View Full Version : Write a post in another poster's style

Im Still Ballin
12-09-2019, 10:26 PM

Actually, that's not true.

You clearly don't understand how crypto-currencies work. Banks CANNOT control bitcoin because it is decentralized.

You are so ****ing stupid.

Bitcoin is the currency of the future. You would be absolutely STUPID not to buy some now.

12-09-2019, 10:31 PM

Wow...fkin did you see his muscles. Mfker looks really strong and manly. Very handsome jawline. Ladies love a man with big muscles that knows how to **** good.

12-09-2019, 10:32 PM

Actually, that's not true.

You clearly don't understand how crypto-currencies work. Banks CANNOT control bitcoin because it is decentralized.

You are so ****ing stupid.

Bitcoin is the currency of the future. You would be absolutely STUPID not to buy some now.

Math doesn't lie. That's reserved for idiots on ISH.

12-09-2019, 10:42 PM

Wow...fkin did you see his muscles. Mfker looks really strong and manly. Very handsome jawline. Ladies love a man with big muscles that knows how to **** good.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Im Still Ballin
12-09-2019, 10:45 PM

This is typical itsmillertime/maxfly/theman response. Full of ad hominem attacks... oh look drumpf wears diapers! bu bu bu he said mexican man bad!

orange man bad!

I am always up to discuss policy... I'm literally the most likely person to want to discuss policy on this forum. No one takes me up on the offer, doe.


Because they are losers who hate themselves. They are POSERS with no brains, charisma, charm, style... complete dweebs. That's what the left is about, being different for the sake of it. In real life they are the losers.


12-09-2019, 10:47 PM

12-09-2019, 10:49 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

12-09-2019, 10:56 PM


Wtf? :lol

Im Still Ballin
12-09-2019, 10:59 PM

Huge things are coming in the near future. We're currently working with website technicians to upgrade the forum.

I'm also going to plug the message board on my twitter. I have over 10,000 twitter followers.

Stay tuned. ISH for life!


Im Still Ballin
12-09-2019, 11:00 PM
mfer how do you know about that forum

i think only me, kenneth and stalker knew about that place

12-09-2019, 11:06 PM

12-09-2019, 11:07 PM

Wow...fkin did you see his muscles. Mfker looks really strong and manly. Very handsome jawline. Ladies love a man with big muscles that knows how to **** good.

went out shopping earlier .. had a group of young guys looking at my ass .. cant fkn go out in this world anymore .. can just tell they wanted me to dick them so bad .. sick fkn bastards .. do i have gay written on my forehead? .. lol .. this is the world we live in folks

12-09-2019, 11:08 PM

Im Still Ballin
12-09-2019, 11:14 PM

12-10-2019, 02:16 AM

This is typical itsmillertime/maxfly/theman response. Full of ad hominem attacks... oh look drumpf wears diapers! bu bu bu he said mexican man bad!

orange man bad!

I am always up to discuss policy... I'm literally the most likely person to want to discuss policy on this forum. No one takes me up on the offer, doe.


Because they are losers who hate themselves. They are POSERS with no brains, charisma, charm, style... complete dweebs. That's what the left is about, being different for the sake of it. In real life they are the losers.


If that's a fact, then tell me...


Am I lying?

12-10-2019, 02:24 AM
This thread is hilarious.


Celtics 1825
12-10-2019, 03:36 AM

https://www.si.com/.image/ar_16:9%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_fa ces:center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_620/MTY4MTY5MzMxNzMyODQ5OTM3/lebron-james-cavaliers-hawks-nba-playoffs-game-3-videojpg.jpg

Im Still Ballin
12-10-2019, 05:23 AM

https://www.si.com/.image/ar_16:9%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_fa ces:center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_620/MTY4MTY5MzMxNzMyODQ5OTM3/lebron-james-cavaliers-hawks-nba-playoffs-game-3-videojpg.jpg

12-10-2019, 05:26 AM

12-10-2019, 05:32 AM

[IMG]https://www.si.com/.image/ar_16:9%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_fa ces:center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_620/MTY4MTY5MzMxNzMyODQ5OTM3/lebron-james-cavaliers-hawks-nba-playoffs-game-3-videojpg.jpg]


Spot on

And to be fair all posts were good in this thread

12-10-2019, 06:09 AM
Let's start before the season even began shall we? Wilt was saddled with arguably the worst roster an all-time great ever had to overcome. How bad were they? Their new coach, Alex Hannum, conducted a pre-season scrimmage, sans Wilt, against drfat picks and scrubs. Guess which team won? Hannum was stunned by the fact that those players had become so dependent on Wilt, that they had forgotten how to play the game.

