View Full Version : Have Ben Simmons and Lonzo Ball improved?

01-04-2020, 02:13 PM
Both players got somewhat of the same skillset with being big players who can pass but can't shoot. Neither of them has improved much when it comes to their stats. So in what way have they improved, and how much really?

01-04-2020, 02:18 PM
Ben Simmons no. Lonzo yes (taking less shots)

02-12-2020, 07:02 PM
Lonzo has collectively improved with the Pelicans as a whole, especially in the past month

02-12-2020, 07:15 PM
Lonzo yes, Simmons never has

02-12-2020, 07:27 PM
Simmons has improved if you watch the games where Embiid isn't clogging up the paint

02-12-2020, 07:52 PM
Both have. Zo's actually become a fairly consistent volume 3-PT shooter and a better passer and Ben's a lot more aggressive without Embiid clogging the lane.

Zo last 25 games - 13/7/8/2/1 38%3PT w/ 6.8 3PA, 16 - 9 record

Only missed 8 out of 54 games so far, looks like he's finally healthy with 35 straight games played, might be a turning point in his career.

Lonzo has collectively improved with the Pelicans as a whole, especially in the past month

Yup, they're finally somewhat healthy and past the toughest part of their schedule. They've had the toughest schedule in the league up to this point. Now they have the easiest schedule for the remainder of the season vs. Grizzlies having the toughest.

02-12-2020, 07:59 PM
Stats, OP?

Ben Simmons' 3 point percentage has increased enormously this season :confusedshrug:

Real Men Wear Green
02-12-2020, 08:47 PM
Doesn't matter if he never takes them. Simmons has no doubt improved in knowledge and experience but his skill set is completely the same. Pretty sure he hasn't shot more than 5 threes the whole season. He is basically the same player he always was. Fortunately that player is an All-Star but expect the scoring inability to hurt philly in a few playoff games.

Ball is still not scaring anyone with his jumper but he gets some credit for at least trying to become a shooter unlike Simmons. Simmons wil always be the better player but Simmons almost seems scared of shooting and that will bite his team in the ass in random ways until he gets over the fear.

Celtics 1825
02-12-2020, 09:07 PM

02-12-2020, 09:27 PM
Lonzo has collectively improved with the Pelicans as a whole, especially in the past month

Agreed. Ben Simmons however? No.

02-13-2020, 05:46 PM
Lonzo NO DOUBT has improved!! Ben hasn't improved really. Of course he's already 2 time All Star . If u are talking floor game wise, he's THE BEST PG in the league. He combines defense, rebounding, and passing better than any other PG. In terms of overall positional versatility on both sides of the court, Giannis and Ben are the top two players in the league. But Ben's stage presence dominating games scoring the difference between him being a top 15 player in the world AND being a top five player in the world. I'm not saying he needs to average 25-30 PPG. BUT if he could be like a Magic and average 19-22 PPG BUT still have alpha dog level credibility scoring the rock, that would make him a top 5 caliber player in the world. So the jury is still out on Ben. Will he be a supersized version of J Kidd. Which is still a great HOF PG. OR will he be closer to the level of guys like Magic, G Hill, Giannis, or Lebron? Him getting to the level of one of those guys would indicate he improved FOR SURE! Because he's already so complete in terms of his floor game and positional versatility.

02-13-2020, 07:31 PM
Do people actually watch the games?

Simmons has undoubtedly improved; his defense (which was strong initially) has progressed to the stage where he's now among the best defensive players in the league.

Just because the dude can't (or is unwilling) to shoot doesn't mean that he can't improve in other areas of the game.

02-13-2020, 10:16 PM
Do people actually watch the games?

Simmons has undoubtedly improved; his defense (which was strong initially) has progressed to the stage where he's now among the best defensive players in the league.

Just because the dude can't (or is unwilling) to shoot doesn't mean that he can't improve in other areas of the game.

LMAO!!!!! Simmons from last TO THIS SEASON hasn't improved much if at all. By improve, I'm talking a facet of your game TAKES a very noticeable jump!!! When u look at Lonzo, he's OBVIOUSLY improved his three ball stroke. And the form on his jumper looks much better. SOME people with ugly or unique jumpers were ACTUALLY very good to great shooters. In Lonzo's case, mechanics were holding him back some. He ALREADY has his career high in 3 pointers made in a season. His FT% (while still piss poor) jumped from 42% last season to 56% this season!

When u look at Simmons, he's already one of the top 15-20 players in the world. If he NEVER improved at all from this point, he's on a HOF type of trajectory. His numbers in terms of pts, boards, dimes hasn't changed much. Which is GREAT in terms of his boards and dimes. BUT Simmons could be a top 5 player if he can take his scoring up a notch. It's the difference between being a supersized J Kidd AND more in line with a Magic, Giannis, or Bron. He's always been ultra efficient in terms of FG% so that hasn't changed. LAST SEASON, he already proved he was an elite defender. He was already All D caliber last year. Just didn't make the team. He leads the league in steals per game and that's great. BUT the BOTTOM LINE Simmons game HASN'T taken a very noticeable jump! Which is OK because he's a top 15-20 player in the world! Just saying his game HASN'T taken a VERY NOTICEABLE JUMP yet!!

02-13-2020, 10:22 PM
LMAO!!!!! Simmons from last TO THIS SEASON hasn't improved much if at all. By improve, I'm talking a facet of your game TAKES a very noticeable jump!!! When u look at Lonzo, he's OBVIOUSLY improved his three ball stroke. And the form on his jumper looks much better. SOME people with ugly or unique jumpers were ACTUALLY very good to great shooters. In Lonzo's case, mechanics were holding him back some. He ALREADY has his career high in 3 pointers made in a season. His FT% (while still piss poor) jumped from 42% last season to 56% this season!

When u look at Simmons, he's already one of the top 15-20 players in the world. If he NEVER improved at all from this point, he's on a HOF type of trajectory. His numbers in terms of pts, boards, dimes hasn't changed much. Which is GREAT in terms of his boards and dimes. BUT Simmons could be a top 5 player if he can take his scoring up a notch. It's the difference between being a supersized J Kidd AND more in line with a Magic, Giannis, or Bron. He's always been ultra efficient in terms of FG% so that hasn't changed. LAST SEASON, he already proved he was an elite defender. He was already All D caliber last year. Just didn't make the team. He leads the league in steals per game and that's great. BUT the BOTTOM LINE Simmons game HASN'T taken a very noticeable jump! Which is OK because he's a top 15-20 player in the world! Just saying his game HASN'T taken a VERY NOTICEABLE JUMP yet!!

I agree that he hasn't obviously improved significantly from last season to this season - but the question didn't specify a timeframe or range of dates; you're just assuming them.

02-13-2020, 10:35 PM

02-13-2020, 10:47 PM
His free throw shooting has definitely improved.


Since this article was written he is 14/22 from the line.

Including 1/4 in a disaster game against the Bucks last week.

02-14-2020, 01:03 AM
pelican lonzo is way better than laker lonzo.
