View Full Version : Happy Columbus Day

10-14-2019, 04:32 PM

Hope you're having a good one.

10-14-2019, 04:36 PM
Good times when we used to have the day off from school

Turbo Slayer
10-14-2019, 05:03 PM
I have no school. :bowdown:

Glad I'm a teen. :bowdown:

10-14-2019, 05:05 PM
**** columbus, had i been there, i would have sprayed him with an ar15.

Turbo Slayer
10-14-2019, 05:06 PM
**** columbus, had i been there, i would have sprayed him with an ar15.
Nah, I have no school. Columbus Day should be a day off for kids like me. :bowdown:

10-14-2019, 05:27 PM
**** columbus, had i been there, i would have sprayed him with an ar15.
Columbus wasn

10-14-2019, 05:31 PM
**** columbus, had i been there, i would have sprayed him with an ar15.

you wouldve been throwing rocks and sticks at him mate.

and wouldve gotten subsequently pwned.

Put some respeck on his name.

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2019, 05:35 PM
If it weren't for men like Columbus, who knows if any of us would be here right now.

Happy Columbus Day to us all!

10-14-2019, 05:47 PM
[QUOTE=CelticBaller]Columbus wasn

10-14-2019, 06:00 PM
you wouldve been throwing rocks and sticks at him mate.

and wouldve gotten subsequently pwned.

Put some respeck on his name.

Woulda ran up on Cristo in a loin cloth and got knocked out with the butt of a rifle. Wake up three hours later turnin over a spitfire with an apple in his mouth :lol

10-14-2019, 06:09 PM
Woulda ran up on Cristo in a loin cloth and got knocked out with the butt of a rifle. Wake up three hours later turnin over a spitfire with an apple in his mouth :lol

word up..


Long Duck Dong
10-14-2019, 06:18 PM
**** columbus, had i been there, i would have sprayed him with an ar15.

If there was no Colombus or his equivalent, you wouldn't exist. And if you did, your already low IQ would be 20 points lower and you'd be be celebrating the sacrificing of children on a pyramid somewhere

I say this with the best of intentions compa :cheers:

10-14-2019, 06:23 PM
[QUOTE=CelticBaller]Columbus wasn

10-14-2019, 06:32 PM
Cant really act like the anti Columbus people are those doing the deceiving though.

The guys whole story is kinda weird. He wasnt even much of a navigator. He didnt "find" anything. He didnt know where he was. Vikings got to north america long before he did.

He didnt really do that much. He borrowed some ships looking for Asia and stumbled onto an island or two.

Theres a reason the "new" world is named after Amerigo and not Christopher though. Columbus didnt have any idea what the "new" world was. He wasnt the first of the european people to be in north america. Millions of natives were already here on top of it. He went to his grave thinking America was asia...

He was obviously influential but its hard to put a title on what he did. You cant discover something people got too first.....and he cant be said to discover north america anyway when the Vikings were in Canada 500 years earlier.

He was...I suppose...an explorer?

But im not sure what else. He sparked an interest in exploring the west more thoroughly when he proved they had gold and people to enslave....even if he didnt know where he was. Hard to pin down a fair title.

A lot of misinformation in this poast.

Columbus absolutely knew there was land to the west that wasnt asia...he knew of the vikings settlements in present day canada before he departed.

Thats why he geared up, sailed, and set out to make that loot.

I do find it funny that, completely independant of one another, both indigenous and european culture's valued shiny things so much. The prominent native populations on the mainland were bling bling'ed out. (kings and nobility)

10-14-2019, 06:49 PM
My work schedule changed to Tuesday-Saturday otherwise I would have had Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday off. At least I get paid. Fck Columbus though

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 06:55 PM
If it weren't for men like Columbus, who knows if any of us would be here right now. You could say the same thing about Hitler. Just because someone influenced history doesn't mean they deserve to be celebrated.

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2019, 06:59 PM
You could say the same thing about Hitler. Just because someone influenced history doesn't mean they deserve to be celebrated.


Columbus influenced history in a positive light. He aided in man's exploration of the Earth.

Hitler sanctioned the killing of millions and was interested in nuclear weapons.

How could you possibly correlate the two?

10-14-2019, 07:00 PM
You could say the same thing about Hitler. Just because someone influenced history doesn't mean they deserve to be celebrated.


every great leader to ever grace this planet got where theyre at through conquest.

ghengis khan, julius ceasar, alexander the great, columbo, all of the greatest USA presidents and more...

even down to hitlers peers ~ mao, stalin, churchhill, harry truman etc.

blood was ordered to be shed on a massive scale by every single leader.

the only difference is the losers are branded as evil, and the winners, as heros.

10-14-2019, 07:14 PM

Columbus influenced history in a positive light. He aided in man's exploration of the Earth.

Hitler sanctioned the killing of millions and was interested in nuclear weapons.

How could you possibly correlate the two?

He didn

Loco 50
10-14-2019, 07:18 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]He didn

10-14-2019, 07:19 PM
its more about the paradigm shift, chris led us to what we have today.

the aztecs and mayans werent inventing microsoft.

and i dont think native euro's wouldve either.

took descendants of these guys' premier motivation to make what we have today.

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2019, 07:24 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]He didn

10-14-2019, 07:36 PM
I've not read about any of this stuff.

Could you expand on it? What civilization are you talking about?

Or are you just referring to the folks that crossed the Alaskan land bridge?

Some of that but look into the tiny ships the Asians used to get to Easter island and Hawaii. There is evidence of settlements reached by sea in Alaska that are 10 thousand years old.

