View Full Version : Are NBA big men more skilled now?

02-28-2020, 05:04 PM
I hear this all the time but im not sure its true. They're definitely better 3 point shooters and have better handles because of the way the game is played now but they've lost alot of the post skills. Skilled bigs like greek and embiid rarely go in the post and when they do its clear they have very limited post skills. Is shooting a three and dribbling up court more skilled than Hakeem and his post moves? Is it more skilled than kareems hook shot? Its a different skill set but its not necessarily better or more skilled.

I do believe there will be a big thats highly skilled in all areas and when that happens its all over. I think greek could be that guy but he has to work on his game for another year or 2 before hes there.

02-28-2020, 05:05 PM
Hell no

02-28-2020, 05:10 PM
More skilled in some areas and less in others. In perimeter ball handling and scoring, yes, in low post offense, no.

02-28-2020, 05:12 PM
did you seriously just ask if embiid and giannis dribbling the ball up the court and shooting 3s makes them more skilled than hakeem or kareem?

holy shit :facepalm

02-28-2020, 05:18 PM
More skilled in some areas and less in others. In perimeter ball handling and scoring, yes, in low post offense, no.

spot on

02-28-2020, 05:27 PM
Hell no


02-28-2020, 05:30 PM
I don't think any center of the last 30 years is as skilled in whatever they do as Hakeem was in the post. Dude was poetry in motion.

02-28-2020, 06:13 PM
Personally i dont think bigs are better now but ive heard people say otherwise. Just wondering how others felt.

Oh and relax dude. Aint u the dummy that thinks harden is better than greek?

Round Mound
02-28-2020, 08:32 PM
They are better long range shooters or 3-point shooters thats about it. The NBA is forcing big men to be multipositional when that arrives naturally with talent like that of Bird, Magic, Barkley, Pippen, Grant Hill, Lebron and now Doncic. Its stupid to force players to become multipositional when they are not, they look like they are forcing their game instead of dominating their position firstly and then develop other skills secondly. There is no more post game or mid range game anymore its all about chucking threes and forcing the issue.

02-28-2020, 09:15 PM
Yes, Bigmen today can do literally everything, handle the ball, shoot, pass, defend multiple positions, run the fastbreak

Back then all big men could do was post moves and layups & dunks around the rim

Anyone that thinks Big men back then were more skilled is ignorant.

John Connor
02-28-2020, 09:16 PM
More skilled in some areas and less in others. In perimeter ball handling and scoring, yes, in low post offense, no.

They are neither more skilled in perimeter ball handling nor scoring.

They are arguably more skilled in three point shooting and that is absolutely the only argument that can be made.

02-28-2020, 10:43 PM
They are neither more skilled in perimeter ball handling nor scoring.

They are arguably more skilled in three point shooting and that is absolutely the only argument that can be made.

and its actually a negative attribute because superstar centers should not be shooting 3's. I get a brook lopez type doing it to space for his star teammates, but embiid would be twice as good if he never took another 3 again and instead used his size to wear teams down play after play down low. its like body shots from a boxer, but all he wants to do is throw wild head hunting haymakers. its wilder vs the gypsy king and we saw how that went.

02-28-2020, 10:51 PM
and its actually a negative attribute because superstar centers should not be shooting 3's. I get a brook lopez type doing it to space for his star teammates, but embiid would be twice as good if he never took another 3 again and instead used his size to wear teams down play after play down low. its like body shots from a boxer, but all he wants to do is throw wild head hunting haymakers. its wilder vs the gypsy king and we saw how that went.

I'm sure Embiid wants that too.

It's not that simple.

He is doubled and triple teamed every position he is in the low post. He rarely sees one on one coverage.

He is the one that gets worn down.

02-28-2020, 10:57 PM
I'm sure Embiid wants that too.

It's not that simple.

He is doubled and triple teamed every position he is in the low post. He rarely sees one on one coverage.

He is the one that gets worn down.

doesnt that mean his teammates are wide open then on the perimeter?

j-rich, harris, and horford are supposed to be good shooters... i guess thats where ben simmons kills yall they probably double with his man.

02-28-2020, 11:15 PM
Euro big men are because they're more intelligent

02-29-2020, 12:31 AM
More skilled in some areas and less in others. In perimeter ball handling and scoring, yes, in low post offense, no.

Pretty much.

02-29-2020, 03:41 PM
When it comes to long range shooting and handles sure they are more skilled. BUT the larger question is are they BETTER PLAYERS than the old school superstar big men? Better skill DOESN'T MEAN a better player all the time! DOMINANCE dictates who the better player is. Your skillset are the skills you use to dominate. Joel Embid, Boogie, Jokic, and KAT ARE MORE SKILLED than Shaq. BUT Shaq was the better player flat out. Because he altered the defense more. And the skills Shaq did have at his disposal were used is SUCH a dominant fashion that it superseded guys who are more skilled.

The center position today AS A WHOLE has more depth than it has had in years. We gotta admit that. But personally, Shaq, Dream, Admiral, Ewing, and Zo is a better crop. More durable and better two way players. Embid is THE GUY who is the most similar in what he can bring to the table. BUT he mixes in the new age elements we see today. Durability and staying his ass on the block more consistently are his biggest issues.

Now when it comes to the PF spot, Giannis and AD are as gifted as any PF's to ever play. From the KG blueprint of being positionless 7 foot two way players in their own way. Their skills AND dominance as a package is among the very best PF's to ever play. Other than shooting, Giannis has it all. And AD does virtually EVERYTHING very good to great for a PF. Along with KG, they are among the best two way PF's to ever play. So if ANYTHING the PF spot is the BIG MAN SPOT that has two guys who are among the top 3-4 to ever play the position from a peak-prime level. In their cases, the skillset of today has boosted them up the chart. BECAUSE of how dominant they are with it. I can't say the same for the centers of today. EVEN THOUGH they are very skilled and tremendous players. But they aren't as dominant as Wilt-Shaq-Cap-Dream-Admiral-Moses-Ewing.

02-29-2020, 04:30 PM
Of course they are. The days of the "big white stiff", where guys could get a roster spot simply due to their height, are long over. Joe Klein, Bill Wennington, and their colleagues wouldn't get a sniff in todays NBA. Tall athletes from all over the world realize that the NBA could be their road to fame and fortune. You could argue that the very best bigs of past eras... Kareem, Wilt, Shaq... are just as talented as todays top bigs, the overall quality from top to bottom clearly favors today's players.

02-29-2020, 04:31 PM
y e s

02-29-2020, 06:49 PM
Of course they are. The days of the "big white stiff", where guys could get a roster spot simply due to their height, are long over. Joe Klein, Bill Wennington, and their colleagues wouldn't get a sniff in todays NBA. Tall athletes from all over the world realize that the NBA could be their road to fame and fortune. You could argue that the very best bigs of past eras... Kareem, Wilt, Shaq... are just as talented as todays top bigs, the overall quality from top to bottom clearly favors today's players.

I disagree somewhat.

Wennigton had a money jumpshot.

I'm sure with focus he could have extended that range to the perimeter like Brook Lopez has done.