View Full Version : GREATEST Finals Game in NBA history (#1 ranked GmSc) LBJ in 2016 Finals, game 6

03-29-2020, 10:47 PM
Literally the best game in NBA Finals history. 42.5 game score



The greatest single Finals game in NBA history. Wow.

41-11-8-4-3 with 1 turnover on 59/50/75

Good god. King GOAT game. Will we ever see another 42.5 game score in Finals history??? Against a 73-win team too. Sheesh.

03-29-2020, 10:49 PM
GOAT game to beat the GOAT team.

03-29-2020, 11:34 PM
When taken all circumstances are taken into account. No. Warriors lost all their rim protection when Bogut got his knee taken out by JR Smith. Draymond played like he was in handcuffs because he was scared of getting another phantom flagrant and being ejected from the series. Andre Iguodala started having back problems and could barley get up and down the court. There was no one to stop LeBron from getting easy buckets the whole game.

Look at his splits from game 1-4. He wasn’t even able to break 30 points per game and was shooting inefficiently just like in 2015. Warriors lose their 3 best defenders and LeBron goes off in the last three games.

03-29-2020, 11:39 PM
Play of the game


03-30-2020, 12:25 AM
When taken all circumstances are taken into account. No. Warriors lost all their rim protection when Bogut got his knee taken out by JR Smith. Draymond played like he was in handcuffs because he was scared of getting another phantom flagrant and being ejected from the series. Andre Iguodala started having back problems and could barley get up and down the court. There was no one to stop LeBron from getting easy buckets the whole game.

Look at his splits from game 1-4. He wasn’t even able to break 30 points per game and was shooting inefficiently just like in 2015. Warriors lose their 3 best defenders and LeBron goes off in the last three games.




03-30-2020, 12:25 AM
Play of the game

Snatched that no Finals MVP loser beta's soul

03-30-2020, 01:45 AM
When taken all circumstances are taken into account. No. Warriors lost all their rim protection when Bogut got his knee taken out by JR Smith. Draymond played like he was in handcuffs because he was scared of getting another phantom flagrant and being ejected from the series. Andre Iguodala started having back problems and could barley get up and down the court. There was no one to stop LeBron from getting easy buckets the whole game.

Look at his splits from game 1-4. He wasn’t even able to break 30 points per game and was shooting inefficiently just like in 2015. Warriors lose their 3 best defenders and LeBron goes off in the last three games.
If you're going to use injuries as an excuse for losing, then don't forget all those teams the Warriors played out west that were down without their most important players for several playoff series being able to coast through those. For example the year the Warriors kept losing to Memphis, then when the playoffs come the Grizz were without Conley and their best defender in Tony Allen. Several more on top of that.

03-30-2020, 02:31 AM
When taken all circumstances are taken into account. No. Warriors lost all their rim protection when Bogut got his knee taken out by JR Smith. Draymond played like he was in handcuffs because he was scared of getting another phantom flagrant and being ejected from the series. Andre Iguodala started having back problems and could barley get up and down the court. There was no one to stop LeBron from getting easy buckets the whole game.

Look at his splits from game 1-4. He wasn’t even able to break 30 points per game and was shooting inefficiently just like in 2015. Warriors lose their 3 best defenders and LeBron goes off in the last three games.

It was their own hubris that killed them. The talked about the smell of champaign before a regular season matchup.

G6 Curry definately wasn't fairly reffed, but taking Bogut, who was a nonfactor, as an excuse is pathetic. Green should've been suspended during the OKC series, and GS should've missed the finals in the first place.

03-30-2020, 03:45 AM
You know, you're all too busy dwelling in the past most of the time but what happened in the next two years after that finals? Kd happened.

So, the cavs got blown to smithereens inevitably. Yeah right. Face it.

Face the freaking reality that lebron is 0-2 against the dubs with kd and never forced any game 6 nor game 7 in those series.

I honestly didn't like to see that occuring but that's what just happened. Kd made him and his team a big joke in those finals.

03-30-2020, 04:27 AM
When taken all circumstances are taken into account. No. Warriors lost all their rim protection when Bogut got his knee taken out by JR Smith. Draymond played like he was in handcuffs because he was scared of getting another phantom flagrant and being ejected from the series. Andre Iguodala started having back problems and could barley get up and down the court. There was no one to stop LeBron from getting easy buckets the whole game.

Look at his splits from game 1-4. He wasn’t even able to break 30 points per game and was shooting inefficiently just like in 2015. Warriors lose their 3 best defenders and LeBron goes off in the last three games.

I am no Lebron fan but this is pathetic.

Uncle Drew
03-30-2020, 04:41 AM
When taken all circumstances are taken into account. No. Warriors lost all their rim protection when Bogut got his knee taken out by JR Smith. Draymond played like he was in handcuffs because he was scared of getting another phantom flagrant and being ejected from the series. Andre Iguodala started having back problems and could barley get up and down the court. There was no one to stop LeBron from getting easy buckets the whole game.