Between the Asians coming from the west and the Vikings it

10-14-2019, 07:48 PM
You say he didn't aid in man's exploration in your first sentence. Then literally admit he aided in man's exploration in the third sentence. No one is debating who sailed where first and who discovered what first here. What Columbus along with the aid of the Spanish monarchs set in motion after 1492 cannot be denied.

You're on an anti-Columbus crusade. We get it.

He aided in mans exploration if you don’t consider that men had done all the exploring thousands of years before he was born. Almost Everywhere people live today people were already living 1000 years ago. I said he aided it from the perspective of Southern Europeans not man in general. Man explored everything long ago. Europeans are who you mean. Europeans outside the Vikings at least.

You want to call 10-15 posts on the subject in 20 years a crusade you go right ahead but it is what it is.

Columbus did not discover anything or expand the knowledge of “men”. He did both....for Europeans. Which is fine. It’s an accomplishment. But its pretty misleading to treat him as a person who discovered something when all the discovering was thousands of years in the past.

And while people know a lot better then to really think he discovered anything these days for a long time people accepted it without thinking it through.

I did too as a child. But you hit the age of reason and start asking questions like who were those people already there if he discovered it and how did Cain go find a wife when Adam and eve and his brother were the only other people....

Just the rational place to take it when you’re taught something you know doesn’t add up.

Went better for me in normal school than Sunday school though

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2019, 07:54 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]He aided in mans exploration if you don

10-14-2019, 07:55 PM
You could say the same thing about Hitler. Just because someone influenced history doesn't mean they deserve to be celebrated.

Ban yourself.

One of the most ignorant things I've ever read.

10-14-2019, 08:06 PM
You could say the same thing about Hitler. Just because someone influenced history doesn't mean they deserve to be celebrated.

Dat reading comprehension :lol

Most Americans who aren't indigenous "would not be here," if nobody from mainland Europe had explored it. How would anyone get here, if nobody from the known world knew about it? (Obviously it would have been explored by Euros eventually, but in theory, if it hadn't then most of us wouldnt be here).

Hitler literally just killed people. He didnt explore anything or develop any new geographic gateways anywhere. So your comparison makes zero sense.

10-14-2019, 08:19 PM
The whole concept of a known world when everywhere in the world already had people living there it

10-14-2019, 08:25 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]The whole concept of a known world when everywhere in the world already had people living there it

10-14-2019, 08:28 PM
sigh... kblaze always has to be the party pooper.


10-14-2019, 08:29 PM
Columbus was irrelevant. If he hadn't "discovered" the new world, some other European would have within 20 years. Europe was ready to branch out.

10-14-2019, 08:31 PM
Funny how Starface and patty like immigrants when they’re white. Even if they’re murderous.

10-14-2019, 08:32 PM
Columbus was irrelevant. If he hadn't "discovered" the new world, some other European would have within 20 years. Europe was ready to branch out.
and i would have torpedoes waiting for all them explorers

10-14-2019, 08:33 PM
Columbus was irrelevant. If he hadn't "discovered" the new world, some other European would have within 20 years. Europe was ready to branch out.

you could say the same thing about anything to have ever been invented or discovered in the whole of human history.

10-14-2019, 08:34 PM
and i would have torpedoes waiting for all them explorers

why do you stay referencing advanced technology developed 100s of years later as something you couldve possibly utilized?

ironically developed by those you hate.

10-14-2019, 08:35 PM
Nah. This one is too obvious. Doesn’t take anyone special or to have an idea nobody ever had.

Just....go that way for a while. You couldn’t prevent the “discovery” of America. People in paddle boats discovered places further away than Europe to North America.

Those south Asians had balls.

Go look how far they made it on those bullshit ships. Across the pacific?

That’s a death trap.

10-14-2019, 08:35 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Funny how Starface and patty like immigrants when they

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2019, 08:38 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Funny how Starface and patty like immigrants when they

10-14-2019, 08:42 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]Nah. This one is too obvious. Doesn

10-14-2019, 08:42 PM
We're all immigrants to this wonderful and bountiful land. And I'm not pasty white like yourself, so if you ever saw my olive skin, you'd be aroused.

God Bless America.


He’d be askin you to put on a wig and a dress and let him take pics of your dong.

10-14-2019, 08:43 PM
why do you stay referencing advanced western technology as something you couldve possibly utilized?

its the ultimate paradox lol.
i would have armed my native brethren with ar15's and heavy artillery.

i would have offered my native brothers a "trade in your horse for an F16 war jet" program.

10-14-2019, 08:50 PM
I think Columbus actually brought horses to North America. There were native horses in caveman times but to the best of my knowledge there were no horses when Columbus got here except for the ones he brought.

10-14-2019, 08:51 PM
Nah. This one is too obvious. Doesn’t take anyone special or to have an idea nobody ever had.

Just....go that way for a while. You couldn’t prevent the “discovery” of America. People in paddle boats discovered places further away than Europe to North America.

Those south Asians had balls.

Go look how far they made it on those bullshit ships. Across the pacific?

That’s a death trap.

I always find this shit fascinating and absurd tbh. What are the ****ing chances primitive peoples in Asia would actually make it all the way to Hawaii on some little floater??? Hawaii is so tiny and way way way out in the middle of nowhere.

Like, to actually make it there on a raft, survive, then make it all the way BACK and tell people about it, then find it AGAIN on a ship that’s bringing women over... no ****ing way. Or did they regularly just sail off into the ocean on co-ed ships for no reason, and hope to land somewhere a thousand miles away??

Insane stuff. Granted land formations were positioned differently back then, so islands may have not been as distant from each other as they are now. Still... it’s really amazing and hard to believe tbh.

10-14-2019, 08:54 PM
If it weren't for men like Columbus, who knows if any of us would be here right now.

Happy Columbus Day to us all!

