View Full Version : The alleged transgender in Chappelle's Sticks and Stones special kills itself

Long Duck Dong
10-14-2019, 12:51 PM
And of course the liberal media alludes that he is somehow at fault because he made fun of transgenders. He also makes fun of 90% of the demographics in America. Is he also responsible for all those suicides as well?

Also there's no proof that this transgender was even in attendance other than it claiming it was the "Daphne" subject in his routine.

A working actress and an educated accomplished software engineer, it was in a great position in life. Sucks it killed itself but it's not anyone's fault. :confusedshrug:


10-14-2019, 01:06 PM
Not surprised at all. Transgender people are at their core, mentally ill. The liberals instead of adding fuel to the fire by endorsing and supporting that lifestyle, should be trying to get them psychiatric help :facepalm

10-14-2019, 01:12 PM
Not sure how the article insinuated it was Chappelle’s fault she killed herself. They talked about how she liked his special.

10-14-2019, 01:13 PM
Why am I not surprised that San Francisco has an office of transgender initiatives. :lol

10-14-2019, 01:26 PM
Trans people have the highest rate of suicide so this ain

10-14-2019, 01:31 PM
Not surprised at all. Transgender people are at their core, mentally ill. The liberals instead of adding fuel to the fire by endorsing and supporting that lifestyle, should be trying to get them psychiatric help :facepalm
They absolutely do have a mental disorder... and all studies point to it happening during pregnancy. They have brain of one gender and the body parts of the other. I am grateful I was not born like this, that would be awful.

"Gay camps" and attempts to "make them straight" don't work. Thats not how hormones work. Could a psychiatrist make you want to suck dck? No, its impossible. (Assuming youre straight)

The reason they have extremely high suicide rates is because people are actually mad at them for their disorder ...like you! But instead of being angry at them for their disorder you should feel empathy for them instead.

10-14-2019, 01:56 PM
They absolutely do have a mental disorder... and all studies point to it happening during pregnancy. They have brain of one gender and the body parts of the other. I am grateful I was not born like this, that would be awful.

"Gay camps" and attempts to "make them straight" don't work. Thats not how hormones work. Could a psychiatrist make you want to suck dck? No, its impossible. (Assuming youre straight)

The reason they have extremely high suicide rates is because people are actually mad at them for their disorder ...like you! But instead of being angry at them for their disorder you should feel empathy for them instead.
How am I mad at them for suggesting they should be getting help and support instead of endorsing a lifestyle that makes them the ridicule of society? I'm not angry at them, they are mentally ill, it's not their fault...more of the blame should fall on libs for trying to normalize something that's not normal.

10-14-2019, 02:19 PM
They absolutely do have a mental disorder... and all studies point to it happening during pregnancy. They have brain of one gender and the body parts of the other. I am grateful I was not born like this, that would be awful.

"Gay camps" and attempts to "make them straight" don't work. Thats not how hormones work. Could a psychiatrist make you want to suck dck? No, its impossible. (Assuming youre straight)

The reason they have extremely high suicide rates is because people are actually mad at them for their disorder ...like you! But instead of being angry at them for their disorder you should feel empathy for them instead.

Saying its a mental illness doesnt mean somebody's mad at them... Nobodies mad at people with schizophrenia, or cancer for example.

10-14-2019, 02:28 PM
Saying its a mental illness doesnt mean somebody's mad at them... Nobodies mad at people with schizophrenia, or cancer for example.

10-14-2019, 02:42 PM
How am I mad at them for suggesting they should be getting help and support instead of endorsing a lifestyle that makes them the ridicule of society? I'm not angry at them, they are mentally ill, it's not their fault...more of the blame should fall on libs for trying to normalize something that's not normal.
No one is trying to endorce, normalize, etc. Just trying to get society to STOP ridiculing them, like you just said.

I will say, sometimes it goes too far...we don't need trans superheroes and shit like that. But the over saturation of it isn't going to kill anyone, it's not like society is doomed because of it. If anything the human population needs more gays/trans...we are over populated...we need ways to prevent baby making.

10-14-2019, 02:45 PM
Saying its a mental illness doesnt mean somebody's mad at them... Nobodies mad at people with schizophrenia, or cancer for example.
Exactly...I think you're saying what I am saying. No one should be mad at them.

10-14-2019, 02:53 PM
lol trannies. A man is a man, a woman is a woman, the gender/sex is determined at birth by the presence of Y chromosome. If you have a Y chromosome, you are male. If you have no Y chromosome, you are female. The only place for transgenderism is the hospital, it is a mental disorder.

Funny if a person has trouble identifying himself as a human being, instead claim hes a dog/cat, he'd be sent to hospital already. Every tranny should be sent to hospitals to get treatment, this is the only place for them. It doesnt matter who you think you are, what matters is who you truly are.

If this stupidity is allowed, we will soon be having more craziness like transage people, and transpecies people. God bless the mankind.

10-14-2019, 03:03 PM
No one is trying to endorce, normalize, etc. Just trying to get society to STOP ridiculing them, like you just said.

I will say, sometimes it goes too far...we don't need trans superheroes and shit like that. But the over saturation of it isn't going to kill anyone, it's not like society is doomed because of it. If anything the human population needs more gays/trans...we are over populated...we need ways to prevent baby making.

