View Full Version : Better Shooter? Lebron vs Duncan vs Garnett

02-27-2020, 08:33 PM
I'd be willing to bet if someone searched the numbers the guys like Duncan and Garnett shot better than Lebron between between 3-22 feet (not threes).

02-27-2020, 08:38 PM
Op excluding 3’s as a shot. Agenda

02-27-2020, 08:42 PM
1. Garnett
2. LeBron

3. Duncan

Garnett was elite from mid range, and if he played in todays era where it's encouraged for big men to take jumpshots I think Garnett had the ability to expand his range and become a solid 3 point shooter as well

Outside of the 2011-12 season LeBron has been very shaky from mid range. And even now he struggles to hit free throws consistently which is a disappointment because you would expect him to develop into a good free throw shooter in his 17th season

Duncan wasn't really that good of a shooter period, he could hit the occasional mid range but that's about it

02-27-2020, 11:12 PM
Op excluding 3’s as a shot. Agenda

Not an agenda, that answer is obvious for threes...but if you are a better shooter everywhere else besides JUST threes, then you can be considered a better shooter.

Like, MJ is OBVIOUSLY a better shooter than Lebron despite Lebron shooting threes slightly better. I think people are casuals and think threes alone = shooting.

I also think most people on this board are young and didn't see much of peak Duncan/Garnett...and didn't realize how good big men shooters are inside the three point line before the 2010's.

Lebron is average to below average shooter EVERYWHERE from the field...it would not surprised me if Duncan and Garnett had plenty of years better than Lebron shooting 2-point jump shots.

02-27-2020, 11:15 PM
1. Garnett
2. LeBron

3. Duncan

Garnett was elite from mid range, and if he played in todays era where it's encouraged for big men to take jumpshots I think Garnett had the ability to expand his range and become a solid 3 point shooter as well

Outside of the 2011-12 season LeBron has been very shaky from mid range. And even now he struggles to hit free throws consistently which is a disappointment because you would expect him to develop into a good free throw shooter in his 17th season

Duncan wasn't really that good of a shooter period, he could hit the occasional mid range but that's about it

I saw a shot chart from Duncan's 03 season and he was above 40% from all mid range shots...which Lebron is normally is the mid to high 30's.