View Full Version : I have the antidote to making 3 pointers less effective but nobody listens

Walk on Water
11-12-2019, 09:44 PM
The answer is not simply to get rid of it or put the 3 pt line further back. The answer is not to limit 3 point attempts allowed.

The answer regardless how lame it seems is to give the players less than 3 points. But more than 2 points. 2.5 points.

You can still call it a 3 pointer, but just count it as 2.5.

Do you realize how the game will change back to a more balanced game? There will still be players that take the shot because it’s the most available but they aren’t gonna be rewarded as much for making a lucky shot.

Think about it. You get an extra point for distance. In other sports you don’t get an extra point cuz you did something from further away.

That half a point would still be worth something but it won’t get as completely out of hand. Even if a team makes an extra 10 3s, they get an extra 5 points instead of an extra 10.

This can go a long way. I would like credit for this idea if it comes to fruition.

11-12-2019, 09:48 PM
Responding to the troll account, I'll bite.

This might not actually be horrible, aside from the putrid aesthetics of seeing .5 point scores on the scoreboard...

Let's check out the math...

Currently, if you shoot 50% from 2, and take 100 shots with no threes and no free throws, you score 100 points in a game.

If you shoot 40% from 3, and take 100 shots with no twos and no free throws, you score 120 points in a game. This is why despite lower percentages, three pointers are worth it. You basically have to shoot below 33% from three to be more inefficient than shooting 50% from 2's. That's why 3's are so incredibly valuable.

Now, let's say you shoot 40% from 2.5, and take 100 shots, with no twos, and no free throws, you score... 100 points. It basically turns three point shot into a highly inefficient shot that is basically only useful for gimmicks and for desperate closing moments of the game.

How many free throws do you get when fouled while shooting from 2.5, OP? :D (gotcha bitch)

It'll literally never happen, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.

Walk on Water
11-12-2019, 09:54 PM
Responding to the troll account, I'll bite.

This might not actually be horrible, aside from the putrid aesthetics of seeing .5 point scores on the scoreboard...

Let's check out the math...

Currently, if you shoot 50% from 2, and take 100 shots with no threes and no free throws, you score 100 points in a game.

If you shoot 40% from 3, and take 100 shots with no twos and no free throws, you score 120 points in a game. This is why despite lower percentages, three pointers are worth it. You basically have to shoot below 33% from three to be more inefficient than shooting 50% from 2's. That's why 3's are so incredibly valuable.

Now, let's say you shoot 40% from 2.5, and take 100 shots, with no twos, and no free throws, you score... 100 points. It basically turns three point shot into a highly inefficient shot that is basically only useful for gimmicks and for desperate closing moments of the game.

How many free throws do you get when fouled while shooting from 2.5, OP? :D (gotcha bitch)

It'll literally never happen, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.

Instead of getting 3 free throws, you get one shot? Or you get 3 shots with the 3rd make as half a point.

Why can

11-12-2019, 10:02 PM
[QUOTE=Walk on Water]Instead of getting 3 free throws, you get one shot? Or you get 3 shots with the 3rd make as half a point.

Why can

Indian guy
11-12-2019, 10:20 PM
I still think we get the same amount of 3's taken as before if downgraded to 2.5 points. Those extra .5 points is all the incentive players need to continue jacking 'em up.

Capping 3's to 25-30 per game (besides last 2 minutes), which is what I advocated last year, is still the only answer to bringing back some of the aesthetic appeal the game has lost.

Walk on Water
11-12-2019, 10:28 PM
I still think we get the same amount of 3's taken as before if downgraded to 2.5 points. Those extra .5 points is all the incentive players need to continue jacking 'em up.

Capping 3's to 25-30 per game (besides last 2 minutes), which is what I advocated last year, is still the only answer to bringing back some of the aesthetic appeal the game has lost.

What if it was 2.25 points?

Even if the extra .5 points motivated them, it wouldn

11-12-2019, 10:29 PM
why dont you make 2 pointers three pointers and 3 pointers 4 pointers?

this decimal point thing is not gonna fly

11-12-2019, 10:52 PM
Silly humans couldn't put up with handling 0.5 increments, despite all the stat nerds. It is interesting.

So how about eliminate corner threes for a starter?

I say make people live with decimals and award .1 extra point every 2.39 feet from the hoop.

11-13-2019, 02:49 AM
You know what?

Best make it fgs = 4pts
Outside the arc = 5 pts

That will lessen the advantage and maybe close the lanes for the D

Spurs m8
11-13-2019, 03:00 AM
Hi guys...you get 2.5 points but can still call it a 3 pointer.

My team sucks now so I dont want 3s anymore

Okay op

11-13-2019, 03:09 AM
Personally I don't mind the 3 points barrage we have today. It's a thing of beauty.

But if we are thinking of ways to limit it, there are a lot of ways other than the obvious ones. For example, I like the two miss rule. If Team A miss two 3pt attempts in consecutive possessions, then all their next 3pt attempts will only be worth 2pts until they make one. Then the counter resets.

11-13-2019, 12:50 PM
nobody listens

Wonder why?:oldlol:

11-13-2019, 01:53 PM
Make 2's worth 3 and 3's worth 4.

11-13-2019, 02:20 PM
*Jean Claude van Damme accent*


11-13-2019, 02:32 PM
Silly humans couldn't put up with handling 0.5 increments, despite all the stat nerds. It is interesting.

So how about eliminate corner threes for a starter?

I say make people live with decimals and award .1 extra point every 2.39 feet from the hoop.

:applause: this would be insane to watch. Teams would be running plays 35ft from the hoop with one rebounder down low for offensive boards. Nobody shooting dunks or layups:roll:

11-13-2019, 03:29 PM
I would bring back the old rules before even considering OP. Something that would rewrite history.

Let players be physical...so they can check players full court. Consistently and effectively anyway. Hands on defense would also make it tougher to get clean shots up. Or tough threes.

11-13-2019, 03:33 PM
2.75 points

11-13-2019, 05:58 PM
[QUOTE=Walk on Water]The answer is not simply to get rid of it or put the 3 pt line further back. The answer is not to limit 3 point attempts allowed.

The answer regardless how lame it seems is to give the players less than 3 points. But more than 2 points. 2.5 points.

You can still call it a 3 pointer, but just count it as 2.5.

Do you realize how the game will change back to a more balanced game? There will still be players that take the shot because it