YET, Wilt then single-handedly carried that cast of clowns to a 48-32 record, averaging 36.9 ppg, 22.3 rpg, and shooting .524 in the process. BTW, how fast was the "pace" of that NBA? The league averaged 111 ppg on .433 shooting during the regular season...hardly "prolific" (MJ's '87 NBA averaged 109.9 ppg on .480 shooting BTW.)

And, how about the scoring of the NBA playoff teams in that 63-64 post-season? 105.8 ppg on .420 shooting. Keep that mind...

In the first round of the playoffs, and in a seven game series, all Chamberlain could do was to average 38.6 ppg, 23.0 rpg, and on .559 shooting! Just staggering numbers considering the "pace" and "efficiency" of that NBA post-season.

Included in those seven games, was a 50 point game, on 22-32 shooting, in game five. Oh, and how did Wilt perform in that game seven. First of all, he held his opposing center, Zelmo Beaty (who would go on to become a multiple all-star) to 10 points. AND, Wilt "the choker" put up a 39 point, 26 rebound, 10 block game.

That setup the Finals, in which Wilt would take as bad a roster as a man has ever had in the post-season, up against Russell, in arguably his greatest season (his defensive win shares was an all-time record that season), and the Celtic Dynasty.

Oh, and BTW, the Celtics had an 8-2 edge in HOFers, too. In fact, Wilt's lone "HOF" teammate was rookie Nate Thurmond, who was playing part-time, out of position (obviously he would become a great center after Wilt), and who would shoot .395 during the regular season.

So, the real question would have been...aside from Thurmond (who once again was a part-timer, and playing out of position), just where would Chamberlain's best teammate, Tom Meschery, who would average 13.5 ppg, 7.7 rpg, and shoot .458...have been camped at on the Celtic bench.

As for the rest of Wilt's teammates? Wayne Hightower, who averaged 13.2 ppg on .385 shooting. Guy Rodgers, who was arguably the WORST shooter of ALL-TIME, who averaged 11.0 ppg on .365 shooting. And hard-nosed Al Attles, who was at 10.9 ppg on .452 shooting. As bad as those guys were...the rest were just awful. Gary Phillips? He shot .370. The legendary Gary Hill averaged 5.1 ppg on .380 shooting. George Lee shot .379. And John Windsor shot .370. And go ahead and look those guys up. None of them played any better with, or without Chamberlain in their careers, and in fact, Attles and Meschery had their best seasons with Wilt.

So, while Chamberlain was shooting .524 from the floor, how about his teammates? They collectively shot .402. BUT, then in the post-season, while Chamberlain was shooting .543, his teammates collectively shot .382.

Back to the Finals. You have read about Wilt's roster. Now, how about that Celtic roster? Satch Sanders and KC Jones...both considered the best defenders at their positions in the league at the time (and while neither should be there...both in the HOF.) Clyle Lovellette, who is in the HOF, and who was a 20 ppg scorer just the year before he played with Boston. Obviously, with that roster, he couldn't even start. Frank Ramsey, who was among the best "6th men" in his career. Then came the heavy hitters. Tom Heinsohn, John Havlicek, and Sam Jones.

Ok, Boston would win that Finals, 4-1. No surprise there, of course. BUT, the last two games were decided in the waning seconds, when Boston won by margins of 3 and 6 points.

How did the Russell-Wilt H2H's go?

Russell averaged 11.2 ppg, 25.2 ppg, and shot .386 from the field. BTW, he also went 12-25 from the line.

Meanwhile, all Wilt could do was to average 29.2 ppg, 27.6 rpg, and shot .517 (once again, in a post-season in which the NBA shot .420.) Oh, and he shot 22-48 from the line. So, Russell outshot Wilt from the line by a .480 to .458 margin, BUT, Wilt outscored Russell from line, as he ALWAYS did, by a 22-12 margin (again...nearly DOUBLE.)

Now, swap those rosters, and does anyone in their right mind honestly believe that Russell would have led that inept cast to a title? And given the fact that Wilt proved he could adapt to whatever his coach's would have asked, that Chamberlain's "Celtics" would not have just blown Russell's "Warriors" away?