Vikings discovered America long before Columbus.

Someone else would have simply come along from England/Spain/Portugal/Netherlands/France if it wasn't Columbus.

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2019, 08:57 PM
Vikings discovered America long before Columbus.

Someone else would have simply come along from England/Spain/Portugal/Netherlands/France.

Yes, and then they went back home apparently.

European explorers settled here post 1492 and the rest is history.

10-14-2019, 08:57 PM
I guess once you

Turbo Slayer
10-14-2019, 09:01 PM
sigh... kblaze always has to be the party pooper.


10-14-2019, 09:05 PM
I always find this shit fascinating and absurd tbh. What are the ****ing chances primitive peoples in Asia would actually make it all the way to Hawaii on some little floater??? Hawaii is so tiny and way way way out in the middle of nowhere.

Like, to actually make it there on a raft, survive, then make it all the way BACK and tell people about it, then find it AGAIN on a ship that’s bringing women over... no ****ing way. Or did they regularly just sail off into the ocean on co-ed ships for no reason, and hope to land somewhere a thousand miles away??

Insane stuff. Granted land formations were positioned differently back then, so islands may have not been as distant from each other as they are now. Still... it’s really amazing and hard to believe tbh.

they grew up sailing from island to island only the strongest survive... the unknown was a given for them in their evolution.

theres a reason these types dominate nfl and rugby and the such they are physically built best on the planet having gone through the rigors.

along with viking types who sailed similarly look at the physical size of both parties that natural selection determined.

10-14-2019, 10:17 PM
Cant really act like the anti Columbus people are those doing the deceiving though.

The guys whole story is kinda weird. He wasnt even much of a navigator. He didnt "find" anything. He didnt know where he was. Vikings got to north america long before he did.

He didnt really do that much. He borrowed some ships looking for Asia and stumbled onto an island or two.

Theres a reason the "new" world is named after Amerigo and not Christopher though. Columbus didnt have any idea what the "new" world was. He wasnt the first of the european people to be in north america. Millions of natives were already here on top of it. He went to his grave thinking America was asia...

He was obviously influential but its hard to put a title on what he did. You cant discover something people got too first.....and he cant be said to discover north america anyway when the Vikings were in Canada 500 years earlier.

He was...I suppose...an explorer?

But im not sure what else. He sparked an interest in exploring the west more thoroughly when he proved they had gold and people to enslave....even if he didnt know where he was. Hard to pin down a fair title.

your way off, lmao wayyyy oofff

watch this video

Columbus was actually working with the maps and measurements of the world at the time, and Amerigo never set foot in america. Columbus did discover America because our society is based of Western Civilzation, and he was the one who opened the new world to the western world.

If we suddenly find Atlantis, will we not be discovering it? I mean when we found the wreck of the titanic, was that not a discovery? It doesn't matter if there were people there

10-14-2019, 10:21 PM
Columbus was irrelevant. If he hadn't "discovered" the new world, some other European would have within 20 years. Europe was ready to branch out.
but he did

the world doesn't revolve around ifs

10-14-2019, 10:22 PM
I think Columbus actually brought horses to North America. There were native horses in caveman times but to the best of my knowledge there were no horses when Columbus got here except for the ones he brought.
There were no horses in the whole continent

Europeans brought all the work and farm animals with them

10-14-2019, 10:24 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/qqdQs656/58db5b09755e3.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/nrY20VyR/po5vuj1mhu811.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2019, 10:33 PM
but he did


10-14-2019, 10:40 PM

yo my dude scuzz lay low

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 10:41 PM
You could say the same thing about Hitler. Just because someone influenced history doesn't mean they deserve to be celebrated.I appear to have pissed off all the right people. In that spirit, let's pile on:

Columbus job was to find a better route to India. The reality is that your hero was just a bad navigator.

10-14-2019, 10:47 PM
I appear to have pissed off all the right people. In that spirit, let's pile on:

Columbus job was to find a better route to India. The reality is that your hero was just a bad navigator.
You do realize he was sailing with one of the maps from the best cartographers and was in route to India?

People just though the world was smaller back then. Simple as that

10-14-2019, 10:54 PM
I appear to have pissed off all the right people. In that spirit, let's pile on:

Columbus job was to find a better route to India. The reality is that your hero was just a bad navigator.

Yes he had a national holiday named after him cuz that's all he was.


He is a founding father of the america''s along with hernan cortez, Leif Erickson, and Francisco pizarro.

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 10:59 PM
You do realize he was sailing with one of the maps from the best cartographers and was in route to India?

People just though the world was smaller back then. Simple as thatWhichonly means that there were a lot of bad navigators.

10-14-2019, 11:08 PM
I appear to have pissed off all the right people. In that spirit, let's pile on:

Columbus job was to find a better route to India. The reality is that your hero was just a bad navigator.

It appears you embarrassed yourself with a dumb comment, and youre now trying to save face.

That's just how it appears to the rest of us. It may look different from your angle.

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 11:12 PM
Yes he had a national holiday named after him cuz that's all he was.


He is a founding father of the america''s along with hernan cortez, Leif Erickson, and Francisco pizarro.The "Governor of the Indies" died wondering when he would get to try some if that curried chicken he read so much. Fun fact: the obstinance of his ignorance is the reason why the people that were already in the lands he "discovered" are called Indians.

But you can pray to him and whatever else if you want to.

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 11:14 PM
It appears you embarrassed yourself with a dumb comment, and youre now trying to save face.

That's just how it appears to the rest of us. It may look different from your angle.I apologize for hurting your feelings.

10-14-2019, 11:17 PM
I apologize for hurting your feelings.

Everyone here thinks you sound like a woman, always.

