View Full Version : Lebron's Popularity in LA

Mr Feeny
03-26-2020, 04:11 AM
A year ago, the reaction to Lebron was lukewarm. Which was surprising because we are talking about one of the 2 greatest players ever and a better player than anyone who has ever played for the lakers.

Still, some Laker fans didn't warm up to him. Maybe it was the Kobe contingent who have been programmed to hate on lebron at every turn and were resentful at the worldwide acclaim that Lebron was getting that they thought Kobe should have been getting.

This year (or to be more accurate, since late January) the reaction to Lebron has been different. The MVP chants were deafening during some of the games in February. Lebron jerseys everywhere. Ovations as loud as anything we have heard in a long time.

I think that most Laker fans are on board now. You see some haters that can't seem to embrace him. But given how he has made LA his city, and made himself king of LA, I think most laker fans now accept him as their greatest ever.

Its stunning how quickly he turned everything around from last year, when he felt like an outsider. Today, he is the most popular athlete in Los Angeles and possibly the most popular ever even ahead of Magic.

03-26-2020, 05:02 AM
A year ago, the reaction to Lebron was lukewarm. Which was surprising because we are talking about one of the 2 greatest players ever and a better player than anyone who has ever played for the lakers.

Still, some Laker fans didn't warm up to him. Maybe it was the Kobe contingent who have been programmed to hate on lebron at every turn and were resentful at the worldwide acclaim that Lebron was getting that they thought Kobe should have been getting.

This year (or to be more accurate, since late January) the reaction to Lebron has been different. The MVP chants were deafening during some of the games in February. Lebron jerseys everywhere. Ovations as loud as anything we have heard in a long time.

I think that most Laker fans are on board now. You see some haters that can't seem to embrace him. But given how he has made LA his city, and made himself king of LA, I think most laker fans now accept him as their greatest ever.

Its stunning how quickly he turned everything around from last year, when he felt like an outsider. Today, he is the most popular athlete in Los Angeles and possibly the most popular ever even ahead of Magic.

I think it has helped that he has demonstrated a high level of commitment to the team over time. Nobody knew how he might react to the sh!tshow that was last season. Those were some shakey times in several areas of the organization. The entire organization literally fell into a vat of sewage (or a dumpster fire depending on who you talk to) and somehow emerged sparkling clean in a new suit and hat. I disagree that most Laker fans have accepted him as their greatest ever. He hasn't even won one chip here, so it's going to take a miracle for him to be that highly regarded given his age. But, he could secure a spot of at their table of legends if he leads (or has a significant role) on the way to a title or two before he retires.

Kobe fans/stans are not necessarily Laker fans. I'm talking about fans of players that put a player's success above the team's success. They will follow a player wherever they go and by extension root for that team. Those are some of the ones that feel that by tearing down Lebron, they elevate or maintain Kobe's legacy. Those are the people that say that the Lakers won because of Kobe, but when they lose, it's his teammate's fault.

I say that if Lebron earns a spot at the Laker's head table of greats, then we'll make room for him and welcome him to the tribe. At this point, I would rate his commitment level as 'nads deep'. He seems to be enjoying this season. I have nothing to complain about at this time. There are a lot of games to be played before legacies should be discussed. For now, I'm just happy that they are playing like a contender, and there's not much drama in the locker room.

03-26-2020, 05:47 AM
They see him as a great basketball player, but he will never be a Laker legend.

03-26-2020, 06:03 AM
They see him as a great basketball player, but he will never be a Laker legend.
This. 👍

03-26-2020, 07:32 AM
They see him as a great basketball player, but he will never be a Laker legend.

of course he will be a Laker legend if he leads them to a title

03-26-2020, 07:42 AM
of course he will be a Laker legend if he leads them to a title

multiple titles.

Mr Feeny
03-26-2020, 08:00 AM
I think it has helped that he has demonstrated a high level of commitment to the team over time.

That could be it. When a fanbase is used to success, a period of relative plight stings, and anyone who can come in and restore said team to its former glory will be embraced. Even if he hasn't done it yet, his work in getting Anthony Davis showed his comittiemnt to doing that.

I disagree that most Laker fans have accepted him as their greatest ever. He hasn't even won one chip here, so it's going to take a miracle for him to be that highly regarded given his age.

I didn't mean that he'd be the greatest laker but that he'd be the greatest player who happens to have played for the lakers. This version of Lebron (34 years onwards) can't be compared to the versions of Shaq or Magic who played for the Lakera, for example. Yet he's higher on the all time list list than either.

Kobe fans/stans are not necessarily Laker fans. I'm talking about fans of players that put a player's success above the team's success. They will follow a player wherever they go and by extension root for that team. Those are some of the ones that feel that by tearing down Lebron, they elevate or maintain Kobe's legacy. Those are the people that say that the Lakers won because of Kobe, but when they lose, it's his teammate's fault.

I agree. And I think that most people make that distinction. The ones hoping their own team fails just because it is being led by Lebron, obviously aren't real laker fans.

