View Full Version : Woj is reporting the nba discussing these major changes.

11-23-2019, 02:24 PM
The NBA is seriously discussing changes with the NBPA and broadcast partners that could include ...

∙ Reseeding the 4 conference finalists
∙ 30 team in-season tourney
∙ Postseason play-in games
∙ 78-game season

(via @wojespn and @ZachLowe_NBA)


11-23-2019, 02:31 PM
The only sensible thing on that list is the re-seeding. The tourney is stupid and pointless. The postseason games are stupid and would take away from player's rest and personal training. The 78 game is stupid too since 4 fewer games mean nothing and it also means fewer games for us the fans. Silver is clueless.

The NBA is seriously discussing changes with the NBPA and broadcast partners that could include ...

∙ Reseeding the 4 conference finalists
∙ 30 team in-season tourney
∙ Postseason play-in games
∙ 78-game season

(via @wojespn and @ZachLowe_NBA)


11-23-2019, 02:33 PM
Worst commissioner ever :bowdown:

This idiot just can’t stop meddling and leave the league alone.

11-23-2019, 02:40 PM
The NBA is screwed in the coming years and they don't even know it yet!

They turned the game into a rule altered monotonous bore fest all while giving TOO MUCH POWER to the players and now they are going to ride that power and the NBA all the way to the ground.

The last generation to have any sense of loyalty and real love for the game of basketball came in from 1980 to around 1986, every other generation that came in after has gotten progressively money and power hungry and the NBA has done NOTHING to curtail it.

No sports league in the world is beholden to individual stars like the NBA is and when those "stars" become less engaging, lack the passion and competitive spirit, don't give a damn about the league as a whole nor the quality and integrity of the game while only caring about their bottom line and comfort, watch out!!!

Real Men Wear Green
11-23-2019, 02:42 PM
Would need more details on the in-season tourney but If it's an elimination thing where the better team advances wouldn't that lead to a postseason disadvantage with better teams now having more wear on their players? Also if they are considering a 78 game season to lessen players' load adding a tournament works against that, assuming it's not factored into the 78-game total. Lastly I doubt a 78-game season ends load management if that was the point. They have to make games matter to achieve that goal and that means making a single loss a serious blow to a team's hopes. This change would still mean that one NFL game is just as important as 5 NBA games. They could get rid of a few back-to-backs but this isn't a major difference.

It's funny, the NBA needs all of these games to make money but the large number of games means individual games don't matter. If I was Silver I would probably just tell teams flat-out t lie and say players are injured when they want to rest them. The problem is perception and PR as much as anything. Plus a lot of these load management guy have legit injuries they are nursing all season.

11-23-2019, 02:43 PM
The NBA is seriously discussing changes with the NBPA and broadcast partners that could include ...

∙ Reseeding the 4 conference finalists
∙ 30 team in-season tourney
∙ Postseason play-in games
∙ 78-game season

(via @wojespn and @ZachLowe_NBA)


The 78 game part is the strangest to me, the number isn

11-23-2019, 02:45 PM
Rip Nba

Celtics 1825
11-23-2019, 03:45 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Worst commissioner ever :bowdown:

This idiot just can

11-23-2019, 03:52 PM
nobody is going to give a shit about a FA cup ripoff. the playoffs and finals system we have now are always going be number 1

also reducing the number of games is something i've always been opposed to. Nothing wrong with 82 games. All the greats of the past could do it, the players are doing it now. don't change things just to make life slightly easier for the Kawhi's out there.

11-23-2019, 03:52 PM
This is like asking "come to with some of the dumbest ideas ever" and Silver gets 4 of them.

Not a single fan wants to see any of this shit.

RIP Basketball if indeed, and fck you Silver.

BTW, 78 games?


Xiao Yao You
11-23-2019, 04:09 PM
Rip Nba

that's what they said when MJ hung em up

11-23-2019, 04:20 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Worst commissioner ever :bowdown:

This idiot just can

11-23-2019, 04:21 PM
throw shit against the wall and see what sticks

11-23-2019, 04:33 PM
For reference here's what Silver has already done:

*Banned off-ball defense so players can no longer fight through screens or "touch" players running around without the ball - so that they catch passes completely effortlessly to spot up for record shattering 3's. This is the final nail in the coffin for defense, as Stern had already banned on-ball contact.

*Encouraged refs to consider a ball "gathered" only when the ball is cupped and tucked safely under a players arm, football style, which has now enabled players to take 3 full strides after ending their dribble instead of 2.

*Encouraged refs to ignore stiff arms and hook arms to allow offensive players even more advantage over the banned defense.

