View Full Version : LeBron sweeping the 17/18 Raptors proves the 96 Bulls would get destroyed

12-26-2019, 12:49 PM
Siakam > Pippen
DeRozan = MJ
Ibaka > Rodman
Lowry > Kerr
Valanciunas > Longley

12-26-2019, 12:53 PM
Siakam > Pippen
DeRozan = MJ
Ibaka > Rodman
Lowry > Kerr
Valanciunas > Longley
mj overcame a talent deficit in all conference finals and Finals

that's why he's the goat

no one else had to be scoring champ (biggest load possible) to win a ring, let alone all 6 rings

12-26-2019, 12:57 PM
mj overcame a talent deficit in all conference finals and Finals

that's why he's the goat

no one else had to be scoring champ (biggest load possible) to win a ring, let alone all 6 rings
Having the best 3 defenders in every series is a talent deficit?

12-26-2019, 12:58 PM
mj overcame a talent deficit in all conference finals and Finals

that's why he's the goat

no one else had to be scoring champ (biggest load possible) to win a ring, let alone all 6 rings

12-26-2019, 01:14 PM
The sad thing is that 3ball can

Dray n Klay
12-26-2019, 01:45 PM

12-26-2019, 01:54 PM
[QUOTE=Vino24]The sad thing is that 3ball can

12-26-2019, 01:55 PM
don't take my word for it, take his opponents word - Isiah said that if you took away MJ and Isiah from bulls/pistons, the Pistons cast would destroy the bulls... but MJ was the difference that allowed the bulls to win (Isiah speaks after Magic):


so you're just revising history after the fact - the Pistons had more talent, but MJ overcame them

12-26-2019, 03:44 PM
Siakam > Pippen
DeRozan = MJ
Ibaka > Rodman
Lowry > Kerr
Valanciunas > Longley
Everytime someone says derozan=mj all they do is expose themselves as a troll who dosnt know the game. It be like a mj troll saying antanio mcdyess=lebron. You just end up sounding like an idiot.

12-26-2019, 03:50 PM

:lol :lol

Dude is always making stuff up from thin air

He knows deep down MJ is a fraud