View Full Version : Michelle Obama - "White flight is destroying our communities."

10-31-2019, 02:15 PM

Michelle Obama is lamenting the scarring effects "white flight" had on her and her community as a kid.

"I always stop there when I talk about this out in the world because I want to remind white folks that y'all were running from us. This family, with all the values you read about: you ran from us. And you're still running."


Since the evil white man left, why have your communities turned to a shit show?


Does she not realize what she's saying?


10-31-2019, 02:18 PM
The Baltimore violence is insane.

NBA player, Reggie Bullock, just lost a second sibling to murder in Baltimore.

Why the f uck would you let your family stay there with all your money?


Patrick Chewing
10-31-2019, 02:27 PM
I know the simpletons of ISH will be offended by this, but who in their right mind would want to move to a predominantly Black neighborhood at this point and time?? Poverty and crime go hand in hand.

Michelle Obama is another Blacktivist who loves nothing more than pointing the finger and blaming others (Whites) for the problems and ills in Black America today. No accountability whatsoever. Her excuse will always be "They made us this way". Get the **** outta here.

10-31-2019, 02:33 PM
Minorities: "We need our safe space from white people because dey evil n shieet"

*white people leaves*



10-31-2019, 02:40 PM
shannon sharpe was talking about the KAT/Embiid fight, spoke about a personal experience from his college days. story goes that he was hooping and some dude wanted to throw fists over a hard foul, same dude was about get jumped so he runs to his car and that's when Shannon told everyone to leave bc he knew that guy was going for his gun.

The hood stays the hood. been in that situation before, never went back to that basketball park despite it being a good place to play pickup.

i'll never return to the hood, i'm good with it. was raised in the projects and i don't ever want to return there.

but it's just a coincidence that the hood is compromised mostly of minorities. fact of the matter is, classism is a bigger issue than racism. i live in a higher scale apartment complex, not super rich or anything, just really nice. i see mostly white people here but even the black people here seem nice. no fights or commotion about anything. i have an attached garage that i leave open sometime bc i forget. the other night i left the garage open and the door into my unit, nothing went missing. it is what it is.

10-31-2019, 02:56 PM
OP is trailer trash.

10-31-2019, 02:59 PM
I know the simpletons of ISH will be offended by this, but who in their right mind would want to move to a predominantly Black neighborhood at this point and time?? Poverty and crime go hand in hand.

Michelle Obama is another Blacktivist who loves nothing more than pointing the finger and blaming others (Whites) for the problems and ills in Black America today. No accountability whatsoever. Her excuse will always be "They made us this way". Get the **** outta here.

Michelle Obama thinks that putting a wal-mart, check-n-go, and section 8 housing in a predominately upscale white neighborhood is the answer to sociodemographic issues. What a clown.

10-31-2019, 03:41 PM
I know the simpletons of ISH will be offended by this, but who in their right mind would want to move to a predominantly Black neighborhood at this point and time?? Poverty and crime go hand in hand.

Michelle Obama is another Blacktivist who loves nothing more than pointing the finger and blaming others (Whites) for the problems and ills in Black America today. No accountability whatsoever. Her excuse will always be "They made us this way". Get the **** outta here.

I love black folk but I gotta agree in most circumstances...

HOWEVER, where I live black ppl prosper greatly. The surrounding areas have the highest black income per capita in the U.S. In fact, because of them and they FANCY GUB'MENT jobs, it's quite expensive to own a home in the neighboring counties.

Suffice to say, I'm fortunate to directly know both realities

10-31-2019, 03:55 PM
I really don't understand the criticism from Michelle on this one. There are indian communities. Chinese communities. Hispanic communities. Black communities. All in the US. Hispanics like moving to Texas because they know there are going to be other hispanics there.

I see it as they share cultural values and people that share cultural values tend to want to be around each other. That doesn't necessarily mean you won't get along with a chinese, indian etc. but just speaking as a generality. Why can this not be equally applied to white people?

It's funny that Michelle also had this criticism while at the same time Barack criticized woke culture. Maybe her wife should've been listening to what Barack said since her criticism directly falls under that woke culture umbrella.

10-31-2019, 04:01 PM
I love black folk but I gotta agree in most circumstances...

HOWEVER, where I live black ppl prosper greatly. The surrounding areas have the highest black income per capita in the U.S. In fact, because of them and they FANCY GUB'MENT jobs, it's quite expensive to own a home in the neighboring counties.

Suffice to say, I'm fortunate to directly know both realities

Same thing in Dallas. Growing up, every time I went in the city I wouldn't as many black people doing basic every day things. Now they are out at clubs, bars, brunches etc. like everybody else. And nobody sees it as a big deal at all which is how it's supposed to be. That's why I just dont buy that "we are in the worse racial times ever" or "race relations have gotten worse."

10-31-2019, 04:17 PM
Michelle is wrong here

10-31-2019, 05:56 PM
White flight? What is this, 1960? :lol

White people have been moving back to the cities and pushing the minorities out. Its reverse white flight, and its been going on for some time.