*Encouraged superteaming to stack a few teams at a time at great expense of 20 others.

He wants RECORDS. Since he picked up the league, scores for usual regulation games of a good team vs a bad team has gone from something like 108 to 94 to 150 vs 98.

It's stupid in my opinion how little parity there is, and how good offenses just cannot be slowed even slightly.

11-23-2019, 05:11 PM
For reference here's what Silver has already done:

*Banned off-ball defense so players can no longer fight through screens or "touch" players running around without the ball - so that they catch passes completely effortlessly to spot up for record shattering 3's. This is the final nail in the coffin for defense, as Stern had already banned on-ball contact.

*Encouraged refs to consider a ball "gathered" only when the ball is cupped and tucked safely under a players arm, football style, which has now enabled players to take 3 full strides after ending their dribble instead of 2.

*Encouraged refs to ignore stiff arms and hook arms to allow offensive players even more advantage over the banned defense.

*Encouraged superteaming to stack a few teams at a time at great expense of 20 others.

He wants RECORDS. Since he picked up the league, scores for usual regulation games of a good team vs a bad team has gone from something like 108 to 94 to 150 vs 98.

It's stupid in my opinion how little parity there is, and how good offenses just cannot be slowed even slightly.

dumbing down the sport for the international audience :facepalm

11-23-2019, 05:22 PM
For reference here's what Silver has already done:

*Banned off-ball defense so players can no longer fight through screens or "touch" players running around without the ball - so that they catch passes completely effortlessly to spot up for record shattering 3's. This is the final nail in the coffin for defense, as Stern had already banned on-ball contact.

*Encouraged refs to consider a ball "gathered" only when the ball is cupped and tucked safely under a players arm, football style, which has now enabled players to take 3 full strides after ending their dribble instead of 2.

*Encouraged refs to ignore stiff arms and hook arms to allow offensive players even more advantage over the banned defense.

*Encouraged superteaming to stack a few teams at a time at great expense of 20 others.

He wants RECORDS. Since he picked up the league, scores for usual regulation games of a good team vs a bad team has gone from something like 108 to 94 to 150 vs 98.

It's stupid in my opinion how little parity there is, and how good offenses just cannot be slowed even slightly.
You left out:

•ads on jerseys.

•Shotclock resetting to 14 after an offensive rebound despite the fact that an offensive rebound signifies the start of a NEW POSSESSION and this is completely illogical and done solely to speed up pace. I HATE this change.

•Free throw routines have to be shorter. This has noticeably affected Russell Westbrook’s FT shooting and seemingly John Wall too, and I would assume others as well. Again, the obsession with speeding up the game.

•Made it at times very hard to defend jumpshooters with the whole closing out on shooters stuff.

•Made the allstar game a reality tv show instead of the classic conference battle despite the fact that there are still separate conferences.

•The China debacle

•Never does anything about horrible refs.

•Classic home and away jerseys are inconsistent now.

I’m likely forgetting stuff, too. **** Silver.

11-23-2019, 05:24 PM
The Henry J of comissioners.
Can you please explain this reference for me?

11-23-2019, 05:40 PM
Regular season just isn't going to be what they want it to be unless it is shortened to 70 games or less.

I'm open to some of these ideas, but nothing I've seen intrigues me much other than the reseeding.

Real changes the NBA should be thinking about;

- 70 games or less regular season
- No conferences at all for playoff seedings
- Widen the court 6 inches to a foot per side
- Extend 3 point line out

11-23-2019, 05:40 PM
Im all for it. NBA is so got damn boring nowadays I need a reason to watch. I would actually tune in for a mid season cup

11-23-2019, 05:55 PM
Regular season just isn't going to be what they want it to be unless it is shortened to 70 games or less.

I'm open to some of these ideas, but nothing I've seen intrigues me much other than the reseeding.

Real changes the NBA should be thinking about;

- 70 games or less regular season
- No conferences at all for playoff seedings
- Widen the court 6 inches to a foot per side
- Extend 3 point line out
I don

11-23-2019, 05:59 PM

11-23-2019, 06:05 PM
I want less basketball if it means players playing in a higher percentage of the games and more meaningful games on a nightly basis.
Then hold the PLAYERS accountable.

Because at one point in time the players used to play 82 game seasons. By choice, they now choose not to because there's no consequence for not doing so.

And that will still be true whether there is 60 games or 82. If players are allowed to decide they don't want to play certain nights than they just won't. Has little to do with how many games a season is in my opinion.

