View Full Version : The truth about Lebron ball

12-05-2019, 11:55 PM
I'm gonna make this quick cause this argument is obvious and doesn't need a lot of words:

BOTTOM LINE: Lebron makes his teammates better

Being an all-time assist leader is the literal definition of the above

He does NOT make elite players better, because elite players before joining Lebron had great stats but were on losing teams (thus they left to join LeBron)

Less elite players universally improve by assisted-shots; elite players' stats decrease, but they in-turn roll with WINNING teams (8 straight finals = proof)

That's it, let's stop arguing about it. If you actually argue this, take a step back and evaluate your argument, because it is wrong - let's elevate the discussion on this forum a little.

12-05-2019, 11:57 PM
Wait til the playoffs and a better team makes it's case. Some team like THE CLIPPERS

Bran ball has never been a problem in the regular season.

12-06-2019, 12:07 AM
Great analysis, I agree.

LeBron made Kyrie Irving look like god for a playoff series. If we had seen 2017, 2018 and ESPECIALLY 2019 Playoff Kyrie before 2016, no one would believe he had that in him.

He elevates players. Period.

12-06-2019, 01:18 AM

Bran ball only works with multiple superstars to cover the losing style.

Cold hard fact.

That's it.

12-06-2019, 01:31 AM
ring ring ring

its lebron james


12-06-2019, 01:40 AM
ring ring ring

its lebron james

Thanos doesn

12-06-2019, 01:43 AM
we stay winning :banana:

05-21-2020, 06:14 PM
I'm gonna make this quick cause this argument is obvious and doesn't need a lot of words:

BOTTOM LINE: Lebron makes his teammates better

Being an all-time assist leader is the literal definition of the above

He does NOT make elite players better, because elite players before joining Lebron had great stats but were on losing teams (thus they left to join LeBron)

Less elite players universally improve by assisted-shots; elite players' stats decrease, but they in-turn roll with WINNING teams (8 straight finals = proof)

That's it, let's stop arguing about it. If you actually argue this, take a step back and evaluate your argument, because it is wrong - let's elevate the discussion on this forum a little.

In hindsight if the Lakers wins the nba championship this year. Only Phil Jackson and his triangle offense have more championship than Branball in the last 20 years. Popovich also have 4.

05-21-2020, 06:27 PM
I'm gonna make this quick cause this argument is obvious and doesn't need a lot of words:

BOTTOM LINE: Lebron makes some teammates better

Being an all-time assist leader is the literal definition of the above

He does NOT make elite players better, because elite players before joining Lebron had great stats but were on losing teams (thus they left to join LeBron)

Less elite players universally improve by assisted-shots; elite players' stats decrease, but they in-turn roll with WINNING teams (8 straight finals = proof)

That's it, let's stop arguing about it. If you actually argue this, take a step back and evaluate your argument, because it is wrong - let's elevate the discussion on this forum a little.

He made various guys worse like Bosh, Love, Hughes, Jamison, Ingram, Rose, Crowder, Hood, and Wade

That's a lot of good players that other guys wouldn't have destroyed

Ultimately, lebron starts at SF but then shares the point guard duties with the PG.. These 2-PG lineups give teammates less ball-time and assists then they get in 1-PG lineups - lower teammate assists results in low TEAM assists and weak ball movement that struggles on the championship level

In addition to lowering teammate assists, he increases their assisted rate, thus turning them into play-finishers... It shouldn't be surprising that such a simple, AAU brand (1 guy dribbling the ball) gets smashed by record amount in the championship regardless of cast