View Full Version : in 70's, Curry long 2 < close post 2.. so curry/klay = role player in 70's

01-02-2020, 08:49 PM
no system would ever be built around them back then.. they'd be role players getting the ball to the higher efficiency bigs

the're "gimmick" players and that's why Mike said he isn't a HOF (curry)

01-02-2020, 08:54 PM
There's no rule set of basketball that is set in stone the way the game should be played.

Rules constantly change. MJ played his entire career with a 3pt line.

As you have said before... every.. GREAT player has their own style.

Nobody has ever had Chef's pull up and off ball style. He is a GOAT improvasionist.

And didnt have to rely on just muscling ******. (like MJ often had to)

True skill.

01-02-2020, 08:56 PM
Klay was the ultimate off ball, spacing 2nd option.

01-02-2020, 08:56 PM

01-02-2020, 09:17 PM
Gail Goodrich is 2 inches shorter and a little lighter than Steph. He was a 4-5 time all star from the 70s and a hall of famer who put up 26 a game in the season this is from:


Tell me what he does that game you can

01-02-2020, 09:22 PM
Curry with MJ

01-02-2020, 09:24 PM
There's no rule set of basketball that is set in stone the way the game should be played.

Without a 3-point line, there is a set way to play because the numbers say so:

2-pointers close to the basket with 7-footers > long 2's from 6-footers

i.e. post efficiency > long 2 efficiency

I'm sure if we look on the NBA stat site, it will prove this as well

Rules constantly change. MJ played his entire career with a 3pt line.

As you have said before... every.. GREAT player has their own style.

of course the rules change, and that's the point - without a 3-point line, the only way Curry's long 2's would be more valuable than Barkley shooting 65% in the lane is if Curry could hit long 2's at 65% - can Curry do that? Can he hit long 2's at 65%?

therefore he wouldn't be shit in the 70's and would be getting McAdoo the ball every time down.. maybe if McAdoo gets in trouble, Curry would get a look... like say, Paxson

And didnt have to rely on just muscling ******. (like MJ often had to)

True skill.

Well MJ did both - he'd muscle his defender the appropriate way, and then take the jumper the other way, thus creating enough space for a still-contested fadeaway jumper - it was his touch that allowed that shot to go in so much, despite literally 40% more jumpshooting volume than Curry (he made over 700 jumpers in a season, or 250 more than Curry's highest volume season of jumpshooting).

So it was infact MJ that had the true skill.... of muscling his defender and shooting a far more contested shot/closer defender while often 3 feet off the ground.

Nobody has ever had Chef's pull up and off ball style. He is a GOAT improvasionist.

nonsense.. he isn't the first with any sort of style, other than being the best shooter from 23-28 feet... period... and therefore taking advantage of the era and rules like you said... other guys have had his style, aka Mahmoud or Maravich, who had his skill while being taller and a better athlete.

01-02-2020, 09:25 PM
[QUOTE=Vino24]Curry with MJ

01-02-2020, 09:42 PM

nonsense.. he isn't the first with any sort of style, other than being the best shooter from 23-28 feet

What Jordan did had been done.

Dr. J did that, as did many other ballers. The midrange was loooong perfected before MJ came through.

Big O did that.

Chef's 30 foot daggers? They never existed before him.

His style was truly unique.. impetuous.... and ferocious.


01-02-2020, 10:21 PM

What Jordan did had been done.

Dr. J did that, as did many other ballers. The midrange was loooong perfected before MJ came through.

Big O did that.

Chef's 30 foot daggers? They never existed before him.

His style was truly unique.. impetuous.... and ferocious.

would you compare dr. j's jumper to bird's goat jumper?

so why are you comparing it to MJ's?

and since you didn't respond to the rest, i'll assume you agree with all of it - although I wasn't telling you anything new by saying Curry can't shoot 65% on long 2's

01-02-2020, 10:49 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]Gail Goodrich is 2 inches shorter and a little lighter than Steph. He was a 4-5 time all star from the 70s and a hall of famer who put up 26 a game in the season this is from:


Tell me what he does that game you can

01-02-2020, 10:50 PM
would you compare dr. j's jumper to bird's goat jumper?

so why are you comparing it to MJ's?

and since you didn't respond to the rest, i'll assume you agree with all of it - although I wasn't telling you anything new by saying Curry can't shoot 65% on long 2's

Why doesn't anyone bring up Abdul-Rauf? He was Curry before Curry.

