View Full Version : Terminator 2: alternate ending

11-18-2019, 07:26 PM

didn't even know this existed :biggums:

glad they kept it out

11-18-2019, 07:32 PM
glad they kept it out? if they would've ended the franchise right there the terminator franchise would've probably gone down as a cinema classic

nowadays is a joke

11-18-2019, 07:48 PM
glad they kept it out? if they would've ended the franchise right there the terminator franchise would've probably gone down as a cinema classic

nowadays is a joke
the whole idea behind a steel walking robot just kind of stopped being scary after the 90's

movies like Matrix made post apocalyptic lore much more brutal and raw.

stuff like being stuck in a mental simulation became more realistic and dreadful than a slow, clunky, dumb T-800

terminator series tried to reinvent with different machines but it just didn't catch on.

11-18-2019, 07:56 PM
If Terminator did what Aliens recently did (Covenentant, Prometheus), I think it might have a chance in the future

But they have to basically reinvent their whole angle like the recent Alien prequels did

no more ________ goes back in time to kill ________, who goes on to save the future of humanity

Do a whole movie on the people behind Skynet and reinvent how it became self aware (think Transcendence with Johnny Depp)

11-18-2019, 07:56 PM
If Terminator did what Aliens recently did (Covenentant, Prometheus), I think it might have a chance in the future

But they have to basically reinvent their whole angle like the recent Alien prequels did
i liked prometheus but convenant was whack. the creator is feeling himself too much by changing direction with this. he should have stuck to exploring the ancient aliens angle instead of putting a 30 second clip and having david explain what happened. i'll still watch an alien movie out of nostalgia, but covenant was underwhelming considering all the mystery surrounding the ancient creators. they essentially did what dumb and dumber did with the white walkers. there's this massive appeal about their origin and agenda and they chose the worst way to expose that.

11-18-2019, 07:57 PM
Michael Jackson didn't turn 40 on that day. He turned 39.

11-18-2019, 08:08 PM
i liked prometheus but convenant was whack. the creator is feeling himself too much by changing direction with this. he should have stuck to exploring the ancient aliens angle instead of putting a 30 second clip and having david explain what happened. i'll still watch an alien movie out of nostalgia, but covenant was underwhelming considering all the mystery surrounding the ancient creators. they essentially did what dumb and dumber did with the white walkers. there's this massive appeal about their origin and agenda and they chose the worst way to expose that.
I liked em both, I was actually upset they got rid of Elizabeth Shaw her character was dope

But yeah Ridley Scott kind of stumble away from where it was heading, but he is the mastermind of the originals so can't really criticize to much. There might be a masterplan

Bimbo Coles
11-19-2019, 10:34 AM
Here's the thing: Terminator 2 isn't really a sequel to Terminator. Robert Patrick isn't a fringe character; he is integral to the piece (Biehn didn't elevate the original in quite the same way). The studio should have pushed for a sequel to T2 with Arnie, Hamilton, Furlong and Patrick (and Cameron). I can't believe it never happened. Today, we'd have had three or four with that cast. Different times. They probably weren't sure about the practicality and integrity of such a move, and it wasn't being ubiquitously done. Shame.