View Full Version : Does it seem odd to you than Westbrook might be the most beloved teammate in the nba?

03-17-2020, 10:13 PM
I’m not sure if I’ve seen anyone else so firmly atop teammates best guy they ever played with lists....

Austin Rivers on Russell Westbrook:

"Do I enjoy playing with Russ? Man, Russ is my favourite teammate I've probably ever had man, he's just an amazing guy. Literally, one of the most wrongly depicted person like, people portray him in a way that's just totally not him. He's literally like the best teammate I've ever had in my life. An amazing guy and an amazing player, and its been amazing playing with him. He's incredible, and the passion he plays with every night in inspiring. It's been an amazing process playing with him."

“Helped me anyway possible,” Lamb said. “If I needed some advice. Even after I left I hit him up. I said ‘man how do you sustain playing through an 82-game season,’ and he helped me. Definitely a great player, but a great person off the court.”

He helped me a lot especially in the first year. In most of our trips we did something together, watch a movie, have dinner. When I went through all this and did not travel with the team, he kept in touch. He asked me to meet him for dinner. He cared for the person beyond the player. He calmly told me what I should do noting that he would support me if I decided to leave.

03-17-2020, 10:13 PM
“It just comes down to him being awesome, really ─ just like a really good dude, and he really tries to help you out in whatever way he can and improve your game. That’s the biggest thing, and that’s why it’s really fun to play with him. He’s not trying to just separate himself, even though it’s quite a big [separation]. Let’s be fair, he is out there [as a talent], but he is really trying to bring us with him the best he can, so that’s the biggest thing as a player playing with him, that’s the biggest thing that stuck out.”
Asked for specifics, Adams continued:

“Honestly, it was nothing in the game. One of our players was having a tough time, and I was kinda in the background, hidden. I wasn’t stalking or anything; I was actually taking a shower, to be honest. But I kinda peeked over, and he was having a word, really trying to just bring one of our teammates up and really help him out mentally and get him back on track.

“I listened to most of the conversation, and it was really good stuff what he was saying. That’s when I was like, man, this guy’s legit. He’s actually a legit dude for doing that. Most players will just be like, ‘Oh, we all have troubles,’ whatever, but he went out of his way to really help the dude out.”

03-17-2020, 10:14 PM
Speaking Wednesday on Fox Sports 1’s First Things First (https://twitter.com/FTFonFS1), Kanter said:

Russell Westbrook was the best player I’ve played with. He’s not just the best player… [he’s] the best teammate I’ve had off the court.
The 27-year-old center, who signed a contract this offseason with the Boston Celtics, expanded on what made Westbrook such a delight away from the court.
“That’s something I wanted to tell the whole world. He’s actually a really chill dude, a really good dude,” Kanter said of Westbrook. “He was the one definitely that helped me the most.”

03-17-2020, 10:18 PM
It really goes on and on. Nick Collison is in love with him. He apparently worked a lot with rookie Sabonis giving him one one attention before dawn trying to get him ready to get more PT.

“He just gives me a lot of confidence,” Sabonis said. “He keeps pushing me forward.”

03-17-2020, 10:21 PM
The general consensus seems to be initially thinking he’s out of his mind and it’s hard to deal with....and then he’s the best guy in the league.

There are so many “It was hard to play with him....” stories that turn into “His work ethic made me a professional” stories.

He’s an unusual case. It doesn’t seem like anyone gets it....except the people on his teams. I guess that’s how it’s supposed to be though.

03-17-2020, 10:45 PM
I'm the second person in this thread.

03-17-2020, 11:59 PM
they should get Adams' opinion on this, since westbrook jacked most of his rebounds.

03-18-2020, 12:07 AM
goatbrook http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/images/smilies/pimp.gif

03-18-2020, 12:38 AM
He's good guy Russ


03-18-2020, 11:25 AM
Actually it's not all that surprising to me for some reason.

03-18-2020, 11:27 AM
nothing odd about goatbrook he seems like a loveable guy through and through.

if anything it makes kd look like more of a snake and patrick beverley look like more of a bitch. thats just my take.

03-18-2020, 11:42 AM
A bunch of scrubs. lol.

03-19-2020, 06:14 AM
Westbrook in many ways is like LeBrick.. but as a teammate he's far more accountable and is willingly to take the brunt of the criticism.. unlike LeBrick. Can't hate the kid.. solid player statpadding aside.

03-19-2020, 06:41 AM
nothing odd about goatbrook he seems like a loveable guy through and through.

if anything it makes kd look like more of a snake and patrick beverley look like more of a bitch. thats just my take.


03-19-2020, 03:15 PM
they should get Adams' opinion on this, since westbrook jacked most of his rebounds.

I can assure you Adams loves him. It was with Westbrook that helped Adams get a $100+ million contract. Adams has like 20 siblings, the money matters. Russ stood up for him after a playoff game where the team melted down once he went to the bench for 2 mins.

10-07-2020, 12:48 AM
Good guy Russ:

According to the Dallas Morning News’ Brad Townsend, Westbrook apparently left a sizable tip of $8,000 for the housekeeping staff while also leaving his room “virtually spotless.”

