View Full Version : Luka has to face angry defenders nightly and is still elite at 20...

10-24-2019, 05:14 PM
Same thing Bird went through.

Most players get to face lackadaisical defense on a lot of nights.

Defenders are literally ANGRY at a white star and HATE his success.

Watch the games; they go HARD every night at him.

Beal getting ejected last night playing D as if his life depended on it is just a microcosm; Beal NEVER defends that hard.

Imagine if Luka got nights off to stuff stats.

10-24-2019, 05:20 PM
my favorite posters on this board - stalker, feeny, imkobe

ur right - players don't want a white boy busting their ass and they get shook like Beal did when it happens

heck, bird didn't like white guys busting him either - he didn't respect them - he didn't even want white guys guarding him

it's an interesting dynamic there in dallas - a couple badass white dudes know they might have the best twosome in the game in a mostly black league.. it's pretty cool/interesting and i'll be tracking their performance and noting if guys appear to be shook by the race aspect

I think Porzingas can outplay AD tbh - Porzingas can create his own shot better and has a better turnaround.. and he can get physical with AD.. should be interesting.

10-24-2019, 05:24 PM
I wonder who Luka’s basketball idol was growing up.

Have you got any info on that, Justin?

10-24-2019, 05:39 PM
Luka worked out with Kobe heading into his rookie season so it's no surprise he dominated. He clearly has the Mamba Mentality and I agree that white European players do get tested more at times but there are a lot of different variables here. Luka was already considered the best player in Europe coming into the league and had one of the best rookie seasons in NBA history, so of course guys are going to come at him because he's already one of the 10 most popular players in the league and probably top 20 as far as production/talent goes. He would have been an all-star last year under the old voting format.

10-24-2019, 06:00 PM

10-24-2019, 06:02 PM
OP and Luka continue to dominate despite facing an angry army of jealous haters who despise them because of the color of their skin.

:cheers: :party:

10-24-2019, 07:43 PM
my favorite posters on this board - stalker, feeny, imkobe

ur right - players don't want a white boy busting their ass and they get shook like Beal did when it happens

heck, bird didn't like white guys busting him either - he didn't respect them - he didn't even want white guys guarding him

it's an interesting dynamic there in dallas - a couple badass white dudes know they might have the best twosome in the game in a mostly black league.. it's pretty cool/interesting and i'll be tracking their performance and noting if guys appear to be shook by the race aspect

I think Porzingas can outplay AD tbh - Porzingas can create his own shot better and has a better turnaround.. and he can get physical with AD.. should be interesting.


And Rodman has stated that players would do anything to not get their ass busted by a white dude; it was the ultimate embarrassment and emasculating thing that could happen.

Beal was playing like it was game 7 of the NBA finals.

Beal will NOT keep that same energy nightly.

He was so frustrated as he went like 7-25 and witnessed a 20 year old white not even breaking a sweat to 34.

10-24-2019, 07:43 PM
OP and Luka continue to dominate despite facing an angry army of jealous haters who despise them because of the color of their skin.

:cheers: :party:


10-24-2019, 08:05 PM



10-24-2019, 09:11 PM
Young people may not know this but Bird was a legendary trash talker and a legit bully. There were guys around the league who intimidated by certain players. Not Bird.

He was a guy who would bully the other bullies. He was also notorious for fighting off the court. He actually dropped a fan cold at the Final Four in college when the guy grabbed his sore hand after the game.

He was a redshirt his first year at ISU. In practice he would be on the same team as the bench players when they went 5 on 5. One day one of the starters punched one of the guys on Bird's side in a scrimmage and Bird just mauled him.

10-24-2019, 09:51 PM
Yall don't know shit about Larry Bird. One night on a switch Kerr gets stuck on Bird and Bird just picks up his dribble grabs Kerr by the throat and says something to the effect of "listen you pencil necked geek, you guard losers like Craig Ehlo." Next night in Utah he gets in a scrum with Stockton for a jump ball and Stockton jokes "hows the weather up there?" Bird spits in his eye and says "its raining" on national television. Larry Bird HATED white people.

10-24-2019, 10:03 PM
Yall don't know shit about Larry Bird. One night on a switch Kerr gets stuck on Bird and Bird just picks up his dribble grabs Kerr by the throat and says something to the effect of "listen you pencil necked geek, you guard losers like Craig Ehlo." Next night in Utah he gets in a scrum with Stockton for a jump ball and Stockton jokes "hows the weather up there?" Bird spits in his eye and says "its raining" on national television. Larry Bird HATED white people.

10-24-2019, 10:05 PM
Yall don't know shit about Larry Bird. One night on a switch Kerr gets stuck on Bird and Bird just picks up his dribble grabs Kerr by the throat and says something to the effect of "listen you pencil necked geek, you guard losers like Craig Ehlo." Next night in Utah he gets in a scrum with Stockton for a jump ball and Stockton jokes "hows the weather up there?" Bird spits in his eye and says "its raining" on national television. Larry Bird HATED white people.

yeah and hitler hated jews :lol

(he was jewish)

10-24-2019, 10:11 PM
yeah and hitler hated jews :lol

(he was jewish)
He well documented that Bird legit felt disrespected when white people guarded him. I dont think he hates white people, but i think he thinks they n9t that good at defense.

10-24-2019, 10:13 PM
He well documented that Bird legit felt disrespected when white people guarded him. I dont think he hates white people, but i think he thinks they n9t that good at defense.

i guess, like many GMs, he didnt respect the white baller :lol

10-24-2019, 10:17 PM
The Hick from French Lick

10-24-2019, 10:27 PM
Same thing Bird went through.

Most players get to face lackadaisical defense on a lot of nights.

Defenders are literally ANGRY at a white star and HATE his success.

Watch the games; they go HARD every night at him.

Beal getting ejected last night playing D as if his life depended on it is just a microcosm; Beal NEVER defends that hard.

Imagine if Luka got nights off to stuff stats.
So you literally watched all Dallas games last season ?

10-25-2019, 02:35 AM
European white dudes got swag. Unlike the white dudes here

10-25-2019, 02:36 AM
[QUOTE=FultzNationRISE]I wonder who Luka

10-25-2019, 02:42 AM

Stephen A. is so racist, he's not even hiding it anymore :lol