View Full Version : '17 Warriors had five guys they could rely on

11-24-2019, 06:30 PM
by comparison the '96 Bulls had six such men

I'm quite convinced the '96 Bulls are still the best team of all time


11-26-2019, 06:30 PM
no one has any thoughts, huh?

11-26-2019, 06:32 PM
Bulls would get slaughtered by that 2017 Warriors team.

11-26-2019, 06:37 PM
Considering that the 2017 Warriors were way over payroll (not to mention cheating in addition to that), they don't really count as a team. Nice try, though.

11-26-2019, 06:39 PM
Considering that the 2017 Warriors were way over payroll (not to mention cheating in addition to that), they don't really count as a team. Nice try, though.

Then why make this thread? '96 Bulls are an outdated team, nobody on that team besides Kerr would hit a 3.

11-26-2019, 06:41 PM
Apparently you didn't witness the team, so I don't value your opinion as having much credibility. Based on the aforementioned, I quickly deduced that the '96 Bulls are the best team of all time.

11-26-2019, 06:44 PM
I did, they had a one legged Ron Harper, Luc freaking Longley in their starting lineup. Steve Kerr & Wennington were apart of their 8 man rotation. Talk about stacked. :roll:

Warriors would sweep that garbage team.

11-26-2019, 06:50 PM
I did, they had a one legged Ron Harper, Luc freaking Longley in their starting lineup. Steve Kerr & Wennington were apart of their 8 man rotation. Talk about stacked. :roll:

Warriors would sweep that garbage team.

you clearly have not played the game yourself

11-26-2019, 06:51 PM
Damn Bulls stacked

11-26-2019, 06:53 PM
you clearly have not played the game yourself

Steve Kerr: ‘There’s no way I could have played in the NBA today’


Coming from a guy who played heavy minutes for the Bulls, lol.

11-26-2019, 08:47 PM
MJ had that much help damm

11-26-2019, 09:42 PM
[QUOTE=1987_Lakers]Steve Kerr:

11-26-2019, 09:51 PM
73 beats 72


11-27-2019, 10:07 AM
73 beats 72


Man that is close to the stupidest comment. He's not even talking about the 16 Warriors. :facepalm Granted the Warriors were a bit injured, or they would likely have closed out the Cavs, but they were struggling all playoffs. They are definitely NOT the greatest team of all time, their finals loss solidifies that.

I'd give the 96 Bulls a close series over 2017 Warriors, but it would be very close. KD might still be the best player in that series, although I'd still give Jordan the edge given his experience. But KD was in his prime and Jordan was a bit older. Still, Jordan would likely be the better player, but it's not a given. The Bulls would have to stop Curry however, they always had a hard time with quick guards and Curry for all his accolades about 3's, is a great ball handler and can penetrate and finish with the best of the PG's.

Still, 96 Bulls defense and chemistry was a bit better than GS, no slouches themselves. I think the Bulls could get GS mentally frustrated, Rodman would have a field day with the Warriors, who really have way too many whiners. Bulls in a very close 6-7 games series.

11-27-2019, 10:58 AM
LOL 87', here's Steve Nash, Hubie Brown and Steve Kerr, guys who have forgotten more basketball than people on this board will ever know going in depth on the fake artificiality of the NBA post late 90's

First is a clip of Steve Nash, a guy who played from 1997 to 2014 and won two MVP's in 2006 and 07 thanks to the rule changes the NBA put in, breaking it down to a basic level and confirming how people like David Stern, Rob Thorn and Jerry Colangelo to name a few altered all the defensive rules starting from the mid 90's (after the panic of the MJ

11-27-2019, 11:04 AM
LOL 87', here's Steve Nash, Hubie Brown and Steve Kerr, guys who have forgotten more basketball than people on this board will ever know going in depth on the fake artificiality of the NBA post late 90's

First is a clip of Steve Nash, a guy who played from 1997 to 2014 and won two MVP's in 2006 and 07 thanks to the rule changes the NBA put in, breaking it down to a basic level and confirming how people like David Stern, Rob Thorn and Jerry Colangelo to name a few altered all the defensive rules starting from the mid 90's (after the panic of the MJ’s first retirement and the abysmal 1994 season) to the late 2000's to prop up the mid 90's and onward crop of flawed fundamentals, IQ deficient and AAU poisoned players who didn’t have the classic fundamental knowledge on how to properly attach defenses and started concentrating on their athleticism above everything else. Fast forward to minute 14:38:


Here's the excerpt:

Steve Nash says about Grant Hill and the old school game "It was a different game then. They could put two hands on you, they could forearm you, they could knock you down, it was SUPER PHYSICAL and for him to be able to do it in an era where there were less possessions and it was LIKE WRESTLING out there!!!

