View Full Version : Kobe Bryant vs. Luka Doncic.

11-25-2019, 03:34 AM
Who's the more talented Basketball player? Could Kobe replicate his stats if he was playing in this era? Remember Bean averaged 30.8/12.6 rpg/6.5 spg/4.0 bpg,/3.8 spg back in High School before he became one of the biggest ballhogs in basketball history.

Celtics 1825
11-25-2019, 03:37 AM
Luka. He has strong GOAT potential whereas Kobe never quite had that

11-25-2019, 03:37 AM
One guy is very efficient. The other guy is Kobe.

Celtics 1825
11-25-2019, 03:38 AM
One guy is very efficient. The other guy is Kobe.
And we can end the thread right there.

11-25-2019, 03:39 AM
Luka. He has strong GOAT potential whereas Kobe never quite had that
I was suprised Bean was an all around player in high school. And he deserved to be rated as the best high school player since Wilt.

11-25-2019, 03:43 AM
Stay on topic you D1ckless Lesbian. If you read my posts I was actually giving some praise to Kobe. What if he was born in 1998 instead of 1978?. Do you think he would be a much better player in this era?

If by "better player" you mean "stats", because that's all you retard LeBron fans can hang your hat on. Of course. This is a no defense, tricked up offense/stats hype era. Even Bradley Beal is putting up numbers. It's nothing special.

In this era Kobe would probably average 40, 8, 8 on great efficiency without breaking a sweat.

11-25-2019, 05:09 AM
Compare him to Kawhi, who thinks and plays more like kobe, you don't need triple doubles to be the best and win rings.

11-25-2019, 05:12 AM
Shouldn't you be cleaning the toilets at jolibee ?? Get back to work midget

:roll: :roll: :roll:

11-25-2019, 06:09 AM
Offense and defense combined:
1. Kobe
2. Doncic
3. LeBron23

11-25-2019, 08:59 AM
1a) Kobe
1B) Luka
2) Lebron

11-25-2019, 09:03 AM
Of course.


11-25-2019, 09:04 AM
Different eras, but we saw Kobe average 29/7/6 on a 15 - 1 championship squad at age 22. I'd say Luka right now is about where Kobe was at the same age offensively but we can't really compare them before we see what Luka does in the POs. Kobe age 21 was a closer on a championship squad while playing the best defense at his position, Luka right now is an elite offensive player but shaky on the defensive end.

11-25-2019, 09:10 AM
Kobe was a championship caliber player. Only Curry and Kawhi are that in this era (I don't count collusion rings).

11-25-2019, 09:48 AM
Kobe would have been unstoppable in this era for sure.

11-25-2019, 10:22 AM
22 year old Kobe was a monster, Luka isn't there till playoff time. On defense, Kobe was elite as well.

11-25-2019, 10:25 AM
Bran stans are obsessed with Kobe

Bosnian Sajo
11-25-2019, 10:33 AM
Who's the more talented Basketball player? Could Kobe replicate his stats if he was playing in this era? .

How do you expect us to take you seriously when you're asking boneheaded questions like this? Who's more talented????

Dude, there are like 2-3 players in the history of basketball more talented than Kobe...that's it (IF THAT!!). Talent doesn't take into account championships, mvps, none of that...just raw talent?? Jordan, KAJ, Kobe. Hakeem close by then.

You're asking if Doncic is more talented?

11-25-2019, 10:38 AM
Bran stans are obsessed with Kobe

They adopted Bron as their favorite player purely out of contempt for Kobe. They don

11-25-2019, 10:41 AM
How do you expect us to take you seriously when you're asking boneheaded questions like this? Who's more talented????

Dude, there are like 2-3 players in the history of basketball more talented than Kobe...that's it (IF THAT!!). Talent doesn't take into account championships, mvps, none of that...just raw talent?? Jordan, KAJ, Kobe. Hakeem close by then.

You're asking if Doncic is more talented?

"Could Kobe replicate his stats" lol, that right there is the epitome of a typical Bran stan's knowledge of basketball, nothing more needs to be read or said.