11-23-2019, 06:08 PM
People acting like the NBA hasn't been making changes like this since forever

the playoff format has been changed multiple times
the season length has been changed multiple times
the court dynamics have change multiple times
the rules adjust every year

Stern even tried changing the synthetic fabric of the ball in 2007, which also use to be a 4 panels instead of 8 back in the 70's

Evolution is a wonderful thing, i'm totally down to try out a mid season tournament instead of a snoozefest All-Star Weekend marketed for kids

11-23-2019, 06:09 PM
Then hold the PLAYERS accountable.

Because at one point in time the players used to play 82 game seasons. By choice, they now choose not to because there's no consequence for not doing so.

And that will still be true whether there is 60 games or 82. If players are allowed to decide they don't want to play certain nights than they just won't. Has little to do with how many games a season is in my opinion.

Nah, won't work.

Was already changing for sure, but what happened last year with Leonard and the Raptors ended it for good. Just no reason to play as many games as the players used to.

Shortening the season and making the games more important is the only way you improve this. Have to give the players/teams more of a reason to play.

11-23-2019, 06:14 PM
Nah, won't work.

Was already changing for sure, but what happened last year with Leonard and the Raptors ended it for good. Just no reason to play as many games as the players used to.

Shortening the season and making the games more important is the only way you improve this. Have to give the players/teams more of a reason to play.
Less games isn't more reason to play... it's less reason to play as it belittles the regular season even more.

Emphasize the importance of regular season by holding it in higher esteem. Journalists and fans need to learn to appreciate regular season records and greatness, awards like MVP, etc. So that each generation of future player does as well.

It's the nutjobs that go "only playoffs matter / only rings matter" that caused players to decide regular season isn't worth getting injured during, or burning out for.

The shift needs to happen in the eyes of the media and fans first. Lessoning the season is only making the problem worse. You're treating it like it's an inconvenience. Might as well just bracket from the start based on last years playoffs and make the whole season a playoff bracket. Ditch the regular season altogether if you don't appreciate it am I right? 60 games will still bore you and won't force players to play. You'll just erode the shore of something you still ultimately don't want and the problem won't be fixed.

11-23-2019, 06:18 PM
Less games isn't more reason to play... it's less reason to play as it belittles the regular season even more.

Emphasize the importance of regular season by holding it in higher esteem. Journalists and fans need to learn to appreciate regular season records and greatness, awards like MVP, etc. So that each generation of future player does as well.

It's the nutjobs that go "only playoffs matter / only rings matter" that caused players to decide regular season isn't worth getting injured during, or burning out for.

The shift needs to happen in the eyes of the media and fans first. Lessoning the season is only making the problem worse. You're treating it like it's an inconvenience. Might as well just bracket from the start based on last years playoffs and make the whole season a playoff bracket. Ditch the regular season altogether if you don't appreciate it am I right? 60 games will still bore you and won't force players to play.

You aren't understanding. If they played 66 games, for example, there is far less margin of error and you can't punt on a bunch of regular season games like you can now.

So, inherently, each regular season game matters more. This is just a fact.

I wish it wasn't this way...I really do...but it is. And you just aren't going to be able to mandate players playing a certain percentage of games or something...that just isn't happening.

I'm not bored by the regular season, it just shouldn't be 82 games long. Not sure why people like you have to go hyperbolic and act like the only options are to keep it as is or scrap it altogether.

You really think the NFL would be as good if they played 24 regular season games?

11-23-2019, 06:27 PM
Removing the 'freedom of movement' crap is a good start.

Lowering regular-season games? I'm all for it. With lousy defense there's not a lot of incentive out there. Nobody cares about the regular-season because OFFENSE is the product. Highlights. And more highlights. With removing games there will be more urgency. Its why the playoffs are still watchable.

11-23-2019, 07:24 PM
I don’t like any changes that make the very nature of the game different. 82 games is perfectly fine. Why do fans want LESS basketball? :wtf:

Less games to ensure urgency and magnitude.

82 games has the regular season left without value.

Too much room for error.

Better to see the finish line with a direct target.

Nobody takes RS seriously anymore.

Of course in addition, 82 games is so long, many of the personal peaks have been passed, players are fatigued or injured.

11-23-2019, 11:23 PM
Maybe Vince should make a XBA. Could you imagine a league where it had kayfabe, and a star like LeBron cutting promos like Ric Flair, Macho Man, or even the Ultimate Warrior? Even having a cool entrance every game with his league MVP big gold belt from the previous year :roll:

XFL was supposed to be about sex and violence also, not just being more physical...perfect to inject in the NBA...As long as it isnt the players ****ing. :eek:

11-24-2019, 10:22 AM
Can you please explain this reference for me?

