View Full Version : If someone posts a lot & gets lots of likes they should be judged

Walk on Water
02-23-2020, 05:27 AM
I have been taking a vacation from FB. And when I went back on, it felt weird. I’m like wow these people are still posting? People that get lots of likes and do it everyday.. I start to wonder if they are to be trusted. Would they take out their phones at a restaurant and not pay attention to you? If they saw someone dying on the street would they try to help him or just post it for likes?

We are living in a brave new world. People used to get made fun of for not having FB. After detoxing a little from it, I think I should judge people who use FB and brag about their likes. They live in a digital world where the likes boost their dopamine, but unless they make money from it, they’re wasting time and not enjoying the world in front of them.

All the pics I used to post on Instagram, that was a waste of time.

In the 90s if you were to talk about the internet, computers or video games you would get made fun of for being a nerd. Social media would be considered anti social. I remember asking whether a mac was better than a PC and this kid laughed at me and said I’m a dork. I remember when I would talk about PlayStation 1 and this kid said I have no life and need to go out.

Now people did play video games and all but if you were to talk about it excessively it would be frowned upon.

People should be made fun of for using social media. Because they have no respect for their privacy and have low self esteem and need a screen to fulfill their social needs. And also they take stupid pics. Social media should be made fun of when used for validation. Social media is only good for business or looking up products and events.

02-23-2020, 06:40 AM
Have a like to feel good man:cheers:

But do you really exist?

02-23-2020, 11:30 PM
I know Walk on water is a controversial figure here, and some even think he's a troll, but some of his threads are very mentally stimulating. They get you thinking deeper about everyday things.

Like it brought back that sure people loved video games back in the day, but you tried to keep it a little down low. And I remember when MySpace became a thing, the start of the social media craze, this one particular girl telling me that that shit is for nerds. She will never join such a thing. Eventually she did, and would take really nice booty pics, for comments and likes. It's a dopamine boost.

02-24-2020, 12:17 AM
I know Walk on water is a controversial figure here, and some even think he's a troll, but some of his threads are very mentally stimulating. They get you thinking deeper about everyday things.

Like it brought back that sure people loved video games back in the day, but you tried to keep it a little down low. And I remember when MySpace became a thing, the start of the social media craze, this one particular girl telling me that that shit is for nerds. She will never join such a thing. Eventually she did, and would take really nice booty pics, for comments and likes. It's a dopamine boost.

I agree :cheers:

02-24-2020, 03:45 AM
I agree :cheers:

You agree. I'm surprised. I thought you disliked Walk on water and detested the rumor that you were him.

I've come to the conclusion that he's nobody's alt. His intellectual curiosity is not something that a person can just keep exclusively in an alt.

02-24-2020, 03:55 AM
You agree. I'm surprised. I thought you disliked Walk on water and detested the rumor that you were him.

I've come to the conclusion that he's nobody's alt. His intellectual curiosity is not something that a person can just keep exclusively in an alt.

Well I dont “dislike him,” because it’s pretty clearly a troll account, so theres no specific person for me to like or dislike. It’s just a gimmick persona. Sometimes the shtick is funny and sometimes it’s cringey. But these accounts have permeated ISH for a long long time. I’m pretty ambivalent about it by now.

I certainly dont detest when lower IQ factions like Proctor, TheMan, and ItsMillerTime etc think it’s MY troll account. I feel fortunate and thankful for the chance to trigger them in absentia without having to actually manage an additional account. These kinds of opportunities dont come along often in life, and when they do, we shouldnt take them for granted.

If you can relate, please hit the like button on this post.

02-24-2020, 04:16 AM
Well I dont “dislike him,” because it’s pretty clearly a troll account, so theres no specific person for me to like or dislike. It’s just a gimmick persona. Sometimes the shtick is funny and sometimes it’s cringey. But these accounts have permeated ISH for a long long time. I’m pretty ambivalent about it by now.

I certainly dont detest when lower IQ factions like Proctor, TheMan, and ItsMillerTime etc think it’s MY troll account. I feel fortunate and thankful for the chance to trigger them in absentia without having to actually manage an additional account. These kinds of opportunities dont come along often in life, and when they do, we shouldnt take them for granted.

If you can relate, please hit the like button on this post.

You had me, but then, only Walk on water would, if only out of habit, ask some to please hit the like button on their post. Hmmmmm.

02-24-2020, 04:41 AM
You had me, but then, only Walk on water would, if only out of habit, ask some to please hit the like button on their post. Hmmmmm.

No, I... I just meant to say something else. Youre taking my words out of context. And also, my account was hacked when I typed that.

If you feel me press like.