Russell averaged 13.2 ppg, 24.5 rpg, and shot .465 from the field.
Chamberlain averaged 21.3 ppg, 28.5 rpg, and shot ...get this... .638 from the field!

As for Jones outscoring Wilt in those game seven's...Chamberlain outscored Jones in the '60, '62, '64, '65, '66, and '67 H2H playoff series'.

Oh, and how about comparing Jones' rebounding and FG%'s in those H2H's, too?

And don't give me this crap that Russell didn't HAVE to score against Wilt, either. Chamberlain HAD to score, at least in the first half of his career, as well as do everything that Russell was doing.

BTW, no one has ever explained this one to me...

In the '66 ECF's, when Chamberlain's Sixers were down 3-1, and were facing elimination in game five, (and in a series in which Wilt's teammates collectively .352), Wilt exploded for a 46 point game, with 34 rebounds, on 19-34 shooting. Yes, in a loss. BUT, his teammates were of no help at all.

Ok, so in the '67 ECF's, it was now Russell who was faced with the EXACT set of circumstances. His Celtics had narrowly avoided a sweep in game four, and were down 3-1 going into game five. How did Russell respond when it was obvious that his teammates, finally neutralized by Wilt's, desperately needed him to step up? He quietly went like a lamb to slaughter, scoring a total of FOUR points, and on 2-5 shooting, with 21 rebounds. How about Wilt "the choker" in that clinching game five win? 29 points (22 of which came in the first half when the game was still close), on 10-16 shooting, with 13 assists, 7 blocks, and 36 rebounds.

How come Russell couldn't produce anything close to a 46-34 game against Wilt? And yet, Chamberlain had a TON of similar games in his career against Russell (24 games of 40+ points.)

Not only that, but EVERY team Wilt joined would go on to set team W-L records, TWO of which STILL stand.

12-10-2019, 06:11 AM
Wilt took what had been a LAST PLACE team, to a 49-26 record in his rookie season (which was a franchise record at the time.) He would take them to the ECF's in '60 and again in '62 (and in that '62 season, he took his 49-31 Warriors to a game seven, two point loss against the 60-20 Celtics and their SEVEN HOFers.) And, in his 63-64 season, Chamberlain took an awful roster to a 48-32 record, and a trip to the Finals.

Chamberlain was "traded" to the Sixers in mid-season, in the 64-65 year, to a team that had gone 34-46 the year before. They would go 40-40 in that 64-65 season, and then a 3-1 series romp over the 48-32 Royals, before losing a game seven, by one point, to the 62-18 Celtics (more on that soon.)

BTW, his Warriors would finish 17-63 and then, even with Barry and Thurmond in '65, 35-45. So, Wilt was basically replaced by TWO HOFers, and yet they couldn't even go .500. They would add players like Jeff Mullins and Clyde Lee, and still only go 44-37 in '67. Oh, and BTW, Wilt and his Sixers destroyed that Warrior team in the Finals.

In fact, after that trade to the Sixers, Wilt's TEAMs would have a better record than the Warriors every year until he retired in '73. AND, they wiped out SF in '67, '69, and '73 in the playoffs.

Over the course of the next three seasons, Chamberlain's Sixers had the BEST RECORD in the league each season. Included was a dominating world title in '67(and a 68-13 mark which is STILL a team record), and a 62-20 finish in '68.

Wilt was "traded" to the Lakers, and basically replacing THREE players, and a combined 42 ppg and 18 rpg, and with West missing 20 games, he STILL led the Los Angeles franchise to a then best-ever record.

Over the course of his five seasons in LA, the Lakers went to FOUR Finals, and won their first ever title in Los Angeles, on a team that went 69-13 (which is STILL a franchise record.)

BTW, the year Chamberlain was traded to the Lakers, the Sixers slipped to 55-27, and were wiped out in the first round of the playoffs. And while Wilt's Lakers would get better nearly every season, his old Sixer team got progressively worse. In Wilt's last season in LA, on a 60-22 Laker team that again reached the Finals, the Sixers finished 9-73.

Chamberlain retired after that 72-73 season, and the Laker immediately plummetted to a 47-35 record, and were annihilated in the first round of the playoffs. They would go 30-52 in 73-74, too. They acquired Kareem before the start of the 75-76 season, and still could only finish 40-42.