That would be negative... They flaunt and parade it about all the time.

Loco 50
10-14-2019, 03:35 PM
Not surprised at all. Transgender people are at their core, mentally ill. The liberals instead of adding fuel to the fire by endorsing and supporting that lifestyle, should be trying to get them psychiatric help :facepalm
Psychiatry's role is to do their best to help these people be at peace with themselves and accept themselves for what they are.

They have significantly increased rates of depression and are one of the most at risk for suicide, because many grew up hating themselves for being different.

It's a tragic situation. People hate them for being different. They hate themselves for being different. The "parading" around stuff is sometimes compensation, but also an attempts to send a message about themselves and to other transgenders that they are proud and accepting of what they are.

Everybody needs to have a sense of pride or self-worth or suicide risk increases dramatically.

10-14-2019, 03:52 PM
you're too retarded to see he's pointing out an example of where people can't help having an affliction, not directly comparing cancer and mental illness.

God you are stupid.

Loco 50
10-14-2019, 03:58 PM
you're too retarded to see he's pointing out an example of where people can't help having an affliction, not directly comparing cancer and mental illness.

God you are stupid.
Eh, not so sharp their yourself if you consider being transgender a choice that anyone would willingly choose.

An overwhelming percentage of these people do not live happy or even peaceful lives.

10-14-2019, 04:08 PM
Eh, not so sharp their yourself if you consider being transgender a choice that anyone would willingly choose.

An overwhelming percentage of these people do not live happy or even peaceful lives.
Incoming meltdown from the angry tough guy alt.

10-14-2019, 04:11 PM
Eh, not so sharp their yourself if you consider being transgender a choice that anyone would willingly choose.

An overwhelming percentage of these people do not live happy or even peaceful lives.
Where in my post does it imply that this is what I think? I literally implied the exact opposite.

Dumb and dumber. :facepalm

10-14-2019, 06:32 PM
Tranny thread full of rrr3 white knighting what a surprise:oldlol:

It is indeed a mental illness, and that is why the suicide rate amongst them is extremely high. There is a difference between accepting someone different and enabling mental illness, even worse pushing these idiotic ideals onto children.

Morons like rrr3 are a stain on society

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2019, 06:38 PM
Not surprised at all. Transgender people are at their core, mentally ill. The liberals instead of adding fuel to the fire by endorsing and supporting that lifestyle, should be trying to get them psychiatric help :facepalm


10-14-2019, 06:44 PM
Not sure how the article insinuated it was Chappelle’s fault she killed herself. They talked about how she liked his special.
this is "white knighting" in cashew's retarded mind :oldlol:

10-14-2019, 06:47 PM

You think it isn't mental illness?

10-14-2019, 07:00 PM
You think it isn't mental illness?
Yes, I think cancer isn't a mental illness, you ****ing retard :hammerhead:

Loco 50
10-14-2019, 07:11 PM
You think it isn't mental illness?
The mental difficulties are caused by society. The transgender status is hormonal.

Conservatives like to blame the person's mental state.

Liberals like to state a hormonal imbalance is completely typical/healthy.

Both are wrong. Once again stupid ass politics muddying the waters.

The real question is, say a baby chance's are high of being transgender or homosexual due to a known hormonal balance. Is it society/medicine's duty to "normalize" the hormonal issues or not?

It's controversial. My opinion it would be easier on the kid in the long term to provide hormonal therapy. Again, that's highly controversial though and it'd be important to catch the hormonal deviation as early in development as possible.


10-14-2019, 08:17 PM
Yes, I think cancer isn't a mental illness, you ****ing retard :hammerhead:

Are you fu*king brain damaged??

He's likening it to a condition that's not someone's fault you moron.

I don't think trans is someone's choice, it is a mental health/ hormonal issue. No one is hating on them for being trans. The activists and alphabet community and retards like yourself are the problem, forcing stupid ideals onto people

10-14-2019, 08:19 PM
Yes, I think cancer isn't a mental illness, you ****ing retard :hammerhead:

Nobody said it was.

Youre embarrassing yourself.

10-14-2019, 08:20 PM
Never heard of it before, but may it rest in peace

10-14-2019, 08:26 PM
Nobody said it was.

Youre embarrassing yourself.
Trying to act tough after cowardly dodging my post proving trump’s a warmonger in your “liberals reeeeeeee!” thread.


10-14-2019, 08:33 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Trying to act tough after cowardly dodging my post proving trump

10-15-2019, 10:34 PM
I don't think they're mentally ill per se but ****ing with your hormones will ruin your life. Your body wasn't meant to be transitioned.

I wanna give em a hug. I am probably more homophobic than most but gay people are mostly set. I know a good amount and they seem fine. I've only seen a few Trans people in passing and they seem deeply troubled. Not like ****ed up but sorrowful.

I mean if you wanna dress up like a girl and wear make up, that's your prerogative. But im talking about people who believe the answer is to change their body.

That's why people are pissed off by me cuz I inject self into that shit but cmon, science. It's a bad look. Keep your dick. A dick is a wonderful thing. Balls too. A lot of people wish they had em.