01-02-2020, 10:51 PM
Why doesn't anyone bring up Abdul-Rauf? He was Curry before Curry.
I did in post #7

01-02-2020, 10:55 PM
Gail Goodrich is 2 inches shorter and a little lighter than Steph. He was a 4-5 time all star from the 70s and a hall of famer who put up 26 a game in the season this is from:


Tell me what he does that game you can’t imagine Steph being able to fill in for.
Gail was a much craftier scorer in the lane, in traffic, and the midrange area

Look how contested all those shots were in the midrange area - Curry would have to LIVE on those shots - he cannot - Gail could because he was a crafty lefty and had that scoring knack.. curry has fancy handle, but his end attack is a basic one-two step layup, so nothing like what Gail has, who could lean into defenders and make tough shots on the regular

01-02-2020, 10:57 PM
Is there anyone in the history of the game that you can give credit to besides MJ?

01-02-2020, 10:57 PM
OP is afraid of Curry's ***** ass :roll:

I'd score on Curry plenty of times one on one.

01-02-2020, 11:04 PM
OP is afraid of Curry's ***** ass :roll:

I'd score on Curry plenty of times one on one.
anyone would - remember when that junior high Asian kid smashed Curry's shit out of bounds when Curry tried to hit the game-winner in an exhibition game out there?.. here it is:



he wouldn't make the league in the 70's... I don't even think he'd be a ballplayer at all back then

01-02-2020, 11:07 PM
anyone would - remember when that junior high Asian kid smashed Curry's shit out of bounds when Curry tried to hit the game-winner in an exhibition game out there?.. here it is:



he wouldn't make the league in the 70's... I don't even think he'd be a ballplayer at all back then

Nice job melting down over a player anybody would score on :roll:

01-02-2020, 11:16 PM
Nice job melting down over a player anybody would score on :roll:
i'm not the one defending him.. others itt are

btw, by pointing out that curry ain't shit, that means Lebron's comp ain't shit.. :pimp:

01-02-2020, 11:25 PM
btw, by pointing out that curry ain't shit, that means Lebron's comp ain't shit.. :pimp:


01-02-2020, 11:26 PM
he wouldn't make the league in the 70's... I don't even think he'd be a ballplayer at all back then

This might be the dumbest thing anyone has ever posted here.

01-02-2020, 11:41 PM
This might be the dumbest thing anyone has ever posted here.
his rise coincided with the rise of the 3-pointer - it's statistical fact - he was an 18 ppg scorer for 3 straight seasons (10-12') while taking only 4.7 threes per game, and his ppg only jumped along with his three-point attempts, starting in year 4.. if he's only 18 ppg at 4.7 attempts per game, then how many ppg at zero attempts (like in the 70's)??

those are the facts.. it's probably better to learn them rather than let your brain stay addicted to the wrong information

he wasn't shit in high school - barely got a scholarship - he started to gain some notoriety in college when threes started becoming more popular, but he was still at a small school without the consistent competition that a big school has.. and in the NBA, he wasn't shit until he started taking a bunch of threes

01-02-2020, 11:48 PM
Yes, how unreasonable is it for me to think one of the best players ever would make the league back when the players weren't as good overall.

01-02-2020, 11:55 PM
i'm not the one defending him.. others itt are

btw, by pointing out that curry ain't shit, that means Lebron's comp ain't shit.. :pimp:

This dude is STILL melting down...over Curry's scrawny weak ass.

That says more about you then it does Curry...yikes.

You are literally trying to erase him from existing in your mind.

Turbo Slayer
01-03-2020, 12:01 AM
This dude is STILL melting down...over Curry's scrawny weak ass.

That says more about you then it does Curry...yikes.

You are literally trying to erase him from existing in your mind.
Unrelated to the topic at hand, but Curry can deadlift 400 pounds. :confusedshrug:

01-03-2020, 12:08 AM
Scenarios like this wont work. Curry and klay have the benefit of the game

01-03-2020, 12:38 AM
anyone would - remember when that junior high Asian kid smashed Curry's shit out of bounds when Curry tried to hit the game-winner in an exhibition game out there?.. here it is:



he wouldn't make the league in the 70's... I don't even think he'd be a ballplayer at all back then
Nothing to be ashamed of. Most Asians would go league if they cared enough.

01-03-2020, 08:30 AM
Gail was a much craftier scorer in the lane, in traffic, and the midrange area

Look how contested all those shots were in the midrange area - Curry would have to LIVE on those shots - he cannot - Gail could because he was a crafty lefty and had that scoring knack.. curry has fancy handle, but his end attack is a basic one-two step layup, so nothing like what Gail has, who could lean into defenders and make tough shots on the regular

Even ignoring that Steph has craftier finishes than you can provide Gail doing(not having footage of something means its impossible according to your usual logic)....