Bill Simmons: "And then David Stern CHANGED THE RULES so you could succeed, you were the IMPETUS!!!"

Steve Nash: "Laughs! Changed my career. It think David Stern saw me and said this poor kid, if they can put their hands on him HE'S COOKED!!!"

Here's the second clip of the master Hubie Brown throwing more dirt on the modern NBA fraud. Here's a guy that continues to get paid to cover the NBA and has spent a lifetime coaching and analyzing it and knows how ridiculously dumbed down it has become:


And finally Steve Kerr, coach of the recent 3 time champion ADMITTING how artificial offense enhancing rule changes created the Curry, the Warriors and the entire modern soft jump shooting NBA:


Every team post 2005 would get absolutely BLITZED by the 1996 Bulls under ANY RULES but if you put the soft Warriors back in the 90's they would get outmatched both physically and mentally and it wouldn't be pretty. No soft jump shooting team is beating either the Celtics, Showtime Lakers, Pistons Bad Boys or Bulls of the 80's and 90's.

The Warriors are an era specific team just as all the other artificial layup/3's chucking atrocities of the modern NBA. They would not survive under any other rule set.

The modern league is a marketing gimmick, created so lemmings like 87' can still follow the game and really believe that what they are watching is actually a quality sport and that the present day manufactured "stars" even remotely stack up favorably to the golden generation real stars of the 80's and early 90's.
If you were ACTUALLY a fan of 80's basketball you'd know the NBA went to shit in the mid 90's. Not the late 90's which conveniently includes MJ's 2nd three-peat :oldlol:
I like to pay attention to little things like this from ISH trolls.

11-27-2019, 11:23 AM
Seems like you didn't read the beginning of my post Kari were I clearly stated that these changes started specifically in 1994 which is before the Bulls second 3-peat!

I've always maintained that the Golden Era of the NBA was from 1984 to 1993, that era had the greatest teams, rivalries, players and varied style of play where the Showtime Lakers can win the title in 1988 and the polar opposite Bad Boy Pistons could win in 1989.

The late 90's NBA was definitely starting to go down the crapper but MJ and the Bulls already proved they were the best in the league with different rules and more quality competition during the 1991-93 period.

The second 3-peat was basically icing on the cake for the Bulls, they were beating up on the older 80's generation players and the AAU poisoned primadonnas of the 90's which the league had already started altering the rules to enhance their deficient style of play.

Here's another little video explaining what happened in 1994 and what happened again after 1998:


Bimbo Coles
11-27-2019, 12:04 PM
2014 Spurs whip 'em both.

Team (not 2 guys/ 4 guys). No egos. Experienced. Greatest of all coaches. Style of play that married the toughness of yesteryear with the perimeter play of today. And passing we haven't seen before or since.

11-27-2019, 12:18 PM
The 14' Spurs were a very good, gritty and disciplined team but the 90's Bulls are an ALL TIME great team.

The Spurs in 2014 only won 62 games while losing 7 times in the playoffs and taken the distance by the Mavs in the first round plus a team lead by a 37 y/o Tim Duncan is not beating ANY version of MJ in a 7 game series.

Bimbo Coles
11-27-2019, 12:40 PM
Yeah, but we're isolating individual players. It isn't about Jordan or Duncan; that's the point. But Spurs have a seemingly endless line of guys that'll make Jordan and co. work... Kawhi, Manu, Parker, Green, Mills, Belinelli. And Duncan and co. get the better of their bigs.

I'm going with a no frills pick. No one expects them to win. That's less pressure for guys that know how to get the job done.

11-27-2019, 01:36 PM
Kerr thought the same thing as a rookie in 1988:


So he's always thought the league was too big and bad for him
MJ molded this man with zero confidence in himself into a championship game winning shot maker. Incredible leadership! Brilliant writing!

11-27-2019, 07:27 PM
Warriors would wreck that team.

11-28-2019, 05:45 PM
you all forget just how tall and long that Bulls team was

there's never been another defense like theirs

11-28-2019, 07:03 PM
[QUOTE=Showtime80']LOL 87', here's Steve Nash, Hubie Brown and Steve Kerr, guys who have forgotten more basketball than people on this board will ever know going in depth on the fake artificiality of the NBA post late 90's

First is a clip of Steve Nash, a guy who played from 1997 to 2014 and won two MVP's in 2006 and 07 thanks to the rule changes the NBA put in, breaking it down to a basic level and confirming how people like David Stern, Rob Thorn and Jerry Colangelo to name a few altered all the defensive rules starting from the mid 90's (after the panic of the MJ