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View Full Version : Pitbull lovers can relax. It's only a pit mix

East River Livn'
02-21-2020, 03:21 AM

Gus Hemmingway
02-21-2020, 03:44 AM
beelined right at that child

probably owned by some 25yo w*gger who thought it looked edgy to get a pit, took bunch of insta selfies as a pup, got hooked on Xanax and then never took care of it

02-21-2020, 04:27 AM
Not in my neighborhood.

02-22-2020, 01:34 AM

Pitbull is already indoctrinated to be the most game (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gameness) canine out of them all... and now you chuck it out in the wilderness roaming around, starving, desperate, gameness gene kicking in to max.... bad combo...

That there was some typical predator/wolf/hyena strategy, i mean look at it coming/locking target from that distance, it was probably jogging there on that highway for a long while, considering this attack it was probably just searching for the weakest/smallest prey to attack (a child or another dog)... and eat...

It was still surprisingly bad "gameness" on that Pit tho (if its a mix, that would explain it), i mean look at that guy just picking the dog off that kid eventually, he let it go and it ran way it seems.... a typical good GAME pit one would NEVER give up, no matter what you do, until it dies.... which is still lucky for those people/that kid...

02-22-2020, 01:48 AM
I would've taken a brick and crushed that dog's skull in...we must defend our own species.

02-22-2020, 01:57 AM
Dog of peace tho

02-22-2020, 02:08 AM
I would've taken a brick and crushed that dog's skull in...we must defend our own species.

Seriously tho, if a dog or especially a PIT ("especially PIT" because they are the most ruthless/rarely give up) does this to you or you see it attack somebody, try and kill it some way, seriously... many are afraid of doing that, but it is the most effective method against a Pitbull... Dogs like this who run away also are even worse, because you just let it go... it will do the same shit on somebody else.... Look, this is not a Wolf or a normal Predator... they are not afraid of people, they are not smart / shy, do what they do to survive, its not normal predator behaviour....

Many people run up and start kicking/punching the attacking Pit.... that is the most stupid thing you can do, why? Because it does nothing but aggravate it, it will attack with even more fury, it will bite harder, its gameness will kick in even further.. Humans confuse an attacking Pit with an attacking Dog all the time and think shit like that will work.... a normal Dog would most often let go and run away.... but not a Pit, very rarely... they have ridicilous gameness & PAIN TOLERANCE...

Its also almost impossible to knock out a Pitbull anyways (with your punches/kicks), did you know that? Their skulls/brain can take much more punishment.... to KO a pitbull it requires much more Blunt Force than punches/kicks.... a bat or something perhaps and not even that is a guarantee....

Ofcourse its best to sustain it/capture it instead of killing it and let the "law" decide... but how many random civilians are correctly equipped for that task, not everybody goes around with a Ketch Pole...

02-22-2020, 01:21 PM
read a story the other day of some hollywood woman getting mauled by her two pit bulls. Apparently she was petting the younger one when the 8 year old pit got jealous and started brawling. It's unbelievable because i live in the hood basically and see minorities walking their dogs all the time. one lady lets her old pit off the leash in the yard by my complex. Incredible.

Im not usually scared because i know these dogs would never **** with me, but its astounding how hood mfers love this breed. I remember sitting on a couch with a weed dealer who had his 90 lb bull named sergeant who would jump all over me, and i was feeling real tense one time when this dog hopped on the sofa right next to me, his head maybe 10 inches from my carotid artery. I crouched forward with my hands on my chin the whole time.

02-22-2020, 04:56 PM
If someone is getting attacked by a pitbull or any other dog and you have absolutely nothing on you, the best bet is to get it in a choke hold using the bony part of your forearm from behind. Squeeze as hard and as long as you can. The dog will give up to breathe, and if it doesn't it will pass out.

02-22-2020, 05:02 PM
If someone is getting attacked by a pitbull or any other dog and you have absolutely nothing on you, the best bet is to get it in a choke hold using the bony part of your forearm from behind. Squeeze as hard and as long as you can. The dog will give up to breathe, and if it doesn't it will pass out.

pitbulls never give up once they lock on. Theyre a one track mind, retard breed. Only way to stop em is to kill em.

