewing claim white supremacy doesn't exist, meanwhile the FBI has confirmed that the Klan has infiltrated various police agencies across the country. gee, i wonder why there is a disproportionate amount of minorities being targeted by police.

i guess growing up in Cuba, the school of thought is to make up your own reality :oldlol:

How many

10-10-2019, 11:37 AM
How many “Klan” members you think are in the country right now?

Have you ever bumped into one?
I've never bumped into a Navy Seal eithier, do they not exist?

Also never bumped into a radical leftists, yet you make endless threads about them.

Funny how you suck police cawk when it's convenient for you, but ignore them when it's not :oldlol:

10-10-2019, 11:47 AM
I've never bumped into a Navy Seal eithier, do they not exist?

Also never bumped into a radical leftists, yet you make endless threads about them.

Funny how you suck police cawk when it's convenient for you, but ignore them when it's not :oldlol:
Shatrick definitely has a blue lives matter bumper sticker.

Patrick Chewing
10-10-2019, 11:48 AM
I've never bumped into a Navy Seal eithier, do they not exist?

Also never bumped into a radical leftists, yet you make endless threads about them.

Funny how you suck police cawk when it's convenient for you, but ignore them when it's not :oldlol:

What happened to your Dallas PD thread?? :oldlol:


10-10-2019, 12:10 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]What happened to your Dallas PD thread?? :oldlol:


10-10-2019, 01:59 PM
I agree with this. I think sexism is definitely a big problem in America, but the systemic racism is just a bigger issue. But both need to be talked about, of course, and I hope we can make much more progress in both areas.

10-10-2019, 02:22 PM
I haven't seen sexism in the real world at all - if it existed I would be against it, but again I haven't seen it. Females outperform males by every metric now when you look at the younger generations and that trend is only going to continue.

10-10-2019, 06:42 PM
Neither are that prominent in the United States but it's a convenient storyline to distract people from other more complicated issues, like...

...over-reaching foreign policy, absurd inefficient government spending, the existence of The Fed, and the destruction of more effective local politics in favor of a humongous Federal government

10-10-2019, 06:44 PM
Neither are that prominent in the United States but it's a convenient storyline to distract people from other more complicated issues, like...

...over-reaching foreign policy, absurd inefficient government spending, the existence of The Fed, and the destruction of more effective local politics in favor of a humongous Federal government