View Full Version : If a team won big with mid-range jump shooting, what would you think of that team?

04-07-2020, 03:03 AM
Mid-range jump shooting is the most inefficient offense there is for point production.:lol

04-07-2020, 03:04 AM
Lucky. Simple as that.

04-07-2020, 03:49 AM
a team loaded with assets and to go along with it, players who care a lot about pay checks

04-07-2020, 03:52 AM
how about a team with basically two DPOY and two all nba defenders along side them?

04-07-2020, 09:54 AM
I wouldn't think anything. More than half the championship teams in the last 30 years were won with elite mid range shooters. 6 chips with mj and bulls. 5 with kobe. 5 with duncan. 3 with wade 1 with dirk, 2 with kd and 1 with Kawhi. Its not a coincidence that great mid range players dominate the nba.

04-07-2020, 12:43 PM
I'd think the '04 Pistons were pretty good.

04-07-2020, 01:42 PM
It's got less variance than 3 point shooting (you're going to have less huge games but less really bad ones). If you pair really good midrange game with an elite defense, you can win big.

Think about all the nights where a team gets hot from 3 and wins by 30. You don't need all those points! A win is a win. If you shoot too many 3's you risk having an off shooting night and blowing games. High risk-high reward.

04-07-2020, 03:12 PM
The only way to win with that style in todays league is with a GOAT level defense to make up for the lack of offensive output from taking high volume of mid range jump shots

04-07-2020, 03:47 PM
Clippers were going to win with Kawhi.