View Full Version : Gender Studies Professor Blames Trump For Black Female Obesity

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 09:42 AM

[QUOTE][I]During a television appearance, a New Jersey gender studies professor claimed that Donald Trump

10-16-2019, 09:55 AM

Who still doesn't believe that TDS is a real thing??
Oh TDS does exist, it's the newest strain of the original ODS, which you suffered for 8 long years.

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 09:58 AM
Oh TDS does exist, it's the newest strain of the original ODS, which you suffered for 8 long years.

Sorry, pal. My personal life, social life, and job precluded me from having or displaying any type of unnatural resentment towards Barry. He was a scumbag though.

10-16-2019, 10:02 AM
Sorry, pal. My personal life, social life, and job precluded me from having or displaying any type of unnatural resentment towards Barry. He was a scumbag though.
Barry is a scumbag and Trump isn't? :oldlol:

Trump is OverLord of all scumbags...watch him throw EVERYONE involved with him under the bus to try to save his skin.

10-16-2019, 10:04 AM
Trump likes his black women thick. :lol

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 10:04 AM
Barry is a scumbag and Trump isn't? :oldlol:

Trump is OverLord of all scumbags...watch him throw EVERYONE involved with him under the bus to try to save his skin.

Both men are scumbags, but at least one of them is doing a much better job of running a country.

But I dare anyone to find me a story as ridiculous as this whilst Obama was President.

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 10:07 AM
Trump likes his black women thick. :lol


Trump has gone over to the dark side and came back.


Long Duck Dong
10-16-2019, 12:04 PM
Oh TDS does exist, it's the newest strain of the original ODS, which you suffered for 8 long years.

Oh really? Show us all the protests in the streets, the screaming at the sky, the made up mental disorders attributed to Obama, the people saying they are going to move to another country, the claiming that the world is going to end in within 10-20 years because of the president, etc etc. Not just an individual or two, show me the masses of people that did this under Obama.

And it's not a Trump or Obama thing to tell you the truth. Libtards with protest their own shadow in outrage if they can't find anything else to be upset about

Long Duck Dong
10-16-2019, 12:07 PM

Trump has gone over to the dark side and came back.


Word is banged Mike Tyson's wife while they were married


10-16-2019, 12:09 PM
Gender studies has to be the dumbest degree you could get

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 12:17 PM
Gender studies has to be the dumbest degree you could get

We're definitely getting dumber as a society if we're handing out Gender Studies Degrees.

Gender Studies Textbook - Chapter 1:

There are two.

The End.

10-16-2019, 12:22 PM
Oh really? Show us all the protests in the streets, the screaming at the sky, the made up mental disorders attributed to Obama, the people saying they are going to move to another country, the claiming that the world is going to end in within 10-20 years because of the president, etc etc. Not just an individual or two, show me the masses of people that did this under Obama.

And it's not a Trump or Obama thing to tell you the truth. Libtards with protest their own shadow in outrage if they can't find anything else to be upset about

Thousands of people in this country legitimately viewed Obama as the Antichrist. :coleman:

10-16-2019, 12:33 PM
There are legitimate reasons that black women (and men of course. Not sure why black women are being singled out here) have higher obesity rates: the cheapest meals and groceries one can get are often unhealthy, and black people make up a disproportionately large percentage of the American lower economic class. However, it’s ridiculous to just blame Trump for something that is systemic. And I hate Trump.

10-16-2019, 12:58 PM
Oh really? Show us all the protests in the streets, the screaming at the sky, the made up mental disorders attributed to Obama, the people saying they are going to move to another country, the claiming that the world is going to end in within 10-20 years because of the president, etc etc. Not just an individual or two, show me the masses of people that did this under Obama.