Steph is better than Gail Goodrich at almost everything. And the idea that he would have to live on contested midrange shots just isnt supported by anything. If he shot the same percentages he usually shoots from 25 feet hed still be scoring at a star level without the extra point and be shooting what plenty of people did then percentage wise. And guys DID shoot from distance back then even for 2. Jerry Lucas was taking 25 footers all the time. And he made so many they called it the "Lucas Layup". Hed shoot it because nobody would guard him that far away.

Lots of guys in old games shot from roughly 3 point range. And the league was WAY more forgiving about bad shots. You see all kinds of airballs with nobody complaining.


Look at 10 seconds.

Thats Jerry Lucas taking what would probably be a 3 today.

Look at 48 seconds. 1.05. Those 2 not quite modern threes but would probably be toe on the line in the mid 90s.

See anyone upset about it?

Sam Jones took what would be corner 3s today. So did Rick Barry. Jerry West.

Brian Winters was a midrange guy but he used his range too. Hes underrated....but Steph could easily step in for him and play his role.

The defensive effort in those days was considerably less. It was more physical....but they didnt even have much scouting. Scouting was bad even in the 80s.

Steph would be among the most polished, well trained, most skilled players in the world in the 70s. Perhaps the very most. His handles would look worse because they wouldnt let him carry like we do now....but hed be one of the very legends you would act like modern Steph couldnt play like.

Guys like Calvin Murphy couldnt **** with Steph Curry. Yes they played differently....but they did nothing Steph couldnt.

He would be stupid to attempt to play 70s ball today. But hes clearly skilled enough to adapt. Nobody that nice from 25 feet shooting with guys actually trying to defend him out there cant also shoot from 18 feet. Especially as open as they would leave you outside back then. Not shooting them doesnt mean he couldnt if he focused on it any more than Jordan not shooting threes means he couldnt if it were a goal. His numbers on low attempts outside his normal game matters but Jordans numbers on low attempts from 3 dont? The skill was there for both of them even if the times didnt demand much use.

And Steph has never been defended as lightly as he would be from 20-25 feet in 1975. He could shoot 40% on 25 footers then with no complaints considering how many layups hed also get off the poor transition defense. Guys half as talented as he was were still allowed to freelance. Nobody would stop him. Now...put him in the 50s he might be Cleo Hill and be benched off being too flashy for his racist teammates. In the 70s?

Nobody would care.

You should see some of the bullshit Pistol Pete got away with. He had games with 10-11 turnovers throwing the ball off guys backs and rolling it out of bounds trying to entertain the crowd. He would take 25-30 footers that were for 2 points.

But Steph would just get benched?

Stop it.

He would be less effective for the team because he wouldnt provide as much spacing since defenders wouldnt play him from 25-30 feet....but hed still be a star.

Less effective and not able to play are thousands of miles apart.

There isnt a guard in the NBA who couldnt play in 1975.

01-03-2020, 09:00 AM
3ball has painted himself into a corner.

He's simply gone too far.

01-03-2020, 09:07 AM
no system would ever be built around them back then.. they'd be role players getting the ball to the higher efficiency bigs

the're "gimmick" players and that's why Mike said he isn't a HOF (curry)

Not really. He'd still have insane gravity which would pull people away from the paint.

Regardless, we aren't in the 1970's and those milk men wouldn't be shit in today's NBA.

01-03-2020, 09:14 AM
watch kblaze's link :roll:

mfers were slow as shit, with the most basic of layups and jumpshots.

they didnt even guard the areas peak Chef shot over 50% from 3


that would be elite midrange %'s right off the bat.

01-03-2020, 09:22 AM
watch kblaze's link :roll:

mfers were slow as shit, with the most basic of layups and jumpshots.

they didnt even guard the areas peak Chef shot over 50% from 3


that would be elite midrange %'s right off the bat.

The type of shot that 3ball has wet dreams over.

Curry would be one of the best "mid range" shooters ever regardless of what era he is in.

01-03-2020, 08:03 PM
watch kblaze's link :roll:

mfers were slow as shit, with the most basic of layups and jumpshots.

they didnt even guard the areas peak Chef shot over 50% from 3


that would be elite midrange %'s right off the bat.

who cares if you think it was slow back then - Curry can't exactly take advantage of it:



01-03-2020, 08:40 PM

this is straight out the 70s and Jerry Lucas tape.



HOF Lucas one of the better shooters in the league being sagged off 10+ feet.





You're a clown bro.

Anybody with two eyes could see Steph Curry would absolutely look alien and obliterate the 70s NBA.

01-03-2020, 08:46 PM

this is straight out the 70s and Jerry Lucas tape.

You're a clown bro.

