View Full Version : Russia and US starting US cyber cooperation

10-17-2019, 08:13 PM
I mean, I swear I hate to make these threads about Trump and Russia but you can't ignore them. You finish listening to a Benny the Butcher track on Twitter and there it is.... Trump has done it yet again.

Russia literally HACKED our elections, HACKED our electric grids, HACKED our political servers and lawd knows what else (I believe they also hacked our hospitals).

Russia wants to bring down the US and has been confirmed in aiding to get Trump elected by interfering with our election via various methods.

Yet we are working with the country that has hacked not only us, but other countries around the world.


10-17-2019, 08:34 PM
OP literally never posted a thing about politics before Trump was elected.

He still doesn't post ANYTHING about politics unless it's about Donald Trump.

The guy has Trump Derangement Syndrome. I swear to God, when I heard that term I thought it was just lulz. But it's real. OP is a walking scientific example of this social phenomenon. The desperation for a foil, for a "bad guy." The need to believe someone is inherently awful, so that one can convince others to believe he is inherently good (for you can't have one without the other).

I mean we all do this to some extent, but OP is obvious and shameless about it.



OP needs Donald Trump, so OP can signal to other people that he's a good guy by calling Trump the bad guy.

Say goodnight to the bad guy!

Trump is an excuse for OP's lack of self identity.


10-17-2019, 08:43 PM
Right on queue.

Personal attacks start in attempts to deflect just as Trump does.

Ya'll predictable and boring.

10-17-2019, 08:46 PM
Right on queue.

Personal attacks start in attempts to deflect just as Trump does.

Ya'll predictable and boring.

But it's TRUE bro! Your whole situation is a total yikes!

I've been talking politics on here long before Trump was elected and I'm still talking politics on here.

But I'm not gonna engage in a serious discussion with someone who clearly isn't serious about anything meaningful, and just has an EXTREMELY unhealthy obsession with Donald Trump.

This is a full blown intervention dude. You may not want to hear this stuff but you NEED to.

Your addiction to your feelings of hate for Donald Trump... it's like a drug. You cant focus on anything else, you need your Trump hate fix every few hours. Something is clearly missing in your life and you are filling a void.

What IS it, OP?


10-17-2019, 08:49 PM
But it's TRUE bro! Your whole situation is a total yikes!

I've been talking politics on here long before Trump was elected and I'm still talking politics on here.

But I'm not gonna engage in a serious discussion with someone who clearly isn't serious about anything meaningful, and just has an EXTREMELY unhealthy obsession with Donald Trump.

This is a full blown intervention dude. You may not want to hear this stuff but you NEED to.

Your addiction to your feelings of hate for Donald Trump... it's like a drug. You cant focus on anything else, you need your Trump hate fix every few hours. Something is clearly missing in your life and you are filling a void.

What IS it, OP?


A. You're wrong. I've been talked politics since forever.
B. Even if I wasn't, why does it matter to you?
C. Is it my fault that Trump and his administration continues to f*ck shit up every single day at times multiple times a day?

Don't be mad at me, don't worry about me. My life is peachy.

Now let me finish adding some touches to a new track Im working on.

But it's nice you care so much about me.:D

10-17-2019, 08:50 PM
A. You're wrong. I've been talked politics since forever.
B. Even if I wasn't, why does it matter to you?
C. Is it my fault that Trump and his administration continues to f*ck shit up every single day at times multiple times a day?

Don't be mad at me, don't worry about me. My life is peachy.

Now let me finish adding some touches to a new track Im working on.

But it's nice you care so much about me.:D

It's not so much that I care about you personally - although in a general sense I guess I do - but I care about our country. A country isn't well if it's people aren't well.

You CLEARLY aren't well.

So I'm concerned.

10-17-2019, 08:52 PM
It's not so much that I care about you personally - although in a general sense I guess I do - but I care about our country. A country isn't well if it's people aren't well.

You CLEARLY aren't well.

So I'm concerned.