And it's not a Trump or Obama thing to tell you the truth. Libtards with protest their own shadow in outrage if they can't find anything else to be upset about

The same people bitching about TDS today :lol

Fox News and conservative radio were filling older white folks with this shit, millions tune in to rightwing media outlets, of course a large number would believe all this hysteria. Difference is that YOUNG people are more left leaning, they have the energy to get out and protest, its always been that way. Older folks don't go out and protest BUT you bet your ass millions of older Americans were needlessly terrified of Obama because of all this venomous shit put out by rightwing media. The Clintons have also recieved this treatment, some of you legit think they have had people murdered :oldlol:

My point...both sides do it. Maybe the left has reached unprecedented heights of hysteria because Trump is a very flawed individual (to say the least). I doubt someone like Kasich would get anywhere the amount of hate from the Left as Trump does...at least Kasich strikes me as someone who would try to reach across the isle instead of antagonizing the other side and hate tweeting like a 14 year old troll.

Trump himself has a lot to do with the amount of hate he gets.

10-16-2019, 01:08 PM
And to reinforce one of my points, here's this video of an anti Obama protest...notice the age of all the protestors??


Look at anti Trump protests, 90% young people...young people protest, they have the zeal and energy to do it, always been that way.


10-16-2019, 01:18 PM
Both men are scumbags, but at least one of them is doing a much better job of running a country.

But I dare anyone to find me a story as ridiculous as this whilst Obama was President.
Took 2 seconds (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/apr/02/americans-obama-anti-christ-conspiracy-theories)

That being said, the professor in the OT is an idiot.

10-16-2019, 01:22 PM
Took 2 seconds (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/apr/02/americans-obama-anti-christ-conspiracy-theories)

That being said, the professor in the OT is an idiot.
Yeah, but I’ve noticed people like OP love finding one wingnut and acting as if they’re at all representative of liberals as a whole.

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 01:25 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Yeah, but I

10-16-2019, 01:36 PM
No I didn’t get to watch them, but it’s funny how a trumptard thinks he can call anyone crazy without looking hypocritical.

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 01:40 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]No I didn

10-16-2019, 01:55 PM
Well, we don't want to abolish the second amendment, have open borders, allow illegal aliens to drive and vote, and abort babies even after they're born.

So I think we have a right to call the other side crazy. But by all means, provide us all with some crazy ideas the Right is currently proposing.
Holy shit where are you getting those talking points?

10-16-2019, 01:57 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]No I didn

10-16-2019, 02:03 PM
so the emperor likes his women bbw? likes em thicc does he? :lebronamazed:

10-16-2019, 02:05 PM
I watched the previous debates my dude, am I not allowed to have had a social engagement last night?

10-16-2019, 02:08 PM
I watched the previous debates my dude, am I not allowed to have had a social engagement last night?

Of course you're ALLOWED to, it's just the obvious fact that you didn't and you're lying about it.

10-16-2019, 02:10 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Holy shit where are you getting those talking points?

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 02:23 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Holy shit where are you getting those talking points?

10-16-2019, 02:24 PM
Chewing gets his news from Breitbart Twitter accounts and Russian bots, there is literally no reason to try and have a rational discussion with him.

^ This is the ONLY kind of post you make about anything though :confusedshrug:

You make empty, one-liner virtue signals in response to the posts of others, but you never contribute substance of your own.

So I wouldnt point that finger anywhere but in the mirror little girl.

10-16-2019, 02:31 PM

Educate yourself.
Is he running for President?

I don

10-16-2019, 02:33 PM
Starface accusing others of being repetitive is rich when almost all of his posts on the OTC are either:

•Trump good, liberals bad


•Long, pretentious, rambling attacks on anyone who strikes him as a liberal

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 02:42 PM
Is he running for President?

I don’t agree with waiting that long to get an abortion, but I assume he’s talking about cases in which the mother would die without an abortion? Regardless, he isn’t running nor does he represent the views of the candidates.

I'm glad you backpedaled a bit on your comments. But a man of your age needs to understand that there are plenty of people out there who feel the same way regardless if he's running for President or not.

Not one candidate who is running for office has denounced what he said, nor offered to clarify their stance. They all say the same old bullshit, "It's the Mother's choice blah blah blah". It's the Mother's choice to kill a breathing human being after giving birth? Yeahhhhh not a good look for Dems.