In fact, the Lakers would not return to where Chamberlain left them, until Magic arrived in the 79-80 season.

THAT was the IMPACT that Chamberlain had on his TEAMs.

Aside from Bird, Kareem had the most flop jobs of any all-time great.

Had Wilt played with Magic for TEN seasons I have no doubt that his overall resume would look much better than Kareem's.

Hell, and OLD Chamberlain was a better WINNER in the four years that he and Kareem played in the league together. Kareem went to one Finals in those four years, while Chamberlain went to THREE.

Furthermore, the ONE year in which a prime Kareem won a ring, his team had the easiest route to a title in NBA history. They beat a 41-41 Warrior team in the first round. Then, they beat Wilt's Lakers in the WCF's, who were, BTW, without BOTH West and Baylor. Not only that, but Wilt outplayed Kareem in that series, AND, as Wilt left the floor in the last minute of the last game of that series, he received a standing ovation. Oh, and BTW, that game was played in MILWAUKEE. And, then Kareem's Bucks swept a 42-40 Bullets team for a title.

I have said it before, but go ahead and compare Chamberlain's and Kareem's first ten seasons in the league (basically their primes.) There wasn't an area in which Kareem was better, including being a "winner."

They each had one ring, but Wilt's one ring came in an era of the greatest dynasty in professional sports history. Wilt had to battle the Celtic Dynasty, and their FIVE to NINE HOFers, for TEN seasons. (And even after that he battled the Knicks and their FOUR HOFers in the '70 Finals, Kareem and Oscar in the '71 WCF's, Kareem and Oscar in '72, the Knicks and their FIVE HOFers in '72, and the Knicks and their SIX HOFers in '73.)

Meanwhile, in Kareem's first ten seasons in the league, the 48-34 Warriors with Barry and a team of no-names won a ring. The 49-33 Blazers won it in '77 (after SWEEPING Kareem's 53-29 Lakers.) The 44-38 Bullets won the title in '78. And the 52-30 Sonics with a bunch of no-names won the title in '79 (after routing a Kareem team that had Wilkes, Nixon, Hudson, and Dantley, 4-1.)

How about Kareem's first ten seasons?

1. '69-70. His 56-26 Bucks are blown away in the clinching game five of the ECF's, 132-96, in a game in which Reed easily outplayed him.

2. 70-71. He wins his only ring in the decade...and as previously mentioned, with the easilest road to a title in NBA history.

3. 71-72. In the first round of the playoffs, Kareem is outscored and outshot by Nate Thurmond. In fact, Kareem shoots .405 in that series, but, his teammates easily outplay Nate's. In the WCF's, Kareem, who had shot .574 during the regular season, shoots .457 against Wilt, including a horrid .414 in the last four games of that series. Wilt is widely hailed as outplaying Kareem in that series, and just dominates him in the clinching game six win on the road.

4. 72-73. Kareem takes his 60-22 Bucks down in flames in the first round of the playoffs against a 47-35 Warrior team, and in a series in which he shoots .428 against Thurmond. BTW, Chamberlain then destroys Thurmond in the WCF's, and takes HIS 60-22 Lakers to a 4-1 romp over that Warrior team.

73-74. In game seven of the Finals, Kareem is outplayed by a Cowens, particularly in the 4th quarter when Cowens, saddled with five fouls, just dominates him down the stretch in a blowout Celtic win in Milwaukee.

74-75. After Oscar retires, Kareem and his Bucks drop from a 59-23 record down to 38-44. Kareem is subsequently traded. Milwaukee would again go 38-44 the next year without Kareem.

75-76. Kareem and his 40-42 Lakers don't make the playoffs.

76-77. Kareem and his 53-29 Lakers are swept by Walton's 49-33 Blazers in the WCF's.

77-78. Kareem, with a roster that included Nixon, Wilkes, Scott, Hudson, and Dantley, are knocked out in the first round by a 47-35 Sonics team.

78-79. Kareem and the same basic roster as the season before, are routed in the second round by that same Sonics team, with one borderline HOFers and a bunch of no-names, 4-1.