10-31-2019, 06:30 PM
OP is trailer trash.


You can tell Michelle Obama is one of RRR3's "go-to's" for signaling to others how progressive and hip he is. The type of dude who brings up how much he loves her in random conversation, because he wants to blow your mind that he, a privileged white male, is approving of this black female as she tries to say smart political stuff. It's so obvious dude has a handful of "go-to" lines that he leans on, in hopes of letting people know he belongs.

MObama is like a hipster hero, even though she's never really done or said anything intelligent. Dudes hoping their praise of her signals to others that they're enlightened or some shit lol. Patronizing as hell.

Just soycuck things.

10-31-2019, 06:32 PM

10-31-2019, 06:36 PM
White flight? What is this, 1960? :lol

White people have been moving back to the cities and pushing the minorities out. Its reverse white flight, and its been going on for some time.

Yeah - and blacks are complaining about it. Gentrification.

Check AOC who was complaining about people flocking to the steps where the Joker danced on.

10-31-2019, 09:38 PM

You can tell Michelle Obama is one of RRR3's "go-to's" for signaling to others how progressive and hip he is. The type of dude who brings up how much he loves her in random conversation, because he wants to blow your mind that he, a privileged white male, is approving of this black female as she tries to say smart political stuff. It's so obvious dude has a handful of "go-to" lines that he leans on, in hopes of letting people know he belongs.

MObama is like a hipster hero, even though she's never really done or said anything intelligent. Dudes hoping their praise of her signals to others that they're enlightened or some shit lol. Patronizing as hell.

Just soycuck things.


10-31-2019, 09:55 PM

You can tell Michelle Obama is one of RRR3's "go-to's" for signaling to others how progressive and hip he is. The type of dude who brings up how much he loves her in random conversation, because he wants to blow your mind that he, a privileged white male, is approving of this black female as she tries to say smart political stuff. It's so obvious dude has a handful of "go-to" lines that he leans on, in hopes of letting people know he belongs.

MObama is like a hipster hero, even though she's never really done or said anything intelligent. Dudes hoping their praise of her signals to others that they're enlightened or some shit lol. Patronizing as hell.

Just soycuck things.

Even though you basically reiterate this in around 75% of your posts, it

11-01-2019, 02:15 AM
[QUOTE=warriorfan]Even though you basically reiterate this in around 75% of your posts, it

Lakers Legend#32
11-01-2019, 02:22 AM
Trump supporters are showing their Klan robes.

East River Livn'
11-01-2019, 03:58 AM
No worries about thugs. No worries about rising ocean levels. No fuks given.

https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960x0/https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Fkathleenhowley%2Ffiles%2F2019% 2F09%2Fabove-showing-ocean-e1567361304212.jpg


11-01-2019, 10:20 AM

Michelle Obama is lamenting the scarring effects "white flight" had on her and her community as a kid.

"I always stop there when I talk about this out in the world because I want to remind white folks that y'all were running from us. This family, with all the values you read about: you ran from us. And you're still running."


Since the evil white man left, why have your communities turned to a shit show?


Does she not realize what she's saying?


Her point was that if white flight did not occur in the inner cities our inner cities education would of made our inner cities better ... Not hard to figure that out - Well they are shit holes as you stated.

11-01-2019, 10:22 AM
Her point was that if white flight did not occur in the inner cities our inner cities education would of made our inner cities better ... Not hard to figure that out - Well they are shit holes as you stated.

huh what does that have to do with education for blacks .. I thought we were all equally intelligent .. they don't need whites to educate themselves

11-01-2019, 01:07 PM
The government doesn’t want to put money into education. More education for the masses means less chance of gov corruption and smarter voters and that’s the last thing the gov wants. Every school in the ghetto and everywhere else should be top notch with gov paying teachers very well in all locations.

“but then my pastor won’t be able to have a successful privately held school if public schools are just as good and cost the same or less?” - Dudley DoRight

Long Duck Dong
11-01-2019, 01:24 PM
The government doesn’t want to put money into education. More education for the masses means less chance of gov corruption and smarter voters and that’s the last thing the gov wants. Every school in the ghetto and everywhere else should be top notch with gov paying teachers very well in all locations.

“but then my pastor won’t be able to have a successful privately held school if public schools are just as good and cost the same or less?” - Dudley DoRight

It would be nice if education for the less motivated and/or lower IQ was limited to trade schools though. Since higher education facilities these days are full of politics all it does for the less motivated is create a victimhood climate for them b/c they cannot compete with their more intelligent and motivated peers.

11-01-2019, 01:27 PM
Trump supporters are showing their Klan robes.
They never hid them in the first place :lol

11-01-2019, 01:46 PM
It would be nice if education for the less motivated and/or lower IQ was limited to trade schools though. Since higher education facilities these days are full of politics all it does for the less motivated is create a victimhood climate for them b/c they cannot compete with their more intelligent and motivated peers.