Hey Yo
11-25-2019, 10:47 AM
Different eras, but we saw Kobe average 29/7/6 on a 15 - 1 championship squad at age 22. I'd say Luka right now is about where Kobe was at the same age offensively but we can't really compare them before we see what Luka does in the POs. Kobe age 21 was a closer on a championship squad while playing the best defense at his position, Luka right now is an elite offensive player but shaky on the defensive end.
Kobe was the clear 2nd option at the time while barely seeing double teams.

It's just the opposite for Luka and he's 2yrs younger. Kobe didn't have his own team until he was in his 7th season at age 26.

edit..... switched 9th season to 7th. His first 2 seasons don't count due to not being good enough to be a starter.

11-25-2019, 10:48 AM
LUKA is better offensively than Kobe was in his prime. Luka can read a defense and score or pass at a high level. Luka is a wonderchild.. But he has only played 15 games or so this season..

Kobe was better DEFENSIVELY cuz Kobe could actually play good defense at 20 years of age..

Bosnian Sajo
11-25-2019, 10:56 AM
LUKA is better offensively than Kobe was in his prime.


You CAN'T speak to these dudes in a serious manner, this is HILARIOUS :roll: :roll:

11-25-2019, 11:04 AM
Luka can become a top 10 all timer, Kobe isn't.

11-25-2019, 11:09 AM
If by "better player" you mean "stats", because that's all you retard LeBron fans can hang your hat on. Of course. This is a no defense, tricked up offense/stats hype era. Even Bradley Beal is putting up numbers. It's nothing special.

In this era Kobe would probably average 40, 8, 8 on great efficiency without breaking a sweat.


The 06 season wasn't any harder than this.

Kobe averaged 35/5/5 56% TS...and played 41 minutes per game.

Sorry, not happening.

Kind of a stupid comparison as Kobe just finished one of the best careers of all-time and is, at worst, a top 15 player in NBA history. So, what is the point of comparing them now?

Only comparison to make would be how Kobe and Luka played in their first 2 years in the league...and with that, there is no comparison...it took Kobe until year 5 to even approach the level Luka is currently playing at.

11-25-2019, 11:13 AM
Luka at 20 > peak Kobe

Bosnian Sajo
11-25-2019, 11:16 AM


The 06 season wasn't any harder than this.

Kobe averaged 35/5/5 56% TS...and played 41 minutes per game.

Sorry, not happening.

Today's pace - 101.5 (highest since 1986)

05-06 pace - 90.5 (2nd lowest in past 20 years)

11 extra possessions per game....

Tell me again why Kobe averaging 5 more ppg, 3 more rpg, and 3 more apg would not happen? I'm not sitting here and saying it's guaranteed or like the person you quoted said "without a sweat", but why are you so quick to slap the idea away?

You understand that in Kobe's prime, the pace was over 92.7 only once (93.1, year 2000) right? You don't think that a prime Kobe, who as the OP so politely coined "the biggest ballhog in history", couldn't get 2 more baskets and a couple more rebounds and assists in 8 extra possessions per game?

11-25-2019, 11:20 AM
Today's pace - 101.5 (highest since 1986)

05-06 pace - 90.5 (2nd lowest in past 20 years)

Tell me again why Kobe averaging 5 more ppg, 3 more rpg, and 3 more apg would not happen? I'm not sitting here and saying it's guaranteed or like the person you quoted said "without a sweat", but why are you so quick to slap the idea away?

You understand that in Kobe's prime, the pace was over 92.7 only once (93.1, year 2000) right? You don't think that a prime Kobe, who as the OP so politely coined "the biggest ballhog in history", couldn't get 2 more baskets and a couple more rebounds and assists in 8 extra possessions per game?

Because he's not playing 41 mpg...just a thought.

Also, where is the efficiency coming from on that volume?

Kobe couldn't have broken 60% TS for a season against air with how bad his shot selection was at times combined with his proclivity to take long 2's.

I'm all for using context on these numbers, but the **** if we are going to start giving out 40/8/8 seasons on 60% plus True Shooting just because.

I mean, to your last point...yes, he could average that if he decided to only play for stats. But he, like many of the most talented players ever, could have averaged that back then as well.

Luka, right now, could average 40/12/12 if that was his only goal and Rick played him enough minutes.

So what? It means nothing.

11-25-2019, 11:25 AM


The 06 season wasn't any harder than this.