02-22-2020, 05:06 PM
Even a great white shark will let go if you punch it in the nose hard enough.

Pit bulls have absolutely no self preservation reflex once they flip the switch.

Its 100 or 0 with them more than any other species of animal.

02-22-2020, 09:58 PM
Even a great white shark will let go if you punch it in the nose hard enough.

Pit bulls have absolutely no self preservation reflex once they flip the switch.

Its 100 or 0 with them more than any other species of animal.

I thought 2 fingers up it's shitter will make it let go?

02-22-2020, 10:17 PM
Its 100 or 0 with them more than any other species of animal.

I'm confused though, what does "100 to a 0 more than any species" mean exactly?

Did you just take one of Drake's song titles and implement it sound psychological K9 behavior?

C'mon Tpio, you're less pathetic than that.

Patrick Chewing
02-22-2020, 10:46 PM
For all the scaredy-cats afraid of pitbulls, heed the following advice. Any decently-sized dog can bite down hard and cause damage or possibly kill, but the Pitbull's jaw structure and muscles are not like most. However, they are not the dog with the strongest measured bite force. The following breeds have a stronger bite force:

Doberman. Bite Force – 245 PSI.
German Shepherd. Bite Force – 238 PSI.
Great Dane. Bite Force – 238 PSI.

The rest of the list in order:

American Pit Bull. Bite Force – 235 PSI.
Labrador Retriever. Bite Force – 230 PSI.
Dutch Shepherd. Bite Force – 224 PSI.
Chow Chow. Bite Force – 220 PSI.

If ever caught in the bite of one of these dogs, the best method to release their bite is to wedge your index finger in their mouth and push up on the back of the jaw towards the throat. You will get hurt. You will bleed. You may suffer irreparable damage, but you just may survive a dog attack.

02-22-2020, 11:41 PM
I know this girl who wanted to get a pit bull because she liked the idea of people fearing the two when they walked down the street. That power.

02-22-2020, 11:52 PM
this cat tho

https://i.imgur.com/ygnadTH.gifhttps://i.imgur.com/ygnadTH.gif (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://i.imgur.com/ygnadTH.gif&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1582516213302000&usg=AFQjCNFZDaQkOhG8XOlfzmK4WZ5d4Sf8Cw)


02-23-2020, 01:52 PM

and all those dogs dont have the density of a pitbull.

German shepards and dobermans are tall long dogs. Tall and big. and also very smart. they listen. youve never seen a police pitbull.

Pitbulls are short. and dumb. they operate on reflex. There like cannon balls of muscle with unbelievable density and propensity for hurting the weak. The fact that a small framed dog can bite within ~5% of what a huge dog can do is incredible.

the fact that it doesnt listen exponentiates its destruction.

you acted like you showed some big disparity there lol

Patrick Chewing
02-23-2020, 02:14 PM
youve never seen a police pitbull.

More like you’ve never seen one. But they do exist.


Don’t be afraid.

02-23-2020, 02:18 PM
even your article highlighted the discrepancy in its title lmao.

pitbulls are simply dumb.

and i know your ass aint subscribed to the wall street journal tio.


you googled it, saw a headline, read the first 3 sentences of what the site allowed you to read, and poasted it. :lol

Long Duck Dong
02-23-2020, 02:55 PM
This happened in Colorado Springs. It's a crime to own an animal that attacks someone in Colorado so the owner was arrested. He had an option of putting the dog up for evaluation and possible adoption, or euthanizing it. He chose to have it killed.

Nearby Denver county BANS pitbull breeds. They were/are going to reconsider the ban this year but this has definitely hurt the chances of those championing pitbulls being brought back to Denver.

02-23-2020, 09:22 PM
This happened in Colorado Springs. It's a crime to own an animal that attacks someone in Colorado so the owner was arrested. He had an option of putting the dog up for evaluation and possible adoption, or euthanizing it. He chose to have it killed.