Definitely this. And it's not a racial thing, this is how it's traditionally been done in Germany up until the last decade basically. Only about 30% of high school graduates would go to University, the rest would learn a trade and start earning income.

The American left has this great fixation on college education being "the great equalizer." They cant face the reality of people earning what theyre worth and not everyone having equal value.

Not everyone can be a doctor or a lawyer, and those jobs will always make more because there is a premium on health and legal expertise. Everyone else can waste four years in college but at the end of the day we're still gonna need plumbers and bus drivers and construction workers and police officers and entertainers, etc. Even computer programming can be learned in a trade school and doesnt require extensive university study. So why spend four years in college? If you enjoy learning, great, learn in your free time.

Schools are trying to convince politicians to convince idiot voters that sending everyone to college will make us all equal :lol

And the idiot voters buy it hook, line and sinker.


11-01-2019, 01:48 PM
It would be nice if education for the less motivated and/or lower IQ was limited to trade schools though. Since higher education facilities these days are full of politics all it does for the less motivated is create a victimhood climate for them b/c they cannot compete with their more intelligent and motivated peers.

I was referring to the quality of teachers and the curriculum from grade school all the way up which would result in far less individuals with low IQ to begin with, but more options like trade schools would be great.

11-01-2019, 01:50 PM
why the fvck wouldn't we run away form you:biggums:

11-01-2019, 02:18 PM
Segregation is a natural human phenomenon. Doesn't mean is has to involve skin color. Can be language, culture, diet, or whatever.

Forcible integration is like active transport :lol It's counter intuitive and requires concerted energy to maintain. It's like running up a hill.

We can force it, to satisfy our emotions as a society. But... we're fighting an uphill battle.

And not even for any practical purposes. Strictly to satisfy the emotional needs of the left, basically.

11-01-2019, 02:35 PM
If humans like to segregate themselves then why are they so willing to have sex with someone from another race or culture?

11-01-2019, 02:45 PM
If humans like to segregate themselves then why are they so willing to have sex with someone from another race or culture?

Umm, because hormones often override other considerations, including safety. I'm pretty sure anyone with a peenis knows that.

The reason we don't all walk around naked is because we don't want to see people we aren't attracted to naked, because it's gross.

"But then how come u want to look at a attractive woman naked but its gross to look at other people naked!"

Because hormones.

You didn't know that's a thing?

11-01-2019, 02:47 PM
Umm, because hormones often override other considerations, including safety. I'm pretty sure anyone with a peenis knows that.

The reason we don't all walk around naked is because we don't want to see people we aren't attracted to naked, because it's gross.

"But then how come u want to look at a attractive woman naked but its gross to look at other people naked!"

Because hormones.

You didn't know that's a thing?

To go further, no straight guy has a problem with bringing in more women from other races/cultures.

But why would he want to bring in more men to compete for the limited number of women he finds attractive?

What's natural about that?

The answer is, if he thinks being tolerant of more men will make him look more attractive to women.

Hence, left wing politics.

11-01-2019, 02:53 PM
Umm, because hormones often override other considerations, including safety. I'm pretty sure anyone with a peenis knows that.

The reason we don't all walk around naked is because we don't want to see people we aren't attracted to naked, because it's gross.

"But then how come u want to look at a attractive woman naked but its gross to look at other people naked!"

Because hormones.

You didn't know that's a thing?

So humans naturally segregate themselves until hormones kick in causing people to then procreate with other races mingling bloodlines and thus integrating. Gotcha. Crazy world.

11-01-2019, 02:55 PM
So humans naturally segregate themselves until hormones kick in causing people to then procreate with other races mingling bloodlines and thus integrating. Gotcha. Crazy world.

You sound like you're trying to walk the border of sarcasm because you don't have a refutation but you don't want to acknowledge it's true and you don't want anyone to be able to tell whether you're agreeing with it or not.


11-01-2019, 06:15 PM
If humans like to segregate themselves then why are they so willing to have sex with someone from another race or culture?

It's called the foreign effect buddy - which lasts for a few months before you realize the cultural gap is too much to bridge and you date someone with a more similar upbringing. Done it at more than one occasion. And that's not to say there aren't success stories (american military men marrying asian women for example) but it's more often than not you're going to date someone with a similar shared culture and worldviews.

Imagine a russian dude trying to date an american woman.

The exoticness can sometimes make people more interesting than they are.

11-01-2019, 06:16 PM
So humans naturally segregate themselves until hormones kick in causing people to then procreate with other races mingling bloodlines and thus integrating. Gotcha. Crazy world.

They aren't procreating - they are hooking up with other races and cultures because the difference in that culture/race drives a large part of the attraction.

Backpackers hooking up with each other is different than settling down, raising a family and living in a neighborhood.

11-02-2019, 08:38 AM
I wanna know how these terms like 'white flight', 'people of color' and shit catch on.

White flight being one of the most hilarious ones, of course.