Even after Magic arrived, Kareem had his share of choke jobs. Moses battered him in both '81 and '83 (including beating Kareem's Lakers with a 40-42 team, and SWEEPING them in '83.) Lost in the "Tragic Johnson" Finals of '84, was Kareem's 7-25 game five., and his overall .481 shooting (in a league that shot .490.) Kareem also declined dramatically from his regular season dominance of Hakeem's Rockets in the stunning '86 WCF's collapse. He won rings in '87 as a third wheel, and then again in '88 as a FIFTH wheel, despite having a simply AWFUL post-season (and an even worse game seven...probably the worst game seven ever by an all-time great.) And, with Magic injured in '89, Kareem was part of yet another loss. Hell, the year AFTER Kareem retired, the Lakers IMPROVED from a 57-25 record, to a 63-19 record (which was their second best record in the MAGIC-era.)

12-10-2019, 06:22 AM
Laz? :lol

12-10-2019, 07:53 AM
kobe became the best player in the world in 01

kobe was the best player in the world from 2001-2010


kobe only needed pau

lebron is efficient but not dominant

which is why he needed bail-outs to not be 1/9

2013 ( ray )

2016 ( kyrie )

asterisk rings

2012* ( lockout )

12-10-2019, 07:56 AM


It amuses me you all fall for it.

LeBron is a media manipulation

12-10-2019, 11:12 AM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Bosnian Sajo
12-10-2019, 01:35 PM

*speaking to a Lakers OG*

So, how did your Pelicans do last night? :roll: :roll: :roll:

not muh yung core

12-10-2019, 01:37 PM
this thread funny only if you been here longer to know what any of this means

i don't understand none of this

12-10-2019, 01:41 PM


It amuses me you all fall for it.

LeBron is a media manipulation


12-10-2019, 01:42 PM
this thread funny only if you been here longer to know what any of this means

i don't understand none of this


Kenny says you're Jeff.

Bosnian Sajo
12-10-2019, 01:46 PM
this thread funny only if you been here longer to know what any of this means

i don't understand none of this

Bro there is NO SUCH THING as a new poster on this site, we haven't had an actual new person join these boards in like 2 years lol.

Any account after 2017 is 100% an alt, no ifs and or buts about it.

Ain't NO ONE signing up for a forum like this in 2020.

12-10-2019, 01:49 PM


It amuses me you all fall for it.

LeBron is a media manipulation


Should have said LeBron is a FRAUD, tho.

12-10-2019, 01:53 PM
RRR3: Brainwashed Trumptards meltdown, trannies are hot

12-10-2019, 02:35 PM
RRR3: Brainwashed Trumptards meltdown, trannies are hot
You have to actually sound like the poster and say stuff they would say for it to be funny.

12-10-2019, 02:51 PM

Kenny says you're Jeff.

no im new poster who want know why other guy allowed 17 account? that very confusing for me to keep talking to same guy under all accounts. plus he no have harry armpits and shave his armpits like a girl they said

12-10-2019, 04:13 PM
You have to actually sound like the poster and say stuff they would say for it to be funny.

Butthurt :cry:

Patrick Chewing
12-10-2019, 08:01 PM
RRR3: Brainwashed Trumptards meltdown, trannies are hot

Ooo I know this one! RRR3tard!

12-10-2019, 08:05 PM
Ooo I know this one! RRR3tard!


RRR3 being cringe as always

12-10-2019, 08:09 PM
KOBETARDS SMFH. I wanna lick a tranny lollipop so bad. - RRR3

12-10-2019, 08:12 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

12-11-2019, 11:02 AM

This is typical itsmillertime/maxfly/theman response. Full of ad hominem attacks... oh look drumpf wears diapers! bu bu bu he said mexican man bad!

orange man bad!

I am always up to discuss policy... I'm literally the most likely person to want to discuss policy on this forum. No one takes me up on the offer, doe.


Because they are losers who hate themselves. They are POSERS with no brains, charisma, charm, style... complete dweebs. That's what the left is about, being different for the sake of it. In real life they are the losers.


Lmfao :roll:

12-11-2019, 11:22 AM

ISIS are still a global threat and should be eradicated as soon as possible. But at least they are better than Lebron James because they have balls of steel and speak a more difficult language. Also, Lebron will probably join the army after his NBA career to fight for the winning side. Of course he joins the stacked US team smfh!

12-11-2019, 01:47 PM
highwhey: So I had eye contact wit this hot chick at the club and got her digits. Should I invite her over to Netflix and chill? I'd go over to her place but she lives in this nice part of town and I'm worried about getting shot by racist cops.