Nearby Denver county BANS pitbull breeds. They were/are going to reconsider the ban this year but this has definitely hurt the chances of those championing pitbulls being brought back to Denver.

Pitbulls for the most part all banned up here in Ohio, some rural counties allow under strict rules/loopholes as farm animals

When I visit family out in California, all I see are people with Pits. It's the only breed I ever see out there lol.

But this is inland california - San Bernadino, methville so i dunno if it's just the locals

02-23-2020, 09:28 PM
I've had 3 Golden Retrievers in my lifetime, 4 counting the one my folks had when I was a toddler

Only one of them would even dare bite or quick snap, and he only showed teeth when he was threatened or wrestling on the ground

My sister has 2 goldens and 5 kids all under 7 years old. Just chill family dogs that learn fast. Their bites are like pillows, they were breed centruies ago specifically to retrieve game without snapping bone our bruising downed hunt.(Bruising the muscle ruins the meat)

Patrick Chewing
02-23-2020, 11:59 PM
even your article highlighted the discrepancy in its title lmao.

pitbulls are simply dumb.

and i know your ass aint subscribed to the wall street journal tio.


you googled it, saw a headline, read the first 3 sentences of what the site allowed you to read, and poasted it. :lol

All you’re saying is that Pits are dumb. You keep repeating it over and over again. To which I’m showing proof to the contrary, that Pits can be trained like any other dog could.

02-24-2020, 12:06 AM
I would've taken a brick and crushed that dog's skull in...we must defend our own species.

This is the correct course of action

02-24-2020, 09:34 PM
All you’re saying is that Pits are dumb. You keep repeating it over and over again. To which I’m showing proof to the contrary, that Pits can be trained like any other dog could.

They're compulsive and are much more likely to go raw crazy than any other dog. I've seen German Shepards change their aggression and reevalute situations - no chance of that without great force with a Pitbull. Great Danes are like poodles. Doberman's were once the ganster's dog but was replaced by Rots, whom I always thought had the strongest bite force. Doberman's lost their prestigious position when they getting beat by a high number of other dogs in illegal dog fights (mainly Rots, Dogos and Pits). I remember in NY when this drug dealer had a tall Pit Bull that he was convinced that it could beat anybody's pet cause it supposedly had a four year reign where he wasn't even hurt. Of course, another dealer ended up having a leopard that killed it rather quickly.

02-24-2020, 11:46 PM
They're compulsive and are much more likely to go raw crazy than any other dog. I've seen German Shepards change their aggression and reevalute situations - no chance of that without great force with a Pitbull. Great Danes are like poodles. Doberman's were once the ganster's dog but was replaced by Rots, whom I always thought had the strongest bite force. Doberman's lost their prestigious position when they getting beat by a high number of other dogs in illegal dog fights (mainly Rots, Dogos and Pits). I remember in NY when this drug dealer had a tall Pit Bull that he was convinced that it could beat anybody's pet cause it supposedly had a four year reign where he wasn't even hurt. Of course, another dealer ended up having a leopard that killed it rather quickly.

Lol, leopard vs pit bull ain't a fair fight, man...that case, the other dude should've shown up with a hippo :lol

Long Duck Dong
02-25-2020, 01:26 AM
Lol, leopard vs pit bull ain't a fair fight, man...that case, the other dude should've shown up with a hippo :lol

True but a male leopard is 140-150lbs and a pit is about 50 lbs. I'm willing to bet if a pit took off after a similar size leopard, without it's advantage of ambush, the leopard is going to run. Not that it couldn't kill the pit but they have a sense of self preservation, pitbulls don't. It instinctively knows if it gets hurt in the fight, it's dead if it can't hunt. But yeah, leopards are the only known predator of gorillas, not very animals can fvck with it in it's element.