Spoke to Russ Westbrook. Confirmed he left a generous tip & thank you letter to housekeepers in the bubble. He didnt disclose the amount"They took great care of us. Took the time and energy to do their job at a high level. That was the right thing. I like to do the right thing"

10-07-2020, 12:54 AM
He must be very different off the court. He comes off as a super douche on it. Even JJ Redick said on his podcast he was surprised at how chill Westbrook was the first time he met him at a dinner.

10-07-2020, 01:10 AM
I had a friend like this. Just a very very selfless, good person. Always ready to help. When we go out to movies, he let his friends go in first so they take all the good seats and he ended up the edge. Same when we go out eating. He'd sneak around and pay for everyone's meal. We usually ended up feeling bad and insist he sits in the middle so he can't sneak around.

Guy is also annoyingly naive, pretty weird and make lame jokes. But everyone loves him. Genuine effort and a good heart goes a long way to cover your flaws.

10-07-2020, 01:22 AM
I had a friend like this. Just a very very selfless, good person. Always ready to help. When we go out to movies, he let his friends go in first so they take all the good seats and he ended up the edge. Same when we go out eating. He'd sneak around and pay for everyone's meal. We usually ended up feeling bad and insist he sits in the middle so he can't sneak around.

Guy is also annoyingly naive, pretty weird and make lame jokes. But everyone loves him. Genuine effort and a good heart goes a long way to cover your flaws.

No doubt. Years ago I had this co-worker who was super awkward, overweight, walked funny, talked funny, he was a character straight out of revenge of the nerds, but he never got mad/upset, never bad mouthed anyone and in general was pleasant to talk to once you got to know him, because of that and his funny physical flaws made him likable by everyone.

Mr. Woke
10-07-2020, 01:35 AM
I personally like him less than the following guys: LeBron, KD, Kyrie, Harden, Kawhi, and PG13.

10-07-2020, 01:47 AM
Good guy Russ:

:applause: great human being. no wonder his teammates love him.

10-07-2020, 03:47 AM
I had a friend like this. Just a very very selfless, good person. Always ready to help. When we go out to movies, he let his friends go in first so they take all the good seats and he ended up the edge. Same when we go out eating. He'd sneak around and pay for everyone's meal. We usually ended up feeling bad and insist he sits in the middle so he can't sneak around.

Guy is also annoyingly naive, pretty weird and make lame jokes. But everyone loves him. Genuine effort and a good heart goes a long way to cover your flaws.

Does this friend happen to live in Boston?

10-07-2020, 08:47 AM
Rajon rondo is same way. I met him when he was in chicago and hes genuinely a nice guy. Theres no I'm above you with him. He talked long enough to acknowledge you and looked you in the eye all the way through.

Rondo and russ just hate the media questions.

10-07-2020, 04:21 PM
Older gay teammates are always super supportive, super friendly, super involved with all their younger teammates.

10-07-2020, 04:28 PM
Good guy Russ:

What a great guy. Always appreciative of everyone. He has a polarizing play style, you either hate him or love him and most hate him :lol but off the court the guy is classy and the best. Is a great father as well, saw his IG the other day where he was tutoring his kids :applause:

10-07-2020, 06:06 PM
Older gay teammates are always super supportive, super friendly, super involved with all their younger teammates.

Pretty much this.

Not that it’s a bad thing or an insult. But I think we can all tell which way the ween blows.

10-07-2020, 06:23 PM
They all find his stupidity cute. They know hes a bit of a retard so they cater a bit to him. Hes got serious psychological and emotional problems on top of being pretty stupid. You dont want to trigger him further than he already is. simple as.

10-07-2020, 06:24 PM
They all find his stupidity cute. They know hes a bit of a retard so they cater a bit to him. Hes got serious psychological and emotional problems on top of being pretty stupid. You dont want to trigger him further than he already is. simple as.
Westbrook had like a 4.0 GPA in college bruh.

Meanwhile Rose couldn’t even take the SATs.

10-07-2020, 08:41 PM
Westbrook does a lot off court
contributing to communities, taking care of people, family man, etc

he's just a bit crazy on court.

10-07-2020, 08:55 PM
No doubt. Years ago I had this co-worker who was super awkward, overweight, walked funny, talked funny, he was a character straight out of revenge of the nerds, but he never got mad/upset, never bad mouthed anyone and in general was pleasant to talk to once you got to know him, because of that and his funny physical flaws made him likable by everyone.
Does this person happen to be you?

10-07-2020, 11:23 PM
They all find his stupidity cute. They know hes a bit of a retard so they cater a bit to him. Hes got serious psychological and emotional problems on top of being pretty stupid. You dont want to trigger him further than he already is. simple as.

Russell was gonna go to Stanford but UCLA wanted him for basketball instead. He was near the top of his class. Basketball was second to education till it was clear basketball could make him rich.

10-08-2020, 12:55 PM
Older gay teammates are always super supportive, super friendly, super involved with all their younger teammates.


That’s your theory? Westbrook’s a sissy eh?

10-09-2020, 12:26 AM
He's the most beloved teammate in the league............until its the last 2min down the stretch of a close playoff game