View Full Version : Pet Peeve: players who pull up for three early in the clock with no rebounders.

03-04-2020, 05:37 PM
I've noticed this a lot over the last several season. A player will get the ball as the rest of his team is crossing half court or are just standing outside the three point line, theres lots of time on the shot clock, the defense is set and he just launches because nobody has a hand in his face. But there's nobody rebounding!

Once upon a time that was considered bad strategy. I swear three point chucking is eating the game.

03-04-2020, 08:06 PM
I've noticed this a lot over the last several season. A player will get the ball as the rest of his team is crossing half court or are just standing outside the three point line, theres lots of time on the shot clock, the defense is set and he just launches because nobody has a hand in his face. But there's nobody rebounding!

Once upon a time that was considered bad strategy. I swear three point chucking is eating the game.

If the entire defense is set but the rest of the team is crossing half court...you have a much bigger problem then that guy shooting a 3...in fact in that specific case it would be beneficial since the rest of the team could defend a potential fast break!

03-04-2020, 10:05 PM
In recent years teams seem to place less emphasis on offensive rebounding. They are more concerned about getting back on D. A lot of teams seem to have a guy designated to go after offensive rebounds while everyone else gets back on D unless the offensive rebound comes right to them.