Have a good night.

10-14-2019, 11:19 PM
The "Governor of the Indies" died wondering when he would get to try some if that curried chicken he read so much. Fun fact: the obstinance of his ignorance is the reason why the people that were already in the lands he "discovered" are called Indians.

But you can pray to him and whatever else if you want to.

I don't practice idolatry.

But GOATs gonna GOAT.

Think of him as the Jordan of the OTC.


Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2019, 11:21 PM
Everyone here thinks you sound like a woman, always.

Have a good night.Aw...don't go to sleep mad. I did apologize.

10-15-2019, 02:02 AM
What is up with Bostonians being the biggest ******s on this forum? RMWG, Maxfly and Johnnysic.

10-15-2019, 02:02 AM
you wouldve been throwing rocks and sticks at him mate.

and wouldve gotten subsequently pwned.

Put some respeck on his name.


10-15-2019, 05:32 AM
It really should be changed to Native American Day. Its crazy that they dont have a holiday. Truthfully, most people dont give a shit about Columbus. Its become a pointless emblematic holiday, like St Patrick's Day, Cince De Meyo and New Year's.

10-15-2019, 06:10 AM
It really should be changed to Native American Day. Its crazy that they dont have a holiday. Truthfully, most people dont give a shit about Columbus. Its become a pointless emblematic holiday, like St Patrick's Day, Cince De Meyo and New Year's.
It really is a shameless pathetic holiday :lol

10-15-2019, 06:23 AM
your way off, lmao wayyyy oofff

watch this video

Columbus was actually working with the maps and measurements of the world at the time, and Amerigo never set foot in america.

I too went to middle school.

Columbus did discover America because our society is based of Western Civilzation, and he was the one who opened the new world to the western world.

The world isnt "our" society. Our society is a small part of the world. There was a society of millions already there. When the people who made their way to America from Asia eventually found out about Europe it wouldnt be a "discovery" for humanity either. It would be expanding their knowledge....but with humans there....its just two groups of people meeting.

If we suddenly find Atlantis, will we not be discovering it? I mean when we found the wreck of the titanic, was that not a discovery? It doesn't matter if there were people there

The titanic?

When you lose a sock in the closet and dont find it for a while even though you know its there....did you discover socks when you come across it?

Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 06:37 AM
What is up with Bostonians being the biggest ******s on this forum? RMWG, Maxfly and Johnnysic.If someone posts facts and it makes you angry that's your problem and not theirs.

Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 06:47 AM

Some of us should really read #5.

10-15-2019, 07:17 AM
I too went to middle school.

The world isnt "our" society. Our society is a small part of the world. There was a society of millions already there. When the people who made their way to America from Asia eventually found out about Europe it wouldnt be a "discovery" for humanity either. It would be expanding their knowledge....but with humans there....its just two groups of people meeting.

The titanic?

When you lose a sock in the closet and dont find it for a while even though you know its there....did you discover socks when you come across it?

Except it is. The world revolves around western civilization. English is a major la

And yes if I found a sock in my closet, I would

10-15-2019, 07:18 AM
If someone posts facts and it makes you angry that's your problem and not theirs.
Except you

10-15-2019, 07:26 AM
What is up with Bostonians being the biggest ******s on this forum? RMWG, Maxfly and Johnnysic.


10-15-2019, 07:54 AM
"Discovering" things you misplace for a while aside....

Its pretty clear that living in a "western" society clouds the idea of what the world is. Most of the world is not "western" just the world we care to discuss.

I suspect when the aliens arrive they are gonna go to somewhere in Asia and assume thats the hub of humanity. People were out there 12 thousand years ago in homes...with agriculture. People were making star charts, building temples, and so on like 3 thousand years ago in the Americas....thousands of years before that in the middle east.

As americans I understand our focus on western society...it just bugs me when we act like its an issue of "man" or like...the known world. The known world for whatever humans in question....are the other humans they knew of. Nobody knew of all the rest back then. The europeans were not in the known world to the people here. We dont care what those people knew because they mostly got wiped out....but still.

Just seems reasonable to mention.

Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 08:06 AM
[quote=CelticBaller]Except you

10-15-2019, 08:11 AM
It is a fact that he was the "Governor of the Indies." It is a fact that he discovered nothing, just ran into a continent that was already populated with people he misidentified as "Indian." And additionally he got dragged away from the "Indies" in chains for doing a bad job as Governor. He doesn't deserve all the reverence you people give him... but if you want to pray to Zeus, go ahead.
He introduced the old world to the new world, and he actually knew he landed in a different continent than Asia and gave it a name

Those are facts you conveniently don

10-15-2019, 08:22 AM
The new world was already known. Greenland was "discovered" in 950 (middle ages); Greenland is part of the new world.

Columbus deserves credit for going west to find Asia when others were afraid to. Other than that....he stumbled onto some islands. Subsequent explorers went to find those islands and stumbled on to the mainland. As I noted earlier, it would have happened without Columbus anyway. Europe was branching out in all directions and the lands there weren't going to remain a secret.

10-15-2019, 08:23 AM
"Discovering" things you misplace for a while aside....

Its pretty clear that living in a "western" society clouds the idea of what the world is. Most of the world is not "western" just the world we care to discuss.

I suspect when the aliens arrive they are gonna go to somewhere in Asia and assume thats the hub of humanity. People were out there 12 thousand years ago in homes...with agriculture. People were making star charts, building temples, and so on like 3 thousand years ago in the Americas....thousands of years before that in the middle east.

As americans I understand our focus on western society...it just bugs me when we act like its an issue of "man" or like...the known world. The known world for whatever humans in question....are the other humans they knew of. Nobody knew of all the rest back then. The europeans were not in the known world to the people here. We dont care what those people knew because they mostly got wiped out....but still.

