View Full Version : The Mandalorian Trailer (Disney)

Patrick Chewing
10-29-2019, 04:41 PM

This already looks 100x times better than any of the more recent SW movies.

10-29-2019, 04:44 PM
It's not hard to look better than the Disney stuff these days.

The fan made movie Vader, Episode I: Shards of the Past was better than anything The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi showed. :oldlol: WIth multi-hundren million dollar budgets. The part where Vader stops the mini-blasters with the force like Neo gave me goosebumps.

Watch it here: https://youtu.be/Ey68aMOV9gc

10-29-2019, 06:07 PM
I refuse to watch ANYTHING related to Star Wars as long as that **** Kathleen Kennedy is still in charge. I grew up watching the original three movies. I was 8 when the first one came out. I was at opening day for every single movie up until Solo. After the travesty that was The Last Jedi, I vowed I would not watch another one as long as Kennedy remains in charge. I have not and will not see Solo and will not see the next movie coming out this year. Heck, I even enjoyed the prequels when most people did not but I will not support them any more. I did not care for the Force Awakens (which I thought was the worst movie yet) at the time up until the abomination that was Last Jedi. The powers that be at Disney were stupid to ever hire a feminist SJW to head the major investment they made in Star Wars.

10-29-2019, 06:12 PM
I refuse to watch ANYTHING related to Star Wars as long as that **** Kathleen Kennedy is still in charge. I grew up watching the original three movies. I was 8 when the first one came out. I was at opening day for every single movie up until Solo. After the travesty that was The Last Jedi, I vowed I would not watch another one as long as Kennedy remains in charge. I have not and will not see Solo and will not see the next movie coming out this year. Heck, I even enjoyed the prequels when most people did not but I will not support them any more. I did not care for the Force Awakens (which I thought was the worst movie yet) at the time up until the abomination that was Last Jedi. The powers that be at Disney were stupid to ever hire a feminist SJW to head the major investment they made in Star Wars.
You'll probably like The Critical Drinker's reaction to The Rise of Skywalker's trailer. It's gold and very on point about Kennedy and her department...


10-29-2019, 11:07 PM
You'll probably like The Critical Drinker's reaction to The Rise of Skywalker's trailer. It's gold and very on point about Kennedy and her department...


Thanks!! I had not seen that. Yea he is spot on. :applause:

10-30-2019, 01:09 AM
Love the critical drinkers vids:cheers:

Definitely won't be going to see rise of bulshit in cinema