12-11-2019, 02:16 PM
highwhey: So I had eye contact wit this hot chick at the club and got her digits. Should I invite her over to Netflix and chill? I'd go over to her place but she lives in this nice part of town and I'm worried about getting shot by racist cops.
Spot on, not bad old man. :oldlol:

12-11-2019, 05:00 PM
we dem boyz

we makin' noise

- scuzzy

12-11-2019, 05:01 PM
we dem boyz

we makin' noise

- scuzzy

:oldlol: :oldlol:

so simple

needs improvement after boyz tho

12-11-2019, 05:05 PM
no im new poster who want know why other guy allowed 17 account? that very confusing for me to keep talking to same guy under all accounts. plus he no have harry armpits and shave his armpits like a girl they said


Celtics 1825
12-12-2019, 02:26 AM

Has anyone here seen *obscure underage looking female actress* from *obscure show*? She is very attractive.

Is *random Filipino thing* famous in the US?

Oxygen vs Nitrogen: Which is the better element?

By the way I invited my 17 year old female friends to join this board.

12-12-2019, 02:30 AM

Has anyone here seen *obscure underage looking female actress* from *obscure show*? She is very attractive.

Is *random Filipino thing* famous in the US?

Oxygen vs Nitrogen: Which is the better element?

By the way I invited my 17 year old female friends to join this board.
:lol :lol :lol :lol

12-12-2019, 02:50 AM

Gil Renard
12-12-2019, 02:52 AM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

12-12-2019, 03:03 AM
I can't f*cking breathe :roll: :roll:

soytits and diaper :roll: :roll: :roll:

12-12-2019, 04:21 AM
I can't f*cking breathe :roll: :roll:

soytits and diaper :roll: :roll: :roll:

Bro, it was funny, but it wasnt Eric Gardner funny.

Youre trying too hard.

12-12-2019, 04:28 AM
Bro, it was funny, but it wasnt Eric Gardner funny.

Youre trying too hard.

It's his alt, of course he finds his only friend funny..

Wow that's a lot of time spent Simon, you think of me a lot:lol

12-12-2019, 04:37 AM
Left + X


Dray n Klay
12-12-2019, 04:38 AM

12-12-2019, 04:40 AM
mini wheels in full self reply mode..

Jeff, I think someone's diaper is full:lol

12-12-2019, 04:42 AM
Left + R1 + X

12-12-2019, 04:46 AM

Gil Renard
12-12-2019, 04:55 AM


12-12-2019, 06:28 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

12-12-2019, 06:42 AM

12-12-2019, 10:40 AM

:roll: :roll:

My GOOdness

12-12-2019, 11:28 AM
:roll: :roll:

My GOOdness

The only other person other than Simon to laugh at that image. Good job, wheels was seething hoping someone would acknowledge his efforts. :oldlol:

12-12-2019, 11:58 AM
Butthurt :cry:

He's right, though. All you did was just say things he believes. The point is to post in his style, dumb ass.

12-12-2019, 12:00 PM


12-12-2019, 12:01 PM

lol That's pretty good. As bad as Simon (you) are, Cashew24's bitching and whining and weak ass insults are just as pathetic.

12-12-2019, 12:20 PM
The only other person other than Simon to laugh at that image. Good job, wheels was seething hoping someone would acknowledge his efforts. :oldlol:

That's actually Simon also:roll: :roll:

The women repellant squad my goodness, what a sad bunch:lol
Right on cue, smoke and highweight :roll:

12-12-2019, 01:07 PM
RRR3: Brainwashed Trumptards meltdown, trannies are hot:roll:

12-12-2019, 01:36 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

12-12-2019, 01:36 PM
He's right, though. All you did was just say things he believes. The point is to post in his style, dumb ass.
I don’t think trans people are hot tho. I fully respect their rights but they often look kinda strange to me.

12-12-2019, 01:37 PM
Phong, after LeBron wins a ring

*MIA for 3 years*

12-12-2019, 01:45 PM
I think trans people are hot tho. I fully respect their rights but they often look kinda hot af to me.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

12-12-2019, 01:55 PM
He's right, though. All you did was just say things he believes. The point is to post in his style, dumb ass.

That is his style. He just whines about Trump and mirrors what other effeminate liberals on here are saying. It's pathetic I know.

Also blow me.