Just seems reasonable to mention.

The known world was Europe, Asia and Africa at the time. None of those people knew about the new world

10-15-2019, 08:26 AM
The new world was already known. Greenland was "discovered" in 950 (middle ages); Greenland is part of the new world.

Columbus deserves credit for going west to find Asia when others were afraid to. Other than that....he stumbled onto some islands. Subsequent explorers went to find those islands and stumbled on to the mainland. As I noted earlier, it would have happened without Columbus anyway. Europe was branching out in all directions and the lands there weren't going to remain a secret.
Greenland and Newfoundland were settled years before Columbus but they didn’t I do anything with it or even bother exploring more. What did they explorers introduce to the old world?

If we’re going to minimize Columbus voyage because “somebody else would’ve done it” we might as well also minimize his impact on the death of the natives as any other European would’ve brought the old world illness that wiped out the natives


Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 08:37 AM
He introduced the old world to the new world, and he actually knew he landed in a different continent than Asia and gave it a name

Those are facts you conveniently don’t talk about tool. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2013/10/14/christopher-columbus-3-things-you-think-he-did-that-he-didnt/

If I must be a tool, I will be a tool of information. Thank me.

10-15-2019, 08:41 AM

If I must be a tool, I will be a tool of information. Thank me.
Lmao keep posting articles where they used mistranslations :roll:


Here, let me give you an actual tool of information. Someone actually taking their time and reading his journal :cheers:

Funny Americans want to hate Columbus when Caribbean

10-15-2019, 09:01 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/qqdQs656/58db5b09755e3.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/nrY20VyR/po5vuj1mhu811.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
The main thing that help white people conquer the Native Americans was diseases the Natives had no immunity from. Millions of indigenous peoples died as a result.

The arrogance of the white man to claim they discovered a land inhabited by millions for tens of thousands of years is ROFL :roll:

Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 09:03 AM
So now the Washington Post isn't good enough. Whatever. All hail to the Governor of the Indues, may Queen Isabella give you that percentage you sued for one day.

10-15-2019, 09:05 AM
The known world was Europe, Asia and Africa at the time. None of those people knew about the new world

The known world to the millions in the Americas.....was the Americas. The known world isn

10-15-2019, 09:06 AM
The main thing that help white people conquer the Native Americans was diseases the Natives had no immunity from. Millions of indigenous peoples died as a result.

The arrogance of the white man to claim they discovered a land inhabited by millions for tens of thousands of years is ROFL :roll:
Bruh natives weren

10-15-2019, 09:08 AM
So now the Washington Post isn't good enough. Whatever. All hail to the Governor of the Indues, may Queen Isabella give you that percentage you sued for one day.
Deflecting? What a surprise :roll:

10-15-2019, 09:10 AM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]The known world to the millions in the Americas.....was the Americas. The known world isn

10-15-2019, 09:13 AM
[QUOTE=CelticBaller]Bruh natives weren

Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 09:13 AM
Deflecting? What a surprise :roll:I posted an article from the Washington Post I could post plenty of other stuff. You aren't interested in such sources, clearly. You don't acknowledge facts. Nothing I can do.

10-15-2019, 09:15 AM
I posted an article from the Washington Post I could post plenty of other stuff. You aren't interested in such sources, clearly. You don't acknowledge facts. Nothing I can do.
I literally sourced someone reading his journal notes in front of you :roll:

I read those notes in Spanish. Half the shit English translated was purposefully mistranslated in a propaganda scheme against the Spanish. Look it up it’s called black legend

10-15-2019, 09:19 AM
Estimates range from as low as a little over 2 million to as high as 18 million Native Americans is the best estimates of the population of the Americas before Columbus stumbled into this continent...the diseases the white man brought eventually killed off 90% of the entire indigenous population.

When you can wipe out 90% of a people's population you wanna gangster their land from, makes conquering it THAT much easier :confusedshrug:

10-15-2019, 09:25 AM
Estimates range from as low as a little over 2 million to as high as 18 million Native Americans is the best estimates of the population of the Americas before Columbus stumbled into this continent...the diseases the white man brought eventually killed off 90% of the entire indigenous population.

When you can wipe out 90% of a people's population you wanna gangster their land from, makes conquering it THAT much easier :confusedshrug:

Those indigenous people must have been anti-vaxers.

Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 09:26 AM
[quote=CelticBaller]I literally sourced someone reading his journal notes in front of you :roll:

I read those notes in Spanish. Half the shit English translated was purposefully mistranslated in a propaganda scheme against the Spanish. Look it up it

Patrick Chewing
10-15-2019, 09:30 AM
[QUOTE=CelticBaller]Bruh natives weren

10-15-2019, 09:31 AM
Estimates range from as low as a little over 2 million to as high as 18 million Native Americans is the best estimates of the population of the Americas before Columbus stumbled into this continent...the diseases the white man brought eventually killed off 90% of the entire indigenous population.

When you can wipe out 90% of a people's population you wanna gangster their land from, makes conquering it THAT much easier :confusedshrug:

Lets be real dawg...from a technological & military perspective...they completely dwarfed them as well.

10-15-2019, 09:31 AM
I am aware of your alternative facts.
Mine or your?



How about we instead of believing what some American tells us, we actually look at the man

10-15-2019, 09:35 AM
Lets be real dawg...from a technological & military perspective...they completely dwarfed them as well.
If the natives were blood thirsty and immune to the diseases the colonizers wouldn

10-15-2019, 09:38 AM
And the dinosaurs were their pets. :lol
Hey Pablo, I know English isn't your first language but reread my post...you and CelticBaller apparently can't read English so well.