Kobe averaged 35/5/5 56% TS...and played 41 minutes per game.

Sorry, not happening.

Kind of a stupid comparison as Kobe just finished one of the best careers of all-time and is, at worst, a top 15 player in NBA history. So, what is the point of comparing them now?

Only comparison to make would be how Kobe and Luka played in their first 2 years in the league...and with that, there is no comparison...it took Kobe until year 5 to even approach the level Luka is currently playing at.
That was triangle offense Kobe, he wasn't trying to go for all around numbers like those guys.. Better example would be the second half of his 17th season, playing that Harden/Nash/Lebron style in D'antoni's system after nash got hurt.

He was basically 30/8/7. Doing it better than i ever seen anyone do it at 34 with a combination of great passing and dangerous scoring.

11-25-2019, 11:32 AM
That was triangle offense Kobe, he wasn't trying to go for all around numbers like those guys.. Better example would be the second half of his 17th season, playing that Harden/Nash/Lebron style in D'antoni's system after nash got hurt.

He was basically 30/8/7. Doing it better than i ever seen anyone do it at 34 with a combination of great passing and dangerous scoring.

I don't think you guys realize how hard 40/8/8 on 60% TS actually would be for a guy like Kobe.

Too many long 2's and his 3 point shot likely wasn't good enough on the required volume.

And that is just the scoring aspect. 8 dimes and 8 boards would be hard as well.

Bosnian Sajo
11-25-2019, 11:33 AM
Because he's not playing 41 mpg...just a thought.

Who isn't, Kobe? And why not exactly lol...from 1999-2010, he averaged 39.4mpg. Not like it would be an anomaly

It's not like we don't have players getting those type of mintues today. Lillard, McCollum, Harden, Beal, etc. are all getting over 37 minutes per game.

Also, where is the efficiency coming from on that volume?

Kobe couldn't have broken 60% TS for a season against air with how bad his shot selection was at times combined with his proclivity to take long 2's.

I'm all for using context on these numbers, but the **** if we are going to start giving out 40/8/8 seasons on 60% plus True Shooting just because.

Yea, idk why that guy said 60% true shooting. It's dumb to act like a player needs to average that anyways, not counting his last 3 seasons (where he was injured and truly inefficient), Kobe's career average is 55.5% true shooting which is just fine. It's efficient. Not everyone is going to be Steph Curry and have seasons where the true shooting is 67%, lol. KD is another player who consistently puts up over 60%, Lebron did it in Miami and a couple times in Cleveland. I don't know if Kobe would be capable. It would be interesting to compare his TS% to others in his era, though.

I mean, to your last point...yes, he could average that if he decided to only play for stats. But he, like many of the most talented players ever, could have averaged that back then as well.

Luka, right now, could average 40/12/12 if that was his only goal and Rick played him enough minutes.

So what? It means nothing.

It wouldn't be him playing for stats, it's just the fact that when Kobe's out there...he's gonna be getting stats lol. Like any ATG, they have high impact on the game itself and I absolutely would expect Kobe in this era with this pace to put up James Harden type numbers AND produce in the playoffs (meaning win chips).

Hey Yo
11-25-2019, 11:34 AM
That was triangle offense Kobe, he wasn't trying to go for all around numbers like those guys.. Better example would be the second half of his 17th season, playing that Harden/Nash/Lebron style in D'antoni's system after nash got hurt.

He was basically 30/8/7. Doing it better than i ever seen anyone do it at 34 with a combination of great passing and dangerous scoring.
The above was right after Kobe got back from Germany (again) after receiving illegal doping, which led to his body breaking down.

11-25-2019, 11:37 AM
Kobe would get his minutes cut short in today's game due to his terrible efficiency. He would get Melo'd quickly.

11-25-2019, 11:39 AM
Who isn't, Kobe? And why not exactly lol...from 1999-2010, he averaged 39.4mpg. Not like it would be an anomaly

It's not like we don't have players getting those type of mintues today. Lillard, McCollum, Harden, Beal, etc. are all getting over 37 minutes per game.