02-25-2020, 02:04 AM
this cat tho

https://i.imgur.com/ygnadTH.gifhttps://i.imgur.com/ygnadTH.gif (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://i.imgur.com/ygnadTH.gif&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1582516213302000&usg=AFQjCNFZDaQkOhG8XOlfzmK4WZ5d4Sf8Cw)



Couple of jabs with the left followed by a stinging right, lol

02-25-2020, 02:31 AM
True but a male leopard is 140-150lbs and a pit is about 50 lbs. I'm willing to bet if a pit took off after a similar size leopard, without it's advantage of ambush, the leopard is going to run. Not that it couldn't kill the pit but they have a sense of self preservation, pitbulls don't. It instinctively knows if it gets hurt in the fight, it's dead if it can't hunt. But yeah, leopards are the only known predator of gorillas, not very animals can fvck with it in it's element.
Yes, Leopards are one of the most efficient killers of all animals and don't want to risk injury. Frequently, they won't fight Hyena's because it puts him at risk. Though a Leopard could take him one on one the he doesn't because of the Hyena's thick neck means the Leopard will have to use at least 5 minutes to kill and Leopards don't engage with anything that long. Leopards are like the 5th largest of the big cats (Tiger, Lion, Jaguar, Cougar, Leopard) and they often look smaller than Hyenas. You will never see a Leopard as big as a Saint Bernard dog. Its only Tiger's, Jaguars and Leopards that kill and eat Crocs and nearly every other apex predator.

I seen that Pit I talked about above and my guess he was very close to 80lbs but he was beating Kangals which are Leopard size. I never seen the Leopard but I imagine it was domesticated which takes some of the bite out of him. I heard a lot of people put their money on the Pit because domesticated cats won't attack a rat.

02-25-2020, 02:33 AM

Couple of jabs with the left followed by a stinging right, lol

Haha, "yo money wake the F up and eat this right hook"

02-25-2020, 06:30 AM
For all the scaredy-cats afraid of pitbulls, heed the following advice. Any decently-sized dog can bite down hard and cause damage or possibly kill, but the Pitbull's jaw structure and muscles are not like most. However, they are not the dog with the strongest measured bite force. The following breeds have a stronger bite force:

Doberman. Bite Force – 245 PSI.
German Shepherd. Bite Force – 238 PSI.
Great Dane. Bite Force – 238 PSI.

The rest of the list in order:

American Pit Bull. Bite Force – 235 PSI.
Labrador Retriever. Bite Force – 230 PSI.
Dutch Shepherd. Bite Force – 224 PSI.
Chow Chow. Bite Force – 220 PSI.

If ever caught in the bite of one of these dogs, the best method to release their bite is to wedge your index finger in their mouth and push up on the back of the jaw towards the throat. You will get hurt. You will bleed. You may suffer irreparable damage, but you just may survive a dog attack.

its GAMENESS that makes the Pits the most dangerous....

What makes their Jaws the most dangerous is their MIND (gameness), how they use it.... the "pitbull lock" people speak of, is a mental thing, if a Dog bites you and you kick/punch it and shit it will very likely let go... a Pit most often will not, until death does it apart.... THAT is what makes the Pitbulls the most dangerous, there is no other dog like that.... again, GAMENESS...

In Dogfighting they wanted a dog that never gave up, just went all out until death and so the Pit was created........ Have you ever seen a dogfight? For example, a more powerful dog like a Rottweiler will at the start of the match maul the shit out of any Pitbull, but will eventually immediately stop and not want to fight.... and thats where the Pit takes over.... always goes like that, dogs just "coward" away.... its just that "normal dogs" dont see the point of fighting to death for no reason, they fight for Territory/Dominance/Protection... and then stop..... a Pitbull? Completely unnatural, no reason whatsoever, they just want to fight to death....

Basically, PITS are mentally not normal dogs anymore...

PS: As far as bite force goes for Dogs, the highest measurement was on Mastiffs, like from Turkey (Kangal), Pakistan (Bully Kutta), Japan (Tosa Inu), English Mastiff, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino and such... with up to 500-600 lbs.... which is not a surprise, that is Wolf bite force level....