Former CEO of Gibson.

When the sales of guitars broke down some ten years ago he tried to reinvent the company by adding electronic gimmicks to the guitars. First self tuning heads, then modeling onboard preamps you could load profiles onto with a mobile device and stuff like that. Anytime a gimmick failed to raise sales, they invented a more outlandish one, while raising the prises and not actually adjusting their line up to modern luthier standards.

When they finally found out that the simple reason for dropping sales is that young musicians are more involved in electronic music created through DAWs/Midi they put more emphasis on their traditional stuff to attract their existing customer base, while building guitars with chambered bodies and such.

Took them several years and a billion dollar deficit. Hope the NBA is smarter.

The parallel is the gimmicks being the rule changes that delude the product, while anyone just waits for the playoffs where the real basketball is played reminiscent of the older times - seems like most of those rules changes aren't enforced once they start.

So why not take back some of those?

Top argument against the shortening of the season is the record book. Imo a double round robin season would make most sense, but imagine a guy comes into the league who'd put Jordan, Jabbar and Lebron to shame. Averaging a 32 point triple double over his career. If he plays 16 seasons every game he'd have 928 games played and 29696 points scored instead of 41984.

11-24-2019, 11:01 AM

11-24-2019, 11:12 AM
If its still 82 games, they gotta mandate rules for the defense. The balance deviated...now being too favorable for an offense.

Restore a bit of symmetry. Where both ends could be dominant.

11-24-2019, 11:17 AM
This. Off season is too long as it is :(

Could increase rest between games, makes the season longer and decrease the total games per day with a 58 games season.

11-24-2019, 11:20 AM
Could increase rest between games, makes the season longer and decrease the total games per day with a 58 games season.

You are brilliant. Lets go from 82 games to 58. GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-24-2019, 11:20 AM
This. Off season is too long as it is :(

I want less games because I want to watch better basketball, as close to the intensity the players show in the playoffs.

Fewer games would mean more general motivation, as well as more and proper rest for the players, making it possible to perform better experiencing fewer injuries overall.

The road trips now are depressing for the players and the overall mental state of the league would be better if they were shortened.
Like the Lakers the last two nights, where some players were visibly playing with less intensity to preserve stamina over 48 hours.
To ask a group of athletes to play a game in Memphis, then get on a plane and fly to another city, taking care of everything team wise until the next night where you play the next game.
It isn't really serious from a sports or performance perspective and I don't think you can find any sports leagues that operate like that scheduling wise outside of the US.

11-24-2019, 11:41 AM
The only sensible thing on that list is the re-seeding. The tourney is stupid and pointless. The postseason games are stupid and would take away from player's rest and personal training. The 78 game is stupid too since 4 fewer games mean nothing and it also means fewer games for us the fans. Silver is clueless.

Shortening by that much probably means no one has to play 3 in 4 nights

11-24-2019, 02:45 PM
Lol no one will take that tourney seriously.

12-20-2019, 06:11 PM

Story filed to ESPN: The NBA is discussing a $1 million per player purse for the winners of the proposed 30-team, in-season tournament. Reporting with more details on discussions for possible 2021-2022 league calendar change soon on site.

It’s getting some attention/respect with that much money.

The non stars would be going hard.

Would a guy like Leonard even wanna play games that don’t count vs ravenous role players going all out?

12-20-2019, 06:32 PM
Reduce it to an 80 game season and break in down like this.

20 regular 48 minute games with a 3 point line.

20 regular 48 minute games without a 3 point line.

20 first to 100 wins with 3 point line.

20 first to 100 wins without 3 point line.

Whoever gets the best record each player gets a million.

12-20-2019, 07:14 PM
The only major change NBA needs are:
*remove 3-sec defensive rule
*less review on plays and Time-Outs. (i hate to watch last 1-minute game reaching 15-minutes).

Remain everything else, too much change makes us fans less interested.
The 82-games if to be reduced, will have an effect in future years in comparing HOF players accross decades.

12-20-2019, 07:25 PM
Reduce it to an 80 game season and break in down like this.

20 regular 48 minute games with a 3 point line.

20 regular 48 minute games without a 3 point line.

20 first to 100 wins with 3 point line.

20 first to 100 wins without 3 point line.

Whoever gets the best record each player gets a million.

12-20-2019, 07:28 PM
we need to restore the original James Naismith rules. thats the only remedy for this softass league

12-20-2019, 07:57 PM

It’s getting some attention/respect with that much money.

The non stars would be going hard.

