View Full Version : Load management is harmful to the league and should be put a stop to immediately

11-06-2019, 08:22 AM
The idea that players can just take games off randomly on short notice is a complete joke. NBA is about entertainment first and foremost, and load management undermines the regular season product.

how are fans suppose to buy tickets to see games without knowing which players are playing? Not to mention television partners deciding which games to feature on broadcast. They should either refund ticket price if players are load managed or designate games as "Load Managed" games at the beginning of season so fans know what they are purchasing.

The superteam and load management phenomenons are a direct result of the "ring counting" reductionist approach towards player evaluation propagated by the media where the only thing that matters for a players legacy is the number of rings they win.

This type of narrative has created an environment where the regular season simply dont matter. Which is bad for a league that needs to sell regular season tickets and broadcast regular season games.

11-06-2019, 08:30 AM
teams care more about winning rings. Coz the more championship a team has the more fans it has. So if they have to rest players to win those rings then so be it.

11-06-2019, 09:08 AM
teams care more about winning rings. Coz the more championship a team has the more fans it has. So if they have to rest players to win those rings then so be it.
Shut up water boy. Fetch me some water your stupid puto.

Real Men Wear Green
11-06-2019, 09:10 AM
No one likes it but how are you going to stop it? Especially when the players are doing it with their own team's blessing to prolong their careers? And how many of us get mad at the home team if they rest a star to keep him strong for the playoffs?

Even if they want to do something about it what could thr league do? Every player has some nagging ailment that the team can point at and say they're injured. What's the league going to do when they say they're injured?

For anything to happen the NBA would have to start losing money. It would require some massive fan movement, the kind of thing that never happens.

11-06-2019, 09:14 AM
No one likes it but how are you going to stop it? Especially when the players are doing it with their own team's blessing to prolong their careers? And how many of us get mad at the home team if they rest a star to keep him strong for the playoffs?

Even if they want to do something about it what could thr league do? Every player has some nagging ailment that the team can point at and say they're injured. What's the league going to do when they say they're injured?

For anything to happen the NBA would have to start losing money. It would require some massive fan movement, the kind of thing that never happens.
Popovic and Team Duncan started the trend.

11-06-2019, 09:50 AM
Load managing Clippers/Bucks game is just bad taste.

Why does he sit out against better teams to play the worse team?

I bet how the team performs without him is in the back of Kawhi's head. Potential for insecurity there.

He's always been one to take the easier road. Take it easy.

It's a tricky subject. But 82 games is bull. If you load manage in a 58-game season, then I'd be really mad.

82 games truly is far fetched and doesn't add up to the relevancy of the regular season.

11-06-2019, 10:01 AM

11-06-2019, 10:07 AM

11-06-2019, 10:08 AM
Load managing Clippers/Bucks game is just bad taste.

Why does he sit out against better teams to play the worse team?

I bet how the team performs without him is in the back of Kawhi's head. Potential for insecurity there.

He's always been one to take the easier road. Take it easy.

It's a tricky subject. But 82 games is bull. If you load manage in a 58-game season, then I'd be really mad.

82 games truly is far fetched and doesn't add up to the relevancy of the regular season.

Ummm how??

11-06-2019, 10:16 AM
Didn't the nba say they would fine teams for this nonesense.

Steve Ballmer is worth 53 billion dollars. You could fine him the value of an entire NBA team without in anyway affecting his lifestyle. He

11-06-2019, 05:35 PM
Shut up water boy. Fetch me some water your stupid puto.

:biggums: :wtf:

11-06-2019, 06:07 PM
You know what's even more harmful to the league? Having star players go down with season-ending or career-ending injuries.

Im so nba'd out
11-06-2019, 06:39 PM
nobody is forcing you to go to the games....stop going if this bothers u so much.You know the risk when you buy tickets early you entitled p.o.s

11-06-2019, 06:42 PM
clipper weak as$ =


11-06-2019, 07:02 PM
totally agree with you, another reason why lebron is a tier above everyone else.

11-06-2019, 08:27 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]Steve Ballmer is worth 53 billion dollars. You could fine him the value of an entire NBA team without in anyway affecting his lifestyle. He

Real Men Wear Green
11-06-2019, 08:31 PM
Terrible idea to reduce resting players that will never happen: make home court advantage in the playoffs 5 games to 2.

11-06-2019, 08:43 PM
And who exactly fines them this absurd number? The commissioner who works for them?

Owners Are the NBA. The NBA can

11-06-2019, 09:27 PM
Teams should be punished if done too much. They should forfeit future draft picks.. You wanna preserve your player so bad then stick with what you got and deal with the consequences.

No extra trade chips or fall back plans..

11-07-2019, 04:41 AM
It doesn't matter, the nba is trash, but it does bring up an interesting point when people say y'know Kawhi is the next MJ and such... MJ playing 80 games and going deep in the playoffs. Kawhi is always looking like he's on his last leg deep in the playoffs (even tho he balls out.)

I mean, how much load management does it take to lower a player's rank all-time? Is load management different than like... shaq taking 20 games off a year haha. I dunno.

If you wanna make it about money, structure their contracts so that they get paid based on the quality of the team they play, if it's on TV, etc. Also if you're gonna schedule a b2b, put the good team first. But yea, that's the best idea I have, pay them more money to play vs good teams and in national TV games, so they can manage but they are gonna be losing a lot of cash. I mean if dude's contract is 32 million, there are 82 games, Baseline it at 200-250k per game, injured or not, then you can probably scrape 250k more or maybe 500k more for some really high revenue games.

The players union probably wouldn't go for it, but it makes a lot of sense. And obviously have some kind of insurance so if a guy blows out his knee going hard, he still gets to recoup most/all of his contract.


11-07-2019, 04:48 AM
They allowed player collusion and stacking and called it player freedom. They actively interfere in Finals for more ratings and to boost their pet project's legacy. They watered down the rules to attract more viewership. They interfered in trades to make way for the new weak generation. They bowed down to the real Qing, Xi Jinping for more shekels. The list is endless.

They will not do a damn thing about this, and if they do, they are massive hypocrites. Not that I endorse load management, even after what happened to Kobe.

11-07-2019, 05:06 AM
Load management has its advantages. You get fresher stars. If Kawhi wasn't load managed last season, would we see him perform the way he did in the playoff? I doubt it. If Kobe was load managed, perhaps he'd not tore his Achilles and we'll see a few more seasons of black mamba.

If fans don't like it, then don't buy tickets and don't watch the games. Don't buy merchandise, make a petition, etc.