03-26-2020, 08:32 AM
All hes gotta do is win one

03-26-2020, 08:35 AM
King of LA, lots of billboards begging him to sign here

Remind you that between 2008 and 2018 my Lakers only won once against a Lebron James team. He shit on us for an entire decade, no turtle heads either, all diarhea.

A lot of Lakers fans resented him for that but most OG die hard fans like myself were ecstatic when he signed. He relieved us of this plague that covered us in fetal extract

03-26-2020, 08:43 AM
Kobe fans/stans are not necessarily Laker fans. I'm talking about fans of players that put a player's success above the team's success. They will follow a player wherever they go and by extension root for that team. Those are some of the ones that feel that by tearing down Lebron, they elevate or maintain Kobe's legacy. .

This. These trains of thought are the most toxic we have in sports currently. That said regardless of what he's able to accomplish in a laker uni, Lebron simply doesn't have enough time left to match the feats by previous Laker greats. Similarly to Wilts run there, so he'll be heralded but it's difficult to imagine him being considered "the" Laker.

Stanley Kobrick
03-26-2020, 08:59 AM
King of LA, lots of billboards begging him to sign here

Remind you that between 2008 and 2018 my Lakers only won once against a Lebron James team. He shit on us for an entire decade, no turtle heads either, all diarhea.

A lot of Lakers fans resented him for that but most OG die hard fans like myself were ecstatic when he signed. He relieved us of this plague that covered us in fetal extract
Lakers were 1-19 vs lbj the last 10 years?

03-26-2020, 09:14 AM
They see him as a great basketball player, but he will never be a Laker legend.


03-26-2020, 01:41 PM
Kawhi is far more popular amongst LA natives. Only transplants like Bran

03-26-2020, 01:45 PM
multiple titles.

who set that qualifier?

03-26-2020, 01:51 PM
It took some Lakers fans a while to truly appreciate greatness

Indian guy
03-26-2020, 01:56 PM
Just further proof that winning is everything, always has been and always will be. It completely dictates your image and how fans treat you.

03-26-2020, 02:07 PM
Just further proof that winning is everything, always has been and always will be. It completely dictates your image and how fans treat you.
Except for Kevin Durant

03-26-2020, 02:13 PM
I think most laker fans now accept him as their greatest ever.

If you mean greatest Laker, then that’s a HUGE stretch

Today, he is the most popular athlete in Los Angeles and possibly the most popular ever even ahead of Magic.

In LA? Kobe, easily

03-26-2020, 03:24 PM
Him and AD have gotten a lot of love this year, I probably speak for a lot of Angelenos not sure if LA was just the last market Bron felt he had to conquer or whether he embraced and knew what being a Laker legend entailed. He was still giving off some 'LeGM' vibes last year with the trade stuff but since then he's said all the right things and I believe he's here for the right reason, so I cheer for him with no reservations now. Went to the Clippers/Lakers game, first time seeing Bron play in person and he's amazing.
Still don't think he is as good a player as Kobe, Magic, Shaq or Kareem, maybe wishful thinking on your part but that's not the question anymore (took Kobe passing to put that to rest for a lot of us tbh) from now on I (we) are all in for this chip.

03-26-2020, 04:00 PM
winning cures everything

they were struggling to make playoffs now they are the best team in the conference and their best team in the city. of course he'd be popular. if he wins a chip even the kobe stans that are former haters will be converted.

03-26-2020, 05:09 PM
I'm sure a couple more good regular season finishes will net him a jersey retirement at the public bathrooms in Staples.

03-26-2020, 05:13 PM
Stephon Marbury said something about this weeks ago and I'd say i agree with him.

03-26-2020, 05:22 PM
Except for Kevin Durant

Durant made the issue even worse by making burner accounts and clapping back at the fans. His sensitive behavior basically validated the criticism.

03-26-2020, 06:40 PM
Durant made the issue even worse by making burner accounts and clapping back at the fans. His sensitive behavior basically validated the criticism.
He really is the exception to the rule that winning cures all ills. He's legitimately less respected now after 2 titles than he was back when he was ringless on OKC

Indian guy
03-26-2020, 08:14 PM
Except for Kevin Durant

lol right. Winning IS everything unless those W's are coming via the biggest bitch move imaginable.

03-26-2020, 08:25 PM
Kd going to the dubs is unanimously responsible for making the rising rivalry between the warriors and the cavaliers so lopsided but still i am very glad that the former were short last year in their quest for a three-peat though. I would cherish the warriors losing two finals in 2016 and 2019 forever.

03-26-2020, 08:34 PM
I think most laker fans now accept him as their greatest ever

That's the problem. You're not thinking. Unlike you who lives in bumfukk Wyoming, I actually live in LA. Kobe and Magic are regarded as the cities greatest. EVER. Until Lebron wins at least 1 championship, that wont change.

Mr Feeny
03-27-2020, 03:31 AM
lol right. Winning IS everything unless those W's are coming via the biggest bitch move imaginable.

Lebron is not in that situation. Durant was almost an anomaly. It's probably the only case in history where every single fanbase including that of the team in question, give no credit at all to the guy who hopped on the bandwagon because that's what it was.....a guy hopping on the bandwagon of one of the greatest teams ever.

If Lebron wins, he's obviously getting a huge reception.