Would a guy like Leonard even wanna play games that don’t count vs ravenous role players going all out?

They should just have every all-star sit out and make it like a college tourney.

I mean I dont care for the tourney concept anyway, but this could be a sightly more interesting twist on it. Basically a showcase for non all-stars.

12-20-2019, 08:00 PM
Then we

12-20-2019, 08:09 PM
:lol :lol :lol

12-20-2019, 08:09 PM
The only one that is dumb is the tournament one.

12-20-2019, 08:37 PM
Horrible ideas.

Silver will never get it cause he is a literal woke phaggit.

People are sick and tired of rich drama queen athletes.

People all over the world in general long for something authentic, something real, not something marketed, algoritmed, fake.

They want real.

Maybe the ship has just sailed though. Maybe the age of professional sport is over.

There is no guarantee that the world has to keep on going like this.

Change happens.

Gaming online is big. The young people rather play games.

Just wait until the climate loons get after the NBA for flying to games.

It's like, yeah sure, classical is great, but you weren't alive when Mozart or Beethoven played for a rowdy crowd in Vienna.

Yeah sure, basketball is fun, but you weren't around for those special 10-15 years when basketball was everything.

Things change man, things change.

12-20-2019, 08:43 PM
Horrible ideas.

Silver will never get it cause he is a literal woke phaggit.

People are sick and tired of rich drama queen athletes.

People all over the world in general long for something authentic, something real, not something marketed, algoritmed, fake.

They want real.

Maybe the ship has just sailed though. Maybe the age of professional sport is over.

There is no guarantee that the world has to keep on going like this.

Change happens.

Gaming online is big. The young people rather play games.

Just wait until the climate loons get after the NBA for flying to games.

It's like, yeah sure, classical is great, but you weren't alive when Mozart or Beethoven played for a rowdy crowd in Vienna.

Yeah sure, basketball is fun, but you weren't around for those special 10-15 years when basketball was everything.

Things change man, things change.

I doubt its easy tho. After nfl also got a comeback same with mlb. I realize that this league are controlled by powerful people and these commissioners are just puppets.

12-20-2019, 08:52 PM
Adam Silver looks, walks, talks, and acts like a subversive gay alien who isn't comfortable in it's human suit.

Why do jewish guys with zero ability to understand and connect to the game and the culture itself always become commissioners ?????
Dissociative bean counting is only so valuable.
It's a serious problem in most american professional sports.
Not just basketball.

12-20-2019, 08:52 PM
I doubt its easy tho. After nfl also got a comeback same with mlb. I realize that this league are controlled by powerful people and these commissioners are just puppets.

People won't get it, but people watch sports to identify.

They want to see people do something, be something, they think relate to them.

Look at those crowds back in the 80s and 90s. They were roaring and wild! The crowd was shouting, jumping, going nuts.

Blue collar game, on and off the court, regardless if it was white collars in the stand. It was a place for blue collar morality, working hard, not backing down, punch that guy in the nose.

Then in the 00s, it became the swag era, bling bling, rap and crossovers. This fit well with the economic boom and the rampant individualism and unbriddled capitalism.

They basically stayed like that now for 10 years.

What the comish don't get. What the players dont get.

Things have changed.

It's a different world now. Inequality is not cool anymore. No one believes they can get their piece of the pie anymore. People look at rich people now with hate, not admiration.

Do people want to watch really rich people play basketball and act like some kind of elites with bling and instagram and rap tunes?


They want real.

What that real is, difficult to say. I think people might enjoy the selfless team now. The selfless star. The unbriddled emotion of Luka Doncic. The chubby pizza man Jokic dominating these me-me-me actors/ballers.

Just my thoughts man.

12-20-2019, 08:54 PM
Why do jewish guys with zero ability to understand and connect to the game and the culture itself always become commissioners ?????

Don't ask that question.

We can't answer that question.

12-21-2019, 04:45 AM
Reduce it to an 80 game season and break in down like this.

20 regular 48 minute games with a 3 point line.

20 regular 48 minute games without a 3 point line.

20 first to 100 wins with 3 point line.

20 first to 100 wins without 3 point line.

Whoever gets the best record each player gets a million.

I know this seems like too extreme of an idea, but I would love it if a portion of nba games were playing without a 3pt line and then 2 or 3 games in a seven games series as well.

Imagine how different each team strategy could be, with a dominant big man to scoop those 3 games and hopefully get lucky with a bad shooting night for the opposing long range team.

Would create a lot more diversity and interesting match ups.

If an in season tourney would cut down the regular season to under 70 games, I