Yea, idk why that guy said 60% true shooting. It's dumb to act like a player needs to average that anyways, not counting his last 3 seasons (where he was injured and truly inefficient), Kobe's career average is 55.5% true shooting which is just fine. It's efficient. Not everyone is going to be Steph Curry and have seasons where the true shooting is 67%, lol.

It wouldn't be him playing for stats, it's just the fact that when Kobe's out there...he's gonna be getting stats lol. Like any ATG, they have high impact on the game itself and I absolutely would expect Kobe in this era with this pace to put up James Harden type numbers AND produce in the playoffs (meaning win chips).

Well, if you are going to talk about pace, you also have to talk about how many minutes these guys are on the floor. You can't mention one without the other. It isn't like a guy playing 25 minutes now has a better chance to produce per game stats than a guy playing 41 minutes at a slower pace.

That was my point...and we all know he'd likely be playing around 37 minutes per game in this era...you have to factor that in.

Of course he's going to produce stats...again though...to me that is meaningless. Nobody with a brain thinks Harden is better than Kobe, for example, just because of the raw stats or ppg.

I literally just got done debating about this with Wiggins. You can't just automatically rate a player, especially in this era, as "something" while only looking at points per game...or even raw stats alone.

If we are trying to evaluate players you have to use the specific circumstances they are in, combined with the era, combined with results relative to peers, combined with regular and advanced stats...etc.

So I'm all for not just falling all over ourselves to say Luka is currently playing better than Kobe ever did or something...I agree that we shouldn't do that.

However, we also shouldn't just start handing out 40/8/8 seasons on great efficiency to past players..."with ease"...

Maybe you do that with Jordan or something...but not a guy like Kobe.

11-25-2019, 11:44 AM
The above was right after Kobe got back from Germany (again) after receiving illegal doping, which led to his body breaking down.
Kobe activated playoff mode and they made it. When Lebron tried that, lol that was the goofiest crap ever, embarrassing.

11-25-2019, 11:45 AM
Luka doesn't have to rape someone to get laid.

11-25-2019, 11:47 AM
Luka doesn't have to rape someone to get laid.
Hey Lebron fan, you don't have to like Kobe.. But real men don't side with whores, you'll understand someday.

Bosnian Sajo
11-25-2019, 11:58 AM
See, I'm nodding in agreement with most of that post (ESPECIALLY the Wiggins part, I see right through that mans ppg...altho tbf he has stepped up this year a bit) but then that last line kills me.

However, we also shouldn't just start handing out 40/8/8 seasons on great efficiency to past players..."with ease"...

Maybe you do that with Jordan or something...but not a guy like Kobe.

"a guy like Kobe" is MJ. It's Lebron. It's Magic. We are talking about the best of the best. Like you said, WORST CASE there are only 14 to ever do it better than Kobe (I'd roll my eyes if someone put him outside the top 8 but that's neither here nor there, personally for me Kobe is top 5).

The "with ease" line is ISH trolling, I don't take that line into consideration. Nothing is with ease, Kobe's 55.5% TS for his career wasn't with ease, neither was Jordan's 58% or Lebron's 59% (not counting Bron's first year, 48.8%. His true shooting never dipped under 55% after that first year..same way I cut out MJ's wizards years and Kobe's injured years).

Listing it out...these are all efficient players, it annoys the living shit out of me when people pretend Kobe wasn't efficient. He wasn't THE MOST Efficient, but the man was FAR from inefficient. Much like how Lebron never went under 55.2% outside of his first year, Kobe never went under 54.4% minus his farewell/injured years.

Hey Yo
11-25-2019, 12:08 PM
Kobe activated playoff mode and they made it. When Lebron tried that, lol that was the goofiest crap ever, embarrassing.
Illegal doping, chico. More blatant than a Harley Race thumb to the eye.

11-25-2019, 12:13 PM
See, I'm nodding in agreement with most of that post (ESPECIALLY the Wiggins part, I see right through that mans ppg...altho tbf he has stepped up this year a bit) but then that last line kills me.

"a guy like Kobe" is MJ. It's Lebron. It's Magic. We are talking about the best of the best. Like you said, WORST CASE there are only 14 to ever do it better than Kobe (I'd roll my eyes if someone put him outside the top 8 but that's neither here nor there, personally for me Kobe is top 5).

