View Full Version : What should be changed about the NBA Celebrity game?

02-15-2020, 05:03 PM
What do you think should be different about the NBA Celebrity Game at All-Star?

If you can think of format changes, roster stuff, etc.

02-15-2020, 05:40 PM
Get rid of it.

02-15-2020, 05:44 PM
50 cal on the sideline.

02-15-2020, 05:52 PM
gatorade laced with rat poison

02-15-2020, 06:15 PM

02-15-2020, 06:19 PM
needs more Kevin Hart

02-15-2020, 06:47 PM
Have actual celebrities in the game?

Smook A.
02-15-2020, 07:08 PM
Get rid of it.

This. It's boring

02-15-2020, 07:13 PM
This. It's boring

It wasn't all that bad when it was just an actual game. Now it's this whole circus act. Very cringeworthy.

02-15-2020, 07:14 PM
make them wear dresses

02-15-2020, 07:28 PM
Get rid of it.


02-15-2020, 08:46 PM
Mixture of current and Ex NBA players and coaches of notoriety with 2 to 3 entertainment celebrity's .
SAS should have been playing, would like to see him get dunked on.
Less commentry and more mic'd up on court banter.
More charity focus.

02-16-2020, 03:42 AM
Replace it with older 40+ ex NBA players. Name it NBA Legends game. Get a pool of 16 ex-NBA players who are interested and let Barkley and Shaq draft em snake style.

I wanna see Nash, Reggie, Marion, Stoudemire, Garnett all play in one team. This will be more popular than the all star game.

02-16-2020, 05:11 AM
I didnt even know such a game existed.

Celtics 1825
02-16-2020, 05:32 AM
Replace it with older 40+ ex NBA players. Name it NBA Legends game. Get a pool of 16 ex-NBA players who are interested and let Barkley and Shaq draft em snake style.

I wanna see Nash, Reggie, Marion, Stoudemire, Garnett all play in one team. This will be more popular than the all star game.
This would be cool as hell. Cosigned

Also make the goddamn 1 on 1 tournament a thing already, we all want it.

02-16-2020, 05:53 AM
Get rid of it.

First reply /thread.

02-16-2020, 05:54 AM
Replace it with older 40+ ex NBA players. Name it NBA Legends game. Get a pool of 16 ex-NBA players who are interested and let Barkley and Shaq draft em snake style.

I wanna see Nash, Reggie, Marion, Stoudemire, Garnett all play in one team. This will be more popular than the all star game.

I seem to recall them having a legends game years ago?

02-16-2020, 05:55 AM
I only saw some highlights and the only celebrity I recognized were Horace Grant, Darius Miles, Nate Robinson, and Quentin Richardson. With Horace Grant being a nice highlight for some odd reason.

02-16-2020, 08:55 AM
Eliminate it and do G-league All Star game instead. I'm pretty sure those guys will give their all.

02-16-2020, 09:02 AM
I'm still thinking they need to do a 1 on 1 contest, but I suspect alot of guys don't want to be shown up so would be hard to get in the people you most want to see.

02-16-2020, 09:04 AM
Eliminate it and do G-league All Star game instead. I'm pretty sure those guys will give their all.

Nobody wants to see that though

02-16-2020, 03:02 PM
real celebrities would be nice

02-16-2020, 03:31 PM
This would be cool as hell. Cosigned

Also make the goddamn 1 on 1 tournament a thing already, we all want it.

More titties and less *****

Mr Exlax
02-17-2020, 08:54 AM
It helps the popularity amongst the casual fans and sometimes grabs new ones because of the celeb. The thing I would change is less production. It's no longer organic.

02-17-2020, 11:18 AM
I don't know, I've never watched it

I don't watch basketball to watch some dorks who I could beat

Mr Exlax
02-17-2020, 01:28 PM
I don't know, I've never watched it

I don't watch basketball to watch some dorks who I could beat

Yeah i know what you mean. That's why it's such a chore for me to watch NBA games sometimes. They can't handle meeeeee

02-17-2020, 05:25 PM
Anyone remember MTVs Rock n Jock b ball games?

The NBA should let a different media company do the celebrity game with crazy rules and put actual celebrities in it. The NBA sucks at getting anything other than D-list talent

02-17-2020, 07:45 PM
Anyone remember MTVs Rock n Jock b ball games?

The NBA should let a different media company do the celebrity game with crazy rules and put actual celebrities in it. The NBA sucks at getting anything other than D-list talent

I remember watching the one in 1997 with Gary Payton and the super high basket. That was a fun watch and it was also my first year watching basketball. One of my first basketball related memories.

02-18-2020, 02:52 PM
Replace it with older 40+ ex NBA players. Name it NBA Legends game. Get a pool of 16 ex-NBA players who are interested and let Barkley and Shaq draft em snake style.

I wanna see Nash, Reggie, Marion, Stoudemire, Garnett all play in one team. This will be more popular than the all star game.

I don't want to see Nash, Reggie, et al huffing and puffing up and down the court while they try to run a fast break. I prefer to remember the way they were in there primes. Seeing them as well past their primes would just make me sad.

I have no interest in watching celebs play basketball. While one or two of them may have some game, for the most part they're just looking for the exposure.

My idea: NFL vs MLB

Think about it. Both leagues have talented athletes, many of them were multi-sport stars in high school and even college. There's no problem for either league to put together a 12 player squad that can ball. ASG weekend falls nicely, the NFL season is over, and baseball spring training hasn't started. Put together a team from each league and have them go at each other. Granted, the respective leagues may not be too happy about their athletes risking injury in an exhibition game, but that's what insurance is for. On the plus side, both leagues would gain attention and respect for the athletic abilities of their players.