Look at his splits from game 1-4. He wasn’t even able to break 30 points per game and was shooting inefficiently just like in 2015. Warriors lose their 3 best defenders and LeBron goes off in the last three games.
It's been 4 years and Welfarefan is still upset. :(

03-30-2020, 06:14 AM
It's been 4 years and Welfarefan is still upset. :(

There is someone trying to convince other people this was the greatest finals game in history. It's like claiming that the 2002 Lakers-Kings series was the greatest playoffs series in history.

Uncle Drew
03-30-2020, 06:15 AM
There is someone trying to convince other people this was the greatest finals game in history. It's like claiming that the 2002 Lakers-Kings series was the greatest playoffs series in history.

You're right, the latter is blasphemy. The greatest series was the 2016 Finals.

03-30-2020, 06:46 AM
You're right, the latter is blasphemy. The greatest series was the 2016 Finals.

For showing the power of external intervention? You might be right.

03-30-2020, 07:19 AM
There is someone trying to convince other people this was the greatest finals game in history. It's like claiming that the 2002 Lakers-Kings series was the greatest playoffs series in history.

It literally is...

GameScore = 42.5 (#1 all time)

Imagine context too.

Down 3-2 against:

•the winningest team in NBA history (73 wins)
•the 1st and only Unanimous MVP
•the only player to make 400 three pointers in a season
•someone who had a 30 pt, 50/40/90 season

03-30-2020, 08:02 AM
It literally is...

GameScore = 42.5 (#1 all time)

Imagine context too.

Down 3-2 against:

•the winningest team in NBA history (73 wins)
•the 1st and only Unanimous MVP
•the only player to make 400 three pointers in a season
•someone who had a 30 pt, 50/40/90 season

It was also the game where that great opponent was fouled out by the refs.

Hey Yo
03-30-2020, 10:13 AM


03-30-2020, 10:49 AM



You have nothing to say besides listing cherry picked stats with no context. What’s new?

If you're going to use injuries as an excuse for losing, then don't forget all those teams the Warriors played out west that were down without their most important players for several playoff series being able to coast through those. For example the year the Warriors kept losing to Memphis, then when the playoffs come the Grizz were without Conley and their best defender in Tony Allen. Several more on top of that.

This isn’t about losing. I am explaining why LeBron was extremely disappointing the first 4 games and why he magically turned it on the last 3. The reason is Draymond was suspended, Andrew Bogut was injured, and same with Andre Iguodala. I’m sorry but if you.
cannot acknowledge the correlation between these then I don’t know what to tell you. You are simply living in denial.

It was their own hubris that killed them. The talked about the smell of champaign before a regular season matchup.

G6 Curry definately wasn't fairly reffed, but taking Bogut, who was a nonfactor, as an excuse is pathetic. Green should've been suspended during the OKC series, and GS should've missed the finals in the first place.

You missed my point. And saying Andrew Bogut doesn’t matter to the Warrior defense is just incorrect.

I am no Lebron fan but this is pathetic.

Truth hurts little bud. Take your head out of the sand.

It's been 4 years and Welfarefan is still upset. :(

I’m fine. It looks like you are the one who is upset. Get better soon.

Turbo Slayer
03-30-2020, 10:49 AM
When taken all circumstances are taken into account. No. Warriors lost all their rim protection when Bogut got his knee taken out by JR Smith. Draymond played like he was in handcuffs because he was scared of getting another phantom flagrant and being ejected from the series. Andre Iguodala started having back problems and could barley get up and down the court. There was no one to stop LeBron from getting easy buckets the whole game.

Look at his splits from game 1-4. He wasn’t even able to break 30 points per game and was shooting inefficiently just like in 2015. Warriors lose their 3 best defenders and LeBron goes off in the last three games.

Poor argument.

Hey Yo
03-30-2020, 10:57 AM
https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/qOEAaE--qi_3J6eGs-6wzLlgao4=/0x0:637x339/920x0/filters:focal(0x0:637x339):format(webp):no_upscale ()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/6664269/Screen_Shot_2016-06-16_at_10.41.26_PM.0.png


Turbo Slayer
03-30-2020, 10:58 AM

Turbo Slayer
03-30-2020, 10:59 AM

You gonna make excuses? :roll:

Turbo Slayer
03-30-2020, 11:01 AM
Even with Draymonds best game the Warriors couldnt get the job done? WHAT?!?!?


Turbo Slayer
03-30-2020, 11:03 AM
The greatest Finals game EVER. No-one can deny this. Not even haters. Pure fact.


P.S. Draymond was in this Game 6 BTW.

03-30-2020, 01:16 PM
For showing the power of external intervention? You might be right.
Lmao, keep crying Ayesha

03-30-2020, 01:39 PM
Elimination Game James :banana:


03-30-2020, 01:48 PM
Greatest Finals Performance Of All Time

03-30-2020, 02:37 PM
Greatest individual performance in Sports/Entertainment history.

03-30-2020, 08:15 PM
Greatest Finals Performance Of All Time

100% without a doubt

03-30-2020, 08:15 PM
Greatest individual performance in Sports/Entertainment history.
And they know it's true, that's why it hurts so bad. These guys losing sleep over one man playing a game. Damn shame.