10-15-2019, 09:41 AM
Lets be real dawg...from a technological & military perspective...they completely dwarfed them as well.
No shit, the Natives didn't have horses nor did they have armor nor did they have the advantage of the trading of ideas Euros had...they had gun powder thanks to the Chinese. Let's not pretend Europeans weren't ever influenced by Asian and African culture in military warfare...

Bosnian Sajo
10-15-2019, 09:43 AM
My company for some reason celebrates it lol, had the day off yesterday. Man was it nice....I'm so sick of working Monday-Friday.

Patrick Chewing
10-15-2019, 09:44 AM

Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 09:58 AM
[quote=CelticBaller]Mine or your?



How about we instead of believing what some American tells us, we actually look at the man

10-15-2019, 10:00 AM

Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 10:07 AM
It’s almost as if different people used different sources on different articles :facepalm

Again, did you read the journals?Iscanned it. Not that interesting really. Feel free to post the part that proves Columbus didn't fail to find an alternative route to India (that was his actual job) and knew he was not in fact governor of the Indies.

Patrick Chewing
10-15-2019, 10:10 AM
Hey Pablo, I know English isn't your first language but reread my post...you and CelticBaller apparently can't read English so well.

No entiendo. You're just using the White man's language against me and my cultural background. Why do you hate us? Why do you oppress us? How dare you?

Long Duck Dong
10-15-2019, 12:31 PM
The main thing that help white people conquer the Native Americans was diseases the Natives had no immunity from. Millions of indigenous peoples died as a result.

The main thing that helped the white man conquer Native Americans in Central and South America was getting help from other native Americans to fight against the elite societies. Who knew they'd hold a grudge against those that enslaved them and tore out the hearts of their children. :confusedshrug:

10-15-2019, 12:39 PM
It was mainly diseases, which decimated the native populations by at least 90%. If it wasn

10-15-2019, 12:47 PM
Yep, if it weren't for diseases, white men would be slaves right now. Even with advanced weapons, the invaders were no match for the superior warriors (natives).

10-15-2019, 01:49 PM
It is a fact that he was the "Governor of the Indies." It is a fact that he discovered nothing, just ran into a continent that was already populated with people he misidentified as "Indian." And additionally he got dragged away from the "Indies" in chains for doing a bad job as Governor. He doesn't deserve all the reverence you people give him... but if you want to pray to Zeus, go ahead.

Let's add that he personally profited by capturing and shipping natives back to Europe as slaves. Moreover, the reason he was arrested and dragged back in chains to Spain was because he was a tyrant who exemplified excessively harsh behavior, including cutting people's noses, ears and tongues off and executing people for minor transgressions. He paraded the dismembered bodies of natives who opposed him as a warning to others. Just facts...

10-15-2019, 01:55 PM
Let's add that he personally profited by capturing and shipping natives back to Europe as slaves. Moreover, the reason he was arrested and dragged back in chains to Spain was because he was a tyrant who exemplified excessively harsh behavior, including cutting people's noses, ears and tongues off and executing people for minor transgressions. He paraded the dismembered bodies of natives who opposed him as a warning to others. Just facts...
But tpols, patrick, starface and celticballer told me he was a great guy :(


Real Men Wear Green
10-15-2019, 02:08 PM
Let's add that he personally profited by capturing and shipping natives back to Europe as slaves. Moreover, the reason he was arrested and dragged back in chains to Spain was because he was a tyrant who exemplified excessively harsh behavior, including cutting people's noses, ears and tongues off and executing people for minor transgressions. He paraded the dismembered bodies of natives who opposed him as a warning to others. Just facts...I don't expect these people to care about moral issues.

Patrick Chewing
10-15-2019, 02:55 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]But tpols, patrick, starface and celticballer told me he was a great guy :(


10-15-2019, 03:00 PM
You're too thickheaded and stupid to understand that it's unfair to judge people from a different era by today's standards.

Back then, a Tranny-lover like you would have been lobotomized for your sickness, or worse, you could have been hung, drawn, and quartered.
Not murdering people isn

10-15-2019, 03:04 PM
Funny Americans want to hate Columbus when Caribbean’s Instead acknowledged him as a historical figure. It’s almost as if they are more educated on the subject...

I and my family are West Indian... as is my wife and her family. We both have a significant number of family members who still live in the Caribbean. Columbus is indeed viewed as a historic figure, but it is far from a positive history. West Indians who are familiar with the history of the islands, not the propaganda colonists have forwarded and written for our history books, don't generally have a fond view of Columbus and people with Arawak/Taino or Carib roots who know the history especially have little love for Columbus. So yes, those of us who have bothered to read beyond the propaganda are more educated on the subject. I know all about Columbus, and even I am wary of hearing my dad or my father-in-law talk about the atrocities Columbus and his crew committed across the West Indies.

Patrick Chewing
10-15-2019, 03:07 PM
Not murdering people isn’t much of a standard, bro. I’m sorry your hero Columbus couldn’t even clear that low bar.

Well, when you start firing arrows and handing out blood curses, it's pretty safe to say you're going to catch a sword to the neck or through the heart.

10-15-2019, 03:10 PM
Well, when you start firing arrows and handing out blood curses, it's pretty safe to say you're going to catch a sword to the neck or through the heart.
Yes, of course, it

10-15-2019, 03:14 PM
So now the Washington Post isn't good enough. Whatever. All hail to the Governor of the Indues, may Queen Isabella give you that percentage you sued for one day.

I love that after he died, his surviving family thought they would be more successful, fallen "hero" he was and all. Spain was like, 'nope, that tyrant lost his governorship in disgrace and breached his contract!'