Anybody with two eyes could see Steph Curry would absolutely look alien and obliterate the 70s NBA.
Steph fans are so desperate they're now making the argument that curry, whose had the benefit of growing up in the 2000's with modern technology, nutrition, training habits, etc. would be a beast in the 70's.... and? :oldlol:

The presumption is that if curry grew up like everyone else who played in the 70's and 80's, he'd be a bench player or scrub like his pops, which is true

it really was a more physical game back in the day, so steph's EXTREME lack of physicality hurts him more immensely than it does today. This doesn't mean the game was 'better' or more sophisticated, it just means curry is a fragile little bitch would've never flourished without all the lucky breaks he's had plus a changed modern NBA

01-03-2020, 08:52 PM
it's a brutal indictment when you watch 70s ball tape.

These guys were slower than molasses and had no creativity.

Line drive white guys peddling down the lane at 25 mph.


The BEST shooters being sagged off completely. It's honestly embarrassing.

01-03-2020, 09:22 PM
it's a brutal indictment when you watch 70s ball tape.

These guys were slower than molasses and had no creativity.

Line drive white guys peddling down the lane at 25 mph.


The BEST shooters being sagged off completely. It's honestly embarrassing.

But thats because the game progressed and changed.

If jerry west were born just a decade ago, and had the advantage of learning the game now, do you think he will still play “ancient” style of basketball.

If curry were born in the 50s, do you think he would have played exactly as he does now in the 70s? Range, handles, etc? If he were subject to the same limits as the guys did back then, how much would he have revolutionized it and played beyond everyone else?

01-03-2020, 09:26 PM
[QUOTE=Airupthere]But thats because the game progressed and changed.

If jerry west were born just a decade ago, and had the advantage of learning the game now, do you think he will still play

01-03-2020, 09:28 PM
[QUOTE=Airupthere]But thats because the game progressed and changed.

If jerry west were born just a decade ago, and had the advantage of learning the game now, do you think he will still play

01-03-2020, 09:40 PM
You're not understanding OPs argument.

He's saying if you took peak chef... or prime chef whatever.. '13-'19.. He wouldn't even make the NBA.

Obviosuly he's built off past generations talent as has EVERY player to ever play the game.

You guys are making a retarded point.

Take curry back 50 years before he came up, do that with Michael Jordan he'd be a share cropper on some farm who never heard of a jump shot. Or basketball. You guys are retarded.
It's funny how you blatantly lie

OP said Stephs lack of physicality would hurt him and without a 3pt. line l, he would only be a role player at best, mainly because of his ball handling skills

Sure, steph would be an alien for a game or 2. But once they figured him out? Lockdown city... i actually agree with 3ball here and take back my original post.. even if Steph was magically transported to the 70s hed still be a role player

I'm glad I shamed you into not disappearing, now 3ball can bully you some more lmao

01-03-2020, 09:44 PM
It's funny how you blatantly lie

OP said Stephs lack of physicality would hurt him and without a 3pt. line l, he would only be a role player at best, mainly because of his ball handling skills

Sure, steph would be an alien for a game or 2. But once they figured him out? Lockdown city... i actually agree with 3ball here and take back my original post.. even if Steph was magically transported to the 70s hed still be a role player

I'm glad I shamed you into not disappearing, now 3ball can bully you some more lmao

If you transported modern curry to play in 70s rules can you imagine the adjustment he has to make as to dribbling rules? He carries a lot and not being able to do that plus not having the incentive of the 3, how effective can he be on offense?

01-03-2020, 09:47 PM
These kids and their alts man. :lol

01-03-2020, 09:47 PM
If you transported modern curry to play in 70s rules can you imagine the adjustment he has to make as to dribbling rules? He carries a lot and not being able to do that plus not having the incentive of the 3, how effective can he be on offense?
Good point, hed have to completely revamp his ball handling style on the fly. Just the mere fact that he would have to consciously force himself to not carry would drain his mental faculties, and with no 3pt line and more physical defenders, itd be a recipe for bench status

08-12-2024, 11:13 PM
he wouldn't make the league in the 70's... I don't even think he'd be a ballplayer at all back then

08-12-2024, 11:19 PM

I changed my stance to what you guys have, aka "no one cares about the 70's".... we done with the 70's

i mean, i'd be happy to bring them back into the conversation but you guys said no, so no... it's over now.. no one talks about the 70's or cares.. don't pretend to now.

08-12-2024, 11:47 PM
I changed my stance to what you guys have, aka "no one cares about the 70's".... we done with the 70's.

Went from "mods made that anti Curry thread" to "I changed my mind on Curry" real quick.

08-13-2024, 06:31 AM
I changed my stance to what you guys have, aka "no one cares about the 70's".... we done with the 70's

i mean, i'd be happy to bring them back into the conversation but you guys said no, so no... it's over now.. no one talks about the 70's or cares.. don't pretend to now.