The "with ease" line is ISH trolling, I don't take that line into consideration. Nothing is with ease, Kobe's 55.5% TS for his career wasn't with ease, neither was Jordan's 58% or Lebron's 59% (not counting Bron's first year, 48.8%. His true shooting never dipped under 55% after that first year..same way I cut out MJ's wizards years and Kobe's injured years).

Listing it out...these are all efficient players, it annoys the living shit out of me when people pretend Kobe wasn't efficient. He wasn't THE MOST Efficient, but the man was FAR from inefficient. Much like how Lebron never went under 55.2% outside of his first year, Kobe never went under 54.4% minus his farewell/injured years.

We rate Kobe differently. I don't put him in the MJ category. Nor do I put Lebron there either.

I don't care to debate Kobe vs Lebron vs Jordan though. My simple take is that Jordan was better than both and it isn't close....with Lebron being better than Kobe.

Absolutely fine to disagree, but that isn't what my point was about anyway.

I'm just saying we shouldn't go back and start giving guys credit for absurd seasons even by the standards of the game today.

11-25-2019, 12:13 PM
They play defense these days.

Watch an average game from 06-08 and you'll just be shaking your head at the defense and lack of depth in talent.

Bosnian Sajo
11-25-2019, 12:13 PM
Illegal doping, chico. More blatant than a Harley Race thumb to the eye.

Cmon, you donkey. You can't be using the doping line when Lebron's Jaw is the size of the golden state bridge ffs.

Bosnian Sajo
11-25-2019, 12:16 PM
We rate Kobe differently. I don't put him in the MJ category. Nor do I put Lebron there either.

I don't care to debate Kobe vs Lebron vs Jordan though. My simple take is that Jordan was better than both and it isn't close....with Lebron being better than Kobe.

And I'm not gonna debate that since it's not a crazy opinion to have. It's a completely legitimate opinion to have Lebron ahead of Kobe, I ain't mad at it. Same way I got Kobe over Lebron.

Whether we like to admit it or not, all time ratings are the most subjective convos in basketball. That's why I prefer tiers and ranges rather than solidifying a player to a single spot. The only guys I do that to are MJ and KAJ at #1 and #2, respectively.

Good talk :lol

11-25-2019, 12:24 PM
And I'm not gonna debate that since it's not a crazy opinion to have. It's a completely legitimate opinion to have Lebron ahead of Kobe, I ain't mad at it. Same way I got Kobe over Lebron.

Whether we like to admit it or not, all time ratings are the most subjective convos in basketball. That's why I prefer tiers and ranges rather than solidifying a player to a single spot. The only guys I do that to are MJ and KAJ at #1 and #2, respectively.

Good talk :lol
Even Kareem is overrated in these lists when he couldn't do much (1 ring with oscar, another atg) without Magic and a superteam. Guys like duncan winning with great teams and sharing finals mvp's with his teammates.

Meanwhile kobe can't be higher than those guys because he played with Shaq and roleplayers and almost three-peated with Pau gasol.

To me Kobe's number 2, because MJ has the cleaner almost perfect career.

Hey Yo
11-25-2019, 12:32 PM
Cmon, you donkey. You can't be using the doping line when Lebron's Jaw is the size of the golden state bridge ffs.
Except the part where doping has been proven to break the body down. Kobe's first trip was in May 2011. Then went back again. Then his body failed him.

Not a coincidence.

11-25-2019, 12:37 PM
They play defense these days.

Watch an average game from 06-08 and you'll just be shaking your head at the defense and lack of depth in talent.

i agree with the talent.. I mean Lebron was playing SNOW who could't hit a 15fter ..

11-25-2019, 12:39 PM
Current Doncic is EASILY better than peak Kobe lol this is not a discussion

11-25-2019, 12:42 PM
Who's the more talented Basketball player? Could Kobe replicate his stats if he was playing in this era? Remember Bean averaged 30.8/12.6 rpg/6.5 spg/4.0 bpg,/3.8 spg back in High School before he became one of the biggest ballhogs in basketball history.
Can we please stop it with this Luka shit. I like him alot and he's obviously one of the best in the world but dude hasn't even been to the playoffs yet. Comparing him to proven champion s is ridiculous.