View Full Version : impeachment

10-19-2019, 10:06 AM
I am wondering if a president was ever impeached , stayed in office , and was re-elected ??

This info could be quite interesting in our government as well as our history of our country.

Right now abroad many countries are not looking kindly to our current state of affairs and that is exactly what Trump stated when he was running for president .. take care of our selves.

I am wondering if other than when our country was first born , fighting with the Brit's if our country was ever invaded in a war and our countries defense was ever in jeopardy ??

This could happen now that some countries could see our country as vulnerable .

Real Men Wear Green
10-19-2019, 10:12 AM
Trump has damaged our ability to form alliances with the Syria mess but it will still take a lot for someone to dare to invade.

10-19-2019, 10:16 AM
Bill Clinton??


10-19-2019, 10:26 AM
Bill Clinton??

No, Bill Clinton was impeached AFTER he had won re-election.

OP is asking if anyone has ever been impeached by the House, acquitted by the Senate and then re-elected. Answer is no.

And no one will dare invade the US, that's just silly talk.

Loco 50
10-19-2019, 10:47 AM
Can't be invaded. Our best defense has always been the oceans and that remains unchanged.

Wardell Curry
10-19-2019, 11:01 AM
Trump has damaged our ability to form alliances with the Syria mess but it will still take a lot for someone to dare to invade.

Can't be invaded. Our best defense has always been the oceans and that remains unchanged.

Nobody will ever ground invade us because the citizenry is too armed. The only way we will ever see a ground invasion on mainland United States soil is if it is conducted by or via robots.

Loco 50
10-19-2019, 11:13 AM
Nobody will ever ground invade us because the citizenry is too armed. The only way we will ever see a ground invasion on mainland United States soil is if it is conducted by or via robots.
:oldlol: Yeah no, your guns are not the deterrent.

The oceans and the fact that the Air Force or Navy would hit the enemy long before they could get here is the deterrent.

Armed citizenry.........:coleman:

10-19-2019, 11:43 AM
:oldlol: Yeah no, your guns are not the deterrent.

The oceans and the fact that the Air Force or Navy would hit the enemy long before they could get here is the deterrent.

Armed citizenry.........:coleman:
Those NRA types are delusional :lol

They claim to need guns to fight off the US military if ever a tyrant controls the government. An AR-15 isn't doing shit to an Abrams tank, an UMP-9 ain't doing shit to this thing...

10-19-2019, 11:50 AM
So you

10-19-2019, 11:54 AM
Lol at thinking US citizens fire arms is limited and that rocket launchers don

10-19-2019, 11:55 AM
Those NRA types are delusional :lol

They claim to need guns to fight off the US military if ever a tyrant controls the government. An AR-15 isn't doing shit to an Abrams tank, an UMP-9 ain't doing shit to this thing...

its not a deterrent against other countries, which is a moot point anyway cuz nukes, but it is a deterrent against our own government trying to come after the people.

you cant just nuke your own people, and a micro scale invasion would be met with ruby ridge style standoffs at every turn.

so theres a big point there...

10-19-2019, 12:04 PM
The threat of an invasion on a US shore would be so weak that the gov wouldn

10-19-2019, 12:05 PM
its not a deterrent against other countries, which is a moot point anyway cuz nukes, but it is a deterrent against our own government trying to come after the people.

you cant just nuke your own people, and a micro scale invasion would be met with ruby ridge style standoffs at every turn.

so theres a big point there...
Also, there

10-19-2019, 12:08 PM
[QUOTE=egokiller]Lol at thinking US citizens fire arms is limited and that rocket launchers don

10-19-2019, 12:10 PM
Bro, knocking out the latest attack helicopters ain't easy, they have the technology to detect a rocket launcher even before it's deployed, they also have flares...and you really get one crack at it before the helicopter finds out your location and blasts you to smithereens.

And no, I don't like the government having total control, I'm just saying that the citizenry doesn't have the weapons to fight off the US military if they decide to go ham, they wouldn't even have to nuke us, they have tactical nukes that aren't as powerful as the regular nukes, designed to kill humans and keep the infrastructure intact. Plus, you don't think the US government has a whole car of chemical and biological weapons??? They wouldn't even have to use manpower to eliminate the rebellion. They also would control the food, water and power sources. In the event the US gov decides to go ham on us, we're filled, just being realistic

Live free or die

10-19-2019, 12:17 PM
[QUOTE=CelticBaller]Also, there

10-19-2019, 12:40 PM
Bro, knocking out the latest attack helicopters ain't easy, they have the technology to detect a rocket launcher even before it's deployed, they also have flares...and you really get one crack at it before the helicopter finds out your location and blasts you to smithereens.

And no, I don't like the government having total control, I'm just saying that the citizenry doesn't have the weapons to fight off the US military if they decide to go ham, they wouldn't even have to nuke us, they have tactical nukes that aren't as powerful as the regular nukes, designed to kill humans and keep the infrastructure intact. Plus, you don't think the US government has a whole cache of chemical and biological weapons??? They wouldn't even have to use manpower to eliminate the rebellion. They also would control the food, water and power sources. In the event the US gov decides to go ham on us, we're pretty much fukked, just being realistic

you're vastly overestimating them with the biological and tactical stuff...

They would never and could never do that with todays media optics, unless the entire world had already fallen into complete anarchy.

in which case everybody was ****ed anyway.

10-19-2019, 12:59 PM
you're vastly overestimating them with the biological and tactical stuff...

They would never and could never do that with todays media optics, unless the entire world had already fallen into complete anarchy.

in which case everybody was ****ed anyway.
This is all hypothetical.

All I'm saying is if the US government turned on its own people for whatever the fukk reason, and gave zero fukks about casualties, we aren't defeating them. They've too many weapons at their disposal.

Again, as of right now this isn't a likely scenario, it's hypothetical, just laying out scenarios. Only chance we got is major defections from top military brass along with a sizeable amount of military personnel...if not, we're screwed.

And you're underestimating the power of chemical and especially, biological weapons. Can't fight an enemy you can't see...


10-19-2019, 10:19 PM
Well Trump could be the first president impeached and get re-elected !!!!!

On top of that YES our country can be invaded on our American soil , because it all ready happened from the middle east during 9/11.

Think twice about an invasion - it could happen , and it could be from your next door neighbor that just moved in less than a year ago ...

granted we have bombs , but in the above war only our allies are our true defense(.)

and by the way just added an other enemy to the list with Syria !

Patrick Chewing
10-19-2019, 10:31 PM
You guys watch too many movies.