10-16-2019, 02:43 PM

The same people bitching about TDS today :lol

Fox News and conservative radio were filling older white folks with this shit, millions tune in to rightwing media outlets, of course a large number would believe all this hysteria. Difference is that YOUNG people are more left leaning, they have the energy to get out and protest, its always been that way. Older folks don't go out and protest BUT you bet your ass millions of older Americans were needlessly terrified of Obama because of all this venomous shit put out by rightwing media. The Clintons have also recieved this treatment, some of you legit think they have had people murdered :oldlol:

My point...both sides do it. Maybe the left has reached unprecedented heights of hysteria because Trump is a very flawed individual (to say the least). I doubt someone like Kasich would get anywhere the amount of hate from the Left as Trump does...at least Kasich strikes me as someone who would try to reach across the isle instead of antagonizing the other side and hate tweeting like a 14 year old troll.

Trump himself has a lot to do with the amount of hate he gets.

The younger folks are also taught by nutcase professors mentioned in the OP. Academia is a cancer these days.

10-16-2019, 02:50 PM
I'm glad you backpedaled a bit on your comments. But a man of your age needs to understand that there are plenty of people out there who feel the same way regardless if he's running for President or not.

Not one candidate who is running for office has denounced what he said, nor offered to clarify their stance. They all say the same old bullshit, "It's the Mother's choice blah blah blah". It's the Mother's choice to kill a breathing human being after giving birth? Yeahhhhh not a good look for Dems.


Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 02:51 PM


10-16-2019, 03:18 PM
The younger folks are also taught by nutcase professors mentioned in the OP. Academia is a cancer these days.
Bro, both sides do it...you think its healthy for 20% of the population to believe it's POTUS was the Anti-Christ? Where does that level of crazy come from?
The media pits Americans against each other, paints the other side in the worst possible way. Both liberal and conservative media are owned by the elite, gotta make us divided as much as possible to distract us from the fact the the elite are fukking us in the ass and laughing all the way to the bank.

Having said that, pro Trump people actually believing that Trump is for the little guy is hilarious :lol

Y'all forget his background? Forgot that he's always been an elitist prick? The exact North Eastern out of touch rich dude the GOP used to be vehemanantly against? At no time did he ever take a stand for blue collar America until he started running for president.

Actions speak louder than words.


Patrick Chewing
10-16-2019, 03:36 PM
Bro, both sides do it...you think its healthy for 20% of the population to believe it's POTUS was the Anti-Christ? Where does that level of crazy come from?

What college professor, Conservative Media pundit, or Republican Member of Congress referenced Obama as being the Anti-Christ??

10-16-2019, 03:46 PM
Bro, both sides do it...you think its healthy for 20% of the population to believe it's POTUS was the Anti-Christ? Where does that level of crazy come from?
The media pits Americans against each other, paints the other side in the worst possible way. Both liberal and conservative media are owned by the elite, gotta make us divided as much as possible to distract us from the fact the the elite are fukking us in the ass and laughing all the way to the bank.

Having said that, pro Trump people actually believing that Trump is for the little guy is hilarious :lol

Y'all forget his background? Forgot that he's always been an elitist prick? The exact North Eastern out of touch rich dude the GOP used to be vehemanantly against? At no time did he ever take a stand for blue collar America until he started running for president.

Actions speak louder than words.


You think Hillary gives a rat's ass about the little people? Duping the masses into thinking they actually care about them is what politicians do.

10-16-2019, 03:48 PM
The younger folks are also taught by nutcase professors mentioned in the OP. Academia is a cancer these days.

Unless you're at a ultra Christian college or something like that virtually all of academia is liberal.

10-16-2019, 06:21 PM

10-16-2019, 07:36 PM

Trump has gone over to the dark side and came back.


Splittin that bark :pimp:


10-16-2019, 10:19 PM
Word is banged Mike Tyson's wife while they were married


damn :oldlol: mike wishin' those pictures didn't exist .. then again mike is a trump guy .. wouldn't surprise me if he shared her with trump

10-18-2019, 02:14 AM
Blacks blame the white man for everything. It's just pathetic at this point. Is personal responsibility such a foreign concept in their culture? :biggums:

10-18-2019, 02:16 AM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Yeah, but I

10-19-2019, 11:05 AM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Holy shit where are you getting those talking points?