For goodness sakes, Columbus lied about being the first to see land when the three ships happened upon the Bahamas so that he could get the lifelong pension that was to be rewarded to the first person who saw land. He snatched money from the hands of the lookout on another ship who was actually the first to spot land. Columbus was, at points, a shrewd snake.

10-15-2019, 03:22 PM
When you can wipe out 90% of a people's population you wanna gangster their land from, makes conquering it THAT much easier :confusedshrug:

Which is basically the expanded story of the North American settlement in the Northeast, starting right after that "first Thanksgiving." Oh... minus the massive wars between settlers and several native tribes resulting from settlers encroaching on their lands.

Patrick Chewing
10-15-2019, 03:25 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Yes, of course, it

10-15-2019, 03:28 PM
You're too thickheaded and stupid to understand that it's unfair to judge people from a different era by today's standards.

It's not just by today's standards - they knew it was wrong back then, but avarice and cruelty easily overshadowed conscience. Columbus, for instance, refused to baptize the natives he captured because he wouldn't be able to enslave them and send them to Europe if they became Christians.

10-15-2019, 03:33 PM
At some point you're going to have recognize and accredit your ancestors for improving our civilization.
I don

Patrick Chewing
10-15-2019, 03:35 PM

10-15-2019, 03:43 PM
I don’t sit around and watch Fox News all day like you, no.

10-15-2019, 03:45 PM
I saw an interesting point before.. Columbus & crew were the beginning of recorded, written history in America...

How the hell do you have a society with no record keeping, nobody writing anything down smh.

Safe to say 99% of these people mustve been totally illiterate while Europeans were going through a period of brilliant scientific, linguistic, and artistic enlightment.


Thank you Chris.

10-15-2019, 03:51 PM
:oldlol: At these snowflakes getting triggered by a dude who's been dead for over 500 years.

Long Duck Dong
10-15-2019, 04:56 PM
I saw an interesting point before.. Columbus & crew were the beginning of recorded, written history in America...

How the hell do you have a society with no record keeping, nobody writing anything down smh.

Safe to say 99% of these people mustve been totally illiterate while Europeans were going through a period of brilliant scientific, linguistic, and artistic enlightment.


Thank you Chris.

The Maya did have a sophisticated form of writing but by the time the Europeans arrived they had vanished. The Aztecs and the Incas had a much more primitive form of writing. Likewise the Incas had a some incredibly sophisticated masonry and stonework skills hundreds and possibly a thousand years before the Europeans arrived but those skills dissapeared. It's fascinating because these Native Americans had an influx of intelligence that arrived around 2000 years ago that lasted around a 1000 years but was eventually bred out of them. I wouldn't be surprised if Europeans, relatively modern north east Asians or Ancient Egyptians arrived here a long time before Columbus or Leif Erikson arrived here and gave them the skills and/or cranial capacity to accomplish these technological advances. You'd think we would be able to see this in their DNA genealogy though.

10-15-2019, 05:12 PM
The Maya did have a sophisticated form of writing but by the time the Europeans arrived they had vanished. The Aztecs and the Incas had a much more primitive form of writing. Likewise the Incas had a some incredibly sophisticated masonry and stonework skills hundreds and possibly a thousand years before the Europeans arrived but those skills dissapeared. It's fascinating because these Native Americans had an influx of intelligence that arrived around 2000 years ago that lasted around a 1000 years but was eventually bred out of them. I wouldn't be surprised if Europeans, relatively modern north east Asians or Ancient Egyptians arrived here a long time before Columbus or Leif Erikson arrived here and gave them the skills and/or cranial capacity to accomplish these technological advances. You'd think we would be able to see this in their DNA genealogy though.

10-17-2019, 03:53 AM
:oldlol: At these snowflakes getting triggered by a dude who's been dead for over 500 years.

I don't think it makes sense to label anyone as triggered simply because they bother to put the contributions of a historical figure in proper historical context.

10-17-2019, 08:27 AM
I don't think it makes sense to label anyone as triggered simply because they bother to put the contributions of a historical figure in proper historical context.

No, what makes them triggered is getting their panties all in a wad over it.

So you're from the islands? Post a recipe in the Bistro Rufus thread.

10-17-2019, 08:44 AM
The Maya did have a sophisticated form of writing but by the time the Europeans arrived they had vanished. The Aztecs and the Incas had a much more primitive form of writing. Likewise the Incas had a some incredibly sophisticated masonry and stonework skills hundreds and possibly a thousand years before the Europeans arrived but those skills dissapeared. It's fascinating because these Native Americans had an influx of intelligence that arrived around 2000 years ago that lasted around a 1000 years but was eventually bred out of them. I wouldn't be surprised if Europeans, relatively modern north east Asians or Ancient Egyptians arrived here a long time before Columbus or Leif Erikson arrived here and gave them the skills and/or cranial capacity to accomplish these technological advances. You'd think we would be able to see this in their DNA genealogy though.
There is absolutely no scientific evidence of this being anywhere even remotely possible :roll:

Fact, Europeans were very impressed by the Aztecs cities, they had running water for fukks sake, Euros were flinging shit out of their windows well into the 19th century :lol And you have the nerve to clown on their intelligence?

Look, Europeans as well as their Asian counterparts and to a lesser degree Africans all benefitted from the exchanging of ideas. Something is invented somewhere, like algebra in Arabia or gun powder in China, and it spreads through the constant contact with other peoples, they is pretty basic history. The NAs were pretty much cut off from other people's, yet they still had great civilizations.

10-17-2019, 08:54 AM
I saw an interesting point before.. Columbus & crew were the beginning of recorded, written history in America...

How the hell do you have a society with no record keeping, nobody writing anything down smh.

