View Full Version : So how do we know that Christian Wood didn't give it to Gobert first?

03-15-2020, 04:55 PM
There is literally no way of knowing this. Maybe the young kid who was in contact with Gobert, did he contract it after Gobert's game with the Pistons though?

Any evidence supporting this? Since I see mostly low IQ media/twitter bashing Gobert "GobERt got it fIrst!!"

03-15-2020, 05:19 PM
You are missing the entire point why people are mad at Gobert.

03-15-2020, 05:29 PM
who cares.

its not about "who gave it to who" as in who got it first.

its about who provoked the encounter.

who acted reckless.

You are the low IQ fool on twitter screaming "WE DONT EVEN KNOW IF GOBERT WAS THE FIRST TO HAVE IT" POINT > HEAD

03-16-2020, 01:42 AM
Yeah it ultimately isn't about who gave it to who, anyone can catch it.

It's about Gobert acting like an absolutely uneducated and unremorseful jackass prior.

03-16-2020, 01:49 AM
People aren't upset with Gobert for contracting the flu. They're upset with his cavalier attitude towards the risks he was exposing other people to. Actually going out of his way to increase the possibility that he would be spreading the virus if he was infected. That's stupid and reckless.

03-16-2020, 02:12 AM
I think most of you missed the point of my thread. I think I did a bad job describing it. The whole point was actually just that, that it doesn't matter...

who cares.

its not about "who gave it to who" as in who got it first.

its about who provoked the encounter.

who acted reckless.

You are the low IQ fool on twitter screaming "WE DONT EVEN KNOW IF GOBERT WAS THE FIRST TO HAVE IT" POINT > HEAD

My post was a response to those people saying its somehow important to know who got it first (when we know, it's not)

your response shows you can't read. low iq