View Full Version : Scoring in this league is so easy this days

Nike D'Antoni
11-08-2019, 11:57 PM
defences inexistant, I miss defensive bball.

11-09-2019, 12:00 AM
Can't say I disagree.

Not allowed to fight over screens
No off ball hand check
No on ball hand check
No palming or carrying
Laaaate gather step interpretation means almost no traveling

Yet a great offensive player is allowed to use a MOVING screen that gets ignored, then hook a defenders arm on his way into the paint and the foul will get called on the dragged backpeddling defender

It's no wonder efg% and 3 point and at-rim percentages are at all-time highs

Nike D'Antoni
11-09-2019, 12:40 AM
Shit players are scoring 40 this days

11-09-2019, 02:05 AM
Heat missed that memo.

11-09-2019, 02:07 AM
not if one's 6-3

if one is taller than the league's average height, however...

11-09-2019, 05:53 AM
You pull up the games and see Wiggins has 40, Siakam has 40, Luka has 38/14/10, Russell has 50, and Dame has 60 and you aren

11-09-2019, 05:56 AM
cant say i agree

athleticism and skill level just really high

guys are flying across the court now

such high paced action

11-09-2019, 09:59 AM
cant say i agree

athleticism and skill level just really high

guys are flying across the court now

such high paced action

Very different than 40 years ago.

11-09-2019, 10:35 AM
it's by design. the league has put a major emphasis on 'freedom of movement' the last few seasons.

now a guy can average a triple double over multiple seasons, no one cares.

a borderline all star can drop 50, no one bats an eye.

scoreboard could be 165-162 in regulation, not a single damn given.

all $tats are empty now. meaningless.

11-09-2019, 10:39 AM
it's by design. the league has put a major emphasis on 'freedom of movement' the last few seasons.

now a guy can average a triple double over multiple seasons, no one cares.

a borderline all star can drop 50, no one bats an eye.

scoreboard could be 165-162 in regulation, not a single damn given.

all $tats are empty now. meaningless.

stats are just like currency, complete subject to the whims of inflation and nominally meaningless.

the only thing that stays the same season after season is that there is only 1 championship. Which is why rings are still the best measure of a player legacy

stats = fiat money
championship = gold

11-09-2019, 10:45 AM
cant say i agree

athleticism and skill level just really high

guys are flying across the court now

such high paced action
Of course they're flying around you can't touch anyone. It's easy to fly around with all the freedom of movement.

And coming off a hundred screens and hitting open shots isn't high skill :facepalm

11-09-2019, 10:52 AM
The league has a deeper pool of talent than it has ever, you have guys that would be legit MVP candidates in the late 90s barely scratching the all star team

Also Defense actually takes skill to play today. No more of that weak ass cheap handchecking bs :no:

11-09-2019, 11:19 AM
So why cant Lonzo Ball manage over 2 points in a single game?

11-09-2019, 11:51 AM
The league has a deeper pool of talent than it has ever, you have guys that would be legit MVP candidates in the late 90s barely scratching the all star team

Also Defense actually takes skill to play today. No more of that weak ass cheap handchecking bs :no:

What skill? Defense is literally not allowed. You can twist the words as much as you want it doesnt change the reality of the fact that defense is non-existent in this era and defense was objectively much tougher in past eras making scoring much harder in past eras. Someone like you literally thinks a guy like Beal or someone would be an mvp in the 90s stfu with your stupid ass troll bullshit. The only players in this league who would be MVP level good in the 90s would be Kawhi Bran and Durant. That is literally it.

11-09-2019, 12:10 PM
What skill? Defense is literally not allowed. You can twist the words as much as you want it doesnt change the reality of the fact that defense is non-existent in this era and defense was objectively much tougher in past eras making scoring much harder in past eras. Someone like you literally thinks a guy like Beal or someone would be an mvp in the 90s stfu with your stupid ass troll bullshit. The only players in this league who would be MVP level good in the 90s would be Kawhi Bran and Durant. That is literally it.

11-09-2019, 12:22 PM
This is because we are watching world class elite athletes and not auto mechanics that have no skills

Also... 3 > 2

Also... Skill > head-lock defense

11-09-2019, 01:18 PM
LOL I can't believe I'm going to shut this "modern game is harder" bs down with only three videos!

Here's Steve Nash youngins, a guy who played from 1997 to 2014 and won two MVP's in 2006 and 07 thanks to the rule changes, breaking it down to a basic level and CONFIRMING how David Stern, Rob Thorn and Jerry Colangelo ALTERED all the defensive rules from the late 90's to the mid 2000's to prop up the mid 90's and onward crop of flawed fundamentals, IQ deficient and AAU poisoned perimeter players who couldn't shoot above 45% FG if their life depended on it thanks to playing OFF THEIR ATHLETICISM above everything else. Fast forward to minute 14:38 LeBaldo lemmings:


Here's the excerpt for the lazy ones:

Steve Nash says about Grant Hill and the old school game " It was a different game then. They could put two hands on you, they could forearm you, they could knock you down, it was SUPER PHYSICAL and for him to be able to do it in an era where there were less possessions and it was LIKE WRESTLING out there!!!

Bill Simmons: "And then David Stern CHANGED THE RULES so you could succeed, you were the IMPETUS!!!"

Steve Nash: "Laughs! Changed my career. It think David Stern saw me and said this poor kid, if they can put their hands on him HE'S COOKED!!!"

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Body bag the manufactured modern FABRICATED NBA boys. Your precious little LeBald, Durant, Giannis, Dumbrook, Curry, Harden, Rose and all the other early 2000's primadonnas including Kobe, Carter, McGrady and Iverson are/were ILLUSIONS brought to the forefront in an attempt to re-create the excellence of Michael Jordan and the Dream Team generation which could not happen unless EXTENSIVE RULE CHANGES TOOK PLACE!!!

Here's the master Hubie Brown throwing more dirt on the modern NBA corpse:


Here's a guys that continues to get paid to cover the NBA and has spent A LIFETIME analyzing it and knows how dumbed down it has become.

Here's the final video of the Bad Boy Pistons playing defense against Michael Jordan and the Bulls with illegal defense rules:


Buh, buh, buh, but I though under illegal defense you had to stick to your man like glue even if they're standing at half court daddy! LOL!!!

Look at the Pistons perimeter defenders basically IGNORING the Bulls players parked at the 3-point line standing at least 8 feet away from them with one foot near the paint prepared to clog it up at any attempt by Jordan to penetrate. Heck you can clearly see John Salley, James Edwards and Bill Laimbeer playing free safety in some of those plays standing in the paint NOT GUARDING ANYBODY just waiting to contest any rim attack. Put Stephy, Harden, LeBald, Giannis or Dumbrook in that environment and they barely crack 15 ppg!

The Pistons were basically playing a 1-2-2 zone in some of those clips as a LOT OF TEAMS used to do against dominant perimeter scorers and were also allowed to double team the low post without the player having the ball.

You're watching an INFERIOR, rule enhanced fabricated product youngins. Just accept it and move on!

11-09-2019, 01:30 PM
LOL I can't believe I'm going to shut this "modern game is harder" bs down with only three videos!

Here's Steve Nash youngins, a guy who played from 1997 to 2014 and won two MVP's in 2006 and 07 thanks to the rule changes, breaking it down to a basic level and CONFIRMING how David Stern, Rob Thorn and Jerry Colangelo ALTERED all the defensive rules from the late 90's to the mid 2000's to prop up the mid 90's and onward crop of flawed fundamentals, IQ deficient and AAU poisoned perimeter players who couldn't shoot above 45% FG if their life depended on it thanks to playing OFF THEIR ATHLETICISM above everything else. Fast forward to minute 14:38 LeBaldo lemmings:


Here's the excerpt for the lazy ones:

Steve Nash says about Grant Hill and the old school game " It was a different game then. They could put two hands on you, they could forearm you, they could knock you down, it was SUPER PHYSICAL and for him to be able to do it in an era where there were less possessions and it was LIKE WRESTLING out there!!!

Bill Simmons: "And then David Stern CHANGED THE RULES so you could succeed, you were the IMPETUS!!!"

Steve Nash: "Laughs! Changed my career. It think David Stern saw me and said this poor kid, if they can put their hands on him HE'S COOKED!!!"

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Body bag the manufactured modern FABRICATED NBA boys. Your precious little LeBald, Durant, Giannis, Dumbrook, Curry, Harden, Rose and all the other early 2000's primadonnas including Kobe, Carter, McGrady and Iverson are/were ILLUSIONS brought to the forefront in an attempt to re-create the excellence of Michael Jordan and the Dream Team generation which could not happen unless EXTENSIVE RULE CHANGES TOOK PLACE!!!

Here's the master Hubie Brown throwing more dirt on the modern NBA corpse:


Here's a guys that continues to get paid to cover the NBA and has spent A LIFETIME analyzing it and knows how dumbed down it has become.

Here's the final video of the Bad Boy Pistons playing defense against Michael Jordan and the Bulls with illegal defense rules:


Buh, buh, buh, but I though under illegal defense you had to stick to your man like glue even if they're standing at half court daddy! LOL!!!

Look at the Pistons perimeter defenders basically IGNORING the Bulls players parked at the 3-point line standing at least 8 feet away from them with one foot near the paint prepared to clog it up at any attempt by Jordan to penetrate. Heck you can clearly see John Salley, James Edwards and Bill Laimbeer playing free safety in some of those plays standing in the paint NOT GUARDING ANYBODY just waiting to contest any rim attack. Put Stephy, Harden, LeBald, Giannis or Dumbrook in that environment and they barely crack 15 ppg!

The Pistons were basically playing a 1-2-2 zone in some of those clips as a LOT OF TEAMS used to do against dominant perimeter scorers and were also allowed to double team the low post without the player having the ball.

You're watching an INFERIOR, rule enhanced fabricated product youngins. Just accept it and move on!
Then why did Steve Kerr say that he wouldn't make the league in todays era :confusedshrug:

11-09-2019, 01:36 PM
Then why did Steve Kerr say that he wouldn't make the league in todays era :confusedshrug:

Because he was a poor three point shooter?

11-09-2019, 01:44 PM
He also said this basically confirming what Steve Nash said:


Talking about worries on drafting Stephy: "The league had changed already, you can't hand check anymore, its all speed and skill and we were watching STEVE NASH at the same size basically become the MVP two times in a row so why can't this kid do the same thing. It think the questions about Stephy were mainly about size and strength but to us IF THIS HAD BEEN 15 YEARS AGO maybe that would've been a problem but you can't touch ANYBODY IN THE NBA ANYMORE IT'S A FOUL and that works to his advantage!!!".

Period, end of sentence.

I almost feel sorry for Manny and all the other followers of the FRAUDULENT modern NBA corpse. David Stern brainwashed you so easily its pathetic.

Steve Kerr would basically do the same thing he did back then, only in the modern pathetic NBA he would launch 8-10 open corner 3's a game with less resistance and would not even be required to play defense at the other end since IT HAS BEEN OUTLAWED!!!

Grab a pillow and hold it tight Manny, more people are becoming aware of this sham of a league! The WWE of American pro sports.

11-09-2019, 01:53 PM
He's just being humble. There's literally no difference between jj red and Steve Kerr. Same size same ability same grit. Only difference is one played in an era where he was only a 8 point role player and the other is in an era where he's a mid level star who scores double that.

11-09-2019, 01:53 PM
The 70's said the same shit about the 80's.

11-09-2019, 02:22 PM
The 60's and 70's guys still respected the 80's guys because they knew they learned the game at a grassroots fundamentals first level just like they did and took their lumps in the physical gauntlet before the rule changes that favor the modern pansies.

Here's Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell, the two best players of the first 35 years of the NBA talking glowingly about the 80's guys:



Of their favorite players of all time their list includes Michael, Magic, Larry, Barkley and Olajuwon, all 80's players!

On the contrary NOBODY respects the AAU influenced generation that came in from the mid 90's onward to the present because everybody knows they were ATHLETICISM first, fundamentals and BBIQ lacking knuckle heads that were after the money first and had the NBA bending over backwards to alter the game in order to showcase them and continue to be a relevant league.

Dennis Rodman echoed the sentiments in 1996 that most older players felt towards the new hip hop primadonna generation that was about to erode the NBA. Fast forward to minute 15.20:


Can you imagine if someone called out the oversensitive millennial modern divas on a nationally televised interview like Dennis did back then, they would probably jump off a bridge after their obligatory Twitter rant, LOL!!!

11-09-2019, 02:45 PM
Here's Kobe, one of the players which forced the league to start outlawing physical defenses driving home my point about the AAU poison:


The modern NBA is basically a nationally televised soft as tissue paper rec league, full of buddy buddies teaming up together with NO REAL RIVALRIES, putting up fantasy numbers thanks to a ton of altered rules that artificially enhance offenses and dumbs down the product. Nothing more, nothing less.

This is the atmosphere that LeBaldo has played under his ENTIRE CAREER!!! In reality had the league not changed the rules he would not even be top 30 all time including other frauds like Durant, Giannis, Stephy, Kawhi, Harden and Chuckbrook to name a few.

11-09-2019, 02:49 PM
defences inexistant, I miss defensive bball.

It really is a soft league. It just makes what MJ did all that more impressive. He was winning during a time when it was harder to score the ball. That's why all the guys who played back then say he'd drop 45-50 points a night every night playing today.

11-09-2019, 02:55 PM
That's why all the guys who played back then say he'd drop 45-50 points a night every night playing today.

i always thought that jordan could average 40 per game IF he played on a bottom feeding team like today's knicks and his coaches gave him the greenest light.

but then i look and see the 2-dimensional beard is averaging 37 while shooting 38%, 27% from 3... on a playoff team.

mj would put up 40 in his sleep today. :lol

Then why did Steve Kerr say that he wouldn't make the league in todays era :confusedshrug:

yeah, the guy with the highest 3pt% in nba history would have a hard time making the 3pt shotjacking nba of today. :rolleyes:

dude was being self-deprecating, as always.

11-09-2019, 03:45 PM
Here are more past players discussing in depth how AAU has ruined the NBA and turned it into a dumbed down farce:


11-09-2019, 03:52 PM
LMAO shut the **** up. Guy like Jeff Hornacek would struggle to score in today's game. This ain't the 90s where you played against car mechanics every night. Today's players are more athletic, stronger, faster and longer and most importantly, more skilled.

11-09-2019, 04:07 PM
LOL!!! Steve Nash, a substitute teacher role player in the 90's won back to back MVP's in 2006 and 2007 against these modern "superior" athletes thanks to the rule changes and breaks down how the alterations not only enhanced his career but all the other AAU bred deficient players that came after.

People really think doing cross overs, euro steps, shooting fade away 3's and jumping high are skills, they are really not specially when you had to face physical defenses until 2005 at least. Hounding focused physical defense will neutralize all those finesse skills, something that is outlawed in today's NBA.

The 1998 Utah Jazz led by the unathletic 30 somethings Malone, Stockton and Hornacek kicked the living sh!t out the 56 win Spurs and 61 win Lakers in the playoffs led by Duncan, Shaq and Kobe, modern players that would go on to win 11 tittles from 1999 to 2014.

You wand to know how the Jazz overcame their athletic disadvantage youngin?!? By applying physical pressure to those flawed fundamentally deficient punks that had no idea how to handle it. The NBA quickly stepped in from that point on to ensure defenses couldn't stifle their manufactured golden boys in the future as explained by Steve Nash, Steve Kerr and Hubie Brown in the videos above.

11-09-2019, 04:08 PM
Today's players are more athletic, stronger, faster and longer and most importantly, more skilled.

and yet they can't beat serbia or australia in a non soft nba rules game of basketball.