Safe to say 99% of these people mustve been totally illiterate while Europeans were going through a period of brilliant scientific, linguistic, and artistic enlightment.


Thank you Chris.
Europe went through the Dark Ages, people were being accused and executed for being witches and wizards :oldlol:

Europe was pretty much lifted from the grips of ignorance by the Umayyads, who had made Cordoba the center of the scientific world by the 10 century. If not for these Arabic Muslims, Europeans would still be living in huts by the time Columbus was born...in my post above I mention the trading of ideas. Europeans weren't the first great scientists nor civilizations, Middle Eastern and African peoples were.

Long Duck Dong
10-17-2019, 02:27 PM
There is absolutely no scientific evidence of this being anywhere even remotely possible :roll:

Fact, Europeans were very impressed by the Aztecs cities, they had running water for fukks sake, Euros were flinging shit out of their windows well into the 19th century :lol And you have the nerve to clown on their intelligence?

Look, Europeans as well as their Asian counterparts and to a lesser degree Africans all benefitted from the exchanging of ideas. Something is invented somewhere, like algebra in Arabia or gun powder in China, and it spreads through the constant contact with other peoples, they is pretty basic history. The NAs were pretty much cut off from other people's, yet they still had great civilizations.

Uhm. The Romans had a much more sophisticated aqueduct system 1300 years before the Aztec Empire even began. And you are ignoring my point of the massive brain drain that took place in Central and South America hundreds of years before Europeans arrived from Spain. Maya technology aside from some agricultural advances was way ahead of the Aztecs. In addition they were MUCH more advanced in astrology, math, and written text versus the Aztecs. Likewise Inca technology was going backwards when the Europeans arrived, they no longer possessed the advanced masonry and architecture skills their ancestors had. The large empires of the western hemisphere were in a period of devolution and no one knows why, so we can only guess.

10-17-2019, 02:34 PM
Uhm. The Romans had a much more sophisticated aqueduct system 1300 years before the Aztec Empire even began. And you are ignoring my point of the massive brain drain that took place in Central and South America hundreds of years before Europeans arrived from Spain. Maya technology aside from some agricultural advances was way ahead of the Aztecs. In addition they were MUCH more advanced in astrology, math, and written text versus the Aztecs. Likewise Inca technology was going backwards when the Europeans arrived, they no longer possessed the advanced masonry and architecture skills their ancestors had. The large empires of the western hemisphere were in a period of devolution and no one knows why, so we can only guess.

Well it was more than likely a combination of weed and video games.

10-17-2019, 02:37 PM
People not as important as Columbus:

Hernan Cortes
Hernando de Soto

10-17-2019, 02:48 PM
No, what makes them triggered is getting their panties all in a wad over it.

Doesn't strike me that people accurately pointing out that Columbus was a murderer, a slave trader, and a tyrant who shouldn't be revered is equivalent to getting their "panties all in a wad." Are some people so married to the Columbus fable that they can't acknowledge that real history is a little more complicated than what they learned in second grade? Guess we're revering ignorance along with tyrants now.

10-17-2019, 02:50 PM
Doesn't strike me that people accurately pointing out that Columbus was a murderer, a slave trader, and a tyrant who shouldn't be revered is equivalent to getting their "panties all in a wad." Are some people so married to the Columbus fable that they can't acknowledge that real history is a little more complicated than what they learned in second grade? Guess we're revering ignorance along with tyrants now.
The MAGA special

10-17-2019, 02:56 PM
Doesn't strike me that people accurately pointing out that Columbus was a murderer, a slave trader, and a tyrant who shouldn't be revered is equivalent to getting their "panties all in a wad." Are some people so married to the Columbus fable that they can't acknowledge that real history is a little more complicated than what they learned in second grade? Guess we're revering ignorance along with tyrants now.

:oldlol: I bet you're the type that enjoys telling children Santa Claus isn't real.

Pointing out facts is a little different than getting upset about it. There are a lot of things subject to revisionist history. I should know, I live in the South.

10-17-2019, 03:04 PM
Well it was more than likely a combination of weed and video games.
That's my best guess too...

10-17-2019, 03:26 PM
:oldlol: I bet you're the type that enjoys telling children Santa Claus isn't real.

Pointing out facts is a little different than getting upset about it. There are a lot of things subject to revisionist history. I should know, I live in the South.

It's cute to believe in fables when you're 6 or 7. Not so cute when you're 26 or 27.

Lol @ treating history like fairy tales. That definitely is what often happens in the South.

10-17-2019, 03:41 PM
Lol @ treating history like fairy tales. That definitely is what often happens in the South.

Traditional (white) Southern etiquette prescribes a romanticized revisionist view of the past that glorifies so-called nobility and sweeps the unpleasant realities under the rug.

I was taught in elementary school that slaves were treated well by their owners and considered part of the family. :facepalm I hope that things have changed by now but you'd be surprised how many people my age still believe that shit.

10-17-2019, 03:46 PM
Traditional (white) Southern etiquette prescribes a romanticized revisionist view of the past that glorifies so-called nobility and sweeps the unpleasant realities under the rug.

I was taught in elementary school that slaves were treated well by their owners and considered part of the family. :facepalm I hope that things have changed by now but you'd be surprised how many people my age still believe that shit.

not quite the same but i had a grown ass black man ask me if asian pvssy really ran sideways :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
10-17-2019, 03:46 PM
It's cute to believe in fables when you're 6 or 7. Not so cute when you're 26 or 27.

Lol @ treating history like fairy tales. That definitely is what often happens in the South.

Max, do you believe in God?

10-17-2019, 03:51 PM
not quite the same but i had a grown ass black man ask me if asian pvssy really ran sideways :oldlol